Saturday, August 29, 2020

Anthony Tyrone "Burt" Woodson

At 3:30 a.m. on August 29, 1981, 5-year-old Anthony Woodson's Uncle Terry Woodson stated that he and Anthony left the home. Terry said he wanted to go out and get a drink, but didn't want to leave him at home because his wife Della was still asleep. He stated that he placed Anthony in the back seat and drove to a 7-ll store on the 1000 block of East Broad Street in Mansfield, Texas.

He stated that Anthony was sleeping in the car when he went into the store to get a soft drink. After a few minutes, he went back to his car and drove home. He stated he didn't realize Anthony was missing until after he'd arrived home and police were called at 3:50 a.m.

Terry's recollection of Anthony's disappearance was seen as suspicious. It wasn't until 2018 that Terry was arrested and charged with murder. In 2017 Terry told police that Anthony died after being beaten by Della (who was dead by the time of the confession). He has since retracted this confession.

He said that Della had begun beating Anthony with an extension cord and asked Terry to continue the beating and he did. He said that he beat Anthony until there were U shaped marked from the extension cord and Anthony's shirt was soaked in blood. He then put Anthony to bed and later found him dead.

Neighbors collaborated with police and said they'd seen Anthony get beat with a lamp cord and would become familiar with the sound of the cord and Anthony's crying.

He said he dumped the body on a dirt road between Mansfield and Midlothian, but his body wasn't found. Police hope to locate it, but it may be hard as scavengers could have spread his remains.

Shortly after Anthony was born his grandmother started to take care of him. About 10 months before his disappearance he went to live with his aunt and uncle. His grandmother couldn't take care of him anymore due to her failing eyesight. He had just turned 5-years-old 9 days before his death/disappearance. 

Anthony was a black male and was 5 at the time. He was 3'0" and 50 lbs at the time. He has black hair and brown eyes. He was wearing an adult shirt with burn marks on the bottom and underwear at the time.


Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Murder of Loni Kai

Loni Kai, aka Lorenzo Okaruru

By 2001 28-year-old trans woman Loni Kai lived most of her life as a woman. On August 26, 2001 around 2 a.m. Loni was seen talking to a woman at the 7-Eleven near Southwest TV Highway and Cornelius Pass Road in Washington County, Oregon. She was then seen around 3:30 a.m. where a Beverton police officer asked her if she needed help while she was hitchhiking along the highway near Southwest Murray Blvd. She declined and this was the last time anyone saw her alive.

At 8 a.m. a jogger found Loni's body in a field Southwest Farmington Road, which is not far from Southwest Rood Bridge Road. Loni was severely beaten and had severe blunt trauma to her head likely caused from a metal object. It's believed that she was killed elsewhere and her body was left at the field. 

It's possible that the murderer picked her up when she was hitchhiking and found out she was transgender and killed her. 

Fox 12 Oregon October 11, 2018
Oregon Live March 26, 2019

Monday, August 24, 2020

Unsolved Murder of Caroline Glachan

On August 24, 1996, 14-year-old Caroline Glachan spent the evening with friends in Renton, West Dunbartonshire, Scotland. She and her best friend left a local building around 11:45 p.m. and they said goodbye to each other neat the Bonhill shops around 11:54 p.m. Caroline was heading off to meet a new boyfriend of hers. 

Around 12:15 a.m. a Taxi driver saw walking along Dillichip Loan towards The Towpath and the Black Bridge. This would have been a shortcut. The taxi driver also noted that a man wearing a green hooded top with sharp features was approaching Caroline from behind. It was noted by witnesses that screams were heard at this time.

On August 25th Caroline's body was found on the west bank of the River Leven. She had been attacked, but not sexually assaulted. She was thrown into the river still alive and drowned. She still had her clothes on, but her shoes were still on the riverbank.
Caroline Glachan - hooded man
Sketch of suspect
The suspect is a white male around 20 to 25-years-old. He was wearing a green hooded top and had sharp features. He was around 5'6" or 168 cm. Police ask of people who are potentially protecting the attacker to think of the 14-year-old girl who was killed.

Scotland Police
Daily Record
The True Crime Files

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Disapearance of Rosaline Santos Camacho

On August 23, 1998, 33-year-old Rosaline Camacho was last seen in Koblerville in the Northern Mariana Islands. She had a fight with her husband and left to stay with her sister for a week. That evening, she borrowed her sister's Toyota Camry and was never seen again.

The next morning between 8 am and 9 am the car was found parked in the back of a golf course at Coral Ocean Point. Her shoes were on a cliff line about 50 ft away from the car and there was evidence of a struggle in the car.

Saipan Tribune June 16, 2011
Saipan Tribune June 17, 2011

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Disappearance of Stanley Lionel Cooper

On 19 August 1959 27-year-old Stanley Cooper was last seen in the Bellingen area in New South Wales, Australia. He was last seen leaving his home in Thora in his blue/grey Holden Sedan. He hasn't attempted to make any contact with family and friends since his disappearance and his family worries about his safety and welfare. There was an unconfirmed sighting of Stanley on Fraser Island in 1962.

Stanley is a White male and was 27 at the time. He was 182 cm with a medium build. He had fair skin, blue eyes, and black hair. The tip of his right index finger had been amputated. 


Sunday, August 9, 2020

Murder of William Lewis Arwood

On August 9, 1953, 42-year-old William Arwood was inside of the bar Southside Liquors in Henderson, Kentucky. This bar was a segregated bar. A black man came from the black side of the bar to the white side. William and the unknown male had words. The unknown man called William out and he went out and was shot in the chest twice.

On Jan. 19, 1980 a subject was called the Police Department in Sacramento, California and gave details of the murder. With a further investigation, the person believed to have made the call denied knowing anything about the murder or making a phone call. 


Saturday, August 8, 2020

Murder of Oda Apple

Around 9 pm on the night of  August 8, 1953, 45-year-old Oda Apple and his 3-year-old son left their home in Cincinnati, Ohio were walking to an errand at the drug store. On the return, Oda and his son were walking hand in hand and were only a few doors down from their home when Oda was shot in the back of the head.

His son would watch Oda stumble and fall on the sidewalk. His son would run home screaming that the firecrackers got his dad. Oda's wife would find her husband lying in the grass dead. It was said that it was a relatively calm night and no one seemed to be outside to witness the death. There was one neighbor who heard the gunshot and thought it was a car backfiring. They believed that they heard footsteps fleeing that was not of a child. His son also claimed that he saw no one.

There was no evidence that Oda had any enemies and they couldn't find anyone with a sufficient motive. One article stated that Oda may have felt that something dreadful was going to happen soon, but was not specific on why he felt that way. Police at the time also believed that it's possible that Oda may have been killed accidentally by a stray bullet and his death may not have been intended by the killer.

Ohio Attorney General
The Cincinnati Enquirer August 10, 1953
The Cincinnati Enquirer May 21, 1956

Murder of James Clark Nicoll

 In 1871 James and Amelia Nicoll would come over to America from Scotland. The couple had 7 children in total 2 of which were born in Iowa w...