Wednesday, August 31, 2022

1980's Portal, North Dakota Doe

 Possibly in or around 1980, a skull was found in an outbuilding of a family farm in Portal, North  Dakota. The skull was handed over to the Sheridan County Sheriff's Office in 2016. 

The skull belonged to an Asian male. 



Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Hate Crimes: Metropolitan Community College Assualt

At 3:15 p.m. on April 3, 2018, at the Metropolitan Community College at the Penn Valley Campus in Kansas City, Missouri a female Muslim Student was assaulted. After a class, the female student was walking down the stairs at the Humanities Building Stairwell. An Unknown male suspect made a derogatory statement to her. When she turned to look she was struck in the face and fell down the stairs. She reported to the campus police and got medical care. The incident happened on a day that was part of an international campaign to scare and encourage violence against Muslims.

FBI has up to a $10,000 reward for information leading to a conviction in this crime.



41 KHSB May  2, 2018

Sunday, August 28, 2022

Murders of of Dequincy Antonio Smith and Dontay Williams

Dontay Williams                                 Antonion Smith

On August 28, 2007, around 8:46p.m. officers responded to an apartment on the 200 block of Southerly Rd. in Baltimore, Maryland. Inside they found two men who had been shot. 23-year-old Dequincy Smith was already dead and 21-year-old Dontay Williams was still alive. Dontay would pass away later at the hospital.

Witnesses stated that two suspects entered the apartment and shot both men before fleeing to a vehicle outside. 

The Baltimore Sun August 29, 2007

Murder of Ralph Balfoort

On August 28, 1966, 54-year-old Ralph Balfoort wrecked his vehicle at the Morningside Reservoir in Syracuse, New York which caused the vehicle to catch fire. When the fire department arrived they found his body inside with his foot still on the pedal. He however did not die from the crash, but from being shot in the head four times. 

He had fled as he was shot twice in the left cheek and twice behind the left ear. It was believed the killer trapped Ralph on the Reservoir and shot him as he fled in his car. three shots were at close range and one was not. The reservoir was searched for the gun, but it was not found.

A Teenage girl saw a man in a 1960 or 1961 black Falcon just before the murder. She stated that the car was dirty with a broken muffler. The man (composite below) was a white male around 40-years-old and was heavyset with a receding hairline. This information is from an older newspaper I don't know if the police had spoken to this man.

The Glens Falls Times August 29, 1966
Poughkeepsie Journal August 29, 1966
The Post Standard September 1, 1966
The Post Standard September 14, 1966

Saturday, August 27, 2022

August 27, 1900 Conway, Florida John Doe

 On August 27, 1900, a white man killed a black man in Conway, Florida. The Victim resided and worked at the Turpentine Camp in Conway. He remained unidentified and buried in an unmarked grave at the Potter's Field of Greenwood Cemetary in Orlando, Florida. There is little information in this case. 


Find a Grave

Unidentified Wiki

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Disappearance of Luis Ramon Espinoza Cecena

On August 25, 1989, 18-year-old Luis Ramon Espinoza Cecena was last seen in Los Mochis, Mexico. There is little information in this case.

Luis is a Hispanic male and was 18-years-old at the time. He's 5'6" (172 cm) with a thin build. He has brown hair and brown eyes.


Wednesday, August 24, 2022

August 24, 1880 Worcester, Massachusetts Jane Doe

  On August 24, 1880, a baby girl was found dead in the jail yard on Vine St. in Worcester, Massachusetts. She was about a month old and had died from exposure. 


Find a Grave

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

LOST FILMS: Spelende Kinderen

Spelende Kinderen or Playing Children is a short Dutch silent film released in 1896. The film was by M.H. Laddé, 



Lost Media Archive Wiki

Monday, August 22, 2022

The Brayman Road Attack

On the January 17, 1990 episode of the show, Unsolved Mysteries first aired the case of the Brayman Road Attack. The woman who was attacked in this case used the fictitious name Carol in order to hide her identity.

On the morning of August 22, 1988, Carol was 30 minutes late and was on the way to her job at a local mental hospital in Putnam, Connecticut. She driving along Brayman Hollow Road, a two-lane highway, she would come upon a black pickup truck that was driving slowly and then erratically. It would speed up then slow down and would cross the middle line coming within inches of hitting cars in the other lane.

The driver would then stop in the middle of the road stepping out with a gun. He would then shoot Carol at point blank, 10 feet away. He then returned to the truck and sped away. Carol was semi-conscious and partially paralyzed. Other vehicles didn't see the shooting and several cars would not notice her as she was slumped out of view. After several minutes a man driving a utility truck saw her due to his elevated view.

Police and ambulances were contacted and Carol was taken to a nearby hospital. Those on scene feared she would die and so detectives rode the ambulance with her and ask questions. She could not, however, respond verbally so they asked her yes and no questions and she blinked her eyes to respond. Police couldn't get accurate descriptions from her. She would survive and three months later her condition improved dramatically. To this day though the bullet remains lodged in the back of her neck near her spine.

When detectives worked to find her attacker several detectives and state troopers went to exit points of Brayman Hollow Rd to find who attacked her. Two drivers who had encountered the black truck hours prior to the shooting stated that the pickup was constantly pulling on and off the highway and seemed to taunt other drivers. It's suspected that this was the same driver.

It was suspected that he may have been one of the people Carol worked with. She was a social worker for mentally ill and depressed patients. There was no evidence towards this though.   

The man was a white male in his 30's. He's around 5'10 with a medium build. He has brown curly hair. His truck was described as a well-maintained black step-side pickup. It had flared fenders standard with black wall tires and shinty plain wheel covers.


Sunday, August 21, 2022

Murder of Elwyn Randy White

On August 21 2001 40-year-old Elwyn White's roommate reported him missing after some time of no one seeing him. It was unknown what had happened to him until May of 2002. A turkey hunter near the Berlin Pond Rd in Northfield, Vermont followed a strong smell which lead to a shallow grave that was disturbed by wildlife. It wasn't released on how he died. 

Elwyn was familiar with law enforcement and allegedly had a drug problem. It's unknown if this had anything to do with his murder. 

Rutland Herald May 15, 2002
Times Argus May 22, 2002

Saturday, August 20, 2022

Murder of Richard Rugman and Attempted Murder of Eliza Smith

On the night of April 1, 1887, 80-year-old Richard Rugman and his live-in maid 76-year-old Eliza Smith was at their home on Morton St. in Thornbury, England. visited by their neighbor Mrs. Brown. She left the two at 6p.m. and then another friend of theirs, French, came and visited till after 7 p.m. The two seemed to be in a good mood that night. A third visitor would come that night and create a tragedy.

Richard was sitting in his chair by the kitchen fire and Eliza was sitting nearby. A man would come to the house and lift the latch of the door to the kitchen. Eliza did not recognize the man as he demanded £5. Eliza would reply with a "My good man. we've got no money to give you. We can't afford it." The man angry at the response would then strike Richard upon the head with a large stick and then struck her. Richard would be struck at least five times over his right eye, and his arm broken from trying to protect his face. Eliza's face was badly beaten and he beat her on the left side of her body. The two lay on the floor till the next morning.

Eliza took all her strength to crawl outside the house. She would be discovered by George Trayburn, a tradesman, who came to get their order of meat. He would get help from a man named Horsman, who was working nearby, to bring Eliza into the home. They discovered the grizzly scene and Richard. The police and doctor would be called to the scene.

 It was found that the stick used was from the garden. The killer took it from a bundle of withies that was going to be used to make spikes. The murder weapon was found. It was about two feet long and the butt end that used to hit the two broke off. 

Richard's wounds were so severe that doctors worried about his survival. He would lay in and out of consciousness as people who knew him visited. He recognized his friends and family, but unfortantly he would die over a week later.

Though the unknown man had the opportunity to ransack the house he did not. There was gold and silver on a table upstairs and Eliza had a box with  £13 inside. The cottage they lived in was humble in nature and it was strange that the man thought they would have the money to give.

It was suspected at first that Eliza may have done the murder, but doctors stated she did not have the strength to do such blows. Also, her retelling of the crime right after may have been inaccurate due to her injury and worsening memory problems she had over the last few years. 

This case remains unsolved.


Unsolved Murders UK

Thornburry Roots

Citizen April 9, 1887

The Bristol Mercury and Daily Post, Western Countries and South Wales Advertiser May 4, 1887

Disappearance of Danny Keith White

On August 20, 2010, 60-year-old Danny White was last seen in Hot Springs, Arkansas.

Danny is a white male and was 60-years-old at the time. He is 6'0" to 6'2" and 185 to 195 lbs. He has brown eyes and brown hair. He was sporting a beard at the time. He has gold caps on the top four incisors.


Friday, August 19, 2022

Murder of Tammy Avery


Around 9:30 a.m. on August 19,2005 28-year-old Tammy Avery was found dead in her home on 793 Boulevard St. in Akron, Ohio. She had died from a gunshot wound to the head.  There is little information in this case. 


Thursday, August 18, 2022

Murder of Santo Joseph DiStefano

 On July 22, 1947, the body of 34-year-old Santo DiStefano was found in a sewer catch basin along Green Pond Rd. in Rockaway Township, New Jersey. Santo was last seen alive at 12 a.m. on March 22, 1947, at Ernie and Buff's Tavern on 21st st. in Patterson and likely died around that time.

Joseph had been shot around 5 times in the back of the neck killing him. He was not killed at the scene. Multiple people had to of been involved in his death or at least the disposal of his body. The grate that covered where he was could only be lifted by no less than 3 people. 

The Morning Call July 23, 1947
The Daily Journal July 24, 1947

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

Disappearance of Lynn Bernadette Luray

On either August 8 or August 17, 1964, 15-year-old Lynn Luray was last seen in Long Beach, California. She may have traveled out of the area with an adult male.

Lynn is a white female and was 15-years-old at the time. She was 4'9" to 5'0" and 85 to 100 lbs. She has brown hair and green or hazel eyes.


Tuesday, August 16, 2022

The Clarendon Dry Pile


The Clarendon Dry Pile is also known as the Oxford Electric Bell has the longest-lasting battery to date. The experimental electric bell was built by instrument makers Watkins and Hills in 1840. The electric bell have continuously rung since it was built, but it is currently inaudible due to two layers of glass protecting it. There have been short interruptions due to high humidity, but the bell still rings regardless. 

The experiment consists of two brass bells both positioned beneath a dry pile. The pair of piles connect in series giving the bells opposite electric charges. The clapper is a 4mm metal sphere suspended between the bells ringing them. When the clapper touches one bell it is then charged by the pile and repelled due to the same charge and attracted to the other bell. This process repeats and continues. The use of electrostatic forces means that even though it's a high voltage little charge is carried between the bells producing 2 Hertz being the oscillation frequency. This leads the drainage of the battery to drain slowly and may be the reason the bells still ring to this day.

The bell was purchased by clergyman and physicist Robert Walker and resides in the corridor adjacent to the foyer of the Clarendon Laboratory at the University of Oxford in England. Until the bell stops working either by the batteries not working or the clapper breaking the dry pile won't be looked at to see why it's still going. 



Atlas Obscura

Department of Physics

Monday, August 15, 2022

Disappearance of Walter Iwao Kimoto

On August 15, 2003, 71-year-old Walter Kimoto was last seen in Aurora, Colorado. He had sent a letter to his niece in Hawaii stating because of his declining health he was going for a last hike in the woods. Before he disappeared he gave his car away and closed his bank accounts. He may have gotten lost or injured when he went missing.

Walter is an Asian male and was 71-year-old at the time. He's 5'3" and 130 lbs. He has greying black hair and brown eyes. He suffers from macular degeneration, an incurable eye disease that causes loss of vision, and requires eyedrops.

Charley Project

Sunday, August 14, 2022

WANTED: John Doe 41

John Doe 41 is an individual that Law Enforcement is looking for identification and it is believed that they may have critical information about the identity of a child being sexually exploited. The video in question is believed to have been produced between 2016 to 2018. It is believed to have been primarily filmed in a bathroom. 

John Doe is an African American male likely between 18 to 20-years-old. He has a thin frame and black hair. 



Saturday, August 13, 2022

Murder of Anna Ulm

In the summer of 1933 45-year-old Anna Ulm was staying at a cottage on Lake Hopatcong in Mount Arlington, New Jersey with her sister. On the morning of August 13, 1933, Anna told her sister she was going to go pick flowers. She did not return back that night and her sister called the police and reported her missing. Searchers were sent out to find the woman. 

Anna would be found hanging from a tree by searchers. It was initially believed that she had committed suicide, but it was found to be false. Someone had beat her with a heavy stone crushing her head with it. They then hung her from the tree possibly hoping that people would think she had killed herself. 

It's unknown what the motive for the murder was. She was not sexually assaulted and her two diamond rings were untouched so robbery wasn't believed to be a motive. One theory was that someone may have targeted her because she worked for her brother-in-law who was a chiropractor. At the time there had been two bombings of Chiropractor offices in Patterson.

The Courier News August 15, 1933
Daily News August 16, 1933
The Daily Record August 19, 1933
The Patch June 4, 2016

Murder of Paul Reid Livingstone

On August 13, 2011, Police were called just after midnight to the home of 58-year-old Paul Livingstone on Montague Rd. in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. Inside the home, it was found that Paul had been shot to death. 

The Globe and Mail August 15, 2011
CTV News August 15, 2011

Friday, August 12, 2022

February 5, 1924 Jinnampo, North Korea Doe

 On February 5, 1924, the body of a mutilated toddler was found in Jinnampo, South Pyongan Province, North Korea. At the time it was under Japanese Occupation and Japanese police were in charge. A publication ban was placed so it was not widely reported. 

The infant was estimated to be around 2 years old and his death was horrific as they were done to him while still alive. His neck was severed, their limbs and genitals were removed, their skull was fractured, and their brain had been removed.

A suspect was quickly arrested, 24-year-old Lee Chang-po. He had reported to the police that he had witnessed the child's brutal murder and the details matched the scene. Lee was suffering from syphilis and was considered mentally unwell. After his arrest, he would confess but he seemed confused. He was often repeating vague statements and mumbled and mismatched words. He claimed he dug up the child from the cemetery, but that was untrue. 

He would recant his confession as it after the autopsy contradicted him. He would then claim that he did it himself and that the missing flesh, organs, and limbs would be found at his home. When Lee lead officers to the home they came across his mother and he asked her "Where did you put the knife and child's flesh you used earlier?" His mother screamed at him "This crazy person!" and refused any involvement with the child's death. Other family members also denied any involvement and the house turned up nothing. 

There was no evidence against Lee and they determined that he lied during his confession. Lee was mentally ill and this helped clear him. They believed he may have witnessed the murder as he stated and that his family was the ones who had done it. If they had it was possible that they believed like a Korean superstition at the time that eating the liver of a young person or child would cure diseases. 


Thursday, August 11, 2022

1959 Highland County, Virginia John Doe

 In 1959 or 1960 a human cranium was found in Highland County, Virginia. It was then stored in a closet at the county jail until it was found and transferred to the Office of Chief Medical Examiner. It is believed that the person died between 1958 to 1959. There is little information in this case. 

John Doe is an African American male between 21 to 45-years-old. 



Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Disappearance of Charles Wayne Jones

On May 1, 1957, 25-35-years-old Charles Jones was last seen in Chowchilla, California. There is little information in this case. 

Charles is a white male and was 25-35-years-old. He was 5'8" to 6'0" and around 150-160lbs at the time. He has brown hair.


Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Disappearance of Donnie McArthur Williams

On August 9, 1994 50-year-old Donnie Williams was last seen in Cullman County, Alabama. There is little information in this case. 

Donnie is a white male and was 50-years-old at the time. He is 5'8" and 150 lbs. He has brown hair and blue eyes.  It states that he may be in need of medical attention, but not the cause. 


Alabama Law Enforcement Agency

Charley Project

WHNT July 22, 2013

Monday, August 8, 2022

Murder of Robert Louis Alsbrook

On August 8, 1978 30-year-old Robert Alsbrook sat in his car in the parking lot of the former Cabarrus Count Fairgrounds on Cabarrus Ave West, Concord, North Carolina. While sitting in his car he was shot, and then he would run from his vehicle to a tent revival located across from the fairgrounds on Union Cemetary Rd. This was when he was shot a second time. This would lead to his death. 


Murder of Jose M. "Tatu" Gonzalez

Near 3 a.m. on August 8, 2014,  45-year-old Jose "Tatu" Gonzalez's vehicle, a pear white Ford Explorer pick-up, was found crashed on the I-91 North on-ramp in the North End of Springfield, Massachusetts. He had been shot and killed about 20 minutes before. 

A video containing a 2001-2007 Nissan Pathfinder was released. Police are looking for the occupants of the vehicle for information they may have on the crime. 


Hampden District Attorney 

Mass Live October 8, 2018

WWLP October 8, 2019

Sunday, August 7, 2022

Murder of U.T. Marshall

On August 7, 1965, the body of U.T. Marshall was found buried under clothing at a dump on Richmond Highway and Fort Hunt Rd in Alexandria, Virginia. He had died from blunt force trauma. Where he was found was where he was employed. 


Saturday, August 6, 2022

Lost Media: Stealing a Roast Duck (1909)

Stealing a Roast Duck is a 1909 silent film. It was directed by Lian Shao-Bo and is considered the first film from Hong Kong. There are also signs that the film was shown in 1917 in L.A. making it one of the earliest Chinese films with foreign releases. There is no copy of this film and is considered a lost film due to the Japanese destroying film to make bombs with nitrate.


The film is about a duck thief.

  • Lai Pak-hoi
  • Liang Shao-Bo - duck thief
  • Wong Chun-man

Friday, August 5, 2022

August 1845 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Jane Doe

 In August of 1845, a woman would die in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. There is little information in this case.

She was of African descent and was around 54-years-old.


LOST MEDIA: Charmed, I'm Sure (1909)

Charmed, I'm Sure is a 1909 silent comedy film that was doomed from the beginning. The director, Charles K. French, had to hire a quick unknown cast because of the original cast walked out on the first day due to a dispute over salaries. The ones hired were the technical crew that never acted in other films. Then two days before completing a fire destroyed the film negatives and so the film was abandoned. The film's considered lost and the only thing that remains is the partial script that turned up at a LA auction house.


Daniel falls in love at first sight with Jane, a bank teller. During a bank robbery, Daniel takes Jane Hostage and comedic antics ensue as the robber tries to win her heart, and escape the building surrounded by police.


Thursday, August 4, 2022

Disappearance of Earl "Jay" Anthony Joggerst

On August 4, 1972, 15-year-old Earl "Jay" Joggerst ran away from his home in Arnold, Missouri. He left with a fellow classmate and a 30-year-old man in a red convertible. His classmate was later found in California alive, but Earl has not been found. 

Earl is a white male and was 15-years-old at the time. He has brown wavy shoulder-length hair and blue eyes. He's around 5'7" and 140 lbs. He has a hypo pigmented triangle (arrowhead-shaped) in the middle of his chest.



National Missing and Exploited Children

Doe Network

Charley Project

International Missing Persons Wiki

Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Murder of Linda Lee Jackson

At 7:30 p.m. on August 3, 2009, neighbors called police to 54-year-old Linda Jackson's home at 218 Pamlico Rd near Oriental, North Carolina. When someone checked in on her she was found dead in her bedroom. It was found that she had been beaten about her head and that was what killed her and her body was set on fire. The fire only affected her bedroom and did not spread. 

At the time Linda had been living alone since her companion died several years before. 


North Carolina State Bureau of Investigation

WCTI 12 August 2, 2010


Tuesday, August 2, 2022

MONSTERS: Hone- Onna

From the Konjaku Gazu Zoku Hyakki by Sekien Toriyama

Hone-onna (bone woman) is a yokai in Japanese lore and as the name implies she is in a form of bones. She's a woman who has died but has an undying love that brings her back to life. She is seen as beautiful as she was alive, but some will see her as a rotting corpse. Those people are either not blinded by love or strong religious faith.

This undying love allows her to be with whoever she was in love with alive. She seemingly seems normal to them and herself unknown to both that she's a rotting body. The man would more than likely know that she is in fact dead, but is blinded by love when seeing her. 

She would visit them at night and they would have a sexual relationship. This could last up to weeks and unbeknownst to their lover, she is sucking the life force from him. He will eventually die and the two will be together in death.

If she is seen in her rotting form the person and informs the man what was happening. Her lover may be thrown off though and use magic charms on the home to keep her away. This only works if he truly wants that though. She may continue to visit at night as she is still unknown to her own condition. 

Within the collection of writings called "Otogi Bōko" (1666) by Asai Ryōi (this collection is the moral-free version of "Jiandeng Xinhua" (1378) by Qu You) the story "Botan Dōrō" or the Peony Lantern is about a Hone-onna. A man named Ogiwara Shinnojo would meet Yako, a beautiful woman, and they would have a sexual relationship every night. An elderly neighbor would witness the two, but instead of seeing Yako, they would see Shinnojo embracing a skeleton.

One story of Hone-onna is explained in the text "Konjaku Gazu Zoku Hyakki" by Toriyama Sekien (may be referenced to the previous story) in the story Otogi Bōko. Hone-onna is an aged female skeleton who would carry a chōchin lantern that was decorated with Botan flowers. She would then visit the home of a man she loved when alive and have a sexual relationship with him.

In "Tōhoku Kaidan no Tabi" by Norio Yamada there is an odd tale of Hone-onna in the Aomori Prefecture. It's said that an ugly woman in the Ansei period became a good-looking skeleton after death. She is said to walk around town as a skeleton to show off, likes fish bones, and would collapse upon encountering a high priest.




Myths and Folklore Wiki

Yokai Wiki

Monday, August 1, 2022

August of 1922 Santicoy, California John Doe

 In August of 1922 several small boys playing near the S.P. tracks and Edwards Ranch four miles east of Santicoy, California. The boy noted a strong odor and found a body. They would then tell S.S. Beaman who inturn informed the Sheriff. 

It was determined that the body belonged to a man and he had recently committed suicide with a .32 caliber. There was a pile of ashes near the body presuming that the man may have burned anything that would identify him. His glasses also had a name that was scratched off. He was found parlty undressed and wrapped himself up in some blankets. It was as if he had gone to sleep for the night only to kill himself.  He was recognizable, but his features were swollen

He was a male around 30-years-old. He had fairly good clothes, blanket, $9 in change, and a watch.


Unidentified Wiki

Find a Grave

Murder of James Clark Nicoll

 In 1871 James and Amelia Nicoll would come over to America from Scotland. The couple had 7 children in total 2 of which were born in Iowa w...