Sunday, May 31, 2020

31 May 2009 Visé, Belgium Jane Doe

Foto  zaakfoto

31 May 2009, The naked body of a young woman was found in the Albertcanal in Visé, Belgium. She had been stabbed to death and weighed down with two weight tied around her neck. She was a white female between 14 and 24-years-old. Her ears were pierced and she was wearing fake nails and her pinky nail had a floral design.


Sep. 19, 1902 Detroit, Michigan Unknown Man

On September 19, 1902, at 7:10 accident would happen on Jefferson Avenue in Detroit, Michigan. No 176 Woodward car heading west hit an unknown man was leaning over the side of the platform of a Rapid Railway car that was heading East. 

The man was still alive after the accident. He would lay on the road in the rain. He had been bleeding from his ears and had internal injuries. It was said that medical help for him was overlooked. He would soon die. The coroner arrived he was in the same place he died. Angry at the crowd that was watching the spectacle he asked why no one took him off of the road. This caused the crowd to go silent. 

In the man's pocket was an article from the Toledo Blade, the article was about a similar accident. It is possible he was recently in Ohio City. A jury found that the man's death was an accident from his own carelessness. 

The man was a white male and was around 35-years-old. He had black hair and a sandy almost red mustache. He had the tattoo J.M.C. on the upper part of his right arm. He was 6 ft and 190 lbs. He was wearing a black worsted coat, light striped trousers, a black topcoat, black flannel overshirt, black lace shoes, black socks, and a black fedora. 

It's unknown if he had been identified or not, but his grave is still marked as "Unknown Man". 

Detroit Free Press September 20, 1902
Detroit Free Press September 26, 1902

Saturday, May 30, 2020

Murder of Fernando Aranda

On May 30, 2017, 16-year-old Fernando Aranda was walking near his home on Thayn Drive in West Valley City, Utah. A light-colored mid-2000's SUV pulled up next to Fernando. At least two males jumped out of the vehicle and ambushed Fernando. They would assault him and one of the attackers would pull out a gun and shoot him before they would flee in the SUV. 

There is up to a $5,000 reward for information leading to an arrest and conviction in this case. 

Gephardt Daily May 30, 2019
Deseret News May 30, 2019
Fox News May 31, 2017

Friday, May 29, 2020

Murder of Ngor Ngor Ngor

On May 29, 2010, in West Valley City, Utah 23-year-old Ngor Ngor Ngor was assaulted and died. There is little information, but it is believed that someone Ngor knew had killed him. He had just turned 23 days before his death.


Thursday, May 28, 2020

Murder of Ginger (Gebelein Man)

There were 6 bodies found in the Gebelein, Egypt dating around 3400 BC. They were excavated in the late 1800s by Wallis Budge. At this time that mummification Egypt is known for wasn't developed. The mummies were naturally mummified by being placed in a shallow grave in direct contact with hot and dry sand that would absorb the body's liquids. They were in a curled, fetal position because that was common practice at the time. One of the more notable mummies in this excavation was the Gebelein Man or Ginger as he was a murder victim.

Ginger was around 18 to 21-years-old when he died. He had notable red hair that was preserved with his body and this gave him his nickname. After some infrared scans on the body, it was found that he had a tattoo of a figure that looked like a smudge without the scan. Which may have been the oldest preserved tattoo of figures.

Through analysis, it was determined that he had had been murdered. He had injuries that coincided with a deliberate assault. His shoulder blade was damaged and the rib underneath shattered likely from a stab wound. He was likely surprised by the attack as he had no defensive wounds. The weapon used was a copper or flint blade at least 5 inches long.

Why he was murdered and who he was is now lost to time. His body is currently at the British Museum in London, England.

Mummipedia Wiki
News Week
British Museum
Egypt Orgins

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Murder of Tammy L. Tracey

tammy tracey
On May 27, 1987, 19-year-old Tammy Tracey was last seen in Searles Park in Rockford, Illinois. She had gone to the park to wax her car. The next day her car was found at the park, but she was not and her keys and purse were also missing. There didn't seem to be foul play at the vehicle. 
On April 15, 1988, Tammy's remains were found in the Sugar River Forest Preserve in northern Winnebago County about 15 miles northwest of Rockford. She was identified through dental records and it's believed that her body may have been there since she disappeared. She had been stabbed and shot to death.

Winnebago County Sherrif Office
Find a Grave
Herald and Review June 8, 1987
Chicago Tribune April 17, 1988
The Dispatch April 18, 1988

May 27, 1999 London, England John Doe

On May 27, 1999 a man fell into the Thames River in at the bridge at Putney in London England. He was found alive, but would, unfortunately, die later at the hospital. He was a white male between 40 and 45-years-old. He 187 cm and had a large build. He had black hair that was receding with long sideburns and brown eyes. He had an olive complexion. He was wearing a pair of black workman size 8 boots, a black round-necked polo shirt, and green/black workman pants.

Doe Network
UK Missing Persons Unit

May 27, 1999 Luna County, New Mexico "Rodney Jones"

On May 27, 1999, in Luna Couty, New Mexico the electric company was patrolling the lines. This was when they came upon the body of a man tied to a telephone pole and the pole being burned halfway up.He had been chained around his neck, with the padlock locking the chain. There was lighter fluid found near the body. It's believed that he had been dead up to 6 months.

After speaking to locals in the area that he may have visited it was said his name may possibly be Rodney Jones.

Rodney Jones is a white male between 30 and 50-years-old. He was around 5'8" and weight could not be determined. He had light brown and greying hair and facial hair. He may have had knee surgery as he had Green surgical sutures noted internally in bilateral knees and had healed externally. He was wearing Penny Mac tan denim jeans, white undershirt, white socks, a large green t-shirt, blue denim pants size 29x30 "His" brand, and size 11 1/2 "Nike" brand shoes.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Anonymous Artists: Master of Offida

The Virgin and Child Enthroned; Christ on the Cross between the Virgin and Saint John the Evangelist

The Maestro di Offida or Master of Offida is an unknown artist who has artwork attributed to them in 1350 to 1370. The Master painted beautiful frescos in Offida and Ascoli Piceno in Marche, Italy. He has a style of courtly realism and may have had influence seems to have been the school of Giotto, and rebellion against the Byzantine school. This style has become known as Rimini School.

It's thought that the artist may have worked with Allegretto Nuzi or Andrea da Bologna. He could have also been a monk, but this is unknown. His identity is still unknown. His artwork can be identified through his unique way of painting rays from halos. 


Monday, May 25, 2020

May 25, 1968 Eaton, Ohio Jane Doe

On May 25, 1968, children were playing in a wooded area in Eaton, Ohio. The children discovered the skull of a woman. The badly decomposed trunk of her body with her left arm was also found. The fingers of her hand were hooked in a small tree. Her skull was 75 feet away downstream. The entire area had been swept with high waters within the days before she was discovered. She may have been dead since 1962

Jane Doe was a Caucasian woman between 30 and 50-years-old. She was between 5'2" to 5'6" and 130 to 140 lbs.


Disappearance of Alicia Andriana Gandha, Christine Claire Gandha, and Gillian Frace Gandha


5-year-old Alicia, 3-year-old Christine, and 1-year-old Gillian Gandha went missing from Covina, California. The three were last seen on Jan. 1, 2002 in Indonesia. There is little information in this case.

Alicia is an Asian female and was 5-years-old at the time. She was 3'3" and 35 lbs at the time. She has black hair and brown eyes. She also has a birthmark on her back.

Christine is an Asian female and was 3-years-old at the time. She was 3'0" and 25 lbs at the time. She has black hair and brown eyes.

Gillian is an Asian female and was 1-year-old at the time. She was 2'10" and 23 lbs at the time. She has black hair and brown eyes. 

Doe Network (Alicia)
Doe Network (Christine)
Doe Network (Gillian)
Charley Project (Alicia)
Charley Project (Christine)
Charley Project (Gillian)

Sunday, May 24, 2020

Murder of Carl Erwin DeLong Jr.

Missing Person Carl Erwin DeLong, Jr

On October 30, 1956, 26-year-old Carl Delong Jr. was found unconscious in the Temple Terrance area of Tampa, Florida. Carl had been beaten badly and his wallet with $70 in it was missing. His missing car was found at the bar he was last seen at. It had turned out he had gotten a ride from someone at the bar. It isn't stated whether or not if they think the people whom he rode with are suspects. 

Carl would make it to the hospital, but unfortunately, never recover. He would stay unconscious for 22 days before dying from his injuries on November 20th. The motive for his murder seemed to have been robbery. 

Tampa Bay Times October 31, 1956
Tampa Bay Times November 21, 1956
Tampa Bay Times November 23, 1956

Murder of Raoul Schwartz

On November 11, 1976, 91-year-old Raoul Schwartz was found near the entrance of his home that was destroyed by a fire at 3:30 a.m. It was determined that the fire was not accidental and was arson. Raoul lived in South Bridgton, Maine. 


Saturday, May 23, 2020

Disappearance of Theresa Louise Rains

On May 23, 1980, 31-year-old Theresa Rains was last seen in Oakland, California. She may be going by the name Theresa Samarapan. She's a white female 5'6" and 115 lbs. She has brown hair blue eyes and a freckled complexion. She was wearing blue jeans, a rust-colored coat, and lace-up boots.

Doe Network
Charley Project

Thursday, May 21, 2020

April 21,1926 Albuquerque, New Mexico Baby John Doe

On April 21, 1926, Mrs. Maria Martinez, her mother, and her sister went to a vacant house on 1120 North 3rd street in Albuquerque, New Mexico. She stated that she went to the home with the intention to buy it. Inside the body of a baby boy was found behind a bathtub. His cause of death is unknown, but he was less than a month old at death. 

I assume that  the baby was never identified as he was buried as Baby John Doe and his Find a Grave doesn't mention him being identified. 

Santa Fe New Mexican April 23, 1926

Murder of Leon Anthony Adams

On May 21, 2005 32-year-old Leon Adams had been at his home at 6025 Lady Hammond Road, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. He was believed to have left his residence after midnight and returned. On the morning of May 22 around 4:20 a.m. someone called the police about an injured person at a residence . Upon arrival police found Leon laying in a hallway from a gunshot wound likely happening right after he came home. He would be transported to QEII Hospital where he passed away. 

Nova Scotia is offering a reward upto $150,000 with information leading to an arrest and conviction.


Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Murder of Kathleen A. Goebeler

Kathleen Goebeler

On May 20, 1986, the body of 29-year-old Kathleen Goebeler was found in an area of abandoned railroad tracks on the south side of I-88, milepost 28.5  which connects the Quad Cities with Chicago, Illinois. She was found across a barbed wire fence in a parsley wooded area.

Her last address was in a suburb of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. She was last seen between April 11th and 18th in Mckees Rocks, Pennsylvania. Kathleen was a known hitchhiker. She was known at the time to work at strip clubs in the Pittsburgh area, Atlantic City, New Jersey, and possibly Northwest Virginia.

Illinois State Police
Kenosha News
Post Gazette 

Murder of Gerri Ann Ralston

On May 20, 1975, 15-year-old Gerri Ann Ralston left her home in Henderson, Nevada around 7 p.m. She told her father she was only going to a nearby store. She didn't return that night and worried her father reported her missing on May 21st.

On May 22, 1975, Gerri's body was found a few miles from her home in a pond near the Las Vegas Sports Center. She had been strangled to death and sexually assaulted, She was still wearing her clothes at the time.


Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Disappearance of Jesse Mathews

On May 19, 1968, 48-year-old Jesse Mathews was last seen in Spokane, Washington. His car was located near Bowl and Pitcher- Riverside State Park in Spokane. Witnesses have indicated that he was murdered. The suspect has been identified but has died since Jesse's disappearance.

Jesse was 48 at the time and is a Native American male. He is 5'8" to 5'10" and 150-170 lbs. He has black hair and brown eyes. 


Monday, May 18, 2020

Disappearance of Gil Zacarias Avendano Vazquez


In 1954 55-year-old Gil Vazquez was last seen in Tlaxiaco, Oaxaca, Mexico. There is little information in this case (at least in English). He's a Hispanic male. He has brown eyes and greying hair. He's 155cm.

Doe Network

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Black Donnellys Murders

James and Johannah Donnelly decided to move from their homeland, Ireland, and settle in Canada. The couple settled on contested land near London, Ontario. The Donnelly's were a troubling family and seemed to have been in a feud with the community. In 1857 James Sr. killed Patrick Farrell a man who had a dispute with the family because they were squatting on his land.

Even though he spent time at the Kingston Penitentiary his 7 sons didn't learn from his mistakes. They had a bad reputation and they were known as troublemakers. Their reputation went from basic mayhem to grand larceny and arson. They were willing to fight, and because of their reputation, they were blamed for everything.

On Feb. 3, 1880, James Donnelly complained to the local magistrate that they were blamed for everything and the next day the farm burned to the ground. A mob had come to the home and James, Johannah, son Tom, and their niece Bridget was killed in the fire . There was a 13-year-old farmhand,  Johnny O'Conner, there that night. 

According to Johnny shortly after 1 a.m. was when the mob arrived at the home. He awoke to James getting dressed. Johnny joined him going out to the kitchen and seeing James Caroll the "Peace Society". Tom was outside handcuffed with around 20 men. Tom demanded to see a warrant, but there was none to be seen. The mob outside quickly came in and began to attack the family. 

James, Johanna, and Tom were all three beaten badly. Bridget was upstairs and the men barged up there and killed 21-year-old Bridget. Johhny hid underneath a bed. He witnessed that Tom was able to escape, but was dragged back inside and beaten some more. The members of the mob brought coal oil in and burned the house. He was able to escape the burning home. 

The mob then traveled to the second oldest William Donnelly's house and arrived there around 2:30 a.m. The mob screamed fire hoping to get someone to come out. John came to the window and was shot in the chest and pelvis. Thinking that it was William they killed the mob left. 

 The community knew who was apart of it, but no one was ever found guilty for the crimes. There were two trials for it, but all of the people prosecuted were either not guilty, or a hung jury.

May 17, 1982, Los Angeles, California Jane Doe

On May 17, 1982, around 9:40 p.m. the body of a woman was found in the parking at the rear of a building in Los Angeles, California. She was found lying next to the dumpster. She's an Asian female between 20 and 30-years-old. She was 5'2" and 100 lbs. She has black hair and brown eyes. Both her fingernails and toenails were painted in a bronze color. 


Murder of Tommie Lee Dysick

On May 17, 1953, 37/38-year-old Tommie Lee Dysick's body was found at the edge of an orange grove in Apopka, Florida. He had been stabbed multiple times in his stomach and seemed to have been dragged to where his body was found.

Project Cold Case
Orange County Sheriff's Office
Orlando Evening Star May 18, 1953
The Orlando Sentinel May 18, 1953

Murder of Eric Alday Pineda

At 4 a.m on May 17, 1986, 44-year-old Eric Pineda was parked at the Bonny Doon Beach in Davenport, California at the time he was living out of his car. There was a confrontation between Eric and at least two other people and he was shot and killed. There was believed to be 3 people involved in the shooting, one of them being a getaway driver. 

The men were believed to have left the scene in a white mini motorhome with a green or brown stripe and a ladder on the back. 

One suspect was described as a white male in his early 20's with collar-length brown hair and was clean-shaven and was 5'6" and 150 lbs. 

The second suspect was described as a Hispanic male in his mid 20's, with long black hair and a bear, and was 5'8" and 180 lbs. 

The driver was described as a white male in his 20's with dark and was 6'2" and 170 lbs. 


Saturday, May 16, 2020

Murder of Theresa Hayes

Theresa Hayes

On May 16,  20-year-old Theresa Hayes was found in her bathtub at her home at the Colonial Trailor Park on 31231 Main Street in Barstow, California. Initially, it was believed that she had accidentally drowned, but a second autopsy showed a bruise near her eye as if someone had hit her before forcibly drowning her.

Her 1-year-old daughter was found at the scene by neighbors unharmed.

San Bernadino County Sheriff 
San Bernadino County Sheriff  (PDF)
The San Bernadino County Sun May 28, 1981

Friday, May 15, 2020

Disappearance of Paul Edward Levang

On May 15, 1970, 28-year-old Paul Levang was last seen in Mounds View, Minnesota. He left without his driver's license, Social Security card, and other important documents. There is little information in this case. 

Paul is a white male and was 28 at the time. He was 5'8" to 5'9" and 165-170lbs. He had reddish-brown hair and was slightly balding, and he had blue or greenish-blue eyes. 


Disappearance of Mervin David Sinclair *Solved*


In 2021 it was found that when Mervin Sinclair had changed his name to William Baca. He would end up having two children. One of the children would take an Ancestry test to find out her father was not who he said he was. There was little said of William's (Mervin) family history. Mervin died in the 1980's in a car crash.

*Information from when he was missing*

On May 15, 1958, 23-year-old Mervin Sinclair was reported missing after last being seen on route to Wainwright, Alberta where he had been stationed. He was hitchhiking at the time. He was a member of Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry, Canadian Airforces. He was also a member of the Gordons First Nations near Punnichy, Saskatchewan 

Mervin is First Nations and was 23-years-old at the time. He's 175 cm (5'9") and 66 kg (145lbs). He has black hair and brown eyes. 


Thursday, May 14, 2020

The Porsmose Man

Post image

In 1946 the body of Porsmose Man was discovered near Næstved, Denmark in a bog. Unlike other bog bodies, he was not mummified and was a skeleton. The man was 35-40-years-old and had died  around 2600 BCE. It was obvious he had a brutal end.

He had been murdered as an arrow had entered through his nose. This was not likely the arrow that killed him as another arrow was found in his chest. The killer was up at an angle above the man at close range. It could be possible that it was execution or ambush to kill the man.

It's unknown who the Porsmose Man is or why he was killed. This will remain a mystery lost to time. 

The Danish National Museum

Murder of Tracey Ann Bruney

On May 14, 1975, 5-year-old Tracey Bruney was dropped off by her mother at the schoolyard of St. Clare Separate School on Northcliffe Boulevard in the St. Clair Ave. and Dufferin St. area in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. She would never make it to class 5 minutes later. When Tracey didn't show up at home for lunch her parents went to the school to get her. When they were told that she never arrived in class they called the police.

Her body would be found by a 13-year-old playing in Marie Curtis Park 10 miles away. She was in Etobicoke Creek. Someone had beaten her about the head and then threw her into the water to die. She was still alive when she was found and transported to the hospital, but would die shortly after. Her cause of death was due to drowning.

Her vinyl shoulder bag was found the next Monday on Northcliffe Boulevard. It's believed that someone had forced Tracey into their car. The reason or motive for the murder is unknown.

Tracey and her family moved from Dominica to Canada when she was 10 months old. They recently moved to the area from Rexdale and lived only 500 yards from the school. She started at St. Clare. She was a happy girl and seemed to fit in well.

Toronto Police
Nicole Investigations
Toronto Sun

Disappearance of Curtis D. Crowley Jr.

Curtis Crowley.PNG

On May 14, 2003, 20-year-old Curtis Crowley Jr. was last seen leaving the Municipal Correction Institution on the 8100 block of Ozark Rd. in Kansas City, Missouri.  A relative of Curtis stole his identity after he disappeared leading to a false located report. Police believe that Curtis met with foul play. 

Curtis is an African American Male and was 20-years-old at the time. He was 5'9"-5'11" and 160-170 lbs. He had black hair and brown eyes. 


Hit and Run of Earl Anthony Eacho

On May 14, 2011, just before midnight 46-year-old Earl Eacho and his brother were at the Brook Road in Henrico, Virginia. Earl stepped off the curb to cross the street and an SUV would strike him. His brother held him in his arms as the SUV fled the scene. While Earl's brother was holding him another car hit them and this car stopped.

The SUV was a dark older model Jeep Cherokee or Isuzu SUV.

Henrico County, Virginia

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

WANTED: November 15,1984 Hughesville Rapist

On the late-night of November 15, 1984, a man would break into a home on Burnt Store Road in Hughesville, Maryland. The 68-year-old woman who lived there woke up from the noise of him ransacking the home. She went to investigate the sound and went to the front hallway and saw him coming downstairs. He forced her into her bedroom and sexually assaulted her before leaving. 

He would be described as a young black male with facial hair and was around 5'6". He would also leave a blue hat with red trim and a pair of white gloves at the scene. He also stole around $500 from her before leaving the residence. 


Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Disappearance of Helen Stark

On or about Jan. 12, 1946, 23 to 26-year-old Helen Stark was last seen in South Milwaukee, Wisconsin. At the time Helen was having marital issues with her husband William P. Stark. She was supposed to come and pick up her young children but never arrived.

The date of her disappearance is the same day as William's discharge from the Army. He had enlisted in March of 1943.

Helen's family doesn't believe that she abandoned her children as her own mother died when she was a teenager. This lead to her and her siblings going to an orphanage. 

Helen is a white female between 23 and 26 years-old and her maiden name was Brokowski. She was 5'8" to 6'0" and 170 to 180 lbs. She has brown hair and brown eyes and may be wearing glasses.

Charley Project

Monday, May 11, 2020

Murder of Vicki Toups

On October 11, 2003, around 2 a.m. Vicki Toups was seen walking down the U.S. 90 in Boutte, Louisiana. She was seen wearing denim shorts and a white t-shirt. Around 7:45 a.m. she was found naked in a ditch on LA 635 in Des Allemands it's unknown what had happened between the hours she was last seen and when she was killed. She was not sexually assaulted but was brutally beaten to death. 

Vicki was known to hitchhike and was known by police due to her drug problems. She wasn't someone with a lot of money, so they don't believe that whoever killed her did it to rob her. 


Murder of Celedon Archuleta

On May 11, 1980, 76-year-old Celedon Archuleta's son came to his home on 856 South 900 West in Salt Lake City, Utah. He had been beaten to death and his house was ransacked. Items stolen were an unknown amount of money, a gun, and a toolbox full of tools that were stolen from the house.

Salt Lake City Police Department

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Disappearance of Leila Lewis Bryan and Mary Rachel Bryan

On May 10, 1941, 36-year-old Leila Bryan and her only child, Mary Rachel Bryan went to the beach and returned around 6:30 p.m. Her husband and Mary Rachel's father Edis Clarence or E.C. was preparing plans to pour concrete in the basement.

The two were last seen in Carolina Beach, North Carolina. At 9 p.m. Leila supposedly took Mary Rachel out to buy groceries at a store two blocks down and another said she was going to buy a new brassiere at the dime store. She only brought Mary Rachel with her because her daughter kept insisting on coming with. For some reason, Leila left her rings on the sink.

E.C. went to bed while the two were out. Barry, Leila's brother, and a friend came to the home that night. That was when he found out the two never arrived home. Barry and his friend went searching for the girls but didn't find a trace of them. E.C. called the police within hours and the police and community joined in the search. The search included the beach, waterways, and wooded areas.

 At the time she was driving her husband's black 1935 Ford Model A coupe with 1941 North Carolina License plate number 219-056. The car was low on gas when she left and it could have been possible she filled up the tank. One filling station attendant was pretty sure he saw Leila at 10 p.m., but that lead led nowhere.

The car was never recovered and the two were declared dead in 1948. Police did not believe that Leila left on her own accord. It could be possible that she met foul play and she and Mary Rachel were dead.

Police suspected Leila's husband for their disappearance. They suspected that he killed his wife and daughter and then buried their bodies. It was initially believed that they were buried under their concrete basement floor at the beach cottage on Raleigh Ave., but it was dug up in 2009 and remains were not found. It's possible their bodies were buried elsewhere though.

Leila may be spelled as Lela is a white female and was 36-years-old at the time. She was 5'7" to 5'8" and 120 lbs. She has black hair and grey eyes. She was wearing a summer print housedress with a green turban, possibly a sweater and white and brown shoes.

Mary Rachel is a white female and was 4 at the time. She was 3'0" and 40 lbs at the time. She has dark brown hair and brown eyes.

Charley Project (Leila)
Charley Project (Mary Rachel)
Find A Grave (Leila)
Find A Grave (Mary Rachel)
Doe Network (Leila)
Doe Network  (Mary Rachel)
Dead Maidens

Murder of Judith E. Hand

handPolice still searching for clues in 48-year-old murder of Judith Hand

On September 10, 1971, 15-year-old returned from school around 2:10 p.m. She would then leave her home in Farmington, Maine to collect babysitting money and go babysit. She walked halfway there with two friends and when offered a ride she said she preferred to walk. She never returned and her parents reported her missing at 8:15 p.m.

On September 23, 1971, her body is found under a sawdust pile located off of High Street in Farmington. Her cause of death was never stated and it wasn't known if she had been sexually assaulted. She was also shy and was either forced into a car or got into a car with someone she knew.

Main State Police
Central Maine
Bangor Daily News
Savage Watch
Popular Crime

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Murder of Karen Aguilera

Picture 1

On September 17, 1987, 23-year-old Karen Aguilera had disappeared only a few days after her birthday. It wasn't until May 10, 1988, that her body was found in a field near Curtis Road and Falcon Highway in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Her cause of death was undetermined, but it is believed she had been murdered. 


Friday, May 8, 2020

Murder of Anthony Manning

On May 8, 2009, there was a report of a body at #202-499 Cleavland Ave, London, Ontario, Canada. Police arrived at the apartment shortly after 6 p.m. and found the body of 39-year-old Anthony Manning dead inside of the bathroom. He had been shot to death.

Leading up to the days before his discovery many people were seen coming in and out of his apartment. Police believe that some of these people may have information about the murder.


Thursday, May 7, 2020

Murder of Carrie Anne Luckey

On May 6, 1988, 18-year-old Carrie Luckey was celebrating her birthday. On the early morning of May 7 she called her mother and told her she would be over in a few minutes. She never came over and was never seen alive again.

On May 12, 1988, a tree trimming crew found Carrie's body in a Northwest Tarrant County, Texas field. The location was near White Settlement. She had been stabbed in her chest and neck and it's possible she never had the chance to fight off her attacker. There was also evidence of a sexual assault. 

Disappearance of William Elroy Meyer

William Elroy Meyer

On May 7, 1972, 18-year-old William Meyer was last seen in San Fransisco, California. Wisconsin law enforcement are also looking at the case. There is little information in this case. 

William is a white male and was 18 at the time of his disappearance. He was 5'10" and 160 lbs. He had brown hair and blue eyes. 


Murder of Barbara May Williams

In 1958 26-year-old Barbara Williams was working as a nursing assistant at the Tresillian Hospital on the corner of Edward and Tyrell streets in Nedlands, West Australia, Australia. She has been working there for around two years and lived on the premises in the staff area in her own room.

At about 6:30 p.m. on 7 November 1958 Barbara finished work and told friends she intended to go to bed early. At 7 p.m. she was seen by a ward maid hanging her laundry. Barbara asked the ward maid to buy her a newspaper and gave her the money before going to her room. The ward maid knocked on Barbara's door at 7:45 p.m. to give her the newspaper, but she didn't answer and the room was dark.

Police believed that she left soon after going to her room to an unknown location. Her makeup, cigarettes, and handbag were left in her room. She was last seen still wearing her work clothing. A red topper, blue blouse, red skirt, and black shoes. She was not seen at the hospital the next day was reported missing on the 9th. 

On 16 November 1958, her body was found in a shallow grave in the sand dunes near the intersection of West Coast Highway and Ross Avenue in Sorrento Beach.

The Sydney Morning Herald December 21, 1958

Murder of James Clark Nicoll

 In 1871 James and Amelia Nicoll would come over to America from Scotland. The couple had 7 children in total 2 of which were born in Iowa w...