Thursday, August 30, 2018

June 30, 1956 Sunset Beach, California Baby Doe

On June 30, 1956, the body of an infant was found floating in a back slough near the intersection of Los Patos and Coast Highway in Sunset Beach, California. He was 1'4" and 4 lbs. He had died sometime in 1956.


Saturday, August 25, 2018

Murder of Nacomie Freeman

On June 24, 2004 24 year-old Nacomie Freeman was pushed out of a moving truck on W. Denton Ave. in Phoenix, Arizona. It was found that she'd not only been pushed out of a moving vehicle, but was shot  in the abdomen before being pushed out. Witnesses said the truck that was involved was dark colored and short bed, possibly a late 1990's model.

There isn't much information on this case.


Thursday, August 23, 2018

August 23, 1982 Pasco County, Florida John Doe

Around 9:15 p.m. on August 23, 1982 a man was walking north on the ST 52 near US in east Pasco County in Land O' Lakes when he was hit by a vehicle. He was pronounced dead at the hospital. He was a white male between 40 and 60 years old. He was 5'8" and 150 lbs. He had brown hair and his beard was greying. He had grey/green eyes. He had a scar on his right abdomen and a vertical scar on right thigh. He had an extremely rare fixed Cantilever Bridge with porcelain fused with metal and also had periodontists.

He was wearing blue jeans, brown work boots, a plaid long sleeve button up shirt, a white shirt, white underwear and brown socks.

He has dentals and DNA available.


October 11, 1996 Benton County, Arkansas John Doe

On October 16, 1996 a fisherman stumbled upon a sleeping bag floating in Beaver Lake located in Rogers, Arkansas. Inside was the remains of a man and two pillows. It was estimated he'd died from blunt force trauma to the head and may have been dead for possibly a year. It's believed the sleeping bag may have been weighed down and it had broken free and floated. The area where the body was found was steep and wooded. It could be possible that it either floated to the area or was brought there by boat.

He was a white male between 30 and 60 years old. He was 5'9" to 5'11". He may have done hard labor as work or was a weight lifter. He had Myositis Ossificans on the right medial distal portion of the humerus.  According to the condition of his teeth he may have been a heavy smoker or coffee drinker or both. His front teeth showed heavy and wear and he had a lower left tooth surgically removed and a right rear tooth had a filling.

The sleeping bag he was in was sold by MZH Inc in Haleyvile, Alabama. The pillows found with him were marked Washington Regional Medical Center. Remnants of a size small fruit of the loom white jockey briefs and a white sock was found.


Monday, August 20, 2018

Murder of William Wolf Jr.

On August 17 1978 a Bette Wolf reported her second oldest missing from Fargo, Minnesota. Her son William Wolf Jr. hadn't been seen since the 15th and she was worried about him. Unfortantly the family will soon learn that William had been murdered.

On August 20, 1978 3 miles north of Kragnes, Minnesota someone canoeing on the Red River found a green trash bags floats. When the man opened one of the bags he found something horrifying inside. It was the  half of a man. The other half was found in another green trash bag hooked onto a tree 200 yards downstream on the North Dakota side of the river.

William had been dead for around 72 hours when his body was discovered. He was still wearing his clothes, tan work shirt, green pants, and work boots. He was cut in half at his waist with a band saw. He also had a long gash on his face and his throat was slashed. It took two days to confirm through Dentals that it was William.

For a while his father was a suspect in the case, but he had been cleared. It's now believed that his death may have been drug related. That he may have been in the low level drug scene and may have sold drugs. It's possible that there was more than one killer. But they believe he was killed somewhere in Cass County and then dumped in the river.


Thursday, August 16, 2018

Disappearance of Randall Dean Leach

Around November 1, 1980 20 year old Randall Dean Leach began hitchiking from his family's home in Sheboygan, Wisconsin to Bend, Oregon to visit his sister. He was last see in Idaho Falls, Idaho on November 7. He never made it to his sisters and was never seen again.

Randall is a white male and was 20 years old at the time of his disappearance. He was 5'8" to 5'9" and 140 to 160 lbs. He has natural brown hair and blue eyes. He has a pierced ear and had previously broken his left collarbone.


Wednesday, August 15, 2018


The Blutfahne or the Blood flag was a sacred item of Nazi Germany. It was used in ceremonies sanctioning other Nazi flags during Hitlers reign.

It started at the Beer Hall Putsch on November 8 and 9 1923.  The Nazi party attempted to take over the government in Bavaria.  The Men were stooped by the Munich police and they fired upon them.

Heinrich Trambauer was carrying a Nazi flag when he was shot he fell dropping the flag. Andreas Bauriedl, who was marching next to Trambauer, was shot in the stomach and automatically died. When he fell to the ground he landed on the flag and soaked it with his blood.

This lead to Hitler's less than a year stay in prison and the creation of Mien Kampf. After Hitler was released the flag was essentially given to him and it became a symbol and ceremonial item.

Trambaur had taken the flag and had hidden it until he was able to give it to Karl Eggers. Eggers then gave the flag to Hitler once he was out of Landsberg Prison. The flag then was fitted for a new staff and a silver sleeve was dedicated to the martyrs from Putsch was placed upon it. It had the names of Bauriedl, Trambauer, and Von Stransky on it.

On July 4, 1926 the flag was presented by Hitler to the SA at the Party Rally in Weimar. The flag was given the name Blufahne. Hitler used it to consecrate new Nazi colors by holding it in one hand and Blufahne in the other.

Trambauer was selected by Joseph Berchtold,leader of the SS at the time, to be the bearer of the Blutfahne. Due to poor health and later a skull injury it was shared with  Jakob Grimminger until his death in 1942. Then Grimminger was the sole bearer.

The last time it was publicly seen was in April of 1944 at the funeral of Adolf Wagner. It was kept at the warehouse of Brown House in Munich, but may have been destroyed during the Allied bombings in Munich.

It is unknown what had happened to the flag and if it even still exists.


Tuesday, August 14, 2018

August 14, 2007 Detroit, Michigan John Doe

Image of victims shoes
On August 14, 2007 the Coast Guard found a John Doe in the Detroit River in the rear on 30 E. Jefferson in Detroit, Michigan. It's possible he may have drowned, but it's undetermined as he had been dead for weeks up to months before discovery.

He was a black male with possible admixture and was around 16 to 25 years old. He was 5'5" and 150 lbs. He was wearing two pairs of sweats one was a size m yellow Steve and Berrys the other was a size s green Joe Boxers. A Robert Bruce size size m red, grey and blue knit sweater. Socks and blue canvas deck shoes size 10.


Saturday, August 11, 2018

Disappearance of Joan Cecilia Scaggs

On November 12, 1983 Joan Scaggs let her sons into their cabin in Redwood Rest Resort in Boulder Creek, California. She soon after went to her bedroom.  When her sons left they locked the door behind them.

When they came back later that morning they expected to see their mother, but she wasn't there and she didn't take anything with her. The only things missing from the house was the nightgown she was wearing an a high altitude map she had. Her medication, money, cigs, I.D., and other clothes were still in the cabin. 

A neighbor reported a car with a low-rumble muffler was in the area around 3 a.m. A car door was also slammed and voices could be heard. A child had claimed that they had also heard screaming that night. 

Joan Scaggs was described as a loner and had few friends. She was living with one of her sons who was going to move to South Carolina soon. She was upset that he was leaving.

Joan is a white female and was 53 at the time of her disappearance. She was 5'0" and 130 lbs at the time. She has brown hair and blue eyes. She has scars on her abdomen and neck. She was a smoker. She also had to take medication fr her thyroid.


Thursday, August 9, 2018

Disappearance of Rhonda Louise Burse

On August 8, 1977, 21-year-old Rhonda Louise Burse was an exotic dancer in Burien, Washington. She had previously danced in other places including Seattle, Texas, and Colorado. She was last seen getting into a vehicle after her shift at the Flame.
The last known photo of Rhonda is the one taken of her in a hat. This photo was taken the day she disappeared.

Rhonda had also gone by Lisa Fisher and or with the last name Weeks. She is a black female and was 21 years old at the time. She had black hair and brown eyes. She was 5'7" and around 110 lbs. She was wearing a straw hat, blue and white striped top, cut off blue jeans, two gold chain necklaces, gold earrings, and four expensive gold rings.


Friday, August 3, 2018

December 1, 1976 Coconino County, Arizona John Doe

On December 1, 1976 in Flagstaff, Arizona a local resident was looking for herbs and nuts near the I-40 roadway. That was when they had found the body of a man hanging from a tree in the median. It was estimated that he'd been there for months causing his body to mummify.

He was a white male between 32 and 40 years old. He was 5'5" and 160 lbs. He had brown hair. There was a satchel with clothing found, toiletry items. His right shoe was on him, but for some reason his left shoe was 10-15 feet away.


Disapearance of Stefanie Kelly Stroh

21 year old Stefanie Kelly Stroh was a student of Reed College in Portland Oregon. She had decided to take a year off from school. She would spend 9 months in Asia and when she returned the states she started out in New York and was going to hitchhike across the U.S. to California.

On October 15, 1987 Stefanie called her parents from Four Way Cafe and Truck Stop in Wells Nevada. She'd told them that she'd gotten a ride and would be home the next day. She never arrived and her light grey suitcase, orange sleeping bag and pink purse was not found. 

Tommy Lynn Sells convicted murderer and possible serial killer claimed to have taken Stefanie's life. he said that he'd offer to take her to Reno, Nevada and on the way they took LSD. Sells claimed to have strangled her to death. Sells was driving a stolen truck and saw some cement and a tub. He'd covered her feet in the cement and then dumped her in a hot spring the next morning.

Sells was never convicted in her disappearance. In actuality he'd only been convicted in one murder but confessed up to 21 murders including Stefanie Stroh. It was found that some of his confessions were inaccurate with the unreleased details.

Stefanie was a 21 year old white female at the time of her disappearance. She had brown hair and brown eyes. She was 5'5" and 130 lbs. She has a birthmark on the instep of her right foot, pierced ears and was wearing a black shirt, black tank top, black corduroy pants, brown ankle high boots and a wooden bead necklace.


Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Disappearance of Maria De Lourdes Pahl

In 1978 Maria De Lourdes Pahl's family moved from Florida to El Paso, Texas. By 1980 the 35 year old mother had her hands full. Her and her husband had 6 children. The oldest was living in Georgia, but the other 5 were still young one of them even being under a year old.

On August 1, 1980 Maria and her husband had a fight. To cool off she told him she was taking the bus to Anthony, New Mexico to go grocery shopping. At the time she didn't have her licence and would take the bus.

Maria never came back though. It's believed she never would had abandoned her children. She was reported missing 8 days later as her family knew something was wrong. Her children do not believe their father had anything to do with her disappearance. Their previous home was searched in 2000

Maria was 35 at the time and is a White/Hispanic female. She went by the nick names Lulu, Luly, Laura.  She has Reddish Brown hair and Brown eyes. She was around 4'1" to 5'0" ans around 100- 140 lbs. She has a dimple on her chin and a scar on her abdomen. She was wearing a green top and jeans at the time of her disappearance.

She'd holding her second to youngest child image is circa 1977 


July 3, 1954 Los Angles, California John Doe

On July 3, 1954 on 560 Towne Ave. in Los Angles, California the badly decomposed body of a man was found under a vacant house. It's believed that he may have been a homeless man who crawled underneath the house and passed.

He was a male that was pre 60 years old. He was 5'10" and 134 lbs. He had brown hair and eye color is undetermined.


Murder of Leah Rowland

On March 10, 1997 41 year-old Leah Rowland was working the morning shift at an Amco station on highway 80 in Cozad, Nebraska. She had been promoted to manager the day before. Around 10:30 a.m. a barefoot young man walked into her store. He went to get a drink opened it and looked right at the camera. He then waits for a mother and daughter in the store to leave before he comes to the counter.

When he comes to the counter and spoke to Leah and she opens the drawer and hands him all the money. She then lays on the floor behind the counter. The man then pulls a 9mm semiautomatic pistol and shot her three times. Twice in the arm once in the skull.

The man was wearing a black or dark gray hoodie, a bomber style bomber jacket, and dark sweatpants and no shoes. He left with a pop, $150, cigarettes and lighter, and a full tank of gas. He drove off in a red possible 1993 red Pontiac Grand Am.


Murder of James Clark Nicoll

 In 1871 James and Amelia Nicoll would come over to America from Scotland. The couple had 7 children in total 2 of which were born in Iowa w...