Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Devils Trampling Ground

Photo by Opus2008

The Devil's Tramping Ground is a place that holds a mystery and a legend. It lies in a forest near the Harper's Crossroads area in Bear Creek, North Carolina two paths lead to what seems like a perfect circle where nothing grows. If anything is placed in the circle it is moved the next day. It's unknown who gave it its name. 

One Legend says that the Devil walks up one path leading to the circle and tramps around and around thinking of evil thoughts and plotting for evil. 

A Second legend is that before the white man came the Native Americans would meet for feasts here and would do celebrations and war dances there. This caused the ground to not grow anything.

A third legend is that two conflicting Native American tribes had a battle there. It's said the one Chief Croatan was killed and buried there. Its said that the great spirits keep mourning their fallen leader 

However, a scientific explanation is that the soil had been tested before and held high salt content. This could lead to nothing growing there even though people have tried before. 


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