Sunday, April 29, 2018

The Murder of Violet Newman

57 year old Violet Newman was working at May D&F at Southglenn mall in Centennial, Colorado. She left work around 5 p.m.  on  October 25, 1980 and walked towards her yellow Chevrolet station wagon. It was assumed she would be heading home. Her husband later arrived at their home from the bowling alley around 7:30 p.m. He found that Violet had not arrived home. He went to bed thinking she might be coming home late. When he woke up around 1:30 a.m. and found she still wasn't home, he called the police.

The next afternoon around 2:15 p.m. at Castelwood Canyon the nude body of Violet's was found beneath a white sheet. She had died due to being shot in the head. Her clothes were never found, and she may have been sexually assaulted as semen was found. DNA is available in this case, but no matches have been found.

Her car was later found blocks away from her home. It was abandoned between 7 and 8 p.m. the night she died. It was determined she was killed inside the car. The man abandoned the car was described as a young white man who walked through the neighborhood after leaving the car.

It has been noted and is unknown if it is connected, but on October 25 a woman in the parking lot of D&F had been approached by a man with a gun. He was claimed to need a ride because he stole drugs because they had stolen from his brother. The woman was able to get in her car and drive away. He was seen getting into a red truck. He was described as being a young white man with red hair and a pudgy nose.

Image of possible suspect. 


Friday, April 27, 2018

Murder of Paula Jean Oberbroeckling

On Feb 25, 1952 Paula Jean Oberbroekling was born in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Her parents hoped for a long and happy life for their daughter. In 1970 she graduated from Washington Highschool, and began to help teach developmentally disabled children at Yonkers.

On July 11, 1970 Paula had went out on a date with her boyfriend Lonnie Bell. He brought her back to her Cedar Rapids home in the early morning. The two had an argument soon after. Lonnie ended up leaving.

At this time Paula was believed to have been 1 to 2 months pregnant. She believed that Lonnie was trying to ditch her. Soon After Paula asked her room mate Debbie Kellog if she could borrow her car. Paula said she needed go and would be right back. But Paula never came back home.

The last time she was seen a friend had seen her with a man in "the loop" area. The friend believed that the man was helping Paula get her car going. It was around 1 a.m.

The following day Debbie's car was found in a no parking zone near a grocery store 2 miles away from their home. Paula was no where in sight though. Her Grandmother went door to door knocking and asking if anyone had seen Paula. The police conducted searches and asked help of media.

Police were told of Paula's past relationship with a black boy named Robert Williams, but the two had broken up some time before by her mother. Lonnie also stated that Paula had been sending letters to a black boy named John Strayhorn who lived in the Hawthorne Hills apartments. The police were told by the manager there was no tenant with that name.

For four months there was no sign of the teen. Her body was found November 29, 1970. She had likely died the day she disappeared. A man and his two sons were hiking on Otis Road when they came across the remains of someone in a light blue dress.  He body had gotten stuck on a steel pin that was probably a power pole guy wire. It would had been likely if the body hadn't gotten stuck it would had washed up on the road and been found sooner.

Her hands and feet had been tied behind her back with clothes line and another . Her cause of death is unknown, but she could had died from a soft tissue injury, poisoning, asphyxiation or a combination of these. If she had died in the position she was found she may have died from respiratory embarrassment, or exposure or the combination of the two.There were no fetal remains found.


Monday, April 23, 2018

Stevie Crawford (Formerly 1963 Jackson County, Oregon John Doe)

2-year-old Stevie Crawford was Identified in June of 2021 by 23&Me. Stevie was last seen in 1962-1963 with his mother. His mother went on a trip and came back to New Mexico telling family members that Stevie was taken care of. His mother has since passed and it is believed this may have been a case of filicide. 


A fisherman in the Kennne Creek Reservoir in Ashland, Oregon hooked what he thought was a rolled blanket. What inside horrified him. It was the body of a young boy. It was determined he had died after October the year before. Winter's freezing temperatures could had helped preserve the body. The cause of death is unknown due to the condition of the body. It was not determined whether it was natural, accidental, or murder. The body was wrapped in a blanket and dumped in the water.

The FBI compared the boy's footprints to birth certificates of newborns born at local hospitals that may have been born around the same time. None have been found to match.

The body was wrapped into two blankets. One was an Aqua blanket and a handmade patch work quilt. The Patchwork had lots of red including gingham red squares. Two iron assayers molds were placed in the blanket with the body to help weigh it down. The molds were used fore refining and casting metal. The blankets were wrapped with old telephone wiring with lead sheath and rubber insulation were used to tie the blankets. It was found that the wiring was once common, but had not been out of date at the time.

The John Doe was a white male  around 1 to 2 years old. He may of had a developmental disability or genetic abnormality such as Down Syndrome. He was around 2'8" to 3'2" tall and 19 to 30 lbs. He has long sandy brown hair. He had eight upper teeth and eight lower teeth. one of his lower teeth bifurcated, having two roots and the surface split due to an odd groove.

He was wearing a pullover red and white striped long sleeve shirt, a pair of gray corduroy pants white an elastic waste and an adjustable belt, a cloth diaper with blue diaper pins covered with plastic pants, ankle socks, and white learner or "Jumping Jacks" shoes. The shoes were likely bought at Nobles shoes in downtown Medford and the clothes were likely from J.C. Penny.

Dentals and DNA is available.

Other images:
Image of  his Shoes


Murder of Joanne Dunham

On June 11, 1968 around 7:10 a.m. Joanne Dunham walked to her bus stop in Charlestown, New Hampshire. It was only half a mile from her home. Joanne's  parents became alarmed when she didn't arrive home after school. They learned that she never even arrived at school. She was reported missing.

Around 4:15 p.m. the next day a farmer and his dog who was a part of the search for Joanne found her. She was found 5 1/2 miles away from where she was last seen, on a roped off dirt road in a wooded area. It was found that she was fully clothed and had been strangled to death.


Saturday, April 21, 2018

June 10, 1975 Clarence Port, Alaska John Doe

On June 10, 1975 the skeletal remains of a John Doe was found on the beach in Clarence Port, Alaska. Not all parts were recovered, he was missing his torso. Not much is known in this case. He was an Native American male between the ages of 15 and 35 years old.

He does have Dentals and DNA available.


Murder of Andrew "Andy" Moore

On September 12, 2000 26 year old Andrew "Andy" Moore hadn't been seen or heard from for several days. His mother tried to contact him by phone, but got no answer. She then asked her brother to go check up on him in his San Diego, California. He got no answer and the police had to force open the door. This was when Andy's body had been found.

 He had died a few days earlier either on the 8th or 9th. It was believed he died during the process of a robbery. He was shot and stabbed. His house was ransacked, and his motorcycle stolen. A set of expensive culinary knives were stolen from his apartment. is motorcycle was recovered later.

Andy was adopted from Vietnam by his parents where they raised him in Pennsylvania. He fell in love with San Diego when he worked at Sea World for a summer when he was a teen. He was working as a chef and was going to college for international business.

Every year Andy's parents fly back to San Diego and hand out fliers to help solve their sons case. There's a $56,000 reward for tips that solve the case.


Friday, April 20, 2018

October 20, 1981 Pine Mountain John Doe.

On October 20, 1981 the remains of a young man was found in a Pine Mountains dump in Kentucky. The victim had died from a stab wound to the back months earlier.

He was a white male between 20 and 35 years old. He was 6'2" and 190 lbs. He had brown hair. He had previously fractured and healed his nasal bone, he had a healed fracture of left skullabove the ear, and a possible healed tail bone.

Dentals are available.

Feb. 11, 2004 Mesa, Arizona John Doe

The body of a teen boy was found near Main street and Alma School. There isn't much about his death other than he had been dead for around a day. He was under the influence of drugs at the time of his death.

This John Doe was a Hispanic male estimated to be between 16 and 19 years old. He was around 5'8" to 5'10", and 160 to 180 lbs. He had brown eyes and black curly hair and a sparse beard and mustache. He was wearing a blue patterned button-down shirt, blue jeans, black belt, and black Air Jordans. He was also carrying three lighter with him.

Fingerprints, Dentals and DNA are available.


The Murder of Tina Davidson

On March 26, 1973, in Racine, Wisconsin around 7:30 p.m. 15-year-old Tina Davidson was hanging out with a friend at her house. He left on his bike and a little later Tina came out with a canvas bag full of clothes she had to return. She was going to bring them over to a friend's house. When Tina didn't return home that night her mother thought that she stayed the night at her friend's house like she'd done dozens of times before. 

Tina arrived at the friend's house but did not stay long as she left around 8:30. She had told her friend she was going to another friend's house and intended to hitchhike west on Washington Ave. Tina had hitchhiked as a way to get around. She never made it to the other friend's house. 

On March 27, 1973, A woman walking with her son on Lake Michigan Beach stumbled upon a horrid sight. It was the nude body of Tina.

 She had been stabbed 61 times in the chest and neck area. It was found that she was first struck in the head and went unconscious. She was killed from massive hemorrhaging when she was stabbed in the heart. Her body had been dragged to the area she was found. She was wearing a dark sweater over a white shirt, brown baggy pants, and construction boots. None of her clothes were found.

She never got celebrate her 16th birthday that was only a few days away. 


Thursday, April 19, 2018

Disappearance of Dermot Kelly

On January 30, 1972 16 year old Dermot Kelly left his family home in Oglesby, Illinois. He was going to go target shooting in the woods along the Vermilion River with his .22 caliber Rifle. When Dermot didn't return by 3 p.m. his parents called the police and a search for him began at 5 p.m. The day he disappeared was very cold and that night it dropped below zero.

The following afternoon Dermot's boots and jacket was found on the banks of the Vermilion River where it fed into the Illinois River. A set of bare feet went out onto the frozen river, but did not return. In the snow nearby there was an imprint of a rifle.

They assumed he had fallen into the river. His rifle was found, but his body was not.

It was stated by family, friends, and teachers that Dermot was a good kid. He didn't do drugs, and was a B average student. He did miss weeks of school in 71, but that was due to medical reasons.

It was rare for a body to not show up in the Vermilion River, and his family believes that he ran away and was living a transient lifestyle. A few days prior he had said he wanted to go away and make a new life for himself. His family Doctor claimed to have seen him Chicago in 73. In 1992 Dermot was declared legally dead.

Dermot was a white male and as 16 at the time of his disappearance. He had blonde hair and blue eyes. He was 6 foot and 150 lbs. He was wearing a t-shirt, blue jeans, and an Accutron watch. H


March 31, 1978 Lincoln County, Missouri Dee Doe

On March 31, 1978 a woman was found in the Mississippi River close to Elsberry, Missouri. She was a drowning victim and may have been dead up to 4 months.

She was a white female between 29 and 39 years old. She was 5'5" and 145 lbs. She had dark brown hair and possibly grey or light blue eyes. She had the tattoo Dee between her left wrist and elbow. She was wearing a beige bra and a cats eye ring on her left hand.

Dentals and Fingerprints are not posted on Namus yet and DNA is unavailable.


Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Disappearance of John "Duke" Kraft III

21 year old John "Duke" Kraft III was last seen on November 2, 1992 riding his red 1986 Kawasaki Motorcycle in Hutchinson, Kansas. No one had heard from him since he left. he may have been suicidal at the time of leaving.

Duke is a white male, he was 21 when he went missing. He was around 6" and 165-175 lbs. At the time of his disappearance he had medium length wavy blonde hair and blue eyes.

DNA is available in this case.


Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Feb 1, 1968 St. Charles County, Missouri Jane Doe

On Feb. 1, 1968 two fishermen were fishing at Alton Lake in West Alton, Missouri when he found a suitcase. Inside was the body of a girl. The black suitcase was in 3 feet of water 12 feet  near the south end of Clark Bridge. The suitcase had  two 10 lb barbell weights inside and tied to it with a blue clothes line. She was estimated to have died within weeks of discovery. Cause of death was not found, but it seemed there was no physical injuries. 

The Girl was white  around the age of 2-3 years old. She was 2'8" and 35 to 40 lbs. She had long strawberry blonde hair her eye color could not be estimated. She had a scar over one of her eyes. It was noted she had one abnormally large tooth. She was only wearing white underwear. 

She has Dentals available. Her DNA was insufficient for profiling. 


Monday, April 16, 2018

June 27, 2007 Spokane, Washington John Doe

On June 27, 2007 a passerby on the Washington Bridge in Spokane, Washington found remains in the Spokane River. The body was partially skeletonized, and he was estimated to have died September of 2006 to April of 2007. 

Race has been difficult to designate he may have been White or a  Biracial male with possible African mixture. He was estimated be between 33 and 55 years old, but more than likely around 40 and possibly not over 50. He was around 120 and 150 lbs and around 5'3" to 5'6". He had black hair similar to African American hair.

He had experienced some sort of trauma as his jaw, nose, and left orbital ridge were damaged. All injury's may have come from one event.  He would of had noticeable scars on his face. His left eyebrow. His nose would have been crooked as the nasal septum was shifted towards the left and the nasal aperture pointed towards the right. He has had plate in his jaw, this would had resulted in him having an odd jaw. The plates were not made for several years prior to the mans discovery. The plates were most likely placed 2-5 years prior to death. Most likely lost alot of teeth due to the facial trauma. 


Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Three Unidentified Jane Doe Suspected Victims of Maury Troy Davis

These Three Jane Does are believed to be victims of serial killer Maury Troy Davis. He raped, tortured and killed his victims. Davis had never identified the three women as he hung him self in a St. Louis jail after he was charged with two other murders.c He was being investigated for 10 murders. He claimed to have murdered 17, but some believe he may have murdered at least 20. He had video taped at least one of the murders. He hunted in Missouri and Illinois border near the St. Louis area. It is possible the following victims may be from Missouri. His victims have all been sex workers so far, so it's possible the following victims may also be sex workers. 

 Jan. 11, 2002 Mascoutah, Illinois Jane Doe.

Illinois Department of Transportation employees were working along the I64 along post 22 when they found remains. It was an African American female between the ages of 20 and 30 years old. She had been dead for months. 

The skeleton was partially dressed in a Jason Mathews black velour jump suit with full legs. She also had two rings with her. One was a thin gold band and the second had a clear blue central gem piece with multiple small clear green ones surrounding it.

Other Images:


March 11, 2002 Madison County, Illinois Jane Doe

IDOT workers found the skeletal body around 2 p.m. on March 11, 2002  Illinois near Sliver Creek  overpass in Collinsville, Illinois. She had died within the last 4-6 months. She was a black female between the ages of 24 and 30 years old. She was 5'3" and 105 lbs. She was wearing a size medium pair of rhinestoned, grey colored Second Skins shorts and a red and white men's XL Tommy Hilfiger Flannel button down. She was wearing a mens Gold Nugget ring with two glass stones, and she was wearing one bracelet is a metal hoop, approximately 3 inches in diameter, smooth on one side with a channel on the other side. A ring of black onyx beads on elastic string fits into the channel bracelet. The second bracelet is a combination of three separate bracelets, the second bracelet has numerous plastic beads that were yellow, green, black, mauve, and brown strung with thin elastic string that could be stretched. The three separate bracelets were gathered by a single, oval shaped metallic ring with a small hole at one end that appeared to be for the purpose of hanging a charm.

Other Images:

March 28, 2002 Monroe County Jane Doe

On March 28, 2002 IDOT workers found the remains of a woman while cleaning trash along the highway. She was located in a creek bed On Route 3 near Gall Rd. in Columbia, Illinois. She'd been estimated to have been dead 6 to 12 months. 

She was a black female between the ages of 33 and 50 years old. She was round 5'1" and 105 lbs. She had black hair. She had a healed fracture in her head from a childhood injury. Possibly had a scar across her forehead because of it. She was wearing an XL green shirt with an orange M and the word Mavericks on it, It has two buttons on the top similar to a softbal jersey. She was also found with size 3 khaki shorts from the brand Chazzz Credentials.

The police tried to search for sport teams with the nickname and logo found on the shirt. The source wasn't found, but a coach from the Mavericks softball team that existed in St. Louis County years before. He stated it looked similar to what was worn by the team. He stated that the team was for girls in their early teens and none of them wore an XL.

Other Images:


Monday, April 9, 2018

Murder of Karen Stitt

On September 4, 1982, 15-year-old Karen Stitt was having a late-night with her boyfriend in Sunnyvale, California. The two were having fun playing video games at the 7-Eleven and then went to Golfland.

Around 12:30 Karen was dropped off near the bus stop on El Camino Real and South Wolfe Rd. She planned to catch the #22 to get home in Palo Alto. She never arrived at the bus stop and never got the chance to go home.

The next day a delivery man found Karen's nude body. She had been tied up with her own clothes and stabbed 60 times. It isn't stated whether or not she was sexually assaulted. She had been thrown over a four-foot-high wall.

A Mechanic working that night stated that he saw a strange truck parked in the area that Karen was found. It had it's parking lamps on. The truck was a white old fashion panel truck that had a stripe on the side and a rectangular bumper sticker.


Disappearance of Rosa Silla

In 1964 20-year-old Rosa Silla was born in Addis Abeba, Ethiopia. Her father was Italian and her mother was Ethiopian. In 1973 she, her father, and three of her siblings moved to Italy because of the war. In 1978 Rosa moved to Rome to live with a Catholic Family Home.

Rosa met a soldier, and he moved to Florence. One weekend when visiting him she came back different. Rosa began to stop going out and stopped eating. In July of 1983, she didn't show up to the exam she needed in order to graduate from accounting. One Day Rosa left the home with the money, a few million Lire, she inherited from her father.

One night her sister got a call that Rosa was found in a confused mental state in Anzio. She was hospitalized for a period with a grave form of anorexia. Even though it was slow, she seemed to have been getting better. She was even going back to school.

On November 16, 1984, her first day back, Rosa could only go to her first class because of a strike happening that day. She had a date with her sister, Ermelinda, to go shopping. She never arrived for the date. Some of her classmates saw her at a bar in front of the school, but after that, she was never seen again.

Rosa Silla is a biracial female and was 20 years old at the time of her disappearance. She had brown eyes and brown hair. She was 5'3" and her weight was not listed.

The Doe Network

Sunday, April 8, 2018

June 26, 1982 Nez Perce County, Idaho John Doe

On June 26, 1982 a man was found at the mouth of the Grand Ronde River in Nez Perce County, Idaho about 25 miles from Lewiston. He had died 2-3 weeks before, and was murdered. He was shot with a .38 caliber Smith and Wesson 36 Centennial model in the left shoulder and neck. This particular gun was not produced after 1967.

He was a white male between 13 and 22 years old. He was 5'11" and around 145 to 160 lbs. He had black hair that was 3-4" long. He had a scar 2" long on his lower right ankle. He was wearing Britania  jeans, California Sun blue, red and white swimming trunks, white socks and blue bikini type briefs.

DNA is available and Fingerprints and Dentals are not.


Saturday, April 7, 2018

The Murder of Glenda Marie Sirmans

Two days after Thanksgiving on Saturday, November 29, 1969 Glenda Sirmans decided to take a 20 minute walk to a friends house to work on homework. The 13 year old left her home in Knoxville Tennessee at 3:30 pm. Two neighbors had seen her leave.

Around 5 p.m. the friend she was supposed to be with called her home. The family realized something was wrong. Neighbors and her mother searched for her. They then called the police when their search was fruitless.

Glenda was described as shy, reserved, studious and always called her parents to let them know where she was. She was hard to get to know, but once you knew her she was easy to talk with. She had talked about running away the summer before, but not since then. Her parents had hope that she had ran away to family's members home, but their hopes were dashed two weeks later.

In December Dogs playing with pieces of clothing caught people's eyes. What they found was Glenda's nude body. The only thing they could find out was that her throat had been slashed, and she may have been dead since the day she disappeared. Authorities were unable to find out if she was sexually assaulted due to animals mutilating her body after death. She was found around 6 miles away from her home.


Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Disappearance of Micheal James Borges

 On April 30, 2005 17 year old Micheal James Borges was last seen at the intersection of Old Spears Road and Tolgate Road in Fayettville, North Carolina. He may still be in the local are and or traveled to Newark, New Jersey where he and his father previously lived. One source says that he may have been a part of a gang and was probably trying to get out of it at the time.

Micheal was 17 years old when he disappeared. He is biracial, he is half Hispanic and half African American. He was 6'1" and 160 lbs at the time of his disappearance. He has black hair and brown eyes. He has a scar on his upper right arm in the shape of an M. He also has acne scars on his face.  He was last seen wearing a white t-shirt, black tank top, tennis shorts and blue jeans. 


Sunday, April 1, 2018

Murder of Pauline "Robin" Burgette

On March 10, 1978 Pauline Burgette's little brother, Chad, and their mom, Mrs. Burgette, went on a weekend trip. The 16 year old was supposed to stay with friends for the weekend. Pauline decided to leave the friends house around 8 p.m.on Saturday to meet her then boyfriend. It's unclear if the meeting happened. This was the last time anyone saw her alive.

Her brother and mother came Back their home in Phoenix, Arizona Sunday March 12, 1978 around 5 p.m. 11 year old Chad searched for his older sister. When he looked for her in her room he found her lifeless body. A sight he would never forget.

What happened to Robin was brutal. She was hit with and object, stabbed, and may have been sexually assaulted. It was believed that she was attacked by someone she knew. There was no sign of forced entry into the apartment.

One source says that after Robin dropped out of school she had many ex-boyfriends. There were even threats made against her, by some of the people at the apartment complex she babysat at.

There is evidence and DNA evidence, the police just haven't found the person it belongs to yet.


Murder of James Clark Nicoll

 In 1871 James and Amelia Nicoll would come over to America from Scotland. The couple had 7 children in total 2 of which were born in Iowa w...