Sunday, May 5, 2024

The Putney Pusher

Around 7:40 am on May 5, 2017, on Putney Bridge in London England, a woman would be walking on the bridge. When suddenly a man who was jogging without hesitation would push her with both hands towards the street towards a bus. The bus driver would swerve last second just missing her by inches and would later say that he did not know that she was that close till he'd seen the CCTV footage. Luckily she was not injured. How did the jogger react? He continued his jog without looking back at his victim or the scene he caused. 15 minutes later he would jog back and the shaking victim would confront him. He ignored her and continued on. 

Even though the video of the assault circulated and many were enraged the man was never found.  This case is now considered closed till new information comes out. There have been suspects in the case but found suspects have been ruled out. 

The suspect is a white male with a stocky frame. He has short brown hair and brown eyes. He was wearing a pair of dark blue shorts and a grey T-shirt. 

BBC June 27, 2018
Wired October 14, 2021
My London August 6, 2022
The Guardian  More than 5 years ago

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