Tuesday, January 31, 2023

January 31, 2020 Carjacking, Abduction, and Robbery In San Juan, Puerto Rico.

On 31 January 2020, an unknown male carjacked a vehicle in the Santurce area of San Juan. He would then abduct the victim at gunpoint and force them to withdraw money from an ATH in Río Hondo, Puerto Rico.


Monday, January 30, 2023

January 30, 1998 Rural Lucerne Valley Doe

On January 30, 1998 a skull was found along a desert roadside in rural Lucerne, California. The skull belonged to a child or teenager that had died between 1995 and 1998.

Doe was between 8 to 10-years-old. 


Murder of Kenneth Allison Cermak

On the night of January 29, 1988, 66-year-old Kenneth Cermak and another man met at the Corner Pocket Bar and Billiards in Santa Cruz, California. The two would then go to Kenneth's condominium on East Cliff Drive in Santa Cruz. The two would then be attacked between 2 a.m. and 8:30 a.m. the next morning. They would be beaten and their throats slashed or stabbed. Kenneth would be found dead in his bathtub and his guest would be taken to the hospital and survived


Santa Cruz Sheriff's Office
Santa Cruz Sentinel Feb. 2, 1988

Sunday, January 29, 2023

Murder of Larry Bernard Anderson

His John Doe Reconstruction

On January 29, 1976, a plastic bag was found in a drainage ditch by workers along Rt. 80 in Knowlton Twp. New Jersey. Inside the bag contained the skull, several vertebrae, and femur of 20/21-year-old Larry Anderson. His remains wouldn't be identified till August 15, 2015. According to his sister he was last seen in Brooklyn, New York in May of 1975.

Warren County Prosecutors Office
Doe Network

Saturday, January 28, 2023

Friday, January 27, 2023

WANTED: Rex C. Reichert

Rex C. Reichert is wanted for the alleged sexual abuse of two boys (10 and 14)  over a 2-year period at his apartment in Collegeville, Pennsylvania. He was caring for the boys as a relative was getting medical treatment, and the boys visited him on weekends and camping trips.  

On September 28, 1990 Rex was charged with criminal intent to commit a crime of involuntary deviat sexual intercourse, criminal solicitation with the intent of promoting or facilitating the commissions of the crime of involuntary sexual intercourse, indecent assault, corruption of a minor, and endangering the welfare of children by the Collegeville Police Department, Collegeville, Pennsylvania, and a state warrant was issued for his arrest. On March 31, 1992, a federal arrest warrant was obtained for Reichert after he was charged with unlawful flight to avoid prosecution in the United States District Court, Eastern District of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Rex as connections with Pennsylvania, New York, Vermont, Canada, and Europe. 

Rex is a white male born On September 16, 1945 in Ohio. He's 5'10 and 150lbs. He has grey hair and grey eyes. He is known to wear his hair in a ponytail and wear wire rimmed glasses.He has formerly been employed as a technician in a recording studio. He also has operated an amusement arcade and invented a board game that was sold commercially. He is skilled with electronics, specifically musical equipment. 


Thursday, January 26, 2023

Murder of Steve Sisneros

On January 26, 2007, the body of Steve Sisneros was found inside his apartment in Belen, New Mexico. Someone had shot and killed him. There is little information in this case.

New Mexico State Police

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

The Ballgudden Woman and Infant

In 1831 the body of a woman and an infant were found in a bog in Northern Ireland. The woman was determined to have had blonde hair. The infant was skeletonized next to her body. It's unstated or unknown if the bodies were related. The bodies are now either lost or destroyed. 


Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Disappearance of Robin Reed


On January 24, 1995, 15-year-old Robin Reed was last seen jumping off of the Golden Gate Bridge in Petaluma, California. He had left a suicide note behind stating he felt unwanted. He had recently told friends that he was gay, but did not come out to his parents though they suspected it. 

His parents stated that he was being bullied at Petaluma Highschool. He had a failing grade on his report card and told his parents about the bullying. He said that he was called derogatory names and picked on about his sexuality that he wasn't even out about though it was suspected. It would have probably been worse if they actually knew about it. At one point he told his mom, "Mom, I'm a really normal and healthy 15-year-old because my hormones are raging right now. But I hate being sexual. My life is going so well and I'm really happy except for my hormones. I hate them. It's so confusing. I don't even know if I'm straight or not."

His body was never recovered and is unlikely that he survived the jump. After his death, students at his high school created a Gay/Straight Alliance in his memory. 

Albion Monitor November 14, 1995

Monday, January 23, 2023

El Monte Church Bombing

At approximately 1 a.m. on January 23, 2021, a male and female were seen smashing a window of the First Works Baptist Church at 2600 Tyler Ave. in El Monte, California. The two then lit an object and threw it into the church. The object shortly after exploded and the two fled the scene to a vehicle that they arrived in. The witness would call the police. 

The male suspect is Hispanic between 5'8" and 6'1" and around 170 to 180 lbs. The female suspect is 5'3" to 5'5" and around 125 to 135 lbs. Both were wearing blue jeans, black hoodies, and face masks. 


January 23, 1923 Yuma, Arizona John Doe

 Around 6 pm on Jan. 23, 1923 a man was struck by Train No. 102 in Yuma, Arizona. He was buried at the Yuma Pioneer Cemetary. 

He was a white male around 60-years-old. 


Find a Grave

Unidentified Wiki

Sunday, January 22, 2023

Home Made Explosive Devices Found in Gibsonville, North Carolina

 Since Jan. 22, 2021, at least 5 homemade explosive devices have been found along Wood St. in Gibsonville, North Carolina. Residents had also reported hearing explosions for the last several months. 



Saturday, January 21, 2023

Murder of Geoff Reynolds

At 2:20 p.m. on January 21, 1998, 30-year-old Geoff Reynolds's girlfriend would find him dead in his home on Montbor Rd. near Big Lake, Washington. He had been shot to death. The home did not seem to be broken into so it's suspected that Geoff was killed by someone he knew.

Geoff had some involvement with the local illegal drug trade. It is possible that his death was connected to that lifestyle. . 


Skagit County Cold Cases

King 5

Go Skagit

Friday, January 20, 2023

The Whale Bone in Verona

Verona, Italy is known as the city of Romeo and Juliet and is home to a centuries-old whalebone. The city lies 75 miles (120 km) from the sea and no one knows how or when it ended up where it hangs. The bone is believed to be a rib hanging in the center of the mediecal Arco Della Costa entry point. It's known that the bone has been there since the 1700s because of artwork, but it's believed that it may have been hung there since the 1400s when the arch was built in 1470.

The walkway above the arch it hangs from was used for safe passage for judges and magistrates between city hall and their living quarters. It was used to separate themselves from the common and corrupt people below. The legend goes that it will fall on the first innocent or truthful person to walk under the archway.

It's unknown wher who and why the whalebone was initially hung there. Some say that it was a relic brought back by Isreal Crusaders and displayed as a votive offering, or maybe it was never whalebone, to begin with, but a fossil of some sort of Marine animal and was hung for protection. Some believe that a pharmacy may have been in the area and since whalebone was used in medicine they hung it to advertise their shop. Truth is it will probably never be known.

Thursday, January 19, 2023

Murder of Michael Joseph Peverill

At 2p.m. on January 19, 1999, 31-year-old Michael Peverill went into his apartment at 88 Queen Street in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia, Canada. Around 3:20 p.m. someone would find Michael suffering from a fatal gunshot wound. He was found laying on his bedroom floor. He would pass away from his wounds.

Michael moved into the apartment a week before. He had known the previous tenant and both had people frequenting the apartment to conduct personal business. 

CTV News January 18, 2019

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Murder of Koni Lynn Berry

In January 1995, 30-year-old Koni Berry went with friends to the Talent club in Portland, Oregon. She told her friends that she would only be gone for 20 minutes. She was going to go buy drugs and had a large amount of money on her. No one would see her alive again.

In April her body would be found on the side of Anderson Butte Rd. She had been stabbed to death. The money that she had on her was gone. 

The people she typically bought drugs from were illegal immigrants from Mexico. Two brothers were suspected to have done or known information about the murder. Before police were able to contact them they had gone back to Mexico.

Jackson County Oregon Sheriff
Gio Insignares (video)
Mail Tribune May 22, 2011
Koin December 2021

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

January 17, 1923, Blyth, England John Doe

On January 17, 1923, a police inspector was at Amble Sands in Blyth, England. They had spotted a human bone protruding from the sands. The skeleton was believed to belong to a man and the skull had no marks of violence. It's possible that the body may have been there for up to 60 years and he may have been a crewmate on a shipwreck that had happened 60 years before. 

John Doe was believed to have been a male between 30-40 years of age.


Monday, January 16, 2023

January 16, 1950 Eastville, Virginia John Doe

On January 16, 1950, the body of a man was found on the shore of the Chesapeake Bay in Eastville, Virginia. His cause of death is unstated/unknown, but he had been dead for around 6 weeks. 

John Doe is a white male between 35 to 40-years-old. He was 5'9" and 140 lbs. He was wearing clothes, but they were not described.


Sunday, January 15, 2023

Murder of Heraida “Iris” Ayala

On January 15, 1985, 36-year-old Heraida “Iris” Ayala's body was found by her friends and boyfriend in her apartment in Allentown, Pennsylvania. The three of them had forced their way after not seeing her for a while and there was no response to the door. They would find her body in the bedroom and her apartment seemed to have been ransacked. She had been stabbed to death about 36 to 48 hours before she was found. 

Iris had a criminal history and was recently facing drug charges. 

The Morning Call January 16, 1985

Saturday, January 14, 2023

Unknown Artists: Antimenes Painter

Olive Gathering, amphora, ‚circa 520 BC.

The Antimenes Painter is an unknown Attic vase painter with the use of the black-figure style and 150 works have been attributed to them. He got his name from an archaeological convention, derived from the Kalos inscription on a hydria in the archaeological museum of Leyden. He's known to be active between circa 530 and 510 BC like in Etruria as most of his works were found there. He may have a connection with the workshop of Andokides.

He depicted the current repertoire of his periods such as the adventures of Herakles, Dionysos and his companions, and chariot scenes. His work and themes are described as organized and his distinctive motifs are idyllic. They often included subsidiaries in the main narrative.

His drawing style is similar to Psiax and influences of early red-figure style, but regardless he used the black figure technique.


Friday, January 13, 2023

Disappearance of Diana Schmitz

At 2:28 p.m.on January 13, 2019, 23-year-old Diana Schmitz's family received a text message from her which stated "it was not their fault, that she would find peace and that they should take good care of her son." Her family immediately contacted police, who subsequently found Diana's car at a carpool spot near Colijnsplaat, The Netherlands about a kilometer away from a bridge. Her telephone and glasses were found on the bridge. It is believed she committed suicide by jumping off the bridge and consequently died in the icy water. Diana'sremains were never found. The water had been dredged and searched with sonar equipment and sniffer dogs. Police believe her body may have sunk into the sand. 

Diana had previously attempted suicide at least twice before.

Diana is a white female and was 23-years-old at the time. She is 165 cm (5'4") She has brown hair and blue/green eyes.


January 13, 1975 Westminster, London, England Jane Doe


At 6:49 p.m. on January 13, 1975, a woman was struck by the District train at Victoria Underground Station in Westminster, London, England. 

Jane Doe was a white female and was 25-30 years old. She is 168 cm (5'6") and had a medium build. She has short dark brown hair and hazel eyes. She has a mark/wart on her right breast and a mark/wart on her left cheek. 

She was wearing a size 14 orange overcoat, a green cardigan, an orange shirt, an orange/red shirt, a white undershirt, size 14 black slacks, grey socks, size 6.5 black Russell Bromley shoes (made in Brazil), a long green scarf, a long white chiffon scarf, a grey woolen scarf, a size 34 pink bra,a size 36/38 White Marks & Spencer underwear. She was wearing an Avia watch, an inexpensive dress ring on the middle finger of her right hand. On her person, she had a white handkerchief with a R in the corner, a blue and white handkerchief, and £5.94 in change


Thursday, January 12, 2023

Disappearance of Brenda Lee Alexander Edmondson


On January 12, 1987, 22-year-old Brenda Edmondson was treated at the hospital for an epileptic seizure. She would then go and visit her mother afterward at her mother's home in Athens, Georgia. When she left that night she went to a convenience store to buy cigarettes but instead bought beer. Brenda was never seen again.

At the time of her disappearance she was living with her son and husband in a room they'd rented from her uncle. 

Brenda is a white female and was 22-years-old at the time. She's 5'0" to 5'4" and 125lbs to 140lbs. She has light brown hair and blue eyes. She suffered from epilepsy. She was wearing a t-shirt, blue jeans, and carrying a purse with a picture of her baby son inside. 



Charley Project

International Missing Persons Wiki

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Murder of Harland Shuey

On January 11, 2001, 78-year-old Harland Shuey would receive news that his wife who had dementia would not return home. He would call 911 for an injury twice. He was found stabbed in his home at 3310 E. 42nd St. in des Moines, Iowa. He would pass away from his wounds. It was initially thought that it may have been suicide, but the weapon wasn't found in the home. A pair of scissors was found near him and all the knives in the home were tested. None of them matched his wound though.

Des Moines Register April 7, 2001
Des Moines Register July 1, 2001

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

WANTED: Jane Doe 46

On the ECAP page, an unidentified female known as Jane Doe 46 may know critical information pertaining to the identity of a child victim in a sexual exploitation investigation. The video was likely created in May of 2022. Jane Doe 46 is heard speaking English a sample of her saying "Stand Up" is on the page. It's believed she is a white female, but her face is not shown in the video. However, a distinct tattoo is seen on her left wrist.


Monday, January 9, 2023

Disappearance of Janis Louis Taylor

On January 9, 1968, 15-year-old Janis Taylor was last seen waiting for a ride home from her school in Concord, New Hampshire where she was a sophomore. Her family believes that someone had abducted and murdered her. 

At the time Janis was a babysitter, and she was worried about one of the little boys, a relative, she babysat. She had seen the boy covered in bruises and told relatives. She believed it was caused by a man who knew the family and not a relative of the toddler.

It's not stated when this happened but the little boy would die 4 days after receiving a kick in the stomach from the man Janis suspected. The man would plead guilty to second-degree manslaughter. He got 1 year in jail and 10 months suspended. There is no evidence of him being involved in Janis's disappearance, but the family suspects him. 

Janis is a white female and was 15-years-old at the time. She was 5'3" and 110 lbs. She has brown hair and brown eyes. She has a scar behind the left ear from an abscess. She was wearing A blue coat, a gold and white suit, black nylon stockings, and black shoes, and had a white purse with her.

New Hampshire Department of Justice
National Center of Missing and Exploited Children
Charley Project
International Missing Persons
Concord Monitor April 2, 2022

Lost Film: The Fountain of Bakhchisaray (1909)

The Fountain of Bakhchisaray is a Russian short silent drama film released in 1909. The film was directed by Yakov Protazanov

Vladimir Shaternikov as Khan
Mariya Korolyova as Zarema
Yelizaveta Uvarova
Aleksey Muravin


The Crimean Khan Giray brings Maria to the harem. Zarema is filled with jealousy as she loves Khan more than anything. Zarema tells this Maria this and Maria admits she did not want to be a part of the Harem. She was eager for freedom and understood that it was only possible with death. Khan learns of Maria's death and orders the execution of Zarema. This would build a fountain of tears.


Sunday, January 8, 2023

Murder of Kenneth Duval Clinton

 Around 3:27 a.m. on January 8, 1995, 39-year-old Kenneth Clinton was attending a party for the Brothers Free Motorcycle Club at 2222 NE Alberta St. in Portland, Oregon. The building would be shot up and 5 people would be wounded by the shots. The person was across the street from the building and by the time people came to look all they saw was someone getting in a car and fleeing. Kenneth would be the only death as he had died 10 days after the shooting. 

Statesman Journal January 9, 1995

Saturday, January 7, 2023

Murder of James Leon Medler

Around 11 p.m. on January 7, 2001, James Medler and his son Jamie and a female associate were at Jame's home on 3043 W Lynn in Springfield, Missouri. James was talking to a family friend on the phone when he heard someone at the door. He would go to the front door as the people on the other side made it inside. Jamie and the female associate had fled from the home through the back door. They would hear a gunshot a short time later.

Jamie would return home after a few minutes to find his father laying in the front doorway. He had been shot and killed. Neighbors stated that 4 to 5 black males were seen running from the scene. Three different vehicles were seen fleeing the scene a maroon four-door Cadillac or Buick, a yellow Ford Mustang with a black top, ad a four-door Dodge Neon.

It's believed that James may have been targeted. He lived there with his dog bullet and walked with a cane. It's possible that he was targeted for a home invasion. At the time There was a string of robberies happening in Springfield at the time. 


Friday, January 6, 2023

January 6, 2009 Cranston, Rhode Island Abduction

On the morning of January 6, 2009, a female owner of a nail salon in Cranston, Rhode Island was at her salon. A white male wearing a ski-type mask and gloves would enter her business through a rear door. He would then place a wet cloth on the victim's face causing her to pass out. He would then abduct the woman.

The victim would then wake up inside a large plastic storage-type container with a lid in a van or minivan. She attempted to get other people's attention but was stopped by her kidnapper. Two hours after the kidnapping her kidnapper would release her in a parking garage in Braintree, Massachusetts. He had driven to the top of the parking garage and told her to get out before leaving. 

The suspect white male and was around 28-years-old with a local accent. He is around 6'0" and was described as thin. He has light brown or blondish short hair. He was clean-shaven and well-groomed. He was wearing a black watch with a square face on his right wrist.  He had a band-aid on his left hand it had blood on it at the time. 


Thursday, January 5, 2023

WANTED: Jean Leonard Faure

Allegedly on January 5, 1998, Jean Faure would violate his restraining order and go into his ex-wife's residence in Rosenburg, Oregon. He would then hold his ex-wife at gunpoint, rape, sodomize her, and then stole property from the home. 

On January 6th he would be arrested and charged with the crimes. He would then be released on bail but would fail to appear for the trial on March 3rd. The Douglas County Circut Court in Oregon would issue an arrest warrant for failing to appear. On April 29th a federal arrest warrant was issued in the U.S. District Court, District of Oregon, Eugene, Oregon, after he was charged with unlawful flight to avoid prosecution.

Jean Leonard Faure was born on December 30, 1966, in Bel Ombre, Mahe Island, Seychelles. He is a white male. He has black hair and brown eyes. He's 5'10" and 150lbs. He has a scar near his left eye. Has previously worked as a server or a food service worker. He's known to like soccer and gambling.

While living in the U.S. he lived in Oregon and Hawaii. He has family throughout the U.S. Canada, and Seychelles. He may travel to Singapore and the United Arab Emirates. 


Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Disappearance of Monique Rejembeau

On January 4, 1980, 24-year-old Monique Rejembeau was last seen leaving her workplace in Toulouse, France. She was supposed to have lunch with her mother and child who she lived with. She would never make it home. The next day her purse was located in the Garonne river electric plant of Bazacle. Within the next few days, her car would be found on St. Michel alley. 

In 1985 her investigation was reopened on the basis that she may have been in the sex trade in Barcelona. In 1996 her family went back to Barcelona and interviewed several people who claimed to have seen Monique in the Barrio Chino. Barrio Chino is frequented by prostitutes in Barcelona. None of the leads would lead to Monique.

Monique is a white female and was 24-years-old at the time. She was 160 cm (5'3"). She has blonde hair and blue eyes. She was missing the 3rd phalanx of the right-hand ring finger. 

Stop à l'Oubli

January 4, 1851Montgomery County, Ohio The Stranger


On January 4, 1851, someone died or their body was found in Montgomery County, Ohio. Their body was buried at Old Greencastle Cemetery in Dayton. Gender was not stated on the tombstone, but the age listed is 24-years-old. 


Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Disappearance of Gwendolyn "Gwen" Elizabeth Murray-Smith

 In January 1990, 37-year-old  Gwendolyn "Gwen" Murray-Smith went missing from Lakeland, Florida. There is little information in her case. 

Gwen is an African American female and was 37-years-old at the time. She was 5'2" to 5'3" and 120 to 130 lbs at the time. She has black hair and brown eyes. Her hair was described as straight medium hair.

Charley Project

January 3, 1901 Welsh, Louisiana John Doe

 At 2 p.m. on Jan. 3, 1901, four miles out of Welsh, Louisiana the crew of a freight train saw bloodied clothes hanging from the cards. Upon inspection, the body of a mangled teenage boy was found. It's believed that the boy was a stowaway on the train and lost his hold causing him to fall beneath and be mangled by the train. He had broken both legs, and crushed his skull, one arm was severed and the other only held on by skin.

 A trainman came forward stating he believed he saw the boy in Houston, Texas. The boy told him he had returned from the Philippines and was heading to New Orleans to see his brothers. He stated one brother worked at a slaughterhouse and the other worked at a mill.

John Doe was a white male was between 14 and 16-years-old. He seemed to be wearing a new suit with overalls over it to help protect it. He had no identifying papers on him when he was found. He did have a tattoo of an anchor with the initials G.T.


Find a Grave

Unidentified Wiki

Monday, January 2, 2023

Murder of Christine Miller

Sometime in 1988 19-year-old, Christine Miller would go missing. She had a history of leaving home, but by 1989 she was reported missing. No one would know what had happened to the teenager for over 2 decades.  

On January 2, 1989, the remains of a young woman were found in the area of  6100 W. Wekiwa Rd. Sand Springs, Oklahoma on the banks of the Arkansas River. The young woman had been beaten and trauma on her head had caused her death. It wouldn't be until 2013 that Christine would be identified. 


January 2, 1923 Bristol, England Baby Doe

 On January 2, 1923, the body of a newborn was found in some bushes on the west side of Stoke Park Colony in the Stapleton area of Bristol, England. It was impossible to determine if the child was born alive or not. 


Unsolved Murders UK

Sunday, January 1, 2023

Disappearance of Craig Jeffrey Graves

On January 1, 2001 33-year-old Craig Graves was last seen in Santa Monica, California. There isn't much information in this case.

Craig is a white male and was 33-years-old at the time. He's 6'1" and 200 lbs. He has blonde hair and blue eyes.

Doe Network
State of California Department of Justice

Murder of James Clark Nicoll

 In 1871 James and Amelia Nicoll would come over to America from Scotland. The couple had 7 children in total 2 of which were born in Iowa w...