On Feb. 7, 1968, the body of 79-year-old Joseph Baillargeon was found 7 miles from his home in Biddeford, Maine.
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On Feb. 7, 1968, the body of 79-year-old Joseph Baillargeon was found 7 miles from his home in Biddeford, Maine.
On Feb. 25, 1967, a man took his life by jumping off of the top of the Shell Building, Belvedere Road in London, England. John Doe is an Asian male around 30-years-old. He was 165 cm and had a thin build. He was wearing a brown flecked jacket and trousers, a white shirt, maroon tie, black socks, black shoes, and a Lusina watch that was yellow metal with a stainless steel back no. 71220.
In 1866 two unknown men were buried in The Casey Ranch Cemetary in Picacho, New Mexico. The two were listed as being killed by Indians. There is little information in this case.
Find A Grave (Unknown Man 1)
Find A Grave (Unknown Man 2)
Lincoln County New Mexico Genealogy and History
Unidentified Wiki (Man 1)
Unidentified Wiki (Man 2)
In November 1930, 35-year-old Alfred Rouse met a man outside of a London, England pub. The man would tell him a down-and-out and a hard-luck story, he was looking for work and mentioned he had no family. Alfred would then bring the unknown man to a pub for drinks. He would drink lemonade as he pays for the unknown man's drinks.
Alfred for a while thought of faking his own death for a while. He was fed up with his life and was expecting children from his mistresses. He wanted to start life over again and realized that the man would not be missed and took the opportunity. He would search out for the man on the 2nd or 3rd of November and would find him. Alfred would tell the man that he was going to Leicester on Wednesday and would give the unknown man a lift there. He would make an appointment to meet the man to meet on November 5th at 8 p.m.
On the 5th he would meet the man outside of the pub. The two men would ride in Alfred's Morris Minor. On the drive, the two would talk a lot, and the man would drink the whisky Alfred gave him. When they got to Hardingstone the man would be half dozing due to the whisky. He would grip the man's throat with his right hand and pushed his head against the back of the seat. The man did not resist and just gurgled.
Around 1 a.m. on November 6th Alfred would then go and loosen the feeding pipe between the petrol tank and the carburetor. He would take the petrol can from the boot and poured it on both the victim and the vehicle before placing it back in the rear of the car and grab his attaché case Standing from a distance he would catch the vehicle on fire. The man was unconscious and burned alive.
His intention was to walk to Northampton and travel to Scottland by train to start his new life. But when he was walking away from the vehicle he would pass two young men. The men noticed the smoke and said something about it. In response, Alfred responded with "It looks like someone's having a bonfire up there." Alfred would then abandon his plan and return home as the men had seen him and he believed that no one would think it was him who was dead. He would then report the vehicle stolen.
The victim was badly burned in the vehicle. He would not be identified. Alfred would be soon arrested for the murder. He would be insistent during the trial that the car was caught on fire due to John Doe's Cigar. That John Doe had been asked to fill the petrol and he must have accidentally lit the car on fire. The Jury would find him guilty and he would be sentenced to hang.
John Doe was between 33 and 40-years-old. He was 5'6" to 5'8". The autopsy revealed that he had worked in an extremely dusty place throughout his lfe. The following descriptions are from Alfred. The man was respectfully dressed in a light-colored overcoat and had an overall appearance of a clerk. He had a slight brogue and had a sporting or boxing tattoo on his right forearm. At the time he was wearing police boots and had told Alfred that London police had given them to him. He had also carried a sports diary.
In 2012 DNA was taken from the John Doe, but this has not led to an identification yet.
On Feb. 15, 1972, 47-year-old Lorraine Hubble was strangled to death on 2920 Asland Ave. in Cincinnati, Ohio. There is little information in this case.
On Feb 14, 1982, the body of a baby girl was found in Penticton, British Columbia, Canada. She was a white female and was 0 to 1-year-old. She may have been dead between 2 weeks and 3 months.
On Feb 10, 2004, the body of an infant was found at CR Tranfer Inc. in Stanton, California. His body was found on the conveyer belt that sorted trash from recyclables. He was a newborn as his umbilical cord and placenta were still attached. He was born alive but was suffocated before being placed in the trash.
Baby Doe's race is unknown, but he may have been Hispanic and or black. He had short black and curly hair and grey eyes. A bloody towel, a plastic bag, and a newspaper were found with his body.
At 8 a.m. on Feb 9. 1994, the body of 35-year-old Frances Wheedleton was found dead in the parking lot of a Substance Abuse Clinic on East Ramseur St. in Durham, North Carolina. She had been shot twice in the abdomen.
After 5 a.m. on Feb 14, 1994, 24-year-old Kimberly Thompson was found in an apartment complex parking lot at 504 Holloway St. in Durham. She had been shot and was still alive when she was found, but unfortunately passed a short time after arriving a Duke University Hospital. Witnesses stated that a scream and a shot was heard.
There were enough similarities between the two murders for them to be possibly related, but it isn't positive that they are. The murders were less than a mile apart from each other, the same caliber weapon was used in both and both women were possibly involved in prostitution at the time.
On July 1, 2017, the body of a man was found by a canoer on the west bank of North Saskatchewan River and approximately 300m south of Dawson Bridge in Edmonton, Alberta Canada. It's believed that the man could have been dead up to a year.
He was a male between 18 and 70-years-old. He was 169 cm (5'7"). He had dark hair either dark brown or black. He was wearing dark-colored jeans with a brown belt, a black one-quarter zip fleece sweater, a dark brown or black jacket, and brown leather strap sandals with black soles. He was carrying A unique silver-colored Cosmo alarm clock.
On the morning of Feb. 1, 1986, 27-year-old Lyle Trudeau was at Cory's Port Call a tavern in Cudahy, Wisconsin. Later that morning at 11:21 a.m. his body would be found in a ditch at 3600 W. Elm Rd. in Franklin. He had been beaten and stabbed to death.
In 1871 James and Amelia Nicoll would come over to America from Scotland. The couple had 7 children in total 2 of which were born in Iowa w...