Saturday, May 11, 2024

May 11, 1933 Putnam County, Missouri Jane Doe

On May 11, 1933, Mr. Davis was walking t near Highway No. 4 five miles from Unionville, Missouri. The ground was wet and didn't want to fight with the muddy roads. He would pass a culvert and notice what he initially thought was a baby doll on the rocks below. He continued on his walk, but the "doll" made him uncomfortable.

When he got to the next house the thought of it not just being a baby doll bothered him. He would go up to tell Mr. Steele of the "doll" and that he was uncertain if it was actually one or an infant. Mr. Davis would continue on to Unionville and Mr. Steele went to check on the doll. It was not a doll, but the body of a newborn baby girl. He would contact another neighbor and then they contacted Sheriff Gibson. The Sheriff and Prosecutor could not show up to the scene, so Dr. Thomas would also show up instead.

The baby had been born and died within the last 24 to 36 hours. The baby was premature and had a string tied around the navel. The string was that of what was used in corsets or girdles. It's likely the baby was placed in some clothing on the west side of the road or in the ditch in a pasture near the old road. The heavy rains would have washed her and the clothes down to where they were found. It is not stated how the baby had died.

Find a Grave
The Princeton Telegraph May 24, 1933

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March 28, 1925 Milwaukee, Wisconsin John Doe

On March 28, 1925, the body of a man was found at Lake Michigan, foot of Park Place in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. It's believed he accidental...