Monday, July 23, 2018

Disappearance Catherine Lynne Sjoberg


On June 5, 1974 Oconomowoc High School in Concord, Wisconsin was having prom. The prom was being held at Concord House dance hall on an Interstate 94 interchange. 16 year old Catherine "Cathy"  Lynne Sjoberg was attending the prom. During the early hours of June 5 around 3 a.m. She had a fight with her boyfriend. She stepped outside to take a breather and was never seen again.

Her friends assumed she had gone home and her parents assumed she'd gone and stayed the night with one of her friends like she planned. Her mother didn't realize she was missing till the next day. Her mother believes that she wouldn't had run away. She had many things she was looking forward to that were coming up. She was going to hand out Flyers at her high school for commencement the day after her disappearance and she was the maid of honor to a wedding. Her mother claimed it was unlikely she would skip out on these. 

Six years later a couple was abducted from Concord House and their bodies found in the woods. Some believed that the cases were related, but in 2009  serial killer Edward "Wayne" Edwards was arrested for the crime. After hearing about the case his daughter turned him in after realizing he may have been involved. He then admitted to killing three other murders.

Edwards wasn't in Wisconsin at the time of  Cathy's disappearance.

She wasn't wearing clothes that was convenient for running away. She was wearing a light blue formal gown with pink and brown trim and white flowers, a corsage, a gold pin, a gold necklace, and high heeled shoes.

She's a white female and was 16 at the time f her disappearance. He has brown hair and green eyes. She was 5'5" and 120 lbs. Her ears are pierced and had previously broke a collarbone. She has a freckled complexion and high cheek bones.


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