Saturday, December 29, 2018

December 29, 1996 South Bend, Indiana Madison Doe

Hunters located a body 6/10 miles from US Highway 31 in a thickly overgrown pasture three miles south of Southbend, Indiana. She was found beside a high voltage electrical road. The cause of death is unknown.

She was a white female between 21 to 35 years old. She was 5'1" and 110 lbs. She had medium length brown hair. She may have had a broken nose in the past. Spondylolysis of 5th lumbar, unknown if problem during life. SHe had excellent dental hygiene, she genetically had no upper lateral incisors, She had one filling. No clothing was found and or mentioned.

Thursday, December 27, 2018

Disappearance of Melvin Charles Horst

On the afternoon of December 27, 1928 4-year-old Melvin Charles Horst was going to play with four neighborhood buddies in Orrville, Ohio. His friends say that they were playing in a vacant lot off of Chestnut St. near the railroad tracks. They said that Melvin walked home alone because he lived a block away. At the time he was carrying his small red toy truck, a recent Christmas Gift.  The truck was found in his front yard.

By 4:30 his mother Zora called out to him for dinner. She sent her oldest son to search for him at neighbors houses, but he wasn't found. Zora got worried and waited for her husband Raymond to come home at 6 start searching the neighborhood.

By 7 the authorities helped in the search and at 8:30 was when the search was initiated. Many residents of the town helped with the search of Melvin. The search was led by Raymond's brother Roy, who was the village marshal.

Police thought it may have been possible that Melvin was mistaken for a wealthy child who lived nearby. They were hoping someone would call for a ransom for Melvin. The theory was discarded when no ransom demands were made.

It could be possible that Melvin's disappearance had to do with his uncle Roy's job. As at the time, the prohibition was happening and he was zealous at getting bootleggers and enforcing liquor laws. Right before Melvin's disappearance, Roy was living with the family.

Bootlegger, Elias Arnold, and his children William Arnold, Arthur Arnold, and Dorthy McHenry, and Dorthy's husband Bascom McHenry were arrested on Jan. 2, 1929 for Melvin's disappearance. Elias had been in jail for the most part of 1928 for liquor related charges. It was known the family bore a grudge against Roy.

Charles "Junior" Hannah an 8-year-old a nephew of Elias told investigators he saw Melvin go into the house, and a 9-year-old neighbor corroborated his claims. Arnolds maintained their innocence though. They had alibis for the time he went missing. Elias and Author were convicted and spent three months in jail before authorities realized the children were lying. They couldn't have seen it happen from where they were at. A second trial happened shortly after.

Junior admitted he initially lied, but then he accused his own father Charles Hannah and neighbor Earl Conold in 1930. He claimed they killed Melvin and asked him to make up a story accusing the Arnolds. Both men confessed, but it was coerced from Law Enforcement.

Some people believe Melvin had been abducted and or murdered. Another theory is that he may have been hit by a car and the driver panicked and hid the body. It could be possible that Melvin was kidnapped to be raised as someone's child. None of these theories have been confirmed. It's unknown what really happened to Melvin.

Melvin was 4 years old at the time. He was 3'1" and 49 lbs. He had blue eyes and brown hair. He has a jagged burn scar on his hip. He was described as having an upturned nose and stocky build. He was wearing a checked sweater, a brown overcoat and a stocking cap.


Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Disappearance of Julie Lynn Seay

24-year-old Julie Lynn Seay was last seen leaving from her work in Daytona Beach, Florida on December 23, 1988. She was a telephone magazine saleswoman at the time. She never returned back to her apartment.

She was supposed to have gone to a Christmas gathering on December 25. When this happened she was reported missing. Later her blue 1988 Chevrolet Sprint was found in a parking space in the 200 blocks of Magnolia Ave. near Beach Street. It was unlocked and the passenger seat was adjusted for a taller person. Her purse was also found inside. Foul play is suspected.

Recently she had gotten divorced from her husband. She was at the time thinking about reconciling with him. She left behind two young sons.

Her boss's Port Orange, Florida home was searched three times for evidence. The searches had turned up nothing and no has been charged in her case.

Julie is an Asian female that was 24 at the time of disappearance. She is 4'11" to 5'0" and 97 to 103 lbs. Her hair is black/brown and was should length at the time and she has brown eyes. She has her ears pierced and has a C-section scar on her abdomen.

She was wearing a red shirt, ivory colored pants, and garnet earrings.


Sunday, December 23, 2018

March 22, 1996 Exeter, California pregnant Jane Doe

On March 22, 1996, the body of a pregnant young lady was found in an orange grove north of Exeter, California. It was estimated she died the day before, but her cause of death wasn't stated. She was a Hispanic female between 18 and 28 years old. She was 5'4" and 145 lbs. She had black hair and brown eyes. She had the words Jesse written in ink on her right thigh (isn't stated if it's a tattoo). She was wearing dark green Levis, a black bra, and athletic socks.

SOURCES: (Post Mortem)

Thursday, December 20, 2018

The London Stone

The London Stone sits in Cannon Street in London, England behind a glass panel (formerly an iron gate). The purpose or reason for the preservations of a small block of limestone still a mystery. Originally the stone was a part of a larger object and was fixed in a street. For hundreds of years, the Stone was considered to be the heart of London. It had become a traditional place for people to pass laws, claim debts, declare oaths, and make official proclamations.  

The first mention of the London Stone was in 1188. It was referenced with Henry Fitz Ailwen also knowns as Henry Lundenstone referring to the area in which he lived. He had become Lord Mayor of London. It's possible the stone had been there up to 924-939, one website said it was actually first mentioned in documents. 

During Jack Cade's failed rebellion in 1450, Jack Cade was said to have struck the stone with his sword and declared he was "Lord of this City." In 1520 it was indicated on a map that the stone laid in the middle of the street. 

In 1742 the stone was moved further north on the street and then was built into the wall of St. Swithin''s Church. During the WWII Blitz, the church was badly damaged. The stone survived even though it home did not, in 1962 the Church was demolished. The stone was then moved to a wall in 111 Canon Street where it now lays. 

It could have been a something similar to a Roman Milestone. In which it was used to pinpoint a place to which all distances in Brittian or at least London were measured. This theory was done by William Camden's Brittanica in 1586.

The Stone may be the Stone of Brutus. The legend goes that it may have been part of an altar built by Brutus of Troy for the Goddess Diana. Some believe that the stone was blessed and had blessed London. "So long the Stone of Brutus is safe, so long London will flourish." 

It's possible that the stone was used in another religion as a form of worship. It could be possible the stone was used in ancient druid practices. This theory also came about in the 1500's by John Strow. In 1598 John Strow wrote The Survey of London in which he goes over his theory. 

Some believe that it may be the stone that King Arthur pulled the sword out of. It's highly unlikely though as a mystery lies with King Arthur. No one really knows if the king was real or not. 

In all honesty we may never find out why the London stone has been so important for hundreds of years. Hopefully for the next few hundred the same care is done for the stone and it's mysterious ability to survive Londons most difficult times. 


London Stone depicted in 1873 (1887 copy) book Volume 1: Old and New London. It was illustrated by Walter Thornbury. 

Church of St Swithin, London Stone, in Cannon Street, London; engraving after Thomas H. Shepherd, 1831. The church is by Christopher Wren, 1678. A prominent stone casing in the middle of the church's south wall houses London Stone.
 London Stone and St Swithin's Church in Cannon Street, London, as depicted on the "Copperplate" map of London of c.1553-59


Disappearance of Ricky Jean Bryant

On December 19, 1949, 4-year-old Ricky Bryant who went by Jeanie was home with two of her siblings and grandparents in Mauston, Wisconsin. One of her siblings were at school at the time and her parents were out of the house as her grandparents watched. That was when a fire broke out in the home.

Her brother who was 5 at the time said that Jeanie was standing in the yard with him. During the fire, a woman drove up in an expensive car and she got out of the car. She distracted Jeanie's brother by telling him they needed to get help and pointed down the street. Leaving Jeanie alone. When her brother returned Jeanie was gone.

The grandmother contradicted and said that only two of the three siblings had gotten out of the house. That Jeanie had still been inside and when the Grandmother went in she couldn't find her. She called out to Jeanie and got no response.

Most authorities believe that Jeanie had died in the fire, but being that there was nobody and the bone fragments found couldn't conclusively be determined to Jeanies they've opened a case. Her siblings think it's possible that the fire was on purpose and that Jeanie was taken and hidden by family members, or that it was possible she may have had a different father and was sent to live with her biological father.

Jeanie was 4 at the time and is a white female. She was 3'4" and 40 lbs. He had blonde hair and hazel eyes.


Monday, December 17, 2018

December 17,1977 Emigrant Gap, California Jane Doe

On December 17, 1977, near highway 20 and Interstate 80 east of Emigrant Gap, California the body of a nude woman was found. She had been strangled to death and had died 2 to 6 days before. It was not believed that she was raped.

She was a white female between 25 and 35 years old. She was 5'8" and 145 lbs. She has dark brown to black hair and brown eyes. There was evidence that she had lost weight recently and the stretch marks were consistent with someone who may have given birth recently. She had her toenails painted orange and her fingernails were trimmed neatly close to the base.


December 17, 1977 Toronto, Ontario, Canada John Doe

On December 17, 1977, In Toronto, Ontario, Canada, the body of a young man was found on the shore of Lake Ontario. Cause of Death, Time of Death, and the state of the body are unknown or unstated at the time. He was a white male between 18 and 25 years old. He's 5'4" to 5'6" and 140 lbs, 63 kgs. He was stated to have a slim build and may have been a smoker as his teeth are stained.


Disappearance of William Maddison French

William French who went by his middle name Maddison was last seen on November 15, 1997, in the Duncraid area of Perth, Austrailia. On December 17 he phoned a former girlfriend saying he was in Kununurra and was intending on traveling around Austrailia with his new friend Marco. It is believed he met Marco around 6 days before. His bank account had been accessed up until 1998.

Marco may have been Miro Petrovich Dragovich a man who's being investigated in several countries for deceit. He has several aliases including Marco Dawson. It's believed he may have been involved with William's disappearance. 

William was 25 years old at the time and is a white male. He's around 180 cm and has a medium build. He has blond hair and hazel eyes.


Disappearance of William Ebenezer Jones, III

Around 11:45 a.m. on December 17, 1962, 3-year-old William Ebenezer Jones III who went by Billy and his 2-year-old sister were playing in their backyard in Vineland, New Jersey. They were playing with the family dog as their mother watched from the window inside. 

His mother went to go check on their brother in another room and when she came back she saw her daughter standing in the doorway. She was holding a plastic poinsettia a red flower also called the red Christmas star. William was nowhere to be seen. 

Her daughter stated that a man gave her the flower and Billy went with him. 

Family and friends initiated a search of the area after an hour the police were contacted. Their search was fruitless as he was never found. It's possible he was kidnapped to be raised by the kidnappers as their son.

Billy was 3 years old at the time and is a white male. He was 3'0" and 30 lbs. He has light brown hair and blue eyes. He has a giraffe-shaped vaccine scar on the back of his upper left arm. He didn't have good communication skills at the time. He had loved dogs and had been gifted a puppy before his disappearance. 

He was wearing a light blue/grey snowsuit with a navy blue collar and large silver buttons, a matching hat, and tan hightop sneakers with crepe soles and yellow laces. 


Sunday, December 16, 2018

8 Unidentified Victims of Hurrican Camille in 1969

There are 8 unidentified victims of Hurrican Camille that struck. The following victims died due to the conditions and flooding caused by Hurrican Camille. Many of the victims were found without clothing or jewelry due to the current. The reason for being unreported may be that their families were also killed and unfound or also unidentified.

August 24, 1969, Howardsville, Virginia White John Doe Age: 15-19

He was found in Howardsville on the Rockfish River. He appeared to have brown hair and a blond mustache. It was noted that he was a nail-biter and high cheekbones. He was 5'8" and 155 lbs.


August 25, 1969, Howardsville, Virginia White John Doe Age: 12-14

He was 5'2" and 125 lbs. He had long dark brown hair.


August 29, 1969, Howardsville, Virginia White Jane Doe Age: 70-75

She was found on the James River. She has long white hair. She's 5'2" and 140 lbs. She was wearing a blue shirt with checks and dots size 36, Bermuda type pants made of a bluish-green denim material, pink underwear and a pink net like a girdle.


August 31, 1969, Nelson, Virginia White Jane Doe Age: 6-8

She was found 7 to 8 miles upriver from Bremo Plant in James River. It's believed she may be related to the Jane Doe found on the same day in Howardsville as they have similar features. She had strawberry blonde hair. She was 3'10" and 60 lbs.


August 31, 1969, Howardsville, Virginia White Jane Doe Age: 10-12

She was found 2 miles above Howardsville in the Rockfish River flooded area. She may be related to the previously listed jane doe. She had long wavy blonde or light brown hair. She was 4'7" and 70 lbs.


September 1, 1969, Howardsville, Virginia White John Doe Age: 50

He was found in the Rockfish River. He was balding on the top of his head he has black hair. He is described as having a muscular stocky build. He was 5'7" and 215 lbs.


September 1, 1969, Wood's Mill, Virginia White Jane Doe Age: 40-60

She was found on the Rockfish River. She has brown hair at a moderate length. She's 5'2" and 150 lbs.


September 6, 1969, Wood's Mill, Virginia White Jane Doe Age: 35-40

She was 5'5" and 140 lbs. He had short fine strawberry hair, his body hair was light brown. His nails were short, but not chewed, he has a scar on the anterior abdominal wall and had varicose veins. She was wearing a matching blue short and shirt set.


Murder of Carol Drake and Terry Shimizu/Foxx

On December 16, 1985, 56-year-old Carol Drake was the co-owner of the business and 39-year-old Terry Shimizu (who also went by Terry Fox) were working. She was co-owner of an Adult bookstore, and an Adult Video club and a Family World amusement-video store. All three were housed in the same building and neighbored each other in Wahiawa, Hawaii.

The Adult-Video Club section of the Book Store was locked. Employees of the other stores noticed and began to worry. By 1:50 p.m. the doors were kicked down as they had been locked. In the rear office, the bodies of Carol and Terry had been found.

Both women had been stabbed once. Carol har been stabbed in the heart and Terry was stabbed in the throat. Both victims were fully clothed and did not show signs of sexual assault. It's believed that the women were kneeling or laying on the ground at the time of the attack.

It is possible the motive for murder may have been robbery as cash receipts from the day was missing and an envelope with an undisclosed amount of money seemed to have been dropped on the floor.

Six months before Gail Purdy a former employee had died to the Honolulu Strangler. At this point, it isn't believed they were murdered by the same person.


Friday, December 14, 2018

Disappearance of Theodore Malcum Franks

On May 31, 1986, 19-year-old Theodore "Teddy" Malcum Franks had gotten into a fight with his wife. It was noted that he was acting strangely. He went to his sisters home and asked if she could give him a ride to the gas station to get some cigarettes.

She gave him a ride to the gas station on Jackson and Roosevelt Boulevard in Middletown, Ohio. When they got there he automatically jumped out of the car and ran. Shortly after it was seen that two people were chasing him down the road. This was the last time anyone saw him.

It isn't known who was chasing him or why. His family didn't know of any enemies. If he's still alive they do believe he may have been running away from some sort of danger.

Teddy was 19 years old at the time and a white male. He is 5'7" and 5'10" and around 135 lbs. He has strawberry blonde hair and either blue or green eyes. He has a heart tattoed near the thumb and forefinger. He also has a black dot tattooed on his wrist. He has a mole by his eye. He was wearing blue jeans, shirt, and shoes.


Wednesday, December 12, 2018

November 17, 1980 Ludlow, California Jane and John Doe

Reconstruction of Female
Image of males tattoo and his earing and her ring

On November 17, 1980, the bodies of two people were found in a shallow grave in a remote desert off of Route 66 about 5 miles east of Ludlow, California. Cause of death is either unknown or unstated. It's believed they died within 1 to 6 months before. Only a reconstruction was done on the female. There is a photo of the males earing/tattoo.

The female is a white woman between 17 and 22 years old. She has light red/blonde/brown hair. She was 5'5" to 5'8" and 115 lbs. She has a distinctive smile as her teeth had a few gaps. Her left ear was at least pierced. She was found with the ring pictured above it is a size 7ring with yellow metal 10-k, with 7 glass stones, the center stone was missing though.

The male is a white male between 21 and 30 years old. He was 5'4" and weight is unestimated. He had long brown hair (12-15 inches)that was fashioned into a ponytail at the time. His left ear was pierced and he was wearing a white metal Ankh earring, he also had an Ankh tattooed unspecified where.

It is unspecified if either victim was wearing clothes.



Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Murder of Mary Amelia Allen

On July 24, 1975, 73-year-old Mary Amelia Allen failed to show up at the dress shop she worked. Her supervisor called her daughter in law because she was worried. Her daughter in law went to Mary's Claymont, Deleware home, and found her body.

Mary's body was found in a pool of blood in her bedroom. She had been dragged from the bathroom to the bedroom causing her clothes to be ripped. She was stabbed around 20 times.

A neighbor last saw her around 8 the night before. She was attacked between then and 10 a.m. It's believed that she was attacked while getting ready for work. The house didn't look ransacked and robbery doesn't seem to have been motive.


Monday, December 10, 2018

December 10, 2017 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Jane Doe *Identified* Name Not Released

Around 2 in the morning on December 10, 2017, a woman was pushed out of a silver Ford F-150  on Frankford Ave. in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania a woman was pushed out. She tried to cling on, but fell off and was hit by a car traveling behind the truck.

The vehicle was a silver Ford F-150. The tailgate was missing and there was a sticker in the back window.

She was a white female between 30 and 50 years old. She was 5'0" and 83 lbs. She has dark brown to black hair. She was wearing black yoga pants, grey sweatpants, a black coat, a blue coat, a black shirt and pink and black shoes with blue laces.

In August of 2019 this young woman was identified. Her name has not been released to the public.


Saturday, December 8, 2018

December 8, 1979 Leland, North Carolina Jane Doe

On December 8, 1979 Hunters stumbled upon a body 2,000 feet near Hooper Hill in Leland, North Carolina. It was the body of a young black woman. She had been dead for around 3 weeks and her death was undetermined due to the condition of her body.

She was a black woman and her age range is large being between 13 and 56 years old. She was 5'4" and her weigh is unknown. She has short to medium black kinky hair. Teeth numbers 1, 16, 17, and 32 are uninterrupted and still in the follicular stage of development. She was wearing a bra, a dark short sleeve shirt, tan sweater, white underwear with blue trim, black slacks or pajama pants, over the knee socks and red scuffs or footies, and a gold snoopy watch on her left wrist.

Isotope analysis confirms that she may not have spent much time in North Carolina. She may have spent significant time in West Virginia, Pennsylvania, New York, California and as well as Midwestern regions in Northern Wisconsin and Michigan.


December 8, 1968 Lancaster, California Jane Doe

Pictures from Crime Scene

On December 8, 1968 a group of hunters were going into the desert in Lancaster, California. They had come across a coffin 15 feet away from 188th Street East, just south of Fort Tejon Road. The group called it into the Lancaster police.

It was a homemade coffin the top had been glued and hammered down and then painted red. It was buried and covered with rock leaves and dirt. Inside a woman was wrapped in two different quilts. One was 80” by 70” with various red and blues on one side and solid green on the other side. The other quilt was 67” by 76” with the same colors. Her head was resting on a brocade pillow (small decorative pillow). A Newspaper from the Los Angeles Times from 7/1/67 was found in the coffin. It isn't believed she was dead for that long though. It's believed she may have been dead for up to 3 months. 

She had been shot in the temple. It is believed that she may have been killed in a domestic situation. More than likely by a family member or close friend. Someone placed a paper bag over her head, showing there may have been regret. The over wrapping of the body may have also been seen as the same, but it could also be they were trying to prevent animal's from getting to it.

She was a white female between the ages of 30 and 50 years old. She had short red/auburn hair that was graying. She was around 5'4". She had a complete hysterectomy and evidence that she may have given birth to a child at some point.

She was wearing a two piece light pink or light blue (some sources state either) nylon Pj's with elastic waist band measuring 15 inches and the length was 35 inches, and a small Veyellared and white checkered bathrobe that was woven in Great Britain by the brand Sadie Shaw. She was also wearing a hairnet and bobby pins in her hair.


Friday, December 7, 2018

Murder of Alva Jean Parris

On June 10, 1960 9-year-old Alva Jean Parris left her home in Baltimore County, Maryland around 9 a.m. Her aunt only lived a few blocks away from her. An 11-year-old girl playing in her front yard was the last one to see her playing at a play yard around 4:30 pm. Alva never arrived or went to her aunt's house.

Five days later Alva's body was found in a shallow grave near Essex and on the border of Baltimore. Her body had been covered with linoleum, tree branches a bit of dirt and lye had been used on her body. She was found in some dense woods near an abandoned farm. Her cause of death is unknown, it didn't seem she died to stabbing or shooting. She seemed to have died at the time she went missing.


Thursday, December 6, 2018

Disappearance of Marcell Byers

On July 11, 1989, 19-year-old Marcell Byers was last seen on the north side of Youngstown, Ohio. He was standing on a street corner with his friends. A white man driving a compact car drove up and asked Marcell where he could buy some crack. Shortly after Marcell and his friends reached another street corner and the same man pulled up, but in a black Jeep Cherokee or Ford Bronco with Florida plates instead of the other car.

The driver had a passenger, a white male with blond hair and in his mid 20's. The two quickly attacked Marcell. They jumped out, pistol whipped him, sprayed him with mace and then threw him into the back of the vehicle. Marcell was never seen again.

A father and son were arrested and charged with the kidnapping. Gerald Zuppo Sr. and his son Jerry Zuppo Jr pleaded no contest to kidnapping and sentenced five to twenty-five years. It wasn't believed to be a hate crime and was probably retaliation because Marcello allegedly had robbed Jerry of a gold chain.

It's believed that Marcell is dead due to not having contact with family and friends for so long.


Who Built The Helix Staircase of Loretto Chapel?

When the Loretto Chapel in Santa Fe, New Mexico has the main attraction. Many people go to churches to look at the paintings, statues, and structures. The thing most people come to see is the Helix Staircase that was built by a mysterious stranger. At first, it was a mystery of how the staircase stood, but now people know that it's because of the physics of the staircase.  Now the mystery still lies in who the kind stranger was and where did the spruce wood he used come from.

Here's a bit of history of the Chapel first.

The story of the Loretto Chapel began in 1850. Bishop Jean Baptiste Lamy saw a need to educate girls in the New Mexico Territory. Six Sisters were sent to start Loretto Academy for Girls. The sisters also had to learn Spanish as that was a language spoken in the territory. In 1853 when they arrived in Santa Fe the school was opened.

It wasn't until 20 years later in 1873 when they were able to start constructing the Chapel. The Chapel was inspired by French architecture, specifically of Sainte Chapelle in Paris. By 1878 the Architect of the structure had died before finishing the choir loft 22 feet high. Unfortunately, a staircase would have taken up too much floor space and the Chapel had no money to redo it.

It is said that the sisters did a nine-day novena to Saint Joseph the Saint of Carpenters for a miracle. On the final day their prayers were answered, a carpenter appeared. He arrived with a carpenters square and hammers, and he used wooden pegs instead of nails. His only rule for the job was that he was to do it in private. He had completed his job and left just as mysteriously as he arrived.

When the sisters saw the finished product they were shocked. The staircase has two 360 degree turns and has no center pole for support. It was exactly what they needed. It didn't take too much room and the choir loft was useful. later a railing was added so that it was easier to climb. The sisters searched to find out what kind of wood he used, but it turns out to not have been native to the area.

The Sisters were thankful for the stranger. Some believed that it was Saint Joseph himself or someone sent in by Saint Joseph. All that is known is that the Sisters prayers were answered.


Wednesday, December 5, 2018

December 5, 1993 Laughlin, Nevada John Doe

On December 5, 1993, two fishermen were returning to their vehicle in Laughlin, Nevada. That was when they discovered a man lying in a narrow ravine west of Casino Center Drive. One source stated the cause of death as a suicide, he was found with .357 revolver.

 He's a white male between 30 and 40 years old. He was 6'0" and 170 lbs. He had black or dark brown hair that was 4 inches. He had a small blue and yellow cassette player. radio walkman with headphones. He was wearing black sweatpants, black hoodie, A white T-shirt with Rivera logo, grey gloves, white socks, and tan and blue ankle height boots size 10 1/2.


Tuesday, December 4, 2018

July 5, 1966 Pecos, Texas Jane Doe *Identified* Jolaine Hemmy

On Jan. 19, 2021 she was identified as 17-year-old Jolaine Hemmy. 


On July 5, 1966 around 2 p.m., a couple checked into Ropers Hotel in Pecos, Texas as husband and wife. At 5:30 the wife decided to go swimming. Soon there was screaming and she was drowning. A maid walked by the pool and the girl had already drowned. The 16-year-old granddaughter of the motel owner pulled the girl out and did CPR. It was all in vain as the unknown girl had died.

When the "Husband" of the couple was notified he initially left the hotel. He soon returned and persuaded the teenage girl to give him the registration card with the couple's information so he could prove he was staying there to the hospital. They were registered under Mrs. and Mr. Russell Buattoun. He left and was never found. It could be possible that the two were probably not husband and wife like they claimed.

Jane Doe is a white female 17 to 20 years old. She was 5'4" and 130 lbs. She had long brown hair and brown eyes, and an olive complexion. She has a 4-inch burn scar on her ribs and a 3-inch scar on the inside of her left leg. She was wearing a bright red bathing suit. She had also been wearing dark shorts and a flowered blouse earlier.

The Husband was a white male with short blonde or red hair. He was 5'7" and weighed around 135 to 140 lbs.


Saturday, December 1, 2018

December 1, 1991 St. Louis, Missouri Jane Doe

On December 1, 1991, a woman's body was spotted around 1:30 p.m. between two barges in the Mississippi River. She was pulled out near the foot of Gasconade Street in St. Louis, Missouri. One article stated the death isn't believed to be suspicious. She had died weeks prior.

It was a woman between 30 and 70 years old. Her race couldn't be determined. She was 5'2" and 200 lbs. He had black hair. Her nasal septum deviated to the right. She was only wearing light color underwear and bra.


May 9, 1964 North Parsonsfield, Maine John Doe

On May 9, 1964 people digging for bottles on Leavitt Plantation Road in North Parsonsfield, Maine found bones. The bones belonged to an adult male and had been buried in a shallow grave. Not all remains were recovered. Cause of Death isn't stated, but it's believed he'd died between 1956 to 1958. His race is uncertain, but it was estimated he was between 40 and 50 years of age. He was 5'8". There was a fabric that represented a patterned upholstery found nearby and dark blue to black, heavy, course material resembling cotton and probably from a coat.


Friday, November 30, 2018

Disappearance of Edward Martin Zajac Jr.

On November 30, 1973, Edward Martin Zajac Jr., also known as Eddie car was found on French King Bridge in Greenfield Massachusetts. The bridge was over the Connecticut River and it was dragged for his body.

He was 20 years old at the time of disappearance and is a white male. He's between 5'7" and 5'11" and 150 to 180 lbs. He has Sandy colored hair.


Murder of James Clark Nicoll

 In 1871 James and Amelia Nicoll would come over to America from Scotland. The couple had 7 children in total 2 of which were born in Iowa w...