Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Murder of April Dawn Lacy

April Dawn Lacy was born on July 2, 1982 and her life wasn't easy. Both her parents were addicts. He father was absent in most of her life and her mother was a prostitute. This was the life that April was used to though. They would, shoplift, dumpster dive and knew which agencies gave out food and clothes. By the time April was 14 the welfare people had taken away her little brother, and she was living with her mother.

April was also living with her mother in a motel in Oklahoma City,  . The hotel was a known hot spot for prostitution and some believe that April's mother may have pimped her out. Her mother denies the allegations.

On October 3, 1996 her mother claims that her and April had fought. April had a history of running away. Her mother figured that was what she had done, because when she came back home her daughter was gone. It took 3 months before she was officially reported missing.

On October 8, 1996 a rancher in Decatur, Texas was checking on his cattle. When he saw a flock of buzzards where he kept his cattle he had thought that one of his cows had died. The birds had lead him to the brush and he found the body of a young girl.

She was nude laying face down tangled among the brush. She died brutally. She was sexually assaulted and strangled to death. It was believed the killer drove down Interstate 35 looking for a place to dump her body. They must have found the dirt road and must have parked by the cattle gate which was unlocked due to the farmer allowing people to hunt on his land.. They dragged her body to the spot she was found.

For two years she was unidentified. She went by the Brush girl up until she was identified in 1998. Her parents were initially in denial and unfortunately it had turned out to be April. The reason for the doubt was because it was believed that April had died several days before she was last seen. It was believed she was dead to a week up to 3 weeks. April had only been missing for 5 days when she was found.

Unfortantly even though detectives found her identity they couldn't find her murderer.


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