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Friday, September 30, 2022
Murder of William Alan Green
At 9:30 p.m. on September 30, 2011, 26-year-old William Green and a friend were in a small white vehicle parked in front of Building 12 on Dorothy Drive in McDougald Terrace in Durham, North Carolina. Several males would approach the vehicle and shots were fired. William and his friend attempted to drive away. William who was injured drove to a parking lot near the North Carolina Central University for help. He would be taken to the hospital but unfortunately, died the next morning.
Thursday, September 29, 2022
Murder of Patricia Eve Gaugler
On September 29, 1980, 28-year-old Patricia Eve Gaugler was on her way from her hometown of Pottstown, Pennsylvania to Richmond, Virginia. She was planning to move in with her brother. On the trip around 3 p.m., she was last seen at the Ashland Sunco gas station on East Patrick Henry Road near I-95.
Later that day Firefighters would find Patricia's badly charred body on a dirt trail (now Wesley's Court) off of what is now Greenwood Church Road in Hanover County, Virginia several miles from I-95. There had been a forest fire when her body was found in a wooded area.
It's unknown how she got to where she was found, but she had died from upper airway burns due to immolation, her body had no evidence of other wounds, and there was no sign of sexual assault. It is unknown if she was conscious or not when she died.
The Morning Call October 5, 1980
6New Richmond Jan. 24, 2022
NBC 12 Jan. 24, 2022
Wednesday, September 28, 2022
September 28, 1942 Wilmington, Delaware John Doe
On September 28, 1942, the skeleton of a man was found Along the south bank of the Christiana River at Commerce in Wilmington, Deleware. He had been dead for several months.
John Doe was found with a belt around his waist, buckle with initial C.
The Morning News September 29, 1942
Tuesday, September 27, 2022
The Aschbroeken Man
Lost Films: Peeping Tome at the Seaside (1897)
Monday, September 26, 2022
Disappearance of Betty "Bimmy" Irene Redmond
Sunday, September 25, 2022
WANTED: John Doe 42
John Doe 42 is an individual that Law Enforcement is looking for identification and it is believed that they may have critical information about the identity of a child being sexually exploited. The video in question is believed to have been produced prior to October of 2015.
John Doe 42 is a white male likely between 50 to 65-years-old. He can be heard speaking English in the video an example of his voice can be found on the FBI page.
Saturday, September 24, 2022
Murder of Theresa Lynn Baker
September 24, 1825 Natchez, Mississippi John Doe
On September 23, 1825, a man would arrive in Natchez, Mississippi on foot. He had a fiddle and a small bundle of clothes with him. The next morning the man would be found dead on a bench in the Market house. It was believed that he had died from some unknown disease.
The man was believed to have been around 35-years-old.
Friday, September 23, 2022
Disappearance of Ernest Lincoln "Sonnyboy" Saccheus Jr.
On September 23, 1987, 24-year-old Ernest "Sonnyboy" Saccheus Jr. was last seen leaving the Polaris Hotel in Nome, Alaska where he was staying during a stopover on the way home to Elim from Anchorage. He had gone to go out for drinks and was never seen again. He has been declared legally dead.
Ernest is a Native American male and was 24-year-old at the time. He's 5'7" and 140lbs. He has black hair and brown eyes. He was wearing eyeglasses when he disappeared. He may go by Ernest G. Saccheus.
Murder of James William Skeel
Thursday, September 22, 2022
Röst Girl
Wednesday, September 21, 2022
Murder of Timothy Gonthier
On September 21, 2004, 27-year-old Timothy Gonthier was shot and killed in the area of Sargeant and Chestnut St. in Holyoke, Massachusetts. There is little information in this case.
Hampden County District Attorney
Tuesday, September 20, 2022
September 20, 1927 Fredericksburg, Texas Jane Doe
There were reports that around 10 days before her body was discovered she may have been seen in town with two men in a small coupe. She may have stayed at a cabin with two men for a night and the next day the cabin was found bloodied. There had been reports that she had been seen with two soldiers. One Man stated that he saw the girl arguing with two soldiers on the side of the road.
There were also a lot of girls who were thought to have been her, but none of them panned out. No one was able to successfully identify the young girl
Jane Doe was a white female about 13-years-old. She had red hair that was bobbed. Tests were done to see if the hair was dyed, but it came back that it was natural. She was around 5'4". She wore a gold ring on her right pinky that was inset with a small red stone. Her clothes had been burned and only remained remnants of her undergarments. A black bag, a marksmanship scorecard, two handkerchiefs, and half a loaf of bread made in San Antonio was found near the body. A couple of miles toward Mason a bloody quilt was found it's unknown why they didn't burn this with other items.
There was a black bag found near the scene, but it was later ruled out as having with the crime. A couple passing through the area had lost one of their pieces of luggage while going down the road several days before the girl's discovery.
McAllen Daily Press September 21, 1927
Corsicana Daily Sun September 21, 1927
The Austin American September 29, 1927
Monday, September 19, 2022
Murder of Robert Charles Pickle
On September 19, 2017, just after 3 p.m. the home of 51-year-old Robert Pickle on 1417 McSpadden St. in Knoxville, Tennessee was visited by a police officer who did a welfare check. Inside Robert's body was found lying on the floor. He had been murdered.
Sunday, September 18, 2022
Murder of Joshua Seales
On September 17, 2001, 18-year-old Joshua Seales would use his girlfriend's car. He went to his bank in Palestine, Texas, and made a small withdrawal with another man. He would then buy a large amount of food at a local restaurant.
The next morning the car he was using was found on fire on Country Rd3490 in Rural Anderson County. Inside the trunk was Joshua's body. It's not stated how he died or if he was alive when the car was set on fire. The killers used a flammable liquid to set the car on fire from a distance.
A witness stated that they believe that they saw Joshua with men and another vehicle near where he was found. The witness stated that he may have been arguing with them.
It's unknown who the black man he was at the bank with was. He was described as well-mannered. It was unknown if he was a friend or someone related to his death. The men seen with him on the side of the road have also never been identified.
KLTV Jan. 8, 2006
Front Page Detectives Nov. 23, 2021
Saturday, September 17, 2022
September 17, 1779 Liverpool, England John Doe
On September 17, 1779, an unknown man was buried in Liverpool, England. He had drowned to death. There is little information in this case.
Friday, September 16, 2022
September 16, 1948 Stony Creek Jane Doe
On September 16, 1948, remains were found in a shallow, makeshift grave by highway workers in Stony Creek, Virginia. The crew found the body when they noticed disturbed dirt near a picnic table. The young woman had died around 6 weeks before. It was stated she was missing one or both hands, but it's not stated whether or not it was intentional or from animal activity.
Thursday, September 15, 2022
WANTED: John Doe 29
John Doe 29 is an individual that Law Enforcement is looking for identification and it is believed that they may have critical information about the identity of a child being sexually exploited. The video in question came to the attention of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children in Jan. of 2008.
Wednesday, September 14, 2022
September 14, 1947 Cassian, Wisconsin Jane Doe
Tuesday, September 13, 2022
Disappearance of Jeannette Gesela Drzewiecki
On September 13, 1982 19-year-old Jeannette Drzewiecki went to the Doll's House club on Andres Highway in Odessa, Texas. She had been a dancer there but had taken the position of a waitress. She had gone in that night to talk about a work matter and while there she had one alcoholic drink. She left saying she was going to go home to her daughter, who was only born days before. She was never seen again.
Her pickup truck would be found abandoned on the south end of Odessa a week after her disappearance. The truck was towed to her home. The Doll's House was north of the city and her home was in the central part.
Jeannette is a white female and was 19-years-old at the time. She's 5'8" and 125lbs. She has brown hair and hazel eyes. She was wearing a t-shirt with the phrase "People in Odessa are living proof that there is life on other planets" and cut-off blue jeans.She may use the last names Stanelle and/or Reader and the first name Cherry.
Charley Project
Monday, September 12, 2022
Murder of Lewis Douglas Parnosky
Sunday, September 11, 2022
LOST MEDIA: Mystery Fun House Commercial (1977)
On March 28, 1976, Mystery Fun House opened in Orlando, Florida. It was a tourist attraction that was located near International Drive of Major Blvd across from the Universal Orlando Resort. The fun house had expanded to have a laser-tag facility, arcade, a dino-themed mini golf course, and more. The Fun House would close its doors on February 18, 2001.
"Scott, Here are the pictures that I told you about. The first one is of the wizard which is how the commercial started. The one with me and my sister were taken to the disco room. Not the best quality, but not bad considering the pictures were taken right off the television as the commercial was airing. My dad would call the television stations in advance so that he could know exactly when the commercial was scheduled to air so that he could get his camera ready. Take care, Tracy".
Saturday, September 10, 2022
Murder of Joaquim “Jack” Perry
Disappearance of Kristina "Kris" Ann Perkins
After her disappearance, Kristina's ex-husband told her sister that the two fought and she was dead. There was no proof of this happening. However, it is believed that foul play is involved whether or not it was her husband is unknown.
Friday, September 9, 2022
Murder of Traci Lynn Douglass
Cattaraugus County
Cumberland Times-News April 12, 2012
Thursday, September 8, 2022
Murder of John Leonard
In 1973 his widow Madeline told her teenage children she was going to check on a lead to their father's murder. She did not return home as she had died in a car crash into the woods along Route 940 in Paradise Township. The crash was ruled an accident.
Wednesday, September 7, 2022
WANTED: Maury Gordon Waller
From 2001 to 2006 Murray Gordon Waller was the Executive Director of the Alabama Saftey Institute Inc. in Mobile, Alabama. It was a court referral program that monitored young men on formal probation by the court. During this time Murray would abuse his power and make threats toward a probationer under his supervision. He would threaten with going back to jail or to perform sexual acts for and with him. He also forced the young man to meet and determine their suitability for sex acts with people found on the internet.
In March of 2006, Murray Waller was indicted for extortion first degree (2 counts) and extortion second degree (3 counts), and a warrant was issued for his arrest. On March 31,2006 He was arrested and released on bond. He would appear for his arraignment hearing in May of 200, but would not for his status hearing in August. This hearing was rescheduled for September 7th, but he still failed to appear. He also failed to appear for his trial scheduled on the 18th.
A State arrest warrant was issued when he failed to appear on September 7th and on September 15th a federal warrant was issued for his arrest for unlawful flight to avoid prosecution by the U.S. District Court. In November of 2007, Waller was tried in absentia and was found guilty on all charges.
Tuesday, September 6, 2022
September 6, 1932 Pelham, North Carolina John Doe
Disappearance of Lily May Huff
On the morning of September 6, 1988, 73-year-old Lily Mae Huff wandered away from the Welcome Haven Nursing Home in Winchester, Virginia where she only lived for 3 months. After having breakfast she was waiting in the hall for one of the aides to bathe her. She would then leave through the dining room's patio door, the only one that did not have a bell attached. She has Alzheimer's and had a history of wandering away which resulted in her usually being restrained to a wheelchair. A five-day search was done by local law enforcement with no results.
It's unknown what happened to her after she left. She could have wandered somewhere and succumbed to the elements or met with foul play. In 1992 one of her sons placed a $15,000 reward for information leading to Lily's whereabouts. Shortly after an anonymous letter came to the family stating that she was abducted outside of a Safeway supermarket by an older couple into their car. The writer later came forward, and it's unknown if their information was helpful in this case.
Monday, September 5, 2022
Unknown Authors: The Queen of Hearts
The poem The Queen of Hearts is an English poem and nursery rhyme based on the playing cards. It was anonymously published in The European Magazine vol. 1, no. 4 in April of 1782. It was published with three lesser-known stanzas "The King of Spades", "The King of Clubs", and "The King of Diamond" but some believe that the other stanzas were added later to what has been a much older poem. The poem is probably best known for its use in Lewis Caroll's Alice in Wonderland.
The Queen of HeartsSunday, September 4, 2022
September 4, 1779 Liverpool, England John Doe
On September 4, 1779, an unknown man drowned in Liverpool, England. He was buried at St. John's Garden.
Saturday, September 3, 2022
WANTED: Mieczyslaw (Mike) Widziak
Murder of Jane And Cathryn Johnson
It was found that Jane was 5 months pregnant and had been stabbed to death. It's not stated how Cathryn died. The killer had set the house on fire before fleeing.
Friday, September 2, 2022
Murder of Tracie Pamela Jones
On September 2, 1982, Tracie Jones was murdered on the 2400 block of King St, SE in Washington, D.C.
Thursday, September 1, 2022
Murder of Angel Cenkov
On September 1, 1987, the body of 54-year-old Angel Cenkov was found in Bristol Township, Wisconsin. He had been shot in the head and his body dumped where it was found.
Angel is Bulgarian and lived in Chicago, Illinois at the time. He allegedly had "underworld ties" and it was believed that he may have killed two people the same year. The two murders are not involved in Angel's death.
Kenosha County Sheriff's Office
Journal Times March 18, 1982
Wausau Daily Herald July 27, 1986
Journal Times July 27 1986
Journal Times August 4, 2020
LOST MEDIA: The Death of Top Fuel's Elmer Trett
On September 1, 1996, 53-year-old Elmer Trett was competing in a Top Fuel Motorcycle drag race exhibition at the Indianapolis Raceway Park. He was going 232 mph and he ended up hitting a sand trap causing him to fall off and kill him instantly. It was known that his death was filmed, but it's a recording best left lost.
Elmer was considered one of Top Fuel's motorcycle drag racing's biggest names. He was the first rider to ride over 200, 220, and 230 mph. On August 8, 1996, he achieved a run of 6.06 seconds at 234 mph and was seeking to break the 5-second bracket. He was an inspiration for many drag racers.
A day prior to his death Top Fuel driver Blaine Johnson had also lost his life when his vehicle suffered an explosive engine failure and it broke his rear wheels and rear wing causing him to crash into a wall near the shutdown area.
Dayton Daily News September 2, 1996
Drag Bike September 1, 2017
Cycle Drag September 2, 2021
Cycle Drag October 10, 2021
Murder of James Clark Nicoll
In 1871 James and Amelia Nicoll would come over to America from Scotland. The couple had 7 children in total 2 of which were born in Iowa w...
On May 12, 1915, a Rancher happened to take a walk off the road 2 miles outside of Colton, California. The rancher saw a man hanging from a ...
Around 7:40 am on May 5, 2017, on Putney Bridge in London England, a woman would be walking on the bridge. When suddenly a man who was joggi...