Friday, December 9, 2022

Murder of Michael Leo Resk

Around 11:45 p.m. on December 8, 1955, 36-year-old Michael Resk left his home on Poplar Street in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. He was heading to the store that his brother owned and operated on Gottingen St. to help close down the store like he usually did. By 12:40 a.m. he never arrived at the store and would be reported missing by either his brother or wife. 

A few hours later at 2 a.m. on December 9th a taxi driver would call the police on a delivery van parked on Acadia St. near Roome St . about 2 miles from his home. It was parked in an unusual way and was blocking the taxi driver's driveway. When the driver looked inside he saw a body. When police investigated the vehicle it was Michael's body that was inside. He was shot execution-style and was shot multiple times with a .32 automatic. 

Star-Pheonix December 10, 1955
Salt Wire December 9, 2020
City News Everywhere December 9, 2020
Salt Wire December 12, 2020

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