Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Disapearance of Mary Agnes Moroney

The kidnapping of 2 year old Mary Agnes Moroney made headlines across America in 1930.

In 1930 Mary's parents were desperate for help. They were pregnant with their third child and in need of help. They placed an ad in the social worker column. They thought their prayers were answered when Julia arrived and helped them out with food and needed items. The woman claimed her name was Julia Otis and was sent by a Mrs. Henderson to help.

On May 15, 1930, Julia Otis came back to their home in Chicago, Illinois. The parents, of course, welcomed the woman into their home.

When Julia stated she wanted to buy a new dress for two-year-old. They allowed her to take Mary to what they thought was just to the corner store. The couple began to worry that the two didn't come back and the next day when they received a letter from "Julia Otis" they knew they'd never see her again.

In the letter, it stated that Julia was taking Mary to California and the parents could spare a couple of months without her. Two weeks later she sent another letter pretending to be a cousin of the name of "Alice Henderson" saying she was mourning the loss of her own child and was "love-hungry". The story hit the news quick, but Mary was never found. Two months later on July 11, 1930, her little sister was born. The two never got to meet.

Mary was a 2-year-old white female at the time. She had blonde hair and blue eyes. She was 3 ft and 20 lbs. She had a strawberry birthmark on her face and a scar on her stomach from a hernia. It's noted she was left-handed also.

Mar have been raised as "Julia Otis's" daughter and has no idea she'd been kidnapped.


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