Sunday, June 30, 2024

June 30, 1984 Katy, Texas John Doe

 On June 30, 1984, a man was struck by a train in Katy, Texas. He was unrecognizable due to traumatic injuries from the train. 

John Doe was a white male between 25 to 35 years old. He was 5'5" and 125 to 130 lbs. He has brown hair. He was wearing a pair of white boxer shorts, a white western shirt, and Wrangler blue jeans.


Saturday, June 29, 2024

WANTED:Jerold Chester Dunning

Jerold C. Dunning is wanted for his alleged involvement between 1996 to 1998 in St. Petersburg, Florida for lewd activities with a child under 16. On October 14, 1998, he was arrested but was then released on bond. His trial was set for June 29, 1999, but he did not appear in court. It is assumed that he fled.

On June 29, 1999, Jerold was charged with lewd and lascivious behavior upon a child, and a state warrant was issued for his arrest by the Circuit Court, Pinellas County, Florida. A federal arrest warrant was subsequently issued for Dunning by the United States District Court, Middle District of Florida after he was charged federally with unlawful flight to avoid prosecution.

Jerold is a white male born December 7, 1959 in Michigan. He is 5'7" and 170 lbs. He has brown hair and brown eyes. He has a scar above his left eye. Jerold would use the names Jerold Chester Dunning, Chester Dunning, Jerry Dunning, C. J. Dunning, J. R. Dunning, Junior Dunning, Jerold Chester Dunning, Jr.

He is known to have experience working with fiberglass used for building boats. He enjoys outdoor activities such as, four wheeling, camping, fishing, and skiing, and water skiing. He also owns several guns for recreational purposes. He reportedly has never been violent. He has ties to Florida and Tennessee and may have fled from the United States to Brazil.


Friday, June 28, 2024

Disappearance of Valina Magee

At 9:00 a.m. on June 28/29, 1989,13-year-old Valina Magee was last seen on her way to school in Chicago, Illinois. There is little information in this case. 

Valina is a black female and was 13-years-old at the time. At the time she 5'3" and 120 lbs. She has brown curly hair and brown eyes. She was wearing a white turtleneck sweater and black checkered shorts. 


Murder of Karin Santos-Coy

In March of 1980, 19-year-old Karin Santos-Coy started taking classes in automotive training at the Sierra Nevada Job Corps to expand on her high school Kann Santos-Coy education. She was described as a nice family family-oriented girl. She was someone who never gave any trouble.

On June 28th She and two other cooped-up classmates decided to enjoy the night at the Reno Rodeo Carnival. Her friends would leave for a bit while she was watching performances at the exhibition. She was last seen with two bare-footed men.

When the two would return just before midnight so they could all go back to Stead Karin was not there. They thought that she might have hitched a ride with someone else, but she never arrived. She would be reported missing and everyone who knew her was concerned because this was out of pocket for her. 

On July 10th three youths would find Karin's body along Red Rock rd north of Reno. She was left on along the dirt road nude. All her items except for her gold chain with a medal of the Virgin Mary made of Mexican Gold seemed to have also been left at the scene. She was killed by a single gunshot wound to the chest. Even though it couldn't be confirmed it's believed she was sexually assaulted. 

One man was described as being a white male between 20 to 21 years old. He is around 5'10" and 130 lbs. He has blonde curly hair and at the time it was medium length. He was barefoot with casual clothes.

The second man was white and between 28 to 30 years old. He is around 5'10" and 180 lbs. He has short brown hair. He was dressed in a T-shirt and pants without shoes.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Murder of Maggie May Keys

 On June 27, 1972, the body of 51-year-old Maggie Keys was found in an alley in east Dayton, Ohio. She had been beaten and stabbed. One of the stabs in her leg had caused her to bleed to death. Robbery and sexual assault seem to not have been motives. 

Ohio Attorney General
Daytona Daily News June 28, 1972
Daytona Daily News June 29, 1972

June 27, 2016 Chesterfield, New Hampshire tooth

On June 27, 2016, a woman was dog-sitting her son's dog in Chesterfield, New Hampshire. The dog would come back to the home with a stick. Soon after a loose tooth was found on the floor and it was believed that the tooth was stuck inside the stick and fell out when the dog dropped it in the home. It was determined that the tooth was human and it was suspicious it was in the stick.


Wednesday, June 26, 2024

1924 Oneida Township, Pennsylvania John Doe

In 1924 skeletal remains believed to belong to a man were found in a wooded area in Oneida Township, Pennsylvania. Dates aren't listed and there is little information in this case. 


Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Disappearance of Margie Ada Sne

19-year-old Margie Snead was last heard from in 1974 when she sent her parents a postcard. The card was post-marked Hot Springs, Arkansas. There is little information in this case. 

Margie is a white female and was 19 years old at the time. She is 5'5" and 150 lbs. 


Monday, June 24, 2024

Murder of Paul Joseph Olsen

On June 24, 1973, 20-year-old Paul Olsen was found wrapped in blankets, (a news article described them as sleeping bags) lying in a stream near Route 113 in Madison, New Hampshire. He had tape covering his mouth. His cause of death was asphyxia from obstruction of the mouth and nose.

The Portsmouth Herald June 27, 1973

Sunday, June 23, 2024

June 23, 1980 Boca Raton, Florida Jane Doe


On June 23, 1980, the body of a woman was found floating in the Hillsborough Canal, west of Boca Raton, Florida. It was obvious she had been murdered as she was nude and had been weighed down with body-building weights. Her left arm and breast had been removed, and she was stabbed numerous times in the chest. She also was beaten multiple times in the face with a blunt object. This caused most of her teeth to be destroyed. She was likely she was murdered around 10 days before. 

Jane Doe was a White/Hispanic female. She was between 19 and 25 years old. She was 5'0" to 5'3" and 120 lbs. She had 4 to 5 inches long black hair and brown eyes. He had an overbite, light periodontal disease, several crowns, and a root canal and may have been pregnant at one point. Her nails were long and painted silver. 
The Miami Herald June 26, 1980
Palm Beach Post July 2, 1980
Palm Beach Post June 20, 2022

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Murder of Daniel Gene Lutz

On June 22, 1976, 28-year-old Daniel Lutz would be working at his store, Lutz Sporting Goods and Grocery Store, on State Road 44, approximately 4.5 miles west of Liberty, Indiana. At 12:50 a woman would go into the store to buy cigarettes and would find Daniel lying behind the counter bleeding. She would go to the restaurant next door for help. Daniel was still alive but would die shortly after arriving at the hospital.

It was apparent that he had been shot shortly before he was found. The register was opened and all of the paper cash was taken. The person only got away with $30 to $50. 

Daniel had bought and opened the store just the week before he was killed. It's unknown why someone would target a store that had just opened. 

The Reporter-Times June 23, 1976
Palladium-Item June 24, 1976
Palladium-Item August 5, 1976

June 22, 1979 Orleans Parish, Louisiana John Doe

On June 22, 1979, the body of a boy was found in a body of water in Orleans Parish, Louisiana. It's believed that he had drowned between 1978 to 1979.

John Doe is a black male and was between 8 to 10 years old. 


Thursday, June 20, 2024

Disappearance of Dustin Phillip Eubanks

On June 20, 2022, 39-year-old Dustin Eubanks was last seen when he was dropped off by an acquaintance on Freys Drive in Spartanburg, South Carolina. He would be reported missing on July 7th.

Dustin is a white male and was 39 years old at the time. He's 5'9' and 140 lbs. He has brown hair and brown eyes. He has a seizure disorder and takes medicine for it.

ABC 13 News August 3, 2022

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

June 19, 1995 Toynaka, Japan John Doe

At 8 am on June 19, 1995, the body of a man was found in Toynaka Osaka Prefecture, Japan. He had died early that morning. His cause of death was not stated. 

John Doe is an Asian Male between 25 to 35 years old. He was 167 cm (5'4") with a slim build. He had black hair. He was described as having a square face and blood type A. He was wearing a long-sleeved polo shirt with a purple pattern, G pants, a black and green patterned belt, brown casual shoes, a black bifold wallet, and silver-rimmed glasses.


Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Murder of Marie Techlowec Nielsen

On the morning of June 18, 1987, 17-year-old Edward Barrera would arrive at his home in New Britain, Connecticut. The door was locked and he did not have his own since he had to give his mother his. She had locked her keys in her car. He would then sneak into a window to get back in. 

Inside Edward would tragically find his mother's body. She was face down on her bed with her legs bound together with a piece of clothing. She had been strangled to death. 

Hartford Courant June 20, 1987

June 18, 1979, Baltimore, Maryland (New Jersey) John Doe

 On June 18, 1979, the remains of a man were found in a pump of a dry dock in Baltimore, Maryland. The dry dock was towed from New Jersey to Baltimore in the late 1950s. This would estimate that the man had died between 1929 and 1959.

John Doe was likely white between 40 to 65 years old. He was 5'11" with a muscular robust build. He had arthritis in his knees and had mouth stress suggestive of a mind instrument player or glass blower. Two china buttons were found with the body. The buttons were likely used on suspenders and were a style of WWII. 


Monday, June 17, 2024

Murder of Micheliegh Iron Cloud

Around Midnight on June 17, 2022, 32-year-old Micheliegh Iron Cloud was carrying a 1-year-old boy while walking down the side of Highway 63in Parmelee, South Dakota. Micheliegh and the boy would be struck by a vehicle. Micheliegh would pass away and the boy would survive. 

Dakota News Now September 16, 2023
News Center 1 September 13, 2023

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Unclaimed Persons: Charles Watson

On June 16, 1941, Charles Watson would either die or his body was found in Ellensburg, Washington. He is an unclaimed person meaning that he was not claimed by family. There is little information in this case.

Charles was a white male.


Saturday, June 15, 2024

June 15, 1994 Seabrook, New Hampshire Jane Doe

On June 15, 1994, the skull of a young girl was seized from a private business in Seabrook, New Hampshire. The business owner stated that a friend purchased the skull in New York earlier that year as a souvenir. It was believed that the girl died between the ages of 5 to 8 between 1984 and 1992, but it may be possible that the death before the estimation. It's possible it was stolen from a grave, but the skull was estimated to be outside in the elements for several months. She likely had Greek Ancestry. 

Jane Doe was between  5 to 8 years old. 


Friday, June 14, 2024

Murder of Domingo Rafael Valdes

In 1974, 44-year-old Domingo Valdes was a Puerto Rico native and resided at Old Middlesex Turnpike Extension in Billerica, Massachusetts. At 5:30 am On June 14th his body was found near the border of Massachusetts and New Hampshire on the New Hampshire side. He was found along the side of Old Gage Hill Road in Pelham.

He had been shot four times, He was shot twice in the chest, once in the leg, and once in the shoulder. He had been recently killed elsewhere dumped where he was found and then soon after discovered. One article stated it may have been a gangland murder. 

New Hampshire Department of Justice
Concord Monitor June 17, 1974
The Portsmouth Herald June 17, 1974
The Boston Globe June 18, 1974
The Lowell Sun June 19, 1974

June 1858, London, England Baby John Doe

In June 1858, an unknown baby boy was found on Hardwick St in London, England. The boy was not a newborn and was around 6 months old making his birth around or in December. It's not stated if his death was murder or not. He was buried at the  City of London Cemetery on June 14, 1858.


Thursday, June 13, 2024

Disappearance of Kenneth Stone

On June 13, 1970, 38-year-old Kenneth Stone was a lobster fisherman and went out on the water in Owls Head, Maine. Later his watercraft was found abandoned on Marblehead Island, a tiny rock island, at the mount of Penobscot Bay. The throttle was full a head, but the engine was dead. His thermos with coffee still inside and his jacket were found floating nearby. It's believed that he may have drowned. 

Kenneth is a white male and was 38 years old at the time. He's 5'1" to 6'3" and 200 lbs. 

Portland Press Herald June 15, 1970

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Ghosts: The Watercress Lady


Created in Bing Create

Pluckley, England is home to many hauntings. One of which is of a woman called the Watercress Lady. In the early 1900's likely the 1920's there was a gypsy woman who was living in Pluckley. Now Gypsies at the time were traveling nomads from either Ireland or Eastern Europeans living in wagons and at their stops would either earn money from trading things or working on local farms. This woman made a living gathering watercress and selling it to the villagers.

The old woman was known as an eccentric but harmless person. She was known for smoking her clay pipe and known to enjoy gin from her battered old flask. After the sun would set she would go to the crossroads bridge. She would sit on the walls enjoying the night air smoking her pipe and drinking her gin.

However one unfortunate night she fell asleep while doing so. She would spill her flask on herself and the pipe would fall and light her up. It was said that no one heard her screams. The next day she would be found as a pile of ashes with her flask and pipe nearby. Letting people know it was the Watercress Lady and she had a tragic end.

Even though the Watercress Lady's screams were not heard the night she died it was afterward. Her ghost would be seen many times after her death reliving her death. She would be covered in flames and her heartbreaking screams could be heard. Slowly however she stopped being a screaming ball of fire to a faint pink glow hovering over the place she burned to death.

London Walking Tours

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

June 11, 1952 Tama County, Iowa Baby John Doe

On June 11, 1952. road construction was happening along the route of U.S. Highway 30, about four miles west of Tama, Iowa. A construction worker discovered a box 350 feet east of the Raven Creek bridge on the south side of the roadway. The box was a Wilson Packing Company box marked “chili.” and was wrapped with a cord.

The worker would open the box to find something horrifying. Inside the box were two packages wrapped with newspapers and tea towels. Inside the packages was the horrifying sight of the body of a baby boy. The other package was the afterbirth. It was found that the baby had blunt force trauma to the head and the baby was alive for 2 and a half to 3 hours.

They were the April 17 and May 8 issues of The Marshalltown Times-Republican. The newspapers had no mailing address attached, but two “stars” were discovered in the newspapers. This indicated they had been delivered on a Marshalltown city route. One tea towel had the embroidery of a lamb in one corner and the other had the numeral 49 in black.

John Doe was a white male newborn. He was fully developed. He weighed 8 lbs and had blonde hair.

Iowa Cold Cases

Monday, June 10, 2024

Pregnancy Resource Center Arson

At about 2:30 am on June 10, 2022 someone threw several Molotov cocktails through a kitchen window at the Pregnancy Resource Center (PRC) located at 104 NW 11th Street, Gresham, Oregon. This would cause the building to catch fire. It's unknown who this person was.


Sunday, June 9, 2024

Murder of Leslie Smith

On June 9, 1971, Leslie Smith was killed inside his apartment at 1733 N Street in Washington, D.C. There is little information in this case. 

Metropolitan Police
Metropolitan Police PDF

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Murder of Juliet Angelino Magiulo

On June 8, 1987, 3-year-old Juliet "Julie" Magiulo was playing in her front yard in Pampano Beach, Florida. She was supposed to walk to a neighbor's home but never arrived and was never seen again. 

Almost a year later two men would be scouting for hunting land in Boward County when they would find Julie's body. It is believed that her kidnapper had asphyxiated her. 

News-Press November 25, 1987
UPI April 22, 1988
Herald Tribune November 18, 2008

Friday, June 7, 2024

Lost Comics: The Bottle

In 1978 famed mangaka Hirohiko Araki, who is known for his series JoJo's Bizarre Adventure created a one-shot called The Bottle. Before he created JoJo's Bizarre Adventure his first job was The Bottle. It featured a character dressed in an old Western-style outfit. It was a crude-looking character for the time. The work was intended to compete for the 14th Tezuka Award in the first issue of the magazine, Weekly Shōnen Jump in 1978. However, as it did not win the award, and its content was never shown to the public.

Only one picture remains to the public of this comic of said character in the old west clothes. It's possible the story could have been set in the Wild West and featured cowboys. Araki had made several one-shots and characters that were Wild West-themed or cowboys themselves. However, this manga, its characters, and the overall premise of the story are unknown other than its title The Bottle. 

It's unknown if anything from this one-shot remains. It's unknown if Hirohiko Araki owns it himself, or if the company who owns Weekly Shōnen Jump does. For all we know there may be nothing left but the one picture from this manga. 


Thursday, June 6, 2024

Murder of Wilson Edison Black Elk, Jr. and Ronald Owen Hard Heart

Ronald Hard Heart and Wilson Black Elk Jr

On June 6, 1999, cousins Wilson "Wally" Black Elk, Jr. and Ronald Hard Heart were last seen on the main road to Pine Ridge, South Dakota from White Clay, Nebraska. The two were residents of Pine Ridge Indian Reservation and had likely gone to White Clay (2 miles) to get alcohol. 

On June 8, 1999, their bodies were found at the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in a culvert several hundred yards north of the Nebraska-South Dakota. It's believed that the two may have been killed in Nebraska and their bodies dumped where they were found. 

Many of the community believe that the two were victims of a hate crime for being Native American. It was not unheard of for hate crimes in the area. It was suspected that the Klan or members of it might have had something to do with the murders. 

In one article Wilson's niece stated that in the weeks leading up to his death, he was threatened by a bar owner over his $90 bar tab. He was even pulled from his vehicle by them. Wilson was scared cause he stated that the bar owner threatened to have the sheriff and his boys handle it if it wasn't paid. However, the FBI has stated that there was no evidence that the Sheriff and deputies were involved.

Argus-Leader June 13, 1999
Star-Herald June 22, 1999
Omaha World-Herald June 23, 1999
Argus-Leader June 23, 1999
Argus-Leader June 27, 1999

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Disappearance of Mary Belle "Mary Beth" Henley

On June 5, 1951, 25-year-old Mary Belle Henley was last seen in Witchita, Kansas. There is little information in this case. She May go by Mary Beth.

Mary is a white female and was 25-years-old at the time. She's 5'8" to 5'9" and 125lbs to 135lbs. She has brown hair and brown eyes. She has a mole on her chin.


Tuesday, June 4, 2024

680-780 AD Hereford, England Man

In late 2016 and early 2017, Archeological work by Headland Archeology's Midlands and West Office was done in Hereford, England in the College Cloisters beside Hereford Cathedral. They were trying to make improvements to the building and facilities. 

During this time they were able to excavate three skeletal remains. These three were radiocarbon dated to the 7th and 8th centuries. This was an interesting find as out of all 2456 burials excavated only one other person was found to be from the same time period.  They were found at a depth of around two meters within an area formerly occupied by the 15th-century Custos Lodge.

It was found that the three skeletons were of one male, one female, and one juvenile whose gender was unknown. I could not find information about the child and female, but the male had died a brutal death. 

The man was between 35 to 46 years old. He had lived and died between 680 and 780 AD. He had been stabbed at least 4 to 5 times with two of them being fatal on their own. However one of the wounds, a possible cut, on his elbow had traces of healing, unlike the rest. This meant this wound was older than the rest and was not from the time he died. 

His attacker used a narrow, and very sharp blade to attack the man. They stabbed him at a downward angle and was possibly left-handed as the wounds were on the left side. Two of the wounds would have been deadly, but if he had somehow survived he would have been paralyzed. 

The fatal wounds were stab wounds between the 8th and 9th ribs that would have punctured the spleen, stomach, or lungs. The second fatal wound was that the skull was hit with such a powerful blow from an edged weapon that the blade would have entered the brain. The lesser injury was on his thumb. 

At this period at the beginning of the 8th century, the Welsh and English were in conflict. In 743 the kings of Mercia and Wessex teamed up together against the Welsh. This would cause violent skirmishes and battles at the time. There was one battle in 760 AD this was the battle of Hereford. It's possible that this man was a casualty of this battle. This may be why he seemed to have a healed stab wound.


Monday, June 3, 2024

Suspicious Death of Grover Ramirez Jr

On June 3, 2001, 20-year-old Grover Ramirez Jr went out of his home and went to get his daughter's milk. That night he would meet up with two friends before returning home. The friends, Michael Burns and Marco Sandoval, stated that near Comanche Creek in Chico, California they spotted an abandoned truck. The three made a plan to strip it of parts and sell it. 

His friends stated that a group of people was also in the area and they began chasing Grover and his friends. They stated it was unknown why the group started chasing them. During the chase, they stated that they heard splashes. When his friends stopped running after about a mile they noticed Grover wasn't with them anymore.

It wasn't until June 7th it was found what happened to him. Grover's body was found in a creek under a group of overhanging bushes. It was listed that he had died from drowning and had no signs of trauma and a lack of scrapes and scratches. Which doesn't match the brushy, thorny area the men were running on that night. 

The family stated that they didn't believe the two friends. They stated that after Grover left someone had called the house threatening to kill her and Grover. It was shocking because Grover was well-liked and got along with a lot of people.  His family also believes that the police dropped the ball in this case. That they did not take the search for him seriously and that they didn't take his death seriously. They even labeled him as a gangbanger even though he was not. 

Enterprise-Record June 8, 2001
Enterprise-Record June 9, 2001
CN&R July 19, 2001

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Disappearance of Mary Patricia Fiano

In 1973, 22-year-old Mary Fiano was living in Fairmount or Morgantown, West Virginia. She would go missing sometime in June. There is little information in this case. 

Mary is a white female and was 22 years old at the time. She was 5'5" and 100 to 200 lbs. She has shoulder-length brown hair and hazel eyes. 


Saturday, June 1, 2024

June 1, 1924 Bronx, New York John Doe

On June 1, 1924, a deckhand fell overboard a boat and drowned in or near Bronx, New York. The location is unknown or unstated. He is buried at Hart Island in the Bronx, New York.

John Doe is a man around 32-years-old.


Murder of James Clark Nicoll

 In 1871 James and Amelia Nicoll would come over to America from Scotland. The couple had 7 children in total 2 of which were born in Iowa w...