Saturday, December 31, 2022

December 1953 Wellington, New Zealand Jane Doe

 A Jane Doe was found in December of 1953 in Wellington, New Zealand. She either died or it was her interment at the Kaori Cemetery and Crematorium on December 31st. There is little information in this case.


Friday, December 30, 2022

Murder of Anne Theresa Noblett

On December 30, 1957, 17-year-old Anne Noblett went to dancing classes and rock and roll lessons at the Lourdes Hall in Harpenden, England.  It was just after 6 p.m. when she left to go home alone. She had gotten off of the bus at Cherry Tree Corner, Marshalls Heath, near Wheathampstead, and began her walk home. Another local girl passed by her as she was walking on the lane and this was the last time anyone saw her. She never made it to her home which was only a quarter of a mile away. 

No one had known what had happened to the teenager for a month. During that time there were inquires and searches for the girl. Her last bus ride was even reconstructed in order to help find the girl. Searches with hundreds of volunteers were done, but she still could not be found. It could have been that someone she knew offered to give a ride or someone abducted the girl.

On January 31, 1958, Anne's body would be found in dense woodland in Rose Grove Woods in Horn Hill by brothers and their dog. This area was seven miles away from her home. Her items were found nearby her body. It's believed that her body had been there for at most 2 weeks. 

It is believed that Anne was murdered within hours of her disappearance. Even though her body was clothed there was evidence that she had been redressed likely meaning she had been sexually assaulted. She was then strangled to death. Someone then deep froze her body as the temperatures were mild and there was no possibility of it happening naturally. They then carried her body to where it was found. 

Oddly enough if they had carried her only a few dozen more yards she would have been hidden better. The area she was laid on was considered a relatively open area of wood. There was also a disused cart tract near where her body was found that was inaccessible to cars and the closest tracks were half a mile away. Who ever carried her had to of been strong enough to carry her as there was no evidence of dragging.

Police searched all deep freezing machinery within a 30-mile radius of where her body was found. Farmhouses, buildings, outhouses, and factories were all searched.  There was no evidence of any of them had been used for her body. 

The Daily Telegraph January 7, 1958
Evening Sentinel January 7, 1958
The Guardian January 23, 1958
The Guardian February 3, 1958
The Birmingham Post and Birmingham Post July 14, 1958
Watford Observer January 30, 2002
The Comet December 21, 2017
BBC April 29, 2018

Murder of Adrian Harrison

On December 30, 2002, at 8 a.m. the body of 23-year-old Adrian Harrison was found in a small abandoned building in the parking lot at 11th and Elmwood in Kansas City, Missouri. He was last seen alive in Kansas several days before his body was found. It's believed that he was not killed where he was found and his body was dumped. 

Adrian was a long-time resident of Kansas City, Kansas.


Thursday, December 29, 2022

December 29, 1985 Tuscon, Arizona Jane Doe

On December 29, 1985, the partial cranium of an adult woman was recovered from a residential yard. There were obvious signs of animal depredation on it. The previous tenant of the home reportedly left the cranium in the residence. When he vacated he told the new tenant that it was from a teaching specimen. Analysis however reveals that it's possible to have been a Trophy Skull from an unknown origin. the earliest that the woman may have died was the 1930s.



Unidentified Wiki

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Murder of Jose "Charlie" Mojica

On December 28, 1988, 22-year-old Jose "Charlie" Mojica was found dead on the side of the road on Branch St. in Pawtucket, Rhode Island. His body was among tires and trash. He had been shot multiple times in the head. It's believed he was targeted. 

He had attended a party a few days prior to his body being found and his family believes that people at the party may know what had happened.


Rhode Island Cold Case


Tuesday, December 27, 2022

December 27, 1902 Newent, England

On December 27, 1902, a woman would go to a well for water on Botloes Green in Newent, England. She would look inside the well and thought she had seen her cat. She would ask a man to help her retrieve it from the well. Instead of a cat, it was the body of a 10-day-old baby girl.

The coroner stated that the girl had breathed and was 10 days old. She had died from neglect and want of care at birth.

Unsolved Murders UK

Monday, December 26, 2022

Murder of Gino DiLorenzo

On December 26, 1979, 31-year-old Gino DiLorenzo was shot and killed immediately upon arriving at his home on Harrison St. in Johnston, Rhode Island. There is little information in this case. 

Find a Grave

Murders of Jessica Watson and Mathew Macerato

On the night of December 26, 2004, 22-year-old Jessica Watson and 18-year-old Mathew Macerato were working the closing shift at the Casual Male Big and Tall at 3924 Kirkwood Highway in Wilmington, Delaware. As the two were closing up someone with a gun appeared and forced the two into the basement. The person would then shoot the two to death by shooting them in the back of the head. They would then take the money in the store. It's unknown what exactly happened in the store as there were no security cameras. 

The families of the victims don't believe that robbery was the sole reason for the murders. They believe it wasn't a random act as instead of bringing the two to the register and killing them there the killer brought them to the basement. Also, nothing in the store seemed to have been ransacked. It seemed that the stolen money was a way to cover up the reason for the executions.


Delaware State Polic

Delaware State Police (PDF)

Delaware Online December 23, 2014
Delaware Online January 3, 2022

Sunday, December 25, 2022

Disappearance of Hibayo Ma’alin

On December 25, 2012, 52-year-old Hibayo Ma’alin disappeared from Rotterdam, Netherlands. She uses a wheelchair and is from Somalia. 

Hibayo is a black female and was 52-years-old at the time. She has black hair and dark eyes. She is 162 cm (5'3").


Saturday, December 24, 2022

Medical Mysteries: Trisha Zemba

On December 24, 1993 (Christmas Eve) 14-year-old Trisha Zemba was riding her horse in Arizona. She would fall off the horse and no one realized how serious her injuries were. Ten days later she would pass out in the bathtub. She was engulfed in pain and had difficulty moving. Her parents would take her to the hospital where she would be given a large amount of morphine. This however did not relieve her pain and it was found that she had a rare and usually incurable nerve disorder called Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy. This was the cause of her extreme pain which was especially bad in her legs. She would be given several injections of pain-killing drugs in her spinal column, but they didn't help.

Parents and Doctors were worried for Trisha and feared he would worsen leading her to be institutionalized. Her parents would be told that most patients with RSD live extremly difficult lives and most die, commit suicide, or go insane due to the pain. Trisha's once bright future did not look so bright, but they could only hope that it would get better and pray. 

Doctors would recomend a surgery ussualy done for terminal caner patients in which a morphine pump would be implanted in her body. Her friends and family would continue to pray that she would get better, but then on March 11, 1994 just a day before surgery a miracle happened. 

Within minute Trisha's pain disappeared and she could get up and walk to the hallway. It seemed as if she had fully recovered, but there was no explanation for it. 

Trisha and her family believe it was due to the infinite power of faith. 

Trisha and her family believe that their prayers were heard and  her recovery was due to the infinite power of faith. 


Friday, December 23, 2022

Murder of Mary Doherty

 On December 23, 1922, in Blackpool, England a vehicle would run over 66-year-old Mary Doherty killing her. The vehicle would then drive off and the driver would never come forward. It was unbelievable that the killer did not know that they had run over Mary. A search for the vehicle was said to have happened all over Lancashire and Yorkshire, but the driver was never found. 


Murder of Johanna Young

On December 23, 1992, at 7:30 p.m. 14-year-old Johanna Young left her home on Merton Rd in Watton, England. It was a foggy night and she was last seen walking around the Town Centre at Watton between 7:30 p.m. and 8:45 p.m. After 8:45 she was not seen again and did not return home.

Her parents had not realized she did not return home until her alarm went off at 6 a.m. the next morning. At first, it was believed she stayed at her boyfriend's or a friend's house due to the fog. Her parents noted that her newspaper bag was at home and when she didn't show up for her paper route an hour later her parents worried. She was then reported missing.

There was a great effort to find her. On the Afternoon of December 26th a man walking his dogs on Griston Rd. found a pair of training shoes in the undergrowth. He would then contact the police and a search was done of the area. Approximately 125-140 yards from her trainers.

Her partially nude body was found face down in a water-filled marl pit. Her lower clothing was removed and her jeans were missing. Her body was covered in scratches, she had a skull fracture, and had drowned. She likely was unconscious from the skull fracture and was tossed into the pit to drown in rainwater. There was no evidence of a sexual assault.

Unbeknownst to her parents, Johanna's boyfriend had broken up with her days prior to her death. He was suspected but ruled out as he had an alibi with friends that night and none of his shoes matched the prints left at the scene.

A witness came forward stating that a man and woman were seen leaning against a motorbike at the end of Griston rd. that night. 

BBC Feb. 17, 2018

Thursday, December 22, 2022

Anonymous Musicians: Mach-Hommy

Mach-Hommy's career started his career in 2004 in New Jersey and kept his anonimity since. He is a rapper, song writer and record producer. When he performs or is photographed he is seen wearing and Haitian flag folded over his face concealing it. His lyrics are tighlty are heavily releated to the social and political history of his Haitian Heritage. He said that his father heavily influced his music as he was a a folk gutarist. The only thing really known about him is that he was prominatly raised in New Jersey, but did spend a significant time in Port-au-Prince, Haiti. 

 He raps about  his Haitian heritages social and political views. He often raps in both Kreyol and English. He is highly protective of his music going as far as forbiding transcript sights to list his lyrics, He even charges hundred to thousands of dollars for his releases and they aren't available on streaming services. 

 He had recieved wide spread attention after the release of his 2016 album H.B.O. (Haitian Body Odor) on Instagram, He pressed only 187 copies of the CD and sold them for $300 for each CD and then uploaded it to SoundCloud in 2017. He has also released several other albums with high prices like this. 

His 2021 album Pray for Haiti is on most streaming services and the profits from it to a charity he established in Haiti. The Pray for Haiti Trust Fund funds educational services and institutions in Haiti. 


Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Murder of Lillie May Pickenpack

 On December 21, 1974 police were called to the 100 block of Queen St. in Alexandria, Virginia. They would find 64-year-old Lillie Pickenpack was found suffering from a gunshot wound to the chest. She would pass from her injuries.  


City of Alexandria

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

2018 Sambula, Fiji Rajesh

In 2018 in Samabula, Fiji an elderly man called Rajesh suffered a heart attack. He was brought to the Colonial War Memorial Hospital and would pass. The hospital staff was only able to get his name "Rajesh, and that he was 64-years-old. 

Fiji Sun  March 12, 2019

Monday, December 19, 2022

WANTED: John Doe 13

On ECAP  John Doe 13 is an unknown suspect in a webcam video of him sexually abusing a young girl. The whereabouts and information of this individual are unknown. 

He is a white male approximately 180 to 200 lbs with balding brown hair. 



Sunday, December 18, 2022

Sabotage of Communication Towers in Wichita Falls, Texas

In the pre-dawn hours of December 18, 2020, an unknown person or persons damaged two communication towers in Witchita Falls, Texas. They had seriously damaged them by cutting several of the wires that support the structures. This would cause the 500 ft tower in the 3700 block of Arena Rd to collapse to the ground. The second tower (1,200 ft) on Seymour Highway didn't collapse, but a nearby business had to evacuate. If this tower had collapsed more than likely casualties and injuries would have happened. 


Saturday, December 17, 2022

Murder of Corine Sanders

On December 17, 2009 two men would break into 57-year-old Corine Sanders home on Wesley Grove Rd in Cordova, South Carolina. It's believed that they chose a house at random and were surprised that Corine was home. They would then beat her to death to possibly keep their identities unknown. 

WIS NEWS December 17, 2009
WIS NEWS December 18, 2009

Friday, December 16, 2022

Disappearance of Corey Gilbert

At 12:30 p.m. on December 16, 1984, 6-year-old Corey Gilbert was at the Ten-To-Ten grocery store on the 3200 block of Jefferson Highway in Jefferson, Louisiana.  He and another boy were playing a video game and the boy turned his back and when he turned back around Corey was gone.

At the time Corey lived at the 500 block of Causeway Blvd. It's possible that he was sighted by the Mississippi River and may have fallen into it. 

Corey is a black male and was 6-years-old at the time. He was 4'0" and 55 lbs at the time. He has black short hair and brown eyes. Two of his bottom teeth were missing at the time. He was wearing a royal blue muscle shirt or tank top with white trim, blue jeans, and white sneakers with red and blue stripes or blue sneakers with red stripes.


Thursday, December 15, 2022

Disapearance of Elshan Dadashov

On December 15, 1999, 26-year-old Elshan Dadashov was last seen in Azerbaijan.

Elshan is a white male and as 26-years-old at the time. He's 5'2" and has black straight hair. He has a thin mustache and speckled skin.


Wednesday, December 14, 2022


Photo by Allen Gathman

After the flood of 1995 six boats were placed 1.5 miles north of Easley, Missouri at mile marker 164 which is only accessible on the Katy Bike Trail. It's near the Missouri River and is in a flood area. This attraction is now called BoatHenge and the artist who placed them there is still unknown. The boats are fiberglass and painted. They are placed into the ground vertically and placed in a semi-lunar formation.


Tuesday, December 13, 2022

December 13, 1975 Stratford, Connecticut Jane Doe

On December 13, 1975, a partial mandible with one tooth that has no restorations was found in sand along the beach in Stratford, Connecticut. She was a female between 20 to 60-years-old.



Monday, December 12, 2022

Murder of Yvonne Menke

Around 6:25 a.m. on December 12, 1985, 45-year-old Yvonne Menke left her home in St. Croix Falls, Wisconsin to go to work. She was shot three times in the head and neck as she went to her car. A person was seen fleeing from the alley area her car was. Her body would be found in the stairway leading to her apartment.

The suspect was believed to have been under 6' and wearing a dark-colored stocking cap and a grey 3/4 length coat.

The Journal Times December 13, 1985

Sunday, December 11, 2022

Murder of Sheila Patterson Manley

Between 12:30 a.m. to 2:30 a.m. on December 11, 1996, 34-year-old Sheila Manley was last seen walking on Frontage Rd.near the Flying J Travel Plaza in Blackburg, South Carolina. Around 2:30 a.m. Sheila's body would be found on the South Bound entrance ram off I-85 at the 99-mile marker (Highway 5). 


Saturday, December 10, 2022

Disappearance of Thi Chung Nguyen

On December 10, 2019, 12-year-old Thi Chung Nguyen went missing from Amberg, Germany. According to the police investigation, she initially ran away. She however is Vietnamese and speaks poor German. 

Thi is an Asian female and was 12-years-old at the time. She's 4'7" with a slim build. She has a birthmark on the front of her neck (in the area of the larynx). She was wearing dark denim jeans and a green hooded parka with fur trim.

Polizei (German)
Blaulicht Deutschland October 6, 2021 (German) 

Friday, December 9, 2022

Murder of Michael Leo Resk

Around 11:45 p.m. on December 8, 1955, 36-year-old Michael Resk left his home on Poplar Street in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. He was heading to the store that his brother owned and operated on Gottingen St. to help close down the store like he usually did. By 12:40 a.m. he never arrived at the store and would be reported missing by either his brother or wife. 

A few hours later at 2 a.m. on December 9th a taxi driver would call the police on a delivery van parked on Acadia St. near Roome St . about 2 miles from his home. It was parked in an unusual way and was blocking the taxi driver's driveway. When the driver looked inside he saw a body. When police investigated the vehicle it was Michael's body that was inside. He was shot execution-style and was shot multiple times with a .32 automatic. 

Star-Pheonix December 10, 1955
Salt Wire December 9, 2020
City News Everywhere December 9, 2020
Salt Wire December 12, 2020

Thursday, December 8, 2022

Murder of Susana Thatcher

On the evening of  December 7, 1978, 52-year-old Susana Thatcher was last seen by family member in the area of Eastern and Dundalk Avenues in Baltimore, Maryland. In the early hours of December 8th, she would give a call to a  friend and tell them that she was going to travel to their apartment in the Mt. Washington area of Baltimore. That night she was not driving and it was unknown how she was going to attempt to travel.

Around 4:20 a.m. on December 8th police received a call of a body being found in the area of Norris Lane and Trappe Rd. This was when Susana's body was found and someone had strangled her to death. She had died less than 3 hours before. Her daughter would report her missing later that day and she was identified the next day.

The Baltimore Sun December 9, 1978
The Baltimore Sun December 10, 1978

Wednesday, December 7, 2022

December 7, 2003 Ajo, Arizona John Doe

On December 7, 2003, the body of a young man was found in a remote area at Cardigan Peak in Ajo, Arizona by Arizona Search and Rescue. It's believed that he may have been dead for up to 2 years. 

John Doe is a Hispanic male between 17 to 19-years-old. He was 5'8". He was wearing Street People John Urban, Jeanswear brand of blue jeans, a black plaid shirt, a brown 'Levis' belt. a pair of Milineo 2000' brand of dark colored/black shoe and a cloth bracelet. On his person was found A piece of paper was found in the boy's pocket with the numbers "473-9-19-63", "474-0-72-48", the name "Eliezer", and the number "01152", and two jars of skin cream.


Tuesday, December 6, 2022

WANTED: Fu Kwok Jackie Wei

Before 2:30 a.m. on December 6, 2005, a fight would break out at a karaoke club in downtown Ottawa Ontario, Canada. 20-year-old Tailang Liu and 20-year-old Linhai Tian were shot during the altercation by Fu Kwok "Jackie" Wei. Tailang Liu was shot in the face and  Linhai Tian was shot 10 times. Jackie Wei would then flee the scene. He is wanted on a Canadian-Wide Warrant for two counts of First Degree Murder. He may have left the country.

Fu Kwok Jackie Wei is an Asian male who was born in July of 1978. He may also use the spelling Jacky. He has black hair and brown eyes. He is 70 kg (155lbs) and 170 cm (5'7"). 

Vancouver Sun December 16, 2005

Monday, December 5, 2022

Lost Film: The Virgin of the Seminole (1922)

 The Virgin of the Seminole is a 1922 Race Film directed, produced, and written by Oscar Micheaux. This film came out on December 5, 1922, and is considered lost.



A young black man joins the Royal Canadian Mounted Police and goes on an adventure to rescue a captive biracial woman. She's being held by a hostile American Indian tribe. He rescues the woman and acquires a great reward. He would then purchases a ranch that becomes the foundation of great wealth.




Silent Era

Reel Black Talk: A Sourcebook of 50 American Filmmakers pg 249

Sunday, December 4, 2022

Winter of 1766 Barbeque, North Carolina Stranger

  In the winter of 1766, the body of a man was found frozen to death on the steps of the Barbecue Presbyterian Church in Barbeque, North Carolina. He was never identified so he was buried in the cemetery.


Find A Grave

Saturday, December 3, 2022

Disappearance of Paulino Orea-Rodriguez

On December 3, 2009. 33-year-old Paulino Orea-Rodriguez was last seen crossing the US/Mexico border near Douglas, Arizona. There is little information on this case. 

Paulino is a Hispanic male and was 33-years-old at the time. He is 5'3" to 5'5" and 135 to 150lbs. He has brown hair and brown eyes. He has a tattoo on the left pectoral of the face of Jesus and on the right shoulder blade the image of Santa Muerte. He was wearing a blue jean jacket with yellow words "Hard Rock Cafe" on the back, a black shirt, blue jeans, a black belt, a hat, and grey Nike tennis shoes. He had a grey backpack, an image of Virgen de Guadalupe, and Christ Resurrected.


Friday, December 2, 2022

Amcotts Moor Woman

In the summer of 1747, a peat digger found a body roughly under 6ft under peat moss near Amcotts, England. His shovel would hit a shoe and when they found it with a foot still inside they fled the scene. The following October S. George Stovin would set out with his team to excavate the remains.

The remains belonged to a woman who lived and died between 200 and 400 A.D. Her body was bent so that her feet and head were close to touching as if a strong current had placed her body there. She was mummified and her hands were described as well-preserved, but they were lost when they were sent for study. Both of her shoes were found, but the one hit with the shovel was damaged. The shoes were described as having a tawny color and being pliable. 

Her remains were buried at the Amcotts church-yard.


Thursday, December 1, 2022

December 1, 1994 Chisinau, Moldavia John Doe

On December 1, 1994, the body of a man was found in the attic of house number 44, Pushkina Street in Chisinau, Moldavia. 

John Doe is a white male and was between 40 to 45-years-old. He is 5'9" (175 cm).


 Doe Network

Murder of James Clark Nicoll

 In 1871 James and Amelia Nicoll would come over to America from Scotland. The couple had 7 children in total 2 of which were born in Iowa w...