Friday, November 29, 2019

Murder of Deborah Lee Atrops

Deborah Atrops

On November 29, 1988, 29-year-old Deborah Atrops left her work at Wellon Inc. in Sherwood, Oregon around 5 p.m. She went straight to a hair appointment and arrived at the Razz Ma Tazz hair salon and left around 7. She was supposed to pick up her 9 month-old baby at Her estranged husband Robert Atrops home around 9 pm. His home was on Conzelman Rd near Sherwood. She never arrived though. 

He called the police to tell them that Deborah never arrived.  The next morning construction workers found her 1988 black Honda Accord next to a wooded area at a dead-end extension of Murray Blvd south of the Old Scholls Ferry Rd. Her keys were in the ignition and the license plate was removed. 

When investigators opened the trunk they found her body inside. It was found that she had been strangled to death. 


Thursday, November 28, 2019

Disappearance of Robert "Bobby" Ernest Spurlock

On November 28, 1981, 19-year-old Robert Ernest Spurlock phoned his relatives from Hawaii where he was stationed at the Wheeler Air Field in Schofield. He was finishing his basic training after spending two weeks with his family in Kentucky.

During the phone call, Robert seemed upset. His stepfather told him he needed to talk to the U.S. Army Chaplain if he was having issues. He didn't speak with his mother and only his stepfather. No one heard from him after this call.

On December 3rd Robert's captain contacted his mother to inform her that he was considered AWOL and had been since 6:30 a.m. the day before. He was last seen carrying his camera. His stuff was originally thought of as missing, but it was found in his quarters several days later. The Army didn't report him missing with civilian or military authorities until 8 months later. He is not going to face serious consequences for going AWOL.

In 2000 a tip sent to his mother stated that he maybe was seen with a Hare Krishna devotees shortly before his disappearance in 1981 from Hawaii. He was supposedly wearing a devotional dress that was worn by the devotees.

His mother believes that he may have tried to contact her but was unaware of her name change. He may be in California or Hawaii. He was described as quiet introverted and religious.

Robert is a white male and was 19-years-old at the time. He's 5'6" to 5'9" and 129 lbs to 145 lbs. He has dark blonde hair and blue eyes. He has freckles on his face. At the time he was wearing blue jeans, brown buttoned-down shirt, and white Nikes.

Charley Project

Disappearance of Jack Schultz

On November 28, 1994, 37-year-old Jack Schultz was last seen in his home in De Soto, Kansas. A relative in the house heard a honk outside at 5 a.m. and Jack left the home. He left behind his favorite belt and wallet but did take some personal items. 

At the time Jack had a warrant for his arrest for a DUI. He told his father he planned to turn himself in and his father said it was unlikely Jack was troubled by the prospect of a jail sentence. Jack had a history of living a rough lifestyle by 1994. He was involved with drugs and had a history of minor offenses. There were times he was missing for long periods of time, but this time it was too long. His family worried and reported him missing on Jan. 4, 1995. 

Foul play was suspected in this case. He was a dependable worker and wasn't out of touch for this long. After he disappeared it was rumored that he was murdered. 

Jack was 37 at the time and is a white male. He's 6'1" and 160 lbs. He has brown hair and blue eyes. He may be sporting a beard and wearing eye glasses. 


Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Murder of Vickie McDonough

On November 27, 1974, the body of 22-year-old Vickie McDonough was found on a Railroad access road around 300 feet south of Brick Rd. in Clay Township, Indiana. Her body was covered by old mattresses and had been there for several days. She had been shot twice in the back of the neck. 

Indiana State Police 

Disappearance of Carlee Jade Morse

At 1 a.m on the morning of August 20, 2010, 16-year-old Carlee Morse asked her mom for permission to go outside to talk on her cellphone. Her mom gave permission so, Carlee stepped outside their apartment complex at 7000 blocks of West Bonnie in Westland, Michigan. She was barefoot and was in her pajamas. It was unknown what had happened to her until December. 

Nicolas Jay Cottrell and Justin Lee Yoshikawa had confessed to having murdered her the night she disappeared. Both of them knew Carlee as she had dated Justin that spring and broke up with him during the summer. This was why they decided to kill her. 

On that night Justin hid underneath some clothes in the back seat of Nicolas's Ford. Nicolas invited Carlee to smoke some weed. She went inside of his truck. He then drove her to an isolated place where Justin came out from under the clothes and strangled her with a dog leash. 

Together they stated that the dumped Carlee's body. They wrapped her in garbage bags and left her in a trash bin behind a red brick church. They couldn't remember where it was as they were in shock and under the influence of drugs. 

Nicolas claimed that Justin also planned on killing Carlee's mother. He had also believed at the time Justin had killed other people. He stated he was scared for his life and wanted to come forth sooner. 

Both were charged with first-degree murder,

In January 2011 Nicolas pleaded guilty to second-degree murder when he struck a deal. He was supposed to testify at Justin's trial. He was sentenced 20 to 50 years in prison. 

In November of 2011, Nicolas claimed he has coerced a confession during Justin's trial. He refused to testify against him and the judge allowed his transcript to be read at trial. Justin admitted everything was true and was sentenced 35 to 70 years in prison. 

It was found that Nicolas's mother knew of the murder. She was charged as an accessory after the fact. She failed to inform law enforcement of Carlee's murder. She was charged with a misdemeanor. 

Carlee is a white female and was 16-years-old at the time. She was 5'0" and 90 lbs at the time. She has brown hair and brown eyes. She has a scar on her left side and a burn scar on her inside right ankle. Her ears are pierced. 


Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Shirt Found on September 19, 1975

On September 19, 1975, a shirt with blood and 36 stabs in it was found on the rim of the Grand Canyon in Arizona. It's believed that the shirt belonged to a woman who was stabbed to death. It's believed that whoever wore the shirt was stabbed to death and may have been a part of the "Outlaw Motorcycle Gang".       

Coconino County Sheriff's Office

Monday, November 25, 2019

Murder of Pamela Jane Jerome-Pepper


On November 25, 1985, 43-year-old Pamela Jerome-Pepper was last seen alive in the downtown Bridgeport, Connecticut area. She was known to be a prostitute in the Bridgeport area.

On Jan. 13, 1986 her body was found partially buried in the snow She was naked from the waist down. She had been strangled to death. The area she was found was the Bridgeport Hydraulic Company property off of Valley Rd. in Redding, Connecticut.

At the time she was wearing a dark-colored wool-blend coat, a tan-colored turtleneck shirt with maroon and brown stripes, and a pair of tan corduroy pants and brown leather shoes.

There is a $20,000 reward for information leading to a conviction.

Connecticut State Website
Connecticut State Website 2
Murder Map

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Murder of Donald Burton and Joseph Greco

On May 2, 1959, the bodies of Donald Burton and Joseph Greco were found in the trunk of a vehicle parked on the side of the road on Montague  1/4 mile east of Meridian, Illinois. The 21-year-olds were beaten to death and had evidence of gambling paraphernalia. They were known for their frequent illegal gambling operations in the Northern Illinois area.


Murder of Louis Alexander and Joseph Savitch

Louis Alexander and Joseph Savitch   

In 1994 60-year-old Louis Alexander and 59-year-old Joseph Savitch were reported missing. Their bodies were later found in August of 1997 in a wooded area of Masardis, Maine. It was determined that they were murdered.

Joseph was a boxer in his youth and was previously charged with several assaults. In 1987 Joseph was 1 of 10 people indicted in connection with a plot of smuggling $5 Million worth of Marijuana on a senior citizen bus.

Louis also had a criminal history. In 1972 he attempted to rob a post office and was shot in the process. After he was hospitalized he bailed, but was caught again on the run. In 1990 he did pay for the $5,000 bail of a man charged in cocaine dealing. The man skipped on the bail though and

In 1993 the two were arrested in Old Saybrook, Connecticut after an attempted housebreak in that community. At the time of their disappearance, the two were wanted for a string of burglaries in Aroostook County. They did rip off a lot of people for a considerable amount of money. It isn't stated whether or not police believe that their criminal history is why they were killed.

Maine State Police (Louis Alexander)
Maine State Police (Joseph Savitch)
South Coast Today

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Disappearance of Alex Daniel Viorato-Rodriguez

On May 10, 2013,  around 8:45 p.m. 16-year-old Alex Daniel Viorato-Rodriguez was last seen in Kelso, Washington. He was distraught and because of issues in his life, he made suicidal statements. He was seen jumping off of the Lexington Bridge into the Cowlitz River 40 or 50 feet down. The current carried him about a 3rd of a mile to the Rocky Point area. Police saw him struggling and attempting to get to shore, but he went under the water before he could be rescued. His body has never been recovered.

Alex is a Hispanic male and was a month away from his 17th birthday. He's 5'8" and 137 lbs. He has brown hair and brown eyes. He has acne. He was wearing a black t-shirt and jeans.


Friday, November 22, 2019

Murder of Martha Halliday

On the night of June 10, 1861, 55-year-old Martha Halliday in Kingsworth, England slept alone at the Rectory. The owner Rev. Samuel Benard Taylor and family went to stay with his father-in-law. Martha looked after the rectory that night. Her husband had left the place to go home as she slept there. The next morning he went to go get her so she could do some household chores at their home. He was alarmed to see the shutters were not opened yet and the back door was still locked.

He then went around to the front of the house and found that door ajar which scared him more. He rushed to the kitchen but found nothing strange there. He then rushed to the room that he believed she was sleeping in and found his poor wife.

Martha was found bound on the floor in her nightdress. Her dress seemed to have been lifted over her head as if from being dragged out of bed.  Her hands and legs were bound in a cord. A colored silk handkerchief was found around her mouth and tied to the top of her head. She was dead. She had suffocated from the gag.

It's believed that the murderers first tried to enter the house through the kitchen windows, but because the shutters were secured there was no way in through there. They then climbed on the small roof that was in front of Martha's window. They broke the window and climbed in. The murderer must have cut themselves doing this as blood was found at the scene.

A pocketbook not belonging to anyone in the Rectory was found at the scene. It was believed to have fallen out of their coat pocket. Things in the place were ransacked and stolen.

They found a 25-year-old German suspect by the name of Johann Carl Franz. He initially gave his name as August Saltzman. He lied about his name, but it was found it was false. He then said that a man named Adolphe Khron stole his personal belongings at Leeds and said he was going to rob a priest.

They put Johann Carl Franz on trial.   Inside Martha's room, one of Johann's books were found. Everything was circumstantial though and the evidence was not strong. The Jurors came back with a not guilty for the crime.

Unsolved Murders
Lloyds Weekly Newspaper
The Hull Packet East Riding Times
Rivals of The Ripper (Chapter 1)
The Bristol Mercury and Daily Post, Western Countries and South Wales Advertiser

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Peasenhall Murder: The Murder of Rose Ann Harsent

On the night of May 31, 1902,  Peasenhall, Suffolk, England was dealing with a dark and stormy night. It was remembered as a particularly bad storm.

On the morning of June 1, 1902, 21/22-year-old Rose Ann Harsent's father came to visit her at her home in the Providence house. He found her lying on the ground in her kitchen with her throat slit. It was initially thought of being a suicide until it was found that Rose was 6 months pregnant and a closer look at the scene.

It was believed that she was killed around 1 to 6 a.m. She had been attacked and her chest and throat stabbed and her arms showed signs of defensive wounds. It seemed that the murderer failed to burn her and the home as her arm had been burnt, her nightgown had been partially burned, and there was a newspaper under her head that had burnt edges. Paraffin from a broken lamp was used to try to start the fire, and a medicine bottle was smashed and left at the scene. It seemed like she hadn't slept in her bed that night.

No one had known that Rose was pregnant. It seemed as if she had tried to induce a miscarriage at one point, but it failed. She then kept her pregnancy a secret and never revealed who the father was.

There was a letter found in her home.

"Dear Rose, I will try to see you tonight at twelve o'clock at your place. If you put a light in your window at ten o'clock for about ten minutes then you can take it out again. Don't have a light in your room at twelve o'clock as I will come round to the back."

It's believed that whoever sent this letter may have been the killer. 

William Gardiner became the main suspect soon. The locals knew he was having an affair with her in 1901. It was assumed that the baby may have been Gardiners. There was other evidence that seemed to point towards him also. Such as bootprints in the wet ground seemed to have matched a pair of his boots. A handwriting expert stated that the letter was in his handwriting and that the paper came from his workplace. The smashed medicine bottle was also 

William denied all of this. He also had spent a lot of time that early morning with his wife and another neighbor with visiting. But he lived in the eyesight of Rose's home and wouldn't have taken much time to get there to murder her and come back.

William Gardiner was arrested and tried twice once in 1902 and 1903 but was acquitted. His trial was said to have been 11 to 1 for guilty in the first trial and 11 to 1 for not guilty for the second.

Was the murderer was acquitted of his crime? Maybe the real murderer was someone no one suspected due to the main focus being on William. Some speculate that William's wife was the perpetrator of the crime and her motive was because she was jealous.

But the world will never truly know what had happened that stormy morning.

Strange Company 
Press Reader
Unsolved Murders

Lost Media: The Skyway Man

The Skyway Man was a silent film from 1920 that featured plane stunts and one of the real-life deaths on the screen. According to Wikipedia the plot of the movie was as the following:

"Captain Norman Craig (Ormer Locklear) returns from the Lafayette Escadrille as a shell-shocked veteran, suffering from amnesia. Seeing him wandering around San Francisco, his girlfriend Virginia Ames (Louise Lovely), with the help of Dr. Wayne Leveridge (Sam De Grasse), devises a plan to help him restore his memory. Her family hires Craig to pursue a pair of supposed Russian thieves after the Ames jewels. The doctor, however, has plans to steal the jewels and wants Virginia for himself. An aerial chase ending with a tailspin and crash brings Craig back to his senses. He is able to thwart the doctor's schemes and finally remembers his girlfriend."

On the night of August 20, 1920, it was the last night of filming for the film Skyway Man in Los Angelos, California. What was being filmed was a stunt scene involving the illusion of a biplane crashing. The stunt was to be done by Omar Locklear and Milton "Skeets" Elliot. Both were professional pilots. They were a part of the Locklear Flying Circus. 

Things didn't go to plan and went horribly wrong. The boys were flying the plane and had flares on the wings to make the illusion they were on fire. The crew was supposed to turn off the lights when Omar and Skeets were close to the ground. The lights weren't turned off and this may have blinded the two and make them realize how close to the ground they were. The plane crashed and the two were killed immediately. 

All of this was caught on film. Omar's girlfriend Viola Dana was also on set. Her horrified reaction was also caught on film. It was decided to put both the crash and their death, and Viola's reaction in the film. It was then released on September 5, 1920. This makes it one of the first films to have a real death in it. Now, this film is lost to time. 


Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Murder of Clifford Smith

On November 4, 1982, the wife of 24-year-old Clifford Smith reported him missing. Around a month later his body was found by trappers in a bayou near the White River north of Seymour, Indiana. He had been shot to death.

Indiana State Police 
Batesville Herald Tribune 

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Murder of Rose Busch

On November 19, 1968, 64-year-old Rose Busch was baking a cake in her home in Knoxville, Tennessee. Around 4 p.m. when the maid who tended the home left she was icing it. Unbeknownst to anyone someone was sabotaging her husband Harry's car. Someone removed the valve stem and valve core with a special tool. The damage made the tire flat and it couldn't be reinflated or repaired quickly.

The gardener, William Young, left around 5:15 p.m. and he was the last one to see her. He had worked for the family for many years. Rose offered to give him a ride to the bus stop, but he declined.  He made sure all the doors were locked and the Chevrolet and carport were locked for her. It was possible that someone was secretly waiting for him to leave.

Around 5:25 p.m. Harry called his wife to let her know that he was going to be on his way home. He asked her if he needed anything picked up. When he discovered the tire flat he knew he would be delayed and tried to call his wife. She didn't pick up this time. He thought it was strange as he spoke to her a few minutes before, but believed that she may have been giving William a ride home.

Harry got a ride home from a coworker B.T. Barnette Jr. and they left around 5:50 p.m. They went to Floyd's Gulf Station at Broadway and Jackson Avenue and handed over Harry's keys and directions to his car. He tried calling Rose again, but still no answer. He was then soon dropped off at the home.

That was when he found poor Rose's body in the hallway between the carport and kitchen. She was laying on her back and had blows to the head from a .22-caliber pistol and stab wounds. She was stabbed 10 times the final one was done with so much force the handle broke off and the blade was inside her heart. She also had a grazing gunshot wound to her hand. On the floor around her were her glasses, dentures and the handle of the knife. The medical examiner who'd done the autopsy described it as very brutal and prolonged more commonly seen in rape-murders.

The next morning a city brush crew found a pair of bloodstained gloves stained with blood from her blood type on Cherokee Blvd. Alongside Kenesaw Ave. a Cleveland Ohio blue police uniform coat and a police-type raincoat and a police-type hat were found with fake badges. Two Ohio License Plates were also found from a stolen car and a second pair of gloves. The weapon that was shot at the scene was also found it was a 22-caliber-Ruger semiautomatic pistol with a silencer.

There was no blood on the other clothes found with the gloves. With how brutal the scene was police believe that the killers would have been covered in blood. The silencer and gun were of quality, but it was believed that because of the inexperience of the user it wasn't properly put together.

It's believed that someone dressed in a police uniform entered the home through the carport. It's believed that her death was a hit but not done by a professional. The silencer was misaligned and they used the wrong kind of ammunition. The gun jammed on the first shot and they improvised and began beating her with the butt of the gun. They then grabbed a knife from the kitchen and stabbed her.

Monday, November 18, 2019

Who Were The First People Photographed?

The first surviving photograph with people was taken in 1838 by Louis-Jacques-Mandé Daguerre. The photo isn't of a particular person, but of the scenery of Boulevard du Temple, Paris. The type of photograph that this is is called a Daguerreotypes after this famous photographer.

The street itself looks empty, but it was actually busy at the time. Due to the exposure time being more than 10 minutes and the traffic was too fast to be caught on camera. If you look at the bottom right of the photo you could see a man getting his boots polished by another long enough to show. Another man can be seen reading a newspaper on a bench to the left of the duo. To the right underneath one of the street lantern, a woman is standing. You may be able to spot some possible ones such as a man standing under an awning of the third building or the two faces in the windows in the closest building.

It's believed that Louis-Jacques-Mandé Daguerre didn't know any of the people he photographed, or if he did he didn't do it on purpose. Some believe though that the duo seen very clear were planted there by him to pull the photograph together. It'll never be known but either way, Daguerre was probably pleased with seeing people in the photograph.


Disappearance of Yohanna Cyr

18-month-old Yohanna Cyr's was left with her mother's boyfriend while her mother was out of town for a few days in their home in the Saint Laurent area of Monreal, Quebec, Canada. When she returned Yohanna was not there. Her boyfriend claimed that Yohanna went to Washington with his mother. So Yohanna went to Washington in search of her child, but she was not found. When she returned to Canada she alerted police of Yohanna's disappearance. Her missing date is listed as August 15, 1978.

The boyfriend claimed that she had drowned in the bathtub while the mother was gone. He had buried before she returned home. He was questioned but released due to lack of evidence. A neighbor said they saw her boyfriend take a bread box to the wooded area near the apartments. Nothing was found though. Her mother believes that her daughter possibly didn't die, but was sold.

Yohanna is a biracial female black/white and was 18-months-old at the time. She has brown hair and brown eyes. She had a scar on her right hand between her index and middle finger in the shape of a Y.c

Canada's Missing
Doe Network
Montreal Gazette 

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Disappearance of Alex Adrian Aleman

On July 27, 2005, 24-year-old Alex Aleman left his job suddenly saying he was leaving to go to California. He was last seen in Dallas Texas and his friends and family never saw him again. At the time Alex was depressed due to a breakup and was upset with his family. He was a known drug user and was active in the gay community in Dallas. His family did not believe he had ties to California but does with Arizona.

Alex is a Hispanic male and was 24-years-old at the time. He is 5'8" to 5'9" and 175 to 186 lbs. He has black hair and brown eyes. Typically he kept his hair very short. He has various tattoos including a skull on the top of his head that you can see under his hair, and ALEMAN  on his back, and the phrase ALL EYES ON ME on his chest.

Charley Project 

November 17, 2007 Picacho Peak, Arizona Jane Doe

On November 17, 2007, the mummified and skeletalized remains of a teenager was found in the desert around 1 mile east of the Dairy Queen restaurant on I-10 in Picacho Peak, Arizona. It was estimated that she had been dead for months.

Jane Doe was a Hispanic female between 15 and 19 years old. She was around 5'3".  She was wearing a black bra.


Murder of Margaret Agnes Hauanio


On the night of November 17, 1975, 16-year-old was studying at Leeward Community College. Before she left she called her sister and let her know she was on her way home. She walks to the bus stop and unfortunately, she didn't make it there.

The next day she was found with her skull fractured, her mouth tapped and was tied up in a way that if she moves her legs it would choke her. Her body was found in an abandoned pineapple field in Waipahu, Hawaii. It's believed that she either got into a car with acquaintances or someone pulled her into a vehicle between the bus stop and the College.

Margret turned 16 just 11 days earlier and was a student at Leeward College. Her mother described her as "a difficult teenager, wonderful, outgoing and a composer of poetry and music."

Friday, November 15, 2019

King Kamehameha and The Mystery of His Sacred Burial

Kamehameha I.png

Kamehameha I was born possibly November 1758 in the Kohala district, Hawaii island. His birth name was Paiea and was son of Keoua a high cheif and his mother is the daughter of king Alpai.

There was a Hawaiian tradition that tells of a bright start, Kokoiki appears just before the Great Conqueror was born. The legend coincides with Halley's Comet in on Christmas Night 1758. The Mystic Seers of Hawaii prophesied That the Great Conqueror was about to be born who could defeat his rivals and reign supreme over all the islands.

When Kamehameha I was still an infant his grandfather Alapai ordered him to be put to death. He was then raised in secret and grew up taking the name Kamehameha. It's believed that the Great Conqueror was him and he was born with great mana or sacred power.

When King Kalaniopuu died in 1782 the island of Hawaii was split between his son Kiwalao and Kamehameha. Everything was peaceful till July of 1782. When the chiefs of Keomo led to a war and in the battle, Kiwalao was killed. This led to Kamehameha to go conquests of the island until 1795. All the islands but Kauai and Kiihai were under his tule, but under peaceful negotiations, he was able to ceded in 1810. He then became ruler of the entire island group.
Kamehameha earned the title Kamehameha the Great. His rule was one of the most documented and most enduring of the Hawian rulers. He helped his kingdom in many ways. He allowed the rade of sandalwood that increased wealth in the kingdom. He created laws one of which helped protect people from brutal acts of a chief. He also banned human sacrifice to increase the mana of a king.

Kamehameha died May 8. 1819. His burial was purposely kept in secret. His bones were hidden due to Hawaii's tradition of hūnākele in order to protect his mana. It starts with the removal of his flesh and have it thrown into the sea. His bones then were taken to a secret place for it's final resting place.


Thursday, November 14, 2019

July 24, 1940 Callantsoog, The Netherlands Doe

On July 24, 1940, the remains of a person were found and buried in Callantsoog, Netherlands. It was believed that they had drowned. They were wearing leather shoes. The descendant was dug up and DNA was taken, but it was insufficient. Gender could not be determined. They reburied the remains in Sint Maartensbrug.

Doe Network

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

WANTED: Ildiko Enderle

Ildiko Enderle is wanted for the crimes of sex trafficking and the participation of organized crime. She and 8 other individuals would promise  Romanian girls some of which were minors that there were jobs with rooms and meals waiting for them in Germany. Instead, they would transport them to the Czech Republic to be sex workers between 2003 and 2011.

Ildiko goes also by the name Kuna. She was born on Feb. 5, 1976, and is Romanian. She speaks three languages Romanian, German, and Hungarian.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

The Mysterious Money Matt and Wendy Jameson Found in Their Yard

In the morning of November 12, 1995, Matt and Wendy Jameson went to church. When they returned back home to Fair Oaks, California around 10:30 a.m. they made a shocking discovery. There was $6,500 worth of the twenties in their backyard. More money was scattered in the backyards of other's yards.

Knowing that that much money being found in their yard it was suspicious. It was believed that it may have been throw out of an airplane and may have been drug money. They told the police and according to the law they had to place an ad in the newspaper about it. After the 90 days and no one claiming it, they were allowed to keep the money.

This allowed the couple to pay off their credit cards.

Unsolved Mysteries

Monday, November 11, 2019

Murders of Loretta Allen and Doris Bean

On November 11, 1995, the bodies of sisters 76-year-old Loretta Allen and 81-year-old Doris Bean were checked up on by relatives around 3:30 p.m. Unfortunately the two were found in the kitchen dead. They had both been beaten and Loretta died due to that, but Doris was stabbed to death. The robbery and murder happened between the time one of them talked to a friend on the phone at 1: 20 p.m. and the discovery of the bodies.

Charles Dorval Jr. was prosecuted and charged in the death of Loretta, but it is believed that he had help in the crimes. He was convicted of Loretta's crime through a confession he made to another inmate. A roommate and friend Jerry Millard were prosecuted in the murder of Doris, but as there was little evidence to also connect him.

At the time Loretta was taking care of her sister Doris as Doris was said to have been handicapped. The sisters lived in the home by themselves. Loretta's children were living out of state at the time and Doris was never married.

New Hampshire Justice Department
Bennington Banner
The Battleboro Reformer 
Boston Globe
The Battleboro Reformer
The Battleboro Reformer
Find a Grave (Loretta Allen)
Find a Grace (Doris Bean)

Friday, November 8, 2019

Disappearance of Amber-Lee Cruickshank

In 1992 2-year-old Amber-Lee Cruickshank's family had wanted a fresh start. They bought a house-bus and left Otautau, Southland New Zeland and headed towards the west coast. On October 17, 1992, they boarded the house-bus and on the ride one of the windows shattered. They decided to stop in the small lakeside town of Kingston and stayed with a friend while the window was being repaired.

It seemed to have been a fun day full of lakeside activities like boating, jet skiing, and BBQing. It was thought at the time that Amber-Lee was inside the house being watched. When her mother went inside the home to check on Amber-Lee it was found she wasn't inside.

A search party soon ensued and people of the small town of Kingston searched for the toddler. Every house was searched more than once and police even searched water tanks for the girl. Lake Wakatipu was searched twice. Once on the first day and again a month later. Police are satisfied that the girl did not wander off. Amber-Lee also hated water and wouldn't go to it.

There were children's clothes found in a toilet in Queenstown. police were shown the clothes, but it wasn't connected to the case at the time and were disposed of by the people who found them. They were later asked if the clothes looked similar to what Amber-Lee was wearing and they said it might have.

New Zealand Herald
New Zealand Missing
New Zealand Police

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

WANTED: Elizabeth Dizon Honrada

On Jan. 12, 2006 Elizabeth Honrada was convicted to five years of imprisonment for importing cocaine into Dutch Territories twice. The first time was 30 kilograms of cocaine on April 15, 2003, and the second was 15 kilograms of cocaine on March 7, 2003. Both times she was coming from Surinam. She has not served her prison sentence and has been on the international wanted list since 2010. Her residence has been unknown since 2005, but it is possible she was in Saudi Arabia in 2014. 

She is an Asian woman born on March 5, 1962, in the Philippines. 


Murder of Segametsi Mogomotsi

On November 5, 1994, 14-year-old Segametsi Mogomotsi was selling oranges to raise money for a school trip in Mochudi, Botswana. She was described as a bright and clever girl. At one point some men bought all of the oranges. They stated that they didn't have any change and would come back.

When they came back they stuffed a cotton cloth into her mouth and dragged her to a hill. They stripped her and began their ritualistic murder. They stripped her tied her hands and blindfolded her. Her cries were heard sometime during the night saying along the lines of  "M., Leave me alone, how can you kill me, I know you." It's believed that three men chose her because she was poor and believed no one would notice or report it if she disappeared.

Her body was found in an open space the next day. Her anus, pieces of breasts, and pieces of the vagina were taken from her. Many believe that she was targeted and murdered for the parts that were taken were believed to be used in black magic potions for the religion Dipheko for Muti that's used to promote business deals. Because Segametsi was young and a bright student her murderers may have believed that their Muti would be successful.

Her murder led to students of the Radikolo Community Junior Secondary School to start protests. In Jan. of 1995 they organized a march at the District Commissioner's office in Mochudi. The march had to lead to riots and both students and police officers were hurt in the process.

The Change (This is a link to a petition to reopen the case by the sibling of Segametsi. I'm not posting for you to sign the petition or not, but it's here)

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Disappearance of Xiomara Rodriguez and Jesus Manuel Balbi

In 1991 29-year-old Xiomara Rodriguez and 25-year-old Jesus Manuel Balbi was dating. On November 5, 1991, around 7 p.m. the couple left a friends house together at 314 Hawley Ave. in Syracuse, New York. The 1984 blue Oldsmobile they were in was later found abandoned in Onondaga Park.

Xiomara is a White/Hispanic female and was 29 at the time. She is 5'1" and 115 lbs. She has brown hair and brown eyes. Her ears are pierced.

Jesus is a Hispanic male and was 25 at the time. He's 5'8" and 140 lbs. He has brown hair and brown eyes. He may go by the alias Carlos Ventura.

Charley Project (Xiomara)
Charley Project (Jesus)
Doe Network (Xiomara)
Doe Network (Jesus)
Syracuse Police Department (Xiomara)
Syracuse Police Department (Jesus)

Monday, November 4, 2019

Disappearance of Mark Wendell Wilson

13-year-old Mark Wendell Wilson was planning to see a movie in Quincy, California on November 4, 1967. He was going to hitchhike from Meadow Valley to Quincy. He never returned and was never seen again. He also went by the nickname Wilson. He had just turned 13 on October 4. 

Mark is a white male and was 13 at the time of his disappearance. He was 5'2" and 110 lbs at the time. He has dark blond to brown hair and blue eyes. He has a slight dimple on one of his earlobes. He wore a dental retainer at the time. He was wearing dark pants, dark sweatshirt, white jacket and tennis shoes. 


Murder of Joseph Hedley

80-year-old Joseph Hedley was a master at quilting so much so it was his job and people nicknamed him Joe the Quilter. People claimed he was very welcoming and described as a harmless and inoffensive man.

It was believed that the crime happened on Jan 3, 1826, Joseph was found inside his cottage in Northumberland, England. It had started in his cottage, he was hit upon the head with a coal rake. He was able to get out of his home, but the killer followed behind. The struggle continued across the road from the cottage where the killer continued to beat the old man. The killer then dragged him back to his home where it caused him to lose his shoes and tear his clothes. The killer then began to use a clasp knife on him. His throat was slit and his face mangles. He was still alive when this happened as he had cuts on his hand from the knife.

Having not seen Joseph for a few days neighbors got worried and went to check up on him. What they found was a bloody mess. The room seemed to have been covered in his blood. The killer even wiped his hands and then folded the towel and placed it upon a quilting frame. The cupboards and drawers seemed to have been rummaged through. Money may have been stolen.

It was believed that Joseph knew his killer.

New Castle Weekly Courant
The Bury and Norwich Post 
Caledonian Mercury 
Unsolved Murders

Resources to Cold Cases and Missing/Unidentified in United States and Territories

This page is dedicated to the United States of America and its Territories. Click Here to see other Countries. If you have any links to add post a comment below and I'll add them here. This isn't a complete list. I also do not speak other languages other than English so the other Territories may not get filled out as it's difficult for me to find pages. 

Unsolved Missing Wanted

Missing and Unidentified
The Doe Network
Charley Project (Missing only)





Delaware State Police
New Castel County Delaware 

Volusia County Sheriffs 
Florida Department of Law Enforcement 
Miami Dade County
City of Orlando
Orange County Sheriff's Office
Hillsborough Sheriff's Office 
City of Tampa
Clearwater Police Department
Hernando County Sheriff's Office
Brevard County Sheriff's Office
Sarasota County Sheriff's Office
Seminole County Sheriff's Office
St. Johns County Sheriff's Office
Jackson County, Michigan


Spotlight on Crime
Crime Stoppers of Minnesota
Missoula County



Tulsa Police

South Dakota:
South Dakota Missing
Sioux Empire Crime Stoppers (crime in general, but mostly theft)
Minnehaha County (Most Wanted)

Cold Case Task Force of the Tenth Judicial District
Polk County

City of Rock Springs
Wyoming Division of Investigations 


American Samoa 


Puerto Rico

Northern Mariana Islands

The U.S. Virgin Islands

Murder of James Clark Nicoll

 In 1871 James and Amelia Nicoll would come over to America from Scotland. The couple had 7 children in total 2 of which were born in Iowa w...