Tuesday, July 17, 2018

May 12, 1915 Colton, California John Doe

On May 12, 1915, a Rancher happened to take a walk off the road 2 miles outside of Colton, California. The rancher saw a man hanging from a willow tree on the banks of the Santa Ana River bottom. It was initially believed to have been a man who disappeared earlier in the month, but it was not. It was obvious that foul play was not involved and the man had committed suicide. He had been dead for weeks.

He was a white male between 40 and 60 years old. He was around 5'11" and 160 lbs. He had slightly balding chestnut brown hair and a dark sandy mustache. He may have walked with a limp as a heavy hickory walking stick was found with him.

There were no clothes described that he was described as wearing. The ones described were hanging on the tree. Which was a "Ransom & Salsbee" tan raincoat/ overcoat, a "Joske Bros. Co Department Store" and a shirt with a collar and tie. Both the jacket and hat were from San Antonio, Texas.

(The namus page lists him found on May 13, 1915, but a newspaper from May 12 listed the finding of the body happening earlier on the 12th.)

San Bernadino News May 12, 1915

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