Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Disappearance of Rogelio Ramon Rodriguez

31-year-old Rogelio Ramon Rodriguez was last seen in 1981 after arriving from Cuba during the Mariel boat lift. he was last seen in Miami Florida. 

Rogelio is a Hispanic man and was 31-year-old at the time. He is 5'6" to 5'8" and 150 to 175 lbs. 


Ghosts: Mylings

Created in Imagin AI

In Scandinavian Folklore, there are spirits called Mylings. These ghosts are of children who were killed by their parents. They're killed in infancy before they can be baptized. Because these unwanted children were not baptized they are left to roam restlessly. They appear as children with dead and ghastly appearances. 

They usually haunt the area where their parents or mother hid their bodies. They are often mischievous. they will transform into animals that humans capture and then trick humans into and change back into a child running away laughing. Sometimes the children would be hidden near their mother's home. Likely under the floor, dirt cellar, or in nearby woods. Mylings can be heard singing in the dark trying to reveal their death. 

Many tales tell of Mylingar wanting revenge and/or trying to kill their mother by sucking milk from the mother's breast and don't stop until it has sucked out all the blood from the woman's body. Mylingar are mischievous children spirits that like to play pranks on people. They could transform into animals that humans capture but then transform back into a child and run away laughing.

One simple way to give a Myling rest is simply by giving it a name. Many of them were likely newborns and were never given a name. Giving them a name will help them feel at peace. 

They have to try to convince someone to bury them in hallow grounds. The Myling will jump on the back of the person and hope for help. This person will carry the Myling to a cemetery, but sometimes it's difficult for the benefactor to do so. The Myling sometimes gets heavier and heavier even causing their benefactor to sink into the ground or suck the life from the benefactor making them weak. If the person is not able to bury them they kill that person in rage.

Sometimes Mylings will want revenge instead. They will do this by trying to kill their mother. They will suck the milk from their mother's breast and don't stop until they suck all the blood from her. 


October 31, 1880 Floyd County, Indiana Baby Doe

On October 31, 1880 the body of a very young infant (less than a year-old) was found floating in the Ohio River opposite of the hickory Mill in Floyd County, Indiana. The infant's head showed evidence that they  had died a violent death . The Infant would be buried the next day in New Albany's Fairview Cemetery. 

Since the infant was described as very young and not newborn it could be assumed that it was not. 


Monday, October 30, 2023

Folklore: Dearg Due

Made in AI Generator
There is a  tragic tale in Celtic folklore that ends in revenge. The woman of this tale's name is long gone, but she is now known as Dearg Due. It's a tale of "Hell Hath no fury like a woman scorned". 

In life, Dearg Due was a woman who was born and raised in Ireland. She was said to be kind and sweet. She even fell in love with a local peasant who was similar as he was kind and handsome. Her father was cruel and greedy. He was lucky his daughter was so beautiful, and that a rich man wanted her. This was a time when arranged marriages were commonplace. 

She would then be sold into marriage and separated from her love and her father got richer. Her husband was a cruel older man who would place his hands on her and verbally berate her. Her husband seemed to love doing this to her. 

Knowing that she had a lover waiting for her outside he would lock her up in a tower. She was isolated as those she used to know would never see her again after the wedding. She would wait and pray for her love to come and save her, but he never was able to. She would begin to waste away as she refused to eat and drink. This would eventually die from this.She is buried in a small churchyard, near “Strongbow’s Tree,” in the County of Waterford in Southeast Ireland

Her husband and father did not grieve her death. Everyone else grieved her, especially her lover. He would visit the grave every night crying and talking to her. Her husband was said to have remarried quickly after. Her lover was filled with regret and rage at how her life had been ruined. 

Dearg Due was also filled with rage. She craved retribution so much that she was able to crawl out of her grave. The first person she visited was in the home she grew up in. She would stand next to her father and watch as he slept. The cruel man would sleep as if his daughter did not have a cruel fate. She would place her lips on his and suck the life out of him. 

She would then go to the home she would die in. She would find her husband surrounded by women. He also did not care about what he put her through. The women were fulfilling his lustful desires and she would stand there watching. Rage would fill her and she would throw herself at her husband and draw his life. Her fury was so harsh that not only did she take his last breath but all his blood. 

She would meet her love again. Even though his love and rage brought her back to life she did not feel love anymore. She would also make the man a victim of hers. 

It said that she only hunts on the night of her death. She then kills men on that night. 

Unidentified Photography: Group Photo, Apparently in the City


Acton Historical Society is looking to identify the people or place where this photo was taken. This photograph had no label or date and the place is unknown. The photographer George Hastings was at 147 Tremont St in Boston Massachusetts in the mid-1880s to late 1890s. It's believed that this photo was not taken in Acton, but it may involve someone from Acton. It's possible it was a stock photo.

Acton Historical Society

Sunday, October 29, 2023

Urban Legends: Don't Lick Envelopes

Photo by Erik Kartis

In 2000 at a post office in California, a woman would do her job like she always did. She was known to lick envelopes and stamps instead of using a sponge. A cut here and there was normal for her. One morning she found that her tongue was swelling up, and worried she would go to the doctor.

The doctor would find nothing wrong other than a cut. However, in a couple days, her tongue would swell significantly and was sore. She could not eat because of the pain. So she would go back to the hospital and an x-ray would be taken of the tongue. There was a lump inside and surgery was prepared to remove it.

When her tongue opened a cockroach would crawl out. On at least one of the envelopes was a roach egg and she cut her tongue on it introducing the eggs into her tongue. Apparently, the moist environment was perfect for the eggs.

This is one of those urban legends that made an everyday thing into a terrifying one. It's not possible however for the eggs to thrive inside a mouth. The casings for cockroach eggs would likely be noticed on the glue, but if not the casings themselves are sensitive and would have shattered.


Murder of Richard Benitez

On October 29, 2002, 25-year-old Richard Benitez was shot off of Lancaster Avenue in Wilmington, Delaware. There is little information in this case. 


Saturday, October 28, 2023

Monsters: Tsurube Otoshi (Falling in Well Bucket)

"Nishioka no Tsurube-oroshi" (The Tsurube-Oroshi of Nishioka) from the Kokon Hyakumonogatari Hyōban written by Yamaoka Genrin, edited by Yamaoka Motoyoshi

Tsurube Otoshi (Falling in Well Bucket) is a yokai from Japan. It is a gigantic disembodied head of either a human, a tengu, or an oni and sometimes appears as fireball flames with facial features. Its size is the typical size of a human head to two meters in diameter. They live and spend most of their time in the tree tops preferring taller trees like pines, kayas, and other such conifers. The trees they live in are typically deep along paths in the forest and outside of towns where travelers are likely to be. The places they are known to be is the Wakayama Prefecture, the Kyoto Prefecture, the Shiga Prefecture, the Gifu Prefecture, and the Aichi Prefecture.

At night they wait in the treetops for unspecting creatures and travelers. When they need to eat they will quickly fall to the ground to trap their prey. This is how it got its name. They enjoy this kind of killing and let out a laugh as they hunt and eat their meal. Sometimes when they are not hungry they will come down and do the same crushing people to death for fun. Sometimes they don't use themselves, but large rocks or well buckets and enjoy the damage dealt. After they are done feeding and or having their fun they will slip back into the trees laughing and challenging others to pass underneath their tree.

Travelers are warned to not pass under the tall trees at night because the Tsurube Otoshi might get them. 


Murder of David Kalamafoni

Around 11:30 pm on October 28, 1988, 17-year-old David Kalamafoni left a party and walked to his car near the intersection of NE Holman and 17th Ave in Portland, Oregon. He would stop at and talk to a friend who was in a vehicle nearby. There were gunshots heard and David was shot. His friend would drive him to David's home and his father called 911. David was brought to the hospital and was pronounced dead. 

No one could give a description of the shooter. At the time David was reported to be known as a gang member and the murder may have been gang-related. 


Friday, October 27, 2023

GHOSTS: Maggie's Bridge

             Facebook / Haunted Eastern Shore

In the late 1800s, Maggie Bloxom was going down Woodland Church Rd around a mile south of Woodland Ferry landing in Delaware. She was traveling by horse and buggy. Some say that she was pregnant at the time and was planning to marry her lover. She was leaving because she did not want to be judged by her parents let alone people she knew as she was not married yet.

When the carriage was crossing the bridge that went over a small branch on the Nanticoke River the horse was spooked. This would cause the horse to rear up and bring tragedy. Maggie and her carriage would go over the side of the bridge into the water. The accident was so bad she was decapitated.

It is said that if you go to the bridge and follow a ritual you can meet the spirit of Maggie. Most say that between midnight and 1 am, you should start the ritual. You will call out "Maggie, Maggie, Maggie" and you might hear a horse coming towards you. You will call again "Maggie, Maggie, Maggie" and you might see a woman-shaped shadow. A third and last time you will call "Maggie, Maggie, Maggie" and Maggie will come out of the woods holding her head asking to be put together again and be alive.

Sometimes people chant "Maggie Maggie we have your baby!" instead of "Maggie, Maggie, Maggie"

Some say that Maggie can be seen best on the night of the blue moon. A breeze will come and little flashes of firefly-like lights can be seen. These lights are known as ghost pits. The lights come closer and closer with each flash.

Sometimes it stated that Maggie can also mess with cars on the bridge. It's stated that cars have been known to stall on it.

Did Maggie actually exist? Maybe. There is a grave nearby with her name on it. I couldn't find anything about her death in newspapers, and could not find any information on her.


October 27, 2020 Elizabeth, New Jersey John Doe

 On October 27, 2020 partial skeletal remains were found in shallow water at the Elizabeth Marina in Elizabeth, New Jersey. 

John Doe is a male is between 40 to 99-years-old. He was between 5'7" and 6'4".



Murder of Eugene “Happy” Thomas Sr.

On October 27, 1998, 74-year-old Eugene “Happy” Thomas was found shot in front of his home at 1141 Martin Luther King Dr in Paducah, Kentucky. He would be taken to Western Baptist Hospital where he died from his injuries on January 11, 1999.

At the time Eugene was well well-known person in the community. He was the owner of Happy’s Chili Parlor located on North 12th St near his home.

WPSD Local January 20, 2023

Thursday, October 26, 2023

Urban Legends: Steop

In Gelderland, Netherlands roams a creature called the Steop. It's a wolf-like terror and is known to torment people. He is known to jump on the back of people and grow increasingly heavy. There is no way to get him off of your back and will do this for hours. He is also known to make things disappear and watch people stress about the missing items. 


October 26, 2021 Washington, D.C. Hate Crime

Around 4 p.m. on October 26, 2021, an assault would happen on a Blue Line Metro train in the vicinity of Benning Road Metro Station in Washinton, D.C. The suspect would hit the victim multiple times in the head. It's not stated why, but this is being investigated as a hate crime or what type of hate crime it was.


Wednesday, October 25, 2023

GHOSTS: Hairy Hands of Dartmoor

Created in Imagine AI Generator

Between Postbridge and Two Bridges in Dartmoor, England there is a legend of a sector who loves to cause vehicle accidents. The story begins around 1910 and drivers and cyclists have reported that in this area their vehicle would jolt and steer off the road. The cause of it? The Hairy Hands appeared out of nowhere and grabbed the steering wheel or handlebars causing a crash. 

There would be no fatalities until 1921 when E.H. Helby would wreck his motorcycle. His two daughters who were sitting in the sidecar would survive, however. 

It's unknown who the spirit is and why they want to cause wrecks. Some suspect that it wasn't a spirit, but people unfamiliar with the area getting in accidents and knowing the legend and blaming it on that. 


Disappearance of Andrew Memmelaar

On October 25, 1975, 17-year-old Andrew Memmelaar left Lehigh, Kansas, and was on his way to Jefferson, New York. He however never arrived and was never heard from again.

Andrew is a white male and was 17-years-old at the time. He was 5'11" and 150 lbs at the time. He has red hair and blue eyes. Andrew's collarbone was previously broken on the right side and didn't heal properly and has a one-inch scar on his lower left arm and a scar from cyst removal near his right armpit.

Charley Project

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Devils Trampling Ground

Photo by Opus2008

The Devil's Tramping Ground is a place that holds a mystery and a legend. It lies in a forest near the Harper's Crossroads area in Bear Creek, North Carolina two paths lead to what seems like a perfect circle where nothing grows. If anything is placed in the circle it is moved the next day. It's unknown who gave it its name. 

One Legend says that the Devil walks up one path leading to the circle and tramps around and around thinking of evil thoughts and plotting for evil. 

A Second legend is that before the white man came the Native Americans would meet for feasts here and would do celebrations and war dances there. This caused the ground to not grow anything.

A third legend is that two conflicting Native American tribes had a battle there. It's said the one Chief Croatan was killed and buried there. Its said that the great spirits keep mourning their fallen leader 

However, a scientific explanation is that the soil had been tested before and held high salt content. This could lead to nothing growing there even though people have tried before. 


Murder of Harriet Isaac

On October 24, 1986, 64-year-old Harriet Issac did not get her newspaper at her condominium on 4999 Kahala Ave. in Honolulu, Hawaii. A neighbor was concerned and reported it to the building manager and security guards. There was no response to knocks so they went into the condominium. 

Harriet's body was found in the hallway covered with a blanket. It was found that She had been beaten and stabbed to death with a blanket placed over her body afterward.

Harriet was a friendly and well-known woman among her neighbors. There was no evidence of a forced entry. Neighbors had also not reported suspicious persons or activities in or near her apartment. 

Honolulu Star-Bulletin October 25, 1986

Monday, October 23, 2023

Urban Legends: Never open your door for the makcik keropok

Created in Imagine AI Art Generator

In Singapore, there is an urban legend that you don't open the door involving an elderly woman who would go door-to-door selling kerpok. She was known as Makciks Keropok and had a Pontianak as her assistant. Be careful opening your door because you may encounter her. You can tell it's not her if she doesn't greet you by saying "kum kum" *a shortened version of the Muslim greeting Assalamualaikum. She can not say it as she is unholy. She will release the Pontianak into the home.

If you open the door and buy her crackers she will release her assistant. The Pontianak is a vampire ghost. She will help the old woman gain her youth and beauty back by taking it from you.

Honey Combers
Culture Trip

October 23, 2001 Detroit Michigan John Doe

On October 23, 2001, partially skeletonized remains of a man were found in a vacant dwelling by workers removing rubbish in Detroit Michigan. He had been dead for months possibly since 2000. He was wrapped in a green blanket and a dirty floral sheet. It's not stated if they think the man may have been a transient.

John Doe is a black male between 35 to 50-years-old. He was around 5'10. He has black kinky textured hair. He appeared to be a heavy smoker one or both hands were not recovered. He was wearing work-type overalls.


Sunday, October 22, 2023

1881 Tombstone, Arizona "Teamster" John Doe

In 1881 a Teamster (similar job to today's truck drivers) was killed by the Apaches in Cochise, Arizona.

Find A Grave

Urban Legends: 999 Phone Charging

Photo By Randy Lu

In 2012 rumor was spread around in the BlackBerry forums that if you call 999 it charges the battery. 999 is the emergency number in the United Kingdom. So those who believed it would make lots of false calls to law enforcement. It was so bad that in 2013 Derbyshire Constabulary had a press release telling the public that calling 999 doesn't charge your phone, but in fact wastes law enforcement time and help for those who need it. If there were calls with quick hangups or left in silence police would have to try to get in contact with the cell phone user to make sure there was no emergency. It was illegal for them to misuse the number. 

Whoever posted this in forums probably thought of it as a joke and likely didn't think people would be dumb enough to do it. 


Saturday, October 21, 2023

Cryptid: The Paraná Creature

On October 21, 2015 locals in Carmen del Paraná, Paraguaya found a strange creature floating on the Paraná River. The creature was dead and was nothing seen before. It was small and had wrinkled, frog-like skin and limbs but the hands, tail and face of a primate. Firefighters were called and several photographs were taken of it. However there was never a medical examination on the body so it's unknown what it was. 

Some theorize that it was a dead monkey that looked like that because of it decomposing in the water. Some think it's a chupacabra like creature, or maybe a new cryptid. 


October 21, 1994 Houston, Texas John Doe

The body of an unknown man was found in the Sims Bayou at 3600 Telephone Rd in Houston, Texas. He had died from drowning 1 to 4 days prior to discovery. 

John Doe is a black male between 28 and 40-years-old. He was 5'8" and 180 lbs. He has greying black hair and brown eyes. He was sporting a beard without a mustache.  He had a Gold-colored open-faced metal crown on tooth his upper left crown and attrition is present on several teeth. He was wearing a large Northwest Territory multi-colored long-sleeved shirt, Hanes T-shirt with multiple multi-colored inscriptions on the front, long beige or khaki pants, dark blue printed socks, and brown Leather Collection leather shoes with rubber soles.

Friday, October 20, 2023

Urban Legends: Hippo Eats Dwarf

Image belongs to Stephan Steinbauer

In 1988 The National Lampoon Magazine would post an article. In the article, an Austrian circus dwarf would die in front of 7,000 people. Franz Dasch was jumping on the trampoline for the show but accidentally went sideways. He landed in the mouth of Hilda the Hippo, and because of the animal's gag reflex, she swallowed him. This horrified others who were in the circus, but the crowd cheered and clapped thinking it was a part of the show. The magazine would claim that they had gotten the article from the Las Vegas Sun. This would begin to spread around.

The thing is, this story was made up. In the 1990's this same story appeared again, but this time it happened to a Thailand performer called Od. Newpapers would start posting this story as truth, being tricked. This urban legend would then be spread about and believed.


Murder of Douglas Morgan

On October 20, 1985, the body of 36-year-old Douglas Morgan was found in the woods near Route 101 in Greenland, New Hampshire. He was last seen at the beginning of July. It was found that he had been beaten and stabbed to death.

Douglas was from Sharon, Massachusetts. At the time he along with four other men were being charged with conspiring to sell $2 million in stolen bonds and was supposed to be a witness in the federal trial happening in Boston.


Thursday, October 19, 2023

Haunted Items: Mandy the Doll

In 1991 a woman donated a doll to the Quesnel & District Museum in Quesnel, British Columbia, Canada. She told them that she received it from her grandmother and it had been in a trunk for many years. The doll was fragile as it was around 100 years old and it gave her a weird feeling so she donated it immediately. 

The doll was named Mandy, and her first day there was surprising to the crew. Her photo was taken and was added to her collection. She was left in the lab overnight. In the morning The crew would find the lab in disarray as if a small child had a temper tantrum. She was given a lamb toy with her inside in her case and it was found outside of it later. 

It is said the Mandy gives off a feeling. She is also said to follow people with her eyes. 

Silvia Bowne, a medium, stated that the doll belonged to a set of twins. The Twins would unfortunately pass from polio. This would cause the mother to severely grieve her children and it was implanted in the doll this is the energy.


Quesnel & District Museum

Disappearance of Victoria "Vicky" William

On October 19, 2013, 13-year-old Victoria "Vicky" Williams left her home on Fabyan Place in Newark, New Jersey. She was supposed to have met some friends, but she never returned home and this was the last time she was seen,

Police believe that she had run away and may still be in the area and or traveled to San Diego or another place in California.

Victoria is a Black female and was 13-years-old at the time. At the time she was 5'6" and 130lbs. She has black hair and brown eyes. At the time she had blonde extensions. She has eczema on her arms and legs. She was wearing a blue orthopedic boot. A black shirt and pink pants OR a blue denim long-sleeved shirt, a gray short-sleeved shirt, and blue jeans.


Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Cryptid: Abada

In Kongo people's mythology, there is a unicorn-like creature called the Abada but also goes by Arase or Nillekma. The Abada is the size of a small donkey, it has two horns, and has the tail of a boar. This creature is hardly seen due to its shyness. It is said an antidote to poison can be made from their horns.

The Illustrationist
Mythical Creatures Guide

October 18, 1986 Bowie Arizona Jane Doe

On October 18, 1986 the cranium of a teenage girl was found by a park ranger in Bowie, Arizona. It's believed she died between 1936 to 1976.

Jane Doe was believed to be between 13 to 17-years-old.


Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Urban Legends: Freshman in the Morgue

In the 1980's at Hong Kong University, a terrifying prank was done on a freshman. The Seniors of the Faculty of Medicine wanted to pull a terrifying, but overall to be believed to be a harmless prank on an unsuspecting Freshman. They would lock the freshman in the morgue overnight.

The next day the seniors would show up before the teachers. This was when they found the freshman. He was injured and covered in bitemarks and scars. Even more terrifying he was found to be devouring the bodies.

As a result of this the incident was released in the school magazine the next year. This was the reason that there was a new rule stating no one was to be locked up in the morgue

Honey Combers


Lost Film: Chinese Opium Den (1894)

Chinese Opium Den or also known as Opium Joint is an 1894 short silent film released on October 17, 1894. It was an early motion picture produced by Thomas Edison. The film was made in a 35mm film format with an aspect ratio of 1.33:1.  It was only a minute long. The film was intended to be displayed through means of a Kinetoscope. The film is considered lost.

There is little information on the film itself. It's believed that it may have been the first motion picture to explore the issue of drug use.


Monday, October 16, 2023

Urban Legends: 5 College St, York , England Crying Girl

Image from Secret York

There is a haunted house at 5 College St. in York, England. According to legend in the Middle Ages, (1346 to 1353) a couple would contract the plague however their daughter did not. They and their daughter were bricked into the home. The girl would cry and beg saying she wasn't sick, and it seemed to be true, but no one wanted to risk it. Her parents would die from the plague, and unfortunately, the girl would starve to death.

It is said that the girl could be seen in the home crying. She is mostly seen in the upper part of the house. One sighting happened in the 1950s and two of the children in the home would see her crying on one of their beds.

Secret York

October 16, 2016 Ajo, Arizona John Doe

On October 16, 2016, a ma's cranium was found in the desert near Ajo, Arizona. More of his remains were discovered 15 miles away in March of 2019 in a remote desert. It's not stated if they believe that animal activity is why the remains were so far apart. It's believed that the person died between 2011 to 2015. 

John Doe was an adult male.


Sunday, October 15, 2023

Curses: Cassies Story


Created in Imagine AI

Cassie's Story is a Cursed Chain Letter. I could not find much information on this chain letter this is What according to both sources was in the Chain Letter. 


Cassie and her friend were at home with her (Cassie’s) older sister. Her older sister was planning to go out and told them to not answer the door for anyone and to keep everything locked.

After her sister left, Cassie and her friend went online, looking at scary chain letters and laughing at how they weren’t ever true. They didn’t believe in any of the chains and went to bed. Unfortunately, they forgot to lock the doors.

Cassie’s friend had been murdered in the middle of the night. Quickly and frightened, Cassie reposted every chain letter they had read. After waking up in the morning, she saw something that looked like a face that was very red, staring back at her in the mirror. But she did not see her face. She ran down the stairs and looked in a different mirror. Still seeing the same face, she touched hers. She then looked at her hands and they were covered in something red and watery. Her skin was burned and bloody.

News around her town had told about the murder of Cassie’s friend. Cassie’s sister arrived home later that night, not yet seeing the news. Cassie told her sister what had happened, but her sister was in denial. Her sister reported that Cassie had gone insane and put her in a mental hospital.

Years passed, and Cassie died of a rare disease. Cassie came back for revenge on her sister and the murderer.

The murderer was never found. Nearly hours after Cassie’s revenge, her sister was found dead. The man who found Cassie’s sister bloody with stab wounds on the floor spotted a faint, red shadow. This was Cassie’s shadow. The man heard a whisper and could make out small words saying, “You didn’t see anything.”

If you don’t repost this chain letter to at least 6 people in the next 10 minutes, Cassie will haunt you too.

So, if you don’t want Cassie to haunt and murder you, then repost this as soon as possible.


Disappearance of Yvonne Mary Martinez

On October 15, 1993, 50-year-old Yvonne Martinez was last seen in Oceanside, California at her daughter's home. At the time Yvonne took a job in Laguna Hills doing live-in caretaking at an unknown address. She was known to travel and live in many places for example the Figi Islands and South America. She always kept in touch with family, but did not and was reported missing after she never made contact for Christmas or birthdays.

Yvonne is a white female and was 50-years-old at the time. She's 5'5" and 150 lbs. She has brown hair and blue eyes. 


Saturday, October 14, 2023

Urban Legends: The Grooms Revenge

It was a beautiful day. The church was full of family and friends and the bride and groom seemed to be in love with the others. However, the Groom was going to make this wonderful day a brutal one for the Bride and Best Man. During the Vows, the groom would look out to the crowd of loved ones with a smile.

He seemingly would compliment his best man and bride and would ask everyone to take out the envelopes under their chairs. Everyone did so and inside were some shocking photos. The bride and best man were having sex. The groom would tell everyone he suspected her of being unfaithful, but not that his best friend would betray him. It broke his heart and with the wedding being soon he decided it would be the best place to break her heart and cut off the friend. The Bride would flee the church crying and the best man would follow her.

Sometimes in this tale, it's the opposite being the Groom and Maid of Honor cheating instead and the Bride taking revenge. This tale is said to have started in 1985. Sometimes he sticks the ex-brides family with the bill for the wedding and sometimes she sues him.

Urban Legendpedia

October 14,1923 Boistfort, Belgium Jane Doe

On October 14, 1923, an unknown woman was found shot dead in the Sonian Forest near Boistfort, Belgium. Due to the items on her person, it was likely she was a foreigner from France or Italy. There is little information on this case. It's not stated whether or not her murder was solved.


Friday, October 13, 2023

Tomb M12 and the Murdered Man

Credit Qian Wang

In 2002 an ancient cemetery was discovered in the Ningxia region of Northern China. 12 tombs would be excavated. The last one was M12, which featured an 18m2 burial chamber containing the remains of a man, a woman, and a child. The tomb was of a high-ranking family from 2,000 years before as they were buried with many grave goods, and of course, many of the goods were eventually robbed. 

The family however were not the only people buried at the tomb. A skeleton of a man in his 20's was found halfway down a looter's shaft. It was at first believed that the man was a looter who fell into the shaft and died. However, it was found that he was likely not a looter, and his death was not accidental.

The man had died between 640 to 680 AD and the family died around 700 years earlier. The looter's shaft had naturally filled in before his death. He had been slashed at and stabbed. He had 13 sharp force wounds on his bones, He had cut marks on the top of his head, the back of his skull, and ribs. The right side of his face was almost cut off. It's believed that the puncture in the ribs is what killed him.

 It's believed that after or during the brutal attack, he was thrown into the looter shaft, and was likely still alive.His right hand still raised in a protective gesture over the right side of his face. A sword blade was found above him and may have been the or one of the murder weapons.

Buring his body may have done it in a way of "hiding in plain sight" type of concealment.


Cryptids: Drekavac

Created Using Art Breeder

A Drekavac, Yeller, Drek, or Drekalo is a creature in Slavic Mythology (Serbia, and Bosnia). They are a boogeyman creature used to warn children. It is said that the Drekavac comes from Unbaptised children who've died. It usually resides in a graveyard or outside a home crying for salvation. They are usually solitary creatures, but are sometimes found in packs and will live together in a cave or tunnel.

Sometimes A Drekavac will come in different appearances such as an infant with a thin body and large head and animals. If it's in the form of an infant it's said that it's an omen for death and if it's in the form of an animal it's something like cattle disease.

Its scream is horrifying. They are usually asking for a baptism all night bothering the cemetery or the persons in a home. If it's screaming outside of a home at least one person in the home is going to die. The creature may fall on a person or allow its shadow to cross a person cursing them to die soon. Their fur is usually long in animal form and if stepped on it'll yelp in pain.

Sometimes a Drekavac will enter the dreams of those who wronged them and do the same. They will strangle the person as they sleep.

To avoid a Drekavac it would be wise to get a dog. Dogs are something that they fear. They also either cannot be in sunlight or dislike it. This is why it's usually heard at night. It's believed if you baptized the child then it would stop and move on.

They are usually solitary creatures, but are sometimes found in packs and will live together in a cave or tunnel.


Thursday, October 12, 2023

Urban Legends: The Spider Bite

        Newly hatched Araneus diadematus

While Asleep 16-year-old Lucy was bitten by a spider on her cheek. She would tell her mother the next day about a red mark on her cheek. Her mother would tell her "It looks like a spider bite, it'll go away if you don't bother it." So Lucy would listen to her.

However, the red mark would get bigger, nastier looking, and more painful. Her mother would tell her again not to bother it. This time she was thinking it was a pimple of some sort. After days of it growing and becoming more painful the mother planned to take her to their Doctor.

The day before going Lucy would soak in a hot bath. She would put her face under the water to help soothe the bump, but that was when it suddenly became more painful. She would sit up and touch the boil. It seemed to be moving, and that is when it bursts and releases hundreds of baby spiders. The spider did not simply bite the girl but laid eggs in her face. This would cause Lucy's face to get deformed and was placed in an insane asylum for the rest of her life.

This story began in the 1970's. In other versions, the woman went vacationing somewhere like Mexico. She would get a spider "bite" and return home to get it cured. She would also have them either burst from her face or surgically get it removed. This is actually impossible for as spiders cannot lay an egg inside of someone


Disappearance of Louis Ronald Vargas

On October 12, 1977, 13-year-old Louis Vargas was last seen in Chicago, Illinois. there is little information in this case. 

Louis is a White Hispanic male and was 13-years-old at the time. He was 4'10" at the time. He has brown hair and brown eyes. He has scars on his knees. 


Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Aliens: Pascagoula Creature

On the night of October 11, 1973, 19-year-old Calvin Parker and 42-year-old Charles Hickson went fishing on the west bank of the Pascagoula River in Pascagoula, Mississippi. It was a peaceful night until dusk and a strange sound of whirring and flashing blue lights was coming from the water. They looked up to see an oval-shaped object approximately 30 to 40 ft across and 8 to 10 ft high. 

Three creatures would glide out of the craft and move in a mechanical-like way. The creatures were humanoid in figure and stood around 6 ft. Their skin was pale grey and wrinkled much like an elephant. They had no visible eyes but did have slits for mouths there were carrot-shaped "growths" that seemed to be where a human's nose and ears would be. There was no neck, just the head connected to the shoulders, and only one leg that looked like two fused together and ended with an elephant-like foot.

The men would freeze and be completely paralyzed, but conscious. The creatures would bring them on board and seemed to be subjected to a medical exam by a giant robotic eye. Just like that, they were returned to shore and the ship sped away into the sky. 

The men were scared and reported the incident to  Keesler AFB and the Jackson County Sheriff's Department. In an audio recording that was taken secretly, the men seemed to be traumatized. They worried for their families and didn't want to be thought of as deceiving anyone. 

Two more people claimed to have seen the lights over the river that night and thought it was a helicopter or plane. They also claimed to have seen someone in the water at one point, but did not get a good look at the person. 


Murder of Jeanne Melville

On September 24, 1970, Phyllis Nichols arrived at the Greyhound Station in Richmond, Indiana. She was there to pick up her niece 18-year-old Jeanne Melville. Jeanne was visiting from Wisconsin. She waited and waited, but Jeanne didn't arrive so she left and came back. Jeanne never arrived.

On October 11th a nude body of a young woman was found in a cornfield near Arcanum, Ohio. She was found 60 ft from Frazers Rd by two teens wandering the area on horseback. She had been Asphyxiated. It was Jeanne, but she would be a Jane Doe until July of 2009. Her ring was found with her, but has gone missing since then. Her clothing was found beneath two bridges nearby over the line in Preble County.

It was initially believed that Jeanne never made it to Indiana, but seeing as her body was found about 40 minutes away it's now believed that she did. She may have gotten to the Station early or late and possibly missed her aunt. She likely got a ride from someone she perceived as friendly and that person killed the young woman. It could be possible that this person was a local or even someone who was on the bus with her.

Ohio Attorney General
Charley Project
Unidentified Wiki
Daily Advocate April 1, 2018

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Cryptids: Sidehill Gouger

The Sidehill Gouger is a fearsome critter in American Folklore. There are other names for this creature The creature is variously known as the Sidehill Dodger, Sidehill Hoofer, Side-hill Gazink, Sidehill Ousel, Sidehill Loper, Sidehill Galoot, Gyascutus, Sidewinder, Wampus, Boofum, Gudaphro, Hunkus, Rickaboo Racker, Prock, Gwinter, or Cutter Cuss. This creature resides on hillsides because they have one leg longer than the other. Their appearance is not specific and can resemble any mammal and they lay eggs, usually having 6 to 8 in a litter. It loves steeper hillsides and lives in burrows.

They cannot stand on even land and can only travel in one direction. When they are chased off the hillside or somehow fall from the hill onto a plain they trap themselves as they can only move in a circular path. This usually leaves them to starve to death or become prey to other animals.

As they can only travel one way there are two types. Counter-clockwise gouger, and a clockwise gouger. If they meet on the same path the two gougers will have to fight to the death. But it is also said that gougers traveled from New England to the West with the help of each other. Think of them walking like a three-legged race, but only the outer two are used to walking and they have to hold onto each other.

It's believed that Gouger's are responsible for the formation of hoodoos and Terracettes.

Museum of Hoaxes

October 10, 2005 Orleans Parish, Louisiana John Doe

On October 10, 2005, an unknown man was found on the corner of Forstall St and North Prieur St in Orleans Parish, Louisiana.

John Doe is a black male and was between 28 to 35-years-old. He was 6'4" and 140 lbs. He was wearing a XXL white t-shirt, a pair of light colored slacks, a size 15 size tennis shoe, a braided leather style belt, a pair of light blue swim trunks, and a dark t-shirt with an emblem from the Tenet Regional Blood Bank.He had a remote vehicle keychain with two GM-style keys and another keychain with a single key

Unidentified Wiki

Monday, October 9, 2023

Cryptids: Enenra

An Enenra as depicted in Toriyama Sekien's Konjaku Hyakki Shūi

The Enenra is a being in Japanese folklore or a yōkai, The Enenra shows up during large fires such as bonfires. It is made up of the wisps of smoke that would rise up to the skies from fire. These beings usually have human-like faces it doesn't do anything, but billow in the wind and appear as fragile fabric. It only appears to those that are calm and pure and are relaxing to watch.

The Enenra seems to be loosely based on a passage in Tsurezure gusa which describes the smoke rising from fires burned in the summer to keep mosquitoes away. Some have pointed out that the name is similar to Enma, the lord of hell and judge of the dead. It's suggested that the beings are actually spirits of the dead.


October 9, 1901 Somerville, Indiana John Doe

On October 8, 1901, a young unknown man would be seen in Somerville, Indiana. On the 9th he would be seen walking up and down the streets stopping to rest once in a while in front of stores. He spoke very little, but people could tell he was of more than ordinary intelligence. He had gone to the train station several times to ask when the train was going to arrive. 

He would start walking down the track about 30 minutes before the train would arrive. When the train got close to him he ignored it. The engineer in the cab blew the whistle and it alerted the man. He looked up at the train and walked to the edge of the track as if he was going to walk off the track, but stopped just before doing so with one foot on the rail. Instead of walking off he turned and walked towards the train.

The Train tried to stop but was not able to. The man was struck but was still alive and unconscious. The train crew would bring him aboard and physicians aboard tried to help him. It seemed that he broke his arm, his back was injured and he had internal injuries. He died a few minutes after his arrival. 

The man seemed to have taken precautions before his death. There did not seem to have been any way of identifying him. It may have been his plan to kill himself in this town where no one knew him.

John Doe was around 21 years old. He was well dressed and may have been middle class. 


Sunday, October 8, 2023

GHOST: Murkatta

In Nepal, there is a ghost or ghost called the Murkatta. The ghost would wander around carrying its head under its arm. The ghost would look to take children's heads. In Kathmandu, Nepal, a festival is celebrated on the day of Ghode Jatra to scare away the Murkatta and protect children from its evil eyes.

The Murkatta is a ghost similar to La Lorna to scare kids into listening to their parents. In Saundarya's article, A Tale of Murkatta, the Headless Monster wrote about her experience with her family members using Murkatta.

Disappearance of Amanda Poole

On October 8, 2015, 16-year-old Amanda Poole supposedly left her home in Memphis, Tennessee. She was supposedly on her way to school, but never arrived and was never seen again.

Amanda is a black female and was 16-years-old at the time. She was 5'7" and 150 lbs at the time. She has black hair and brown eyes. Her ears are pierced. She was wearing a white shirt and khaki pants.

Local Memphis Feb. 10, 2023

Murder of James Clark Nicoll

 In 1871 James and Amelia Nicoll would come over to America from Scotland. The couple had 7 children in total 2 of which were born in Iowa w...