In March of 2021, Beth Doe was identified as 15-year-old Evelyn Colon. A Luis Sierra who was 19-years old at the time is being charged with her death.
Luis and Evelyn were dating at the time. Evelyn would tell a sibling that if anything happened it was Luis. In December the two seemed to have disappeared. A month after Evelyn had disappeared a letter was sent to her family home explaining that she was living in Connecticut with her son Luis Jr. It's no known that wasn't true.
Luis would end up in Queens. When asked about Evelyn he initially denied knowing her and then stated she moved out after an argument. He is being charged in this case.
The family has named Evelyn's unborn child Emily Grace Colon.
On December 20, 1976, a 14-year-old teenage boy playing along the banks of Lehigh River in White Haven or East Side Borough, Pennsylvania. That's when he spotted the head of a woman and several body parts, her fetus was laying in the grass nearby. It seemed to have come from a suitcase that was thrown from the bridge the impact caused the suitcase to bursting open. Three more suitcases were found with more body parts. It was estimated that she had died within that week.
Within the three suitcases was the body of the woman and fetus but her breasts, nose, and ears were not found. It could be that the murderer had kept them, there was another suitcase not found and or they were disposed of separately. She had been strangled to death and shot in the neck. It is possible the murderer was the father of the fetus.
The three suitcases the remains were found in were all the same size (23" x 14" x 7 1/2"). Two of them were blue in color, one was blue and tan plaid. The handles had been cut off of the suitcases before they were dropped at the site and the zippers had been painted with flat black paint. Inside the suitcases, the police also found straw, packing foam, a cut-up pink chenille bedspread with an embroidered yellow flower, and six sections of the New York Sunday News dated September 26, 1976.
She was a white female between the ages of 15 to 25. She's estimated to have been around 5'1 and 150 lbs. She had brown hair and brown eyes. She had a 2 inch scar on her left calf, and a mole on her left cheek. The fetus she was carrying was full term.
She had suffered from sever dental disease in early life and had three extraction multiple restorations, and extensive decay. Her oral hygiene improved as she got older. She would had still been suffering from tooth decay and a fracture to her upper right lateral incisors that would have caused her serious pain and been noticeable to others.
"WSR" seemed to be written on her hand with ink believed to have lasted 8-12 hours there was either a 4 or a 5 written next to it, and below and to the right was either a 4 or 7. Police are unable to make sense of the writing.
Testing has proven that she was not born in the United States and was possibly born in Western to Central Europe. She likely came over to the USA in the last 10 to 5 years of her life.
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Merged reconstructions in Morphthing and edited |