Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Murder of Trina'ty Riley and Kayden Johnson

On April 30, 2019, 18-year-old Trina'ty Riley and her 2-year-old son Kayden Johnson were at their home on the 5900 block of Ferris Avenue in St. Louis, Missouri. Just before midnight the sounds of gunshots would be heard from the home. Soon after a car could be heard by neighbors speeding away. 

Police would be called and the bodies of Trina'ty and Kayden would be found inside. The two were found in a closet likely hiding from their killer. When the killer found them they shot and killed the mother and son. 

5 On Your Side May 1, 2019
Fox2Now August 6, 2020

Monday, April 29, 2024

April 29, 1974 Tuscon, Arizona, I.C.E. John Doe

Around 11:30 am on April 29, 1974 a 14-year-old girl and a friend witnessed a man walking from 11th Ave onto the train tracks in Tuscon, Arizona. He would squat down on the tracks while a train was approaching killing him. 

John Doe was a white male between 20 to 45 years old. He was described in news articles as looking to be in his early 20s. He was around 5'11". He had shoulder-length brown hair and green eyes. He was wearing shoes without socks. He had a Wallet with I.C.E. initials. He also had a toothbrush on him. 

Tuscon Daily Citizen April 30, 1974

Sunday, April 28, 2024

Ghosts: Gelin

The Gelin (meaning Bride in Turkish) is a female demon or ghost in Turkish and Anatolian Greek folklore. More than likely hear stories in Heybeliada from Prince Islands about them. She is often seen as a beautiful young woman wearing a white wedding dress. Many of them become Gelin due to tragedy. Like being betrayed by a husband or fiance or being unmarried and pregnant. They usually die brutally typically by suicide.

These women are typically a harbinger of death similar to a banshee. She can sometimes haunt a family line or sometimes she rides a white horse in a graveyard. In the graveyard, she attracts men and kills them if they make contact.


Saturday, April 27, 2024

April 27, 1958 Long Beach, California Baby Girl Doe

On April 27, 1958, a newborn girl was found washed ashore in the Alamitos Bay in Long Beach, California.

Jane Doe was 1'3" to 1'6" and 7 lbs. She was wrapped in a woman's long housecoat size 38-40, it was in a duster-style and lightweight. The housecoat was faded with red piping on the collar. It opens from the neckline to the waist and is fastened with two buttons. The brand was Charmode which was sold at Sears Roebuck & Co.


Friday, April 26, 2024

Disappearance of Albert Marinus Snijder

On April 26, 1995, 37-year-old Albert Snijder was last seen in Gouda, The Netherlands. He did take some personal items including his passport. He may have or may be in Belgium or France. 

Albert is a white male and was 37 years old at the time. He is 170 cm (5'5"). He has blonde hair and brown eyes. 


Thursday, April 25, 2024

Lost Media: Fake Doomsday PSA


Isn't an image from PSA and was created in Canva

"Fake Doomsday" or "Hoax Doomsday" are names given to a lost PSA ad shown only on IBC-13 during Top 10 Movie Trailers of the Week in the early 1990s in the Philipines. The PSA was about the biblical end-times prophecy, particularly that of the number of the beast. It was a strange and scary PSA and it was unknown who had created it or why they had. It's possible that it was a fundamentalist Christian group that had done it.
The ad would start with the word RAPTURE with a date on the bottom of the screen with the picture of Jesus Christ resurrecting in the background. Throughout the PSA ominous background music and a voice-over with "This is a paid advertisement" on the bottom of the screen. A series of slide show images would follow the title screen. The images were disturbing pictures from the Holocaust with witnesses describing the people in the pictures as being like those from concentration camps. The people were described as sickly, bald, pale, and skinny. Some images featured people being dragged by their necks. The number "666" is featured with a black font and an off-white background and what follows are photos of people with the number 666 on their forehead in the middle to end part of the PSA. The PSA said to end with a picture of Jesus Christ floating resurrecting in Galilee.


Wednesday, April 24, 2024

April 24, 1924 Roker Beach, England Baby John Doe

 On April 24, 1924, the body of a newborn baby boy was found on Roker Beach near Sunderland, England. The infant was burned, had a fractured elbow and a scalp wound. It's believed that right after birth the infant was placed in a fire and burned to death.

Unsolved Murders UK

April 24, 1924 Valdosta, Georgia Jane Doe

 On April 24, 1924, a woman died from heart disease and kidney problems in Valdosta, Georgia. She had been in the city for around 20 days and was doing housework for a living.  She was buried in the Lowndes County Poor Farm Cemetery in Mineola.

On the death certificate, there is a name on there. The only thing I can make out is last name was Howell but next to that it is noted as Don't Know. So it may be the name she was using, but it's unknown if it was actually her name. She was a widow but don't know is also listed beside it.

Jane Doe is a black female and was around 50-years-old at the time. 


Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Dissapearance of Javier Lopéz Lujano

In 1986 43-year-old Javier Lopéz Lujano was last seen in Estado de Michoacan, Mexico. There is little information in this case.

Javier is a Hispanic male and was 43 years old at the time. He is 150 cm (4'9") and has a solid build. He has brown hair and brown eyes. 


Monday, April 22, 2024

November 29, 1985 Conroe, Texas

On November 29, 1985, a man fishing in Rish Creek in Conroe Texas would snare a skull with his fishing pole. It is suspected that the skull was a war trophy from WWII as there were faint scribblings on WWII, the Japanese, and the date April 22, 1942.

Doe Network
Unidentified Wiki

Hidden Photo of Woman in Shrek


Shrek is a beloved kids movie released on April 22, 2001. Some Redditors had noticed a strange thing in the window. It seemed to be a photo of a woman. It seems to be of a blonde woman with sunglasses on her head. It was something on the original DVD and not

It's unknown who the woman is. It may be someone who worked on this or a loved one of someone who worked on it. It could also be some random photo they threw in there. It's unknown.

Reddit post by jmoral4
Reddit post by 12piotex
Reddit post by Thethicclegend

Sunday, April 21, 2024

April 21, 1911 Northbridge, Massachusetts

On April 21, 1911, a man died in a car accident in Northbridge, Massachusetts. It is assumed he committed suicide. It stated that he was killed by cars meaning he was likely not driving. There is little information in this case. 


April 21, 1941 Phoenix, Arizona John Doe

On April 21, 1941, the body of a man was found in the Salt Lake River in the rural part of Phoenix, Arizona. It was believed that he had died between April 5th to April 15th, but his cause of death was unknown. It also stated he had been in the state for 12 years, but it's unknown how they knew or came to that conclusion. 

He was a white male around 65-years-old. 


Saturday, April 20, 2024

Murder of William Bamford

 On April 20, 1912, 26-year-old William Bamford was in Manchester, England. Around 11:30 pm he returned to his home in Hare Place, Rochdale in a taxi bleeding from his face. He at first wouldn't admit what had happened, but would later admit he had been attacked in Manchester.

 He was sent to the Rochdale Infirmary for his injuries, but released. However, due to his injuries, he was admitted to the Dearnley Workhouse Infirmary on September 27, 1913. He would never leave and on February 4, 1914, he would pass.

During his post-mortem, it was found that there was evidence of an operation on him. That there were holes in the vault where his brain mass was protruding. In larger pieces of the brain, there was an abscess. The abcess would cause weakening by discharge which resulted in William's death. 


Friday, April 19, 2024

April 19, 1877 Floyd County, Indiana Unknown Man

 On April 19, 1877 an unknown man was found in the river opposite of the Meeken Farm in Floyd County, Indiana. It was believed that he had died accidently drowning. He had nothing on himself that could identify him. He would be buried on April 20th in Fairview Cemetery in New Albany. 

The man was believed to be around 25-years-old.


Thursday, April 18, 2024

Disappearance of Sparky Wilson

On April 18,1990, 13-year-old Sparky Wilson was last seen in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. There is little information in this case. 

Sparky is a black female and was 13 years old at the time. She was 4'11" and 104 lbs at the time. She has black hair and brown eyes. 


Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Murder of Donovan Bailey

Around 11:38 on April 17, 2013, 29-year-old Donovan Bailey was dropping off friends at the rear of East 13th St in Reserve, Louisiana. The van would be fired upon hitting him in the chest and killing him. 

In 2014 someone was arrested for the murder, but they weren't charged. 

WWL TV May 9, 2023

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Murder of Carlos Lamar Battle

Around 6:48 am on April 16, 2017, the body of 35-year-old Carlos Battle was found in the stairwell off the lobby of a motel, Alaska Motor Inn, in downtown Fairbanks. His cause of death was unreleased, but it was murder. 

City of Fairbanks
News Center Fairbanks April 16, 2017
News Center Fairbanks April 20, 2018

Monday, April 15, 2024

WANTED: Efran Cornejo Yanez

On April 15, 2006, 40-year-old Efran Cornejo Yanez allegedly shot three men with a handgun at Giddens Mobile Home Park in Enigma, Georgia. One of the men shot would die. The next day he was charged with murder in Berrin County and a state arrest warrant was issued. on December 12, 2006, a federal arrest warrant was issued by the United States District Court, Middle District of Georgia, Valdosta Division, Albany, Georgia. This was after he was charged with unlawful flight to avoid prosecution. He has ties to Mexico, Texas, and Florida. 

Efran was born in Mexico and is white hispanic. He may use the names Lazaro Benitez, Santiago Yanez Corne Jo, Efram Cornejo, Santiago Cornejo, Santiago Yanez Cornejo, Pedro Peralta, Efrin Yamez, Efren Yanez-Cornejo, Efren Yanez, Efrian Yanez, Efron Cornejo Yanez, Efroncornejo Yanez, Santiago Yanez, Efren Yanezcornejo. He may use the birthdays February 25, 1966, March 25, 1966, May 23, 1966, June 9, 1968. He is 5'6" and 150 lbs. He has black hair and brown eyes. 


April 15, 1986 North Bergen, New Jersey Doe

On April 15, 1986, the skeletal remains were found on Bulls Ferry Road in North Bergen, New Jersey. 

 Doe was a black male and was between 18 to 40 years old. Both NamUs and New Jersey State Police have contradicting genders for this Doe. 


Sunday, April 14, 2024

Lucky 7 Pirated TV station

Made in Bing Creator

On April 14, 1978, The Lucky Seven Channel first broadcasted in Syracuse, New York. It's believed that it was the first pirated TV station in the United States. It would broadcast on the unused channel 7 for only 3 nights. It was said to have been well-done and even a logo for the station was good. It was a dice rolled to a seven and a jingle was also recorded with an all-female chorus. 

 It played in various films and TV shows. Some examples were Rocky, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Star Trek, Twilight Zone, and the porno Deep Throat. Between the films, a man would wear a gas mask with a noose around his neck would editorialize. Production is said to have been surprisingly well done, with even a logo for the station being a die that rolled to a seven. A jingle was also recorded, featuring what sounded like an all-female chorus.

It's unknown who did this, but it was suspected that it was some students at Syracuse University. It seemed that the signal was strongest in the surrounding neighborhood. This pirated channel was reported in the news at the time. However, there are no known recordings of this at this time. 

The Ithaca Journal April 18, 1978
Ocala-Star Journal April 20, 1978

Saturday, April 13, 2024

April 13, 1989 New York, New York John Doe

On April 13, 1989, the Synagogue on 12 Eldridge St in New York City, New York was undergoing renovations. A worker was shoveling a pile of coal ash in the basement when a skull would be found. Police were called and the rest of the skeletal remains of a teenage boy were found. It's believed that the remains may have been there for a long time. There was a bottle from the 1930s was found in the same area. It's not clear how it may be forensically significant to this case. Also, the building did not have a coal burner for the last 50 years. So it's believed the young man had died between 1930 to 1960. 

John Doe was a black male between 14 to 17 years old. He was around 5'2".

Daily News April 15, 1989

Hate Crime: April 13, 2023 Louis, Missouri Hate Crime on Transgender Person

Around 3:30 p.m. on April 13, 2023, an unknown man would get on the MetroBus at Chippewa Street and Grand Boulevard in the northern edge of the Dutchtown neighborhood in St. Louis, Missouri. He would take a seat in the back of the bus. There were already a few people on the bus including a transgender person (gender unstated). This person was sitting closest to him and he spoke to them. Minutes later the man would get up from his seat and start attacking the victim. He would kick and punch the victim almost two dozen times and then pointed a gun at the victim.

It's believed that this was a hate crime against a transgender person. 

The suspect is a black male with an average build. He has facial hair a long scar on his right forearm. He was wearing a neon yellow t-shirt with a dark-colored emblem on his left chest pocket (possibly a Wrangler shirt), khaki pants, dark sunglasses, a black beanie with a dark emblem on the left side, blue boxers, and black shoes with white soles. He was carrying a dark-colored cross-body bag with frayed edges. 


Friday, April 12, 2024

Disappearance of Harold Wayne Mercer

On April 12, 2021, 50-year-old Harold Mercer was last seen in Columbus, Ohio. There is little information in this case. 

Harold is a white male and was 50 years old at the time. He's 5'5" and 140 lbs. He has greying or grey hair and blue eyes. 

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Murders of Thomas Smith and Squire Knyston


Photo of Thomas Smith

On April 4, 1905, 15-year-old Thomas Smith would leave his home on Wood Street in Chorlton-on-Medlock in Manchester, England. His mother would think that he was looking for work. However, the timid boy would not return home that night. It was assumed that maybe he had gone to visit either his sister in Dunkinfield or the one in Denton. 

The next day two boys he knew came to the house and asked if Thomas was going to work. Not knowing where Thomas was and not wanting him to lose his job she sent a note to his employers that he wasn't feeling well. However, she was worried sick about him. She would make inquiries to see if he was at either sisters, but he wasn't.

At 3pm on April 11, 1905, a rag-and-bone men would go to an uninhabited house on Hoyle Street off Fairfield Street in Ancoats. While gathering items he looked in the cellar window a body would be found lying on his back under a slab. He would tell another rag-and-bone man his discovery and the two would go to the police. 

The police would break into the home and go down to the cellar. It was obvious that the boy was murdered brutally. There was a bloody brick on his neck. A newspaper comic of "Funny Cuts" from April 8th was found stuffed in his mouth as a gag and his red handkerchief with 7 black stripes was tied over it. He was partially dressed and what clothes he had were torn and disarrayed. His pants were pulled down in the back and cut in the front. 

 His face was so beaten that he was unrecognizable. His body was also covered in bruises. He had fought back with his attacker that the nail from his middle left finger was torn off. His arms were covered in scratches he wasn't just beaten, but also stomped as a boot print was on his stomach. His genitals were also mutilated while he was alive. 

It could not be said if he was sexually assaulted, but it was suspected that he was. 

Even though the brick was bloody and found at the scene the coroner believed that a knob-like object was used to beat him. 

It was thought that he had been dead for a couple of days even though he had been missing for a week. It's not stated if they think he was held prisoner, but they know that the crime didn't happen in the cellar he was found in. The only access was a window as the doors to the cellar were locked. 

He had not been reported missing, but when the description was put in the paper his mother knew it was him. His mother and older brother, Issac, would go to identify him. They could not identify him from his face due to the brutality on it. Instead, they identified him by his clothes. At the time he was dressed in a black Vicuna jacket, black vest, dark grey trousers with black stripe, blue and red striped cotton shirt, two odd black stockings, and clasped clogs. He also had in his possession a second-class ticket for the swimming bath, Mayfield Baths, number 7,837.

In 1906, 15-year-old Squire Kynston lived with his mother at Whitsuntide at 7 Back Grey Street in Manchester, England. In August he and his mother would get into an argument after he had stayed out all night. She saw him the day after he stayed out on Butler St. She would say "You naughty boy, go right home and stay in the house" while slapping him on the side of the head. She would never see him again after this argument. 

Someone had told her later he was with his cousin. She would assume that Squire was staying with her sister and assumed he was safe. She did not check up on him however since she and her sister did not have a good relationship. It wasn't stated if he was staying with his aunt or just assumed he was. 

On Chapel St behind London Road Station, there was an unoccupied house set to be demolished. On November 20th A workman would enter the house. He stated when he entered the ground floor rooms of the home there was a stench in the air. He would find out that the stench was coming from the cellar. He would go down the stairs nearly tripping over something. It was Squire's body. The worker would quickly go and get the police. 

One of his shoulders was under a slab of flag and his head was partially under a slope stone. Squire was not wearing any clothes when he was found, but a thin strap was found wrapped around his neck. It's believed it was wrapped tightly around his neck. It was unknown what his cause of death was as he was too decomposed and rats had been eating him. However, it was believed he may have been sexually assaulted as his pants were not on him. He was not beaten on his head like Thomas.

Though both boys had died in different ways, the way they were found in similar ways and places. 

Manchester Evening News April 12, 1905
Leicester Mercury April 12, 1905

Agnaiyaaq or Little Girl

In 1994 Coastal Erosion exposed the body of a little girl at Ukkuqsi in the old whaling village of Utqiagvik in Alaska. The little girl was between 5 to 8 years old and lived and died between 800 and 1200. She was a member of the Thule people. Her name was lost, but she is known now as Agnaiyaaq or Little Girl. 

The little girl was loved in life. She was chronically sick in her short life. It was found that she had lung damage due to emphysema, and a rare congenital disorder, alpha-1-antitrypsin deficiency. Though she was chronically sick her body and burial showed signs that she was well-loved. 

She had evidence in her lungs that she spent much of her life by fire and being cared for and chewing on leather trying to soften them. A little girl helping her family. She however only had clay, leather, and fur in her stomach. It's not believed that she was intentionally starved, but that she and her clan were starving at the time of her death.

With a mixture of her illness and starvation, the girl would pass away. She would be laid to rest carefully. She was buried with a small toboggan made of whale bone likely used to help move her about and wrapped in her fur parka. She was then buried in a cold cellar. 

After her scientific look at her body, she was then laid to rest by the Inuit people in Barrow, Alaska. 

Seattle Times October 1995

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Murder of Joyce Neill

At about 2:30 or 3 p.m On April 10, 1969, 17-year-old Joyce Neill was dropped off at City Park, Colorado near the lake. It would not be for 3 days till anyone knew what had happened to Joyce. 

On April 13th a family picnicking 3 miles up from the Golden Gate Park Road from the turnoff to Crawford Gulch. They would find her body down an embankment from the road. She had been stabbed in the chest with a sharp object likely a long knife. 

Joyce had moved to Denver from Arizona. She was working as a nurse's aide at Mercy Hospital and was living in a home with several roommates in Denver. It was stated that she was associating with motorcycle gangs that were possibly the Husky Hustlers or Iron Horseman.


Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Disappearance of James Lee Meyers

On April 9, 2002, 87-year-old James Meyers was last seen in a local restaurant in Seatle, Washington. He and his vehicle, a red 2001 Chrysler 300 sedan. At the time Meyers was in poor health and having memory problems that was possibly dementia. He was a poor driver and with at least one side mirror broken. 

James is a white male and was 87 years old at the time. He's 5'7" to 5'10" and 140 to 150 lbs. He has grey or greying hair and hazel eyes. He has very narrow feet.


Monday, April 8, 2024

April 8, 2021 Vega Baja, Puerto Rico John Doe

On April 8, 2021, the body of a man was found among trash in Vega Baja, Puerto Rico. There is little information in this case.

John Doe was an adult male. He was around 187 lbs, NamUs has his height listed as 70ft so the height isn't correct on the page. He had brown hair. He has several tattoos Williani Rip and Angel drawing on his back, Wanda on his right arm, and Ivaniel on his right leg. He was wearing red, black, and white sneakers, and red and blue shorts.


Sunday, April 7, 2024

Murder of Janaija Johnson

Around 4:50 am on April 7, 2020, 16-year-old Janaija Johnson was shot in her car near 6th St and Van Buren St in the Quaker Hill neighborhood in Wilmington, Delaware. She was found alive, but would soon pass at the hospital.

Delaware Online April 7, 2020
CBS News April 7, 2020

Saturday, April 6, 2024

April 6, 1924, Sheldon, England Baby Jane Doe

On April 6, 1924, the body of a newborn baby girl was found in a pond at Garretts Green in Sheldon, England.


Friday, April 5, 2024

Disappearance of Maxine Gray

On April 5, 1992, 30-year-old Maxine Gray was last seen driving her black 1965 Chevrolet Malibu with a Texas license plate in Mount Pleasant, Texas.

Maxine is a black female and was 30 years old at the time. She is 6'4" to 6'5" and 150 lbs. She has red hair and brown eyes. She has a bite mark on her cheek and a lighter patch of skin on her face. She was wearing a fancy watch and fancy rings. 


Disappearance of Everett William Loveitt

 On the morning of April 5, 1974, 78-year-old Everett Loveitt was seen on a ferry heading to Cliff Island in Portland, Maine. At 6:30 am he would be seen entering the boathouse, but when the boat docked 5 minutes later he was not on board. A witness stated that they saw someone fall off the boat about 200 to 300 yards before getting to shore. 

Everett is a white male and was 78 years old at the time. He was 5'9" to 5'10" and 160 to 165 lbs. He has white hair and blue eyes. He had bloodshot eyes with red bags under them due to a recent gasoline accident. He was wearing Khaki trousers, an olive green trench coat, and rubber fisherman boots that were turned down.


Thursday, April 4, 2024

Murder of Diana Jones

On April 4, 1978, Diana Jones was found dead in her home at 231 E. Tecumseh St in Tulsa, Oklahoma. She was shot to death. There is little information in this case.


Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Disappearance of Sieu Vei Trang

On April 3, 1982, 13-year-old Sieu Vei Trang was last seen in Seattle, Washington. There is little information in this case. 

Sieu is an Asian female and was 13 years old at the time. At the time she was 4'9" and 95 lbs. She as black hair and brown eyes. 


Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Lost Media: VeggieTales Musical E-card

In late 2001 BigIdea released an online-exclusive VeggieTales musical e-card. It was in promotion of their latest VeggieTales release, The Ultimate Silly Song Countdown, It was based on the segment Silly Songs with Larry and featured The Pirates Who Don't Do Anything. 

At the time there were only two ways of acquiring the digital card. The card could be acquired by being signed up to become an official BigIdea online fan and said fan sending that card to friends and family. It is now impossible to get the card as the website doesn't feature it anymore. BigIdea.com is now Veggietales.com. 


Monday, April 1, 2024

April 1, 1925 Milwaukee, Wisconsin John Doe

 On April 1, 1925, the body of a man was found in the Milwaukee, River in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. It's believed he accidentally drowned. 

John Doe was a white male around 40 years old. 


Disappearance of Darrel B. Nichols

On April 1, 1973, 19-year-old Darrel Nichols was last seen in Park City, Utah. He may have gone into the hills with some unknown friends that day.

Darrel is a white male and was 19 years old at the time. He's 5'9" and 160 to 165 lbs. He has brown hair and brown eyes. He was wearing horned-rimmed glasses. 


Murder of James Clark Nicoll

 In 1871 James and Amelia Nicoll would come over to America from Scotland. The couple had 7 children in total 2 of which were born in Iowa w...