Saturday, November 30, 2024

Lost Media: First music video for Alarm Call by Björk

Icelandic singer Björk released the song Alarm Call on her third album  Homogenic in 1997. It was the fourth single for the album and was ranked number 33 in the UK. This song will have two official music videos of which the first was never released.

The first music video for the song was directed by Paul White from Me Company. It was the same firm that produced the artwork for the Album and their respective singles. The music video is said to have featured Björk in a similar outfit to the one featured on the album cover. There was also said to be a dance scene in the Los Angeles subway system.

Björk was not satisfied with this music video. The second video was directed by fashion designer Alexander McQueen and was filmed in London in October 1998 in two days. Björk was satisfied with this version even stating on MTV News that the music video industry needed a "spank on the bum", and Alexander McQueen was the one to do the music video

No clips, scenes, storyboards, or such have been seen by the public from the first music. Björk also has not mentioned much from the music video. It can be assumed that the music video may not exist anymore.  


Friday, November 29, 2024

Suspicious Death of Martha Mansfield


Martha Mansfield was determined to become an actress at the age of 14. Her first role would happen in a play of Little Women in 1912. She would act, sing and dance in some plays, and model in photographs before being signed by Essanay Studios.

On November 29, 1923, 24-year-old Martha was working at a location in San Antonio, Texas. She was playing the role of Agatha Warren in the movie The Warrens of Virginia. Because it was based in the Civil War she was wearing a costume based on the time. Which was of hoop skirts and flimsy ruffles. 

After filming was done Martha went to her car where her chauffeur was waiting. Her skirt would burst into flames. Those around tried to save her. The chauffeur tried to take her clothes off and the leading man Wilfred Lytell threw his heavy overcoat onto her. 

Both Martha and the Chaufer were burned. Martha's body was severely burned, but her face was not because of Wilfred's jacket. The Chaufer's hands were badly burned. They would be taken to the hospital. However the following day Martha would die. It was from burns of all extremities, general toxemia, and suppression of urine. 

It's unknown what exactly happened. It was known that a match was the culprit of the fire, but it was unknown who had done it. Some witnesses stated that they saw the match go through the window. Others theorized that Martha was trying to smoke and accidentally dropped the match. However, her mother stated that she didn't smoke and that it in fact made it uncomfortable. 

Pensacola News Journal December 1, 1923
News 4 San Antonio Nevember 30, 2020

Friday, November 22, 2024

November 22, 1957 Dublin, Virginia Baby John Does

 On November 22, 1957, the bodies of two infant boys were found in a box recently buried in an unmarked grave near a cemetery in Dublin, Virginia. It is not stated how the boys had died or when they died. It's possible that the two were twins.

The baby John Does were both African American Infants. The boys were 18 inches long and one was 5 lbs and the other was 4 lbs. 


NamUs Boy 1

NamUs Boy 2

Friday, November 15, 2024

November 15, 1924 Yuma, Arizona John Doe

 On November 15, 1924, in Yuma, Arizona a man would die from Suffocating from Cotton Seed it's not listed if it was accidental or not.  He was buried at the Yuma Pioneer Cemetery in Yuma.

John Doe is a white male around 45-years-old.


Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Murder of Jesa "Toni" Corazza


In 1934, 17-year-old Jesa "Toni" Corazza was a dancer and lived on Randor St in the Chelsea area of London, England. She acquired certain fame in theaters and even had a part in one or two films. By October she would become pregnant and did not want to keep it. At this time abortion was illegal in England and would seek help and have one illegally. On October 28, 1934, Toni would miscarry and be sent to St. Luke Hospital in London, England. 

Toni denied that she had an abortion and claimed that she fell dancing, but there was evidence of an instrument used by someone accustomed to this type of work. It was also found that she was taking pills to induce a miscarriage and they were hidden inside a matchbook inside her purse.
Toni would develop acute blood poisoning due to the instrument used in the surgery. She would not admit to either who the father was or who had given her the abortion. She would even say that she may have slipped on accident while dancing as an excuse for her condition. She passed away on November 13th due to heart failure caused by the blood poisoning. 

Her mother said that she didn't know if anyone had interfered with her daughter. She stated that Toni tried to tell her something as she was dying, but she couldn't be understood. 

A jury would find a verdict of murder against some person or persons unknown was returned.

Evening Standard November 19, 1934
Evening Standard November 26, 1934

Monday, November 11, 2024

Lost Media: The Hypnotic Experiment Screamer

Made using Bing Image Creator

On November 11, 2006, the YouTube channel VeneralbeDread uploaded the video The Hypnotic Experiment. This video was a screamer video and is now considered lost media. As the channel was deleted taking the screamer with it. 

The video begins with the simple instructions of asking to watch at full volume and for the viewers to focus on the center of a moving spiral on the screen. However, 35 seconds in a picture of an eye and a loud scream would happen. The view was tricked by a screamer and it was followed by a message from the creator, "Did I scare you? If so, you have been pranked, AGAIN! MWAHAHAHAHA".


Friday, November 8, 2024

November 8, 1981 Danville, Virginia John Doe

November 8, 1981, the skeletal remains were found scattered in an old dumpsite near Danville, Virginia. It's believed that he had died likely in 1959.

John Doe was a Black male and was between 40 to 60 years old. He was 5'2" to 5'7". He was wearing a large dark-colored cotton T-shirt.


November 8, 1577 London England Unknown Poor Woman

On November 8, 1577, a poor woman died in the streets of London, England. Her name and where she was from was unknown, but some believed she may have been Welsh. She was buried in the Bedlam Burial Ground.


Sunday, November 3, 2024

November 3, 1924 Youngwood, Pennsylvania John Doe

 On November 3, 1924, a skeleton of a man was found by hunters in Youngwood, Pennsylvania.There is little information in this case. 


Friday, November 1, 2024

November 1, 1872 Kings County, New York Jane Doe

 On November 1, 1872, the body of a woman was found at the Navy Yard in Kings County, New York. He cause of death was drowning. There is little information in this case.

Jane Doe was around 35-years-old. 


Murder of James Clark Nicoll

 In 1871 James and Amelia Nicoll would come over to America from Scotland. The couple had 7 children in total 2 of which were born in Iowa w...