Friday, December 7, 2018

Murder of Alva Jean Parris

On June 10, 1960 9-year-old Alva Jean Parris left her home in Baltimore County, Maryland around 9 a.m. Her aunt only lived a few blocks away from her. An 11-year-old girl playing in her front yard was the last one to see her playing at a play yard around 4:30 pm. Alva never arrived or went to her aunt's house.

Five days later Alva's body was found in a shallow grave near Essex and on the border of Baltimore. Her body had been covered with linoleum, tree branches a bit of dirt and lye had been used on her body. She was found in some dense woods near an abandoned farm. Her cause of death is unknown, it didn't seem she died to stabbing or shooting. She seemed to have died at the time she went missing.



  1. Thank you to whoever posted this. Let’s hope this case can finally be solved with DNA evidence. If enough of the public calls in Baltimore county and pushes this to happen they will have to re-examine the evidence. Supposedly there were two lead suspects. One died recently the other one is still alive. Let’s get this case solved for this poor girl.

  2. they didn't have dna tests back then.

  3. I would like to see the DNA test done. I was 9 years old when I heard a little girl was murdered near me. I've always remembered her. Please let's try to name this animal predator who did this.

  4. Please open this cold case and get justice for this child. Let's take care of the children. Please detectives, do her case next!

  5. i was only 4 when she disappeared 5 minutes from my house. i somehow remember this. i lived in Essex my whole life until i got married. the area has changed. the development she lived in is no longer standing. the farm where she was found has houses built on it. they need to reopen this case.

  6. I am Alva Jean younger sister I 5 years old when she was murdered she is in Heaven with God now I do love my sister I was told when she died that I like to went crazy now it is all in God's hands I had to forgive who ever done it because God say so that person will not get away with it God will punish them for what they did to one of His Angels

    1. Hello, would you be able to please write me to ??I have information I would like to share with you.

  7. I have been researching this case for a couple of years now, reading all published news articles available, considering this case is now 61 years old there is little info. available on line. If Law Enforcement kept the evidence from this case, especially her clothing there could be a real chance for DNA evidence. What a great feather in some cold case detectives cap that would be to solve a cold case as old as this.
    She was an innocent little girl who did not deserve to die such a horrible death, I truly hope that someone with the cold case unit finally solves this murder and gives some small amount of closure to her remaining family. Come on Law Enforcement it's been 61 years already !!!

  8. Yes detectives! Please solve Alva's case. I was 9 years old also when she died. We kids talked about it and were afraid that we'd be next. Please help.Thank you.


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