Saturday, May 26, 2018

Murder of Miranda Fenner *Solved*

39-year-old Zachary David O'Neil admitted to the killing of Miranda Fenner. He plead guilty murdering her on July 23, 2019. He was also charged with the rape and attempted murder of a 39-year-old Billings woman on September 5, 1998. He has a history of violent crimes against women. He stated that at first, he didn't care about the murder, but after seeing his stepbrother's murder get the justice he felt guilty and ashamed for what he had done to Miranda.

The post has been changed to go along with what he had said happened that night.

On Nov. 15, 1998, 18-year-old Miranda Fenner was working at the video store in her home town of Laurel, Montana.  Zachary was sent to the video store for his mother. He noted that it was just a typical visit. He tried to be sneaky and rented some porn videos, but when he got back home his mother made him return them.

On the way back he made a plan. He was going to rob the place. He waited for customers to leave before going ahead on his plans. He killed her to avoid getting caught for the robbery. He took the knife with him and said that when he went hunting with his father near Jordan he ditched the knife.

Around 8:20 pm Miranda was seen by a passerby in the doorway of The Movie Store. 911 was soon called, but unfortunately, she died at the hospital two hours later.

Miranda had been attacked in the video store. She had her throat slashed and had been stabbed numerous times. After the attack, she was able to drag herself to the door. With how brutal the attack as it was believed that the murderer was also covered in blood.


Murder of Steven Weltig

On April 22, 1993 40 year old Steven Weltig was having a conversation with his friend about a store hold up. Steven owned Ajax Liquor in Arnold, Missouri and was afraid that someone may just as easily rob his own store. His friend even said that Steven mentioned that "Somebody could come in here, shoot me and never get caught." The two also talked about when he would open, and close and when he would take the money to the bank.

While the two spoke about this stuff in Steven's store someone was browsing and may have over heard the conversation. The man was described as having a potbelly, balding black hair, and in his 40's.

On the morning of Friday April 23, 1993 Steven started his day as usual. At 8:15 he made a deposit at the bank. At 8:32 he bout beer in Illinois. At 9:30 he was last seen walking his elderly dog and had briefly talked to someone while doing so.

At 10 a.m. Steven was found dead. He had been executed with his own gun. It was found that he was kneeling when he was shot. The fake security camera he'd used in the store was unplugged. The store wasn't robbed, but robbery may have been motive.

It was noted that the liquor store was failing, and he'd resorted to some unsavory ways to keep afloat. He had began to sell drugs. Which opened more possibilities to the motive of the crime.


Thursday, May 24, 2018

Murder of Bryan Bensen and Seann Campbell

Seann Cambell and Bryan Benson

In Warminster, Pennsylvania two friends Seann Campbell and Bryan Benson grew up together. In 1993 at 20 years old the two friends were part timers at the West Coast Video store in town. No one was expecting the tragedy that would happen on the night of November 10, 1993. 

The two were closing the video store together that night. It is believed that shortly before 10 p.m. They went had gone to the adult X-rated room and were attacked. The two were stabbed to death with a long blade knife among their necks, backs, and chest. It was believed that there was more than one assailant as the two boys were 6 ft and in fit condition. The two put up a mighty struggle, but unfortunately it wasn't enough. It was believed that the killer or killers were hiding in the X-rated room in the back of the store or forced the two back there.

 The owner didn't find them until the next morning, and by then it was too late.

It is believed that robbery may not have been the reason for the murders. Even though the murderer or murderers got away with $300 they did leave money in the register and didn't even attempt to take either boys wallet.

It is known that at least one assailant had a pierced ear. During the struggle an earring was ripped out of his ear. DNA has been acquired, but no matches have been made.

The murders of the two well liked residents shocked the community. $52,000 was raised for a reward for anyone with information leading the arrests of those responsible.


Tuesday, May 15, 2018

May 15, 1968 St. Louis, Missouri Jane Doe

Around 7:30 a.m. on May 15, 1968 a tugboat captain spotted something wrapped in a blanket in the middle of the Mississippi River. They were four miles south of Jefferson Barracks Bridge in St. Louis, Missouri. Wrapped inside the blanket was the body of a woman. The captain towed the body to the Barbour Metal Boat Works and contacted the police. Due to the condition of the body if there was violence it was undetermined. She was estimated to have been dead for at least 10 days. A tire chain was

She was a white female between 25 and 45 years old originally it was believed she was closer to 35 and 40. She was around 5'6" and 140 lbs. Her hair was dyed dark, but it's possible her original hair color was light brown. She was described as well developed and and well nourished. It was noted she had a fish mouthed cervix. There was an object caught in the x-ray it could had been a possible hearing aid in her left ear.

She was wearing a white short sleeved shirt with flower embroidery on the shoulders and pearl buttons, a white bra and blue/purple slim jim styled stretch pants.

No DNA Fingerprints or Dentals in this case.


Monday, May 14, 2018

Murder of Joshua Walden

On Friday December 8, 2000 10 year old Joshua Walden was trying to find a way to fix his bike tire. He was last seen riding his bike near his Chattanooga, Tennessee home. He never came back home, and never would.

It was believed that Josh had forgotten to tell them that he was staying the night at a friends. He was very particular about getting home at a certain time in the morning. He never came home though. That night they searched for him, but did not find the boy. The next day Josh's brother searched the area of  East Lake Park where they rode bikes.

That was when they found a bare foot peaking out of a pile of leaves. It was Joshes. He was smothered to death. There were superficial marks and scratches on Josh's nose and right side of his face. The murderer poured muriatic acid onto his body. His shoes and bike was never found.

His sister had said Josh was typical 10 year old kid. He loved football, video games and riding his bike and helping people. The little old ladies in the neighbor hood loved him. He would walk around the neighborhood asking if they needed their grass cut.
Josh even loved wearing his shoes. He'd wear them everywhere and even to bed. When his parents took off his shoes when he was sleeping Josh would be irritated that they did it. So it is unlikely that Josh had taken his own shoes off.


Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Murder of Alice Louise Lee

On August 29, 7 year old Alice Louise Lee was with her family in Swans bean field near Pleasant Hill, Oregon.  The family was picking green beans, but like most little kids Alice wanted to play instead. Around 10 a.m. Alice told her mother she was going to put her dolls by their lunch boxes located next to a dirt road that was next to the field.

Alice was familiar with the bean field. her family had been going there since she was born and she knew the area well. The Lees only lived a mile and a half away and was well known to the pickers and neighbors.

Her dolls were later found where the pickers had their lunch boxes, but Alice was no where in sight. A land, air and water search ensued for the girl. For eighteen days there was no sight of the girl. The owner of Swans Bean Field reported a odor and buzzards were circling an area.

A hallow hand dug grave was found and inside was the body of Alice. She had was nude and faced down, her corduroy jacket was tied tightly around her neck and the rest of her clothes were folded next to her. It was undetermined if she was sexually assaulted, but it is assumed she was.

It was assumed she may have been ambushed at the men's out house. That he carried her to the Slough where she was found. It's assumed that the suspect may have been someone familiar with the area maybe even one of the young Pickers that was hired. Transients were not hired by the Swans to pick the fields and only families and teenagers were hired.

Reading the articles in listed the crime scene being near Trent, Dexter, Pleasant Hills, and Eugene. I was not sure which area the bean field was closer to or if it was in any of these towns. The newest article though lists that it was near Pleasant Hill.


Thursday, May 3, 2018

March 1, 1983 Houston, Texas Mary Doe

On March 1, 1983 the body of a woman was found on the 7500 block of Katy Freeway. She had died due to a vehicle vs pedestrian accident on the same day. She was a Hispanic or Asian female around 22 to 28 years old. She was around 5'6" and 126 lbs. She had  black hair and brown eyes.She had a small c tattoo on right shoulder, cross tattoo with dots around it on outside of right arm near wrist, the letter P with dots tattoo on left arm around the wrist, The letter N or Z tattooed on the web of the left thumb, and dots on fingers. She was wearing a green short sleeved pull over shirt, blue jeans, green socks, pink bra, and white tennis shoes. She had a beige purse with a comb and miscellaneous papers, and a plaid shirt. Her first name may have been Mary.

Fingerprints are available and DNA and Dentals are not.

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Murder of Nikki Benedict

On May 1, 1967, 14-year-old Nikki Benedict decided to go to a friend's house after school. She wanted to discuss with her about the upcoming art exhibit. Around 6 p.m. she was leaving her friend's house in Poway, California and heading home on a dirt trail.

Nikki was late for dinner. Her parents began to worry and they checked in with the girl she was with. She had told them that she had already left. They were going to start searching for her after it got dark. They hadn't even left their driveway when a neighbor told them a girl was found murdered. They called the coroners office to make sure it wasn't Nikki. When the coroner told them she wasn't Identified yet and described her plaid dress and olive-colored purse they knew it was her. 

It was believed that someone had leaped from the grassy depression and attacked Nikki. She had a wound on her neck and bruises and dirt on her elbows and knees indicated that she may have struggled on the ground. It was theorized that sexual motivations may have been the purpose of the attack, but because of the struggle, they stabbed her instead. But in reality motivation for the murder has not been found. She was stabbed with a pocket knife. The murder weapon was never found.

Around 6:30 an 11-year-old boy riding his bike found her lying on the ground trying to breathe. There was evidence she traveled 200 ft from where she was stabbed and where she collapsed. he quickly went to get his father. He then covered her with his butcher smock and had another man call for help. She had passed away by the time they made it to the hospital. 

A white male was seen running from the area, but he was too far away for any descriptions. 


Murder of James Clark Nicoll

 In 1871 James and Amelia Nicoll would come over to America from Scotland. The couple had 7 children in total 2 of which were born in Iowa w...