The Star Press October 15, 1989
Indianapolis Star October 16, 1989
The Star Press October 20, 1989
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The Star Press October 15, 1989
Indianapolis Star October 16, 1989
The Star Press October 20, 1989
On April 29, 2014, an employee of 57-year-old Gary Cooley walked past his home on 4100 Alma Ave. in Knoxville, Tennessee. They saw the front door was open and grew suspicious because it wasn't like Gary to do that and when Gary didn't show up a friend was sent to the house. The door was still open and nside they would find bodies of Gary Cooley and 46-year-old Regina Keck.
Regina and Gary were friends and would visit him often. The Afternoon before Gary had thrown a party and Regina stayed afterward. It's believed that someone would force their way into the home and shoot and kill both victims.
On May 28, 1983, a worker laying piping for a sprinkler system in Los Angeles, California found the body of a woman beneath some bushes on 10900 Cottonwood Avenue. The resident of the property noted that the foul smell started around 10 days earlier. She had been found nude and had been shot to death.
Jane Doe is a black female and was between30 to 50-years-old. She had black hair. She was 5'6" and 95 to 145 lbs. She had a yellow metal earring and purple nail polish.
On August 27, 1959, 11-year-old Miles Vallint was excited to pick out a bike for his birthday next month. At 1:30pm he left his home in South Norwood, south-east London, England to Croydon to look at bikes. His mother told him to be home by 4:30 pm.
He would not return home again. Miles was very good at meeting curfew and when he didn't return home his mother worried for him. The next morning would come and she would go looking for her son. She frantically went to the bicycle shops asking if anyone saw him. Only one person told her that they saw him around 2:30 for leaflets.
What she didn't know at the time was that Miles's body was found under a chestnut tree behind a 3ft fence on Tavistock Rd. The boy had been strangled to death. It was believed he died between 6 to 10 pm and was strangled to death with a rope. There was no evidence of a sexual assault.
A shopkeeper in Croydon may have been the last person to see him alive the day before. He came in around 4 pm to buy a plastic clothesline. In the doorway waiting for the boy to purchase his item was a man.
The man was described as the vagrant type. He was pale and gaunt with a fair complexion. He was between 35 to 40-years-old. He was drab-looking and was wearing a dirty fawn raincoat.
On May 26 1990 at 7:30 P.M. 18-year-old Anthoine Harrison was found in the front seat of his blue Chevrolet, Chevette hatchback at the dead-end of Raleigh St. in Charlotte, North Carolina. He had been shot to death. Robbery doesn't seem to be motive.
On May 24, 1893, the body of a man was found in a building in Hampton, Minnesota. It was believed that he was a tram that went into the building for shelter but ended up dying from exposure inside. He was buried in the Potters Field of Lakeside Cemetary in Hastings, Minnesota.
On May 23, 2011, 33/34-year-old TaDaryl Hawkins was found lying on the edge of a parking lot on 1147 W. New Street in Knoxville, Tennessee. He had been found alive suffering from gunshot wounds and was taken to the hospital. He would die the next day during surgery.
On Jan. 3, 1981, 35-year-old Angela Belisle's body was found in her driveway at 62 Brooks Ave. in Burlington, Vermont. Someone walking by the home saw her body underneath the frozen snow. It was initially believed she had gotten out of her car and slipped in the snow and hit her head, possibly freezing to death. But that was proven false as they uncovered the snow on her and found that she had been shot to death.
Evidence shows that her killer waited for her hiding beside the garage. The person would move to their position and shoot Angela in the head. It seemed that the crime was perpetrated by someone who knew Angela or at least knew her schedule it was planned. Nothing was stolen and there was no contact between the killer and victim. If the gun was found the bullet would match.
Angela is a mother of three and a teacher. She and her ex had recently divorced. That night she met her ex at the parking lot of UVM and dropped off the children to spend the night at their Dads. She would then go to the grocery store and then home.
On May 21, 1974, the body of a man was found floating in the Arkansas River at Terry Dam #6 in Little Rock, Arkansas. It's not stated his cause of death or it's believed to be accidental or not. He had died sometime in 1974 and was not recognizable.
He was a black male and was between 40 to 60-years-old. He's 6'5". He has a mole on the left side of his chin. He was wearing size 34 Jockey shorts from JC Penny's.
On May 19, 2006, around 5:30 p.m. 31-year-old Geneviève Beaulieu was found dead in her home in Saint-Christophe d’Arthabaska, Quebec, Canada. She had been shot to death.
On May 19, 1985, the body of a woman was found burning in a pile of tires off the westbound shoulder of I-95, near Sasco Creek overpass in Westport, Connecticut. Her hands and feet had been removed and were never found. It was estimated that she had been dead for around an hour.
Jane doe was a black female and was 30 to 40-years-old. She was 5'0" and 110 lbs. She had black kinky/curly hair. She was wearing a wool wrap-around sweater, Russler brand blue jeans, a bra with two safety pins as clasps. She may have been a smoker as she had Salem cigarettes in her sweater pocket.
On May 18, 1979, 21-year-old Donna Baker was found in a vacant lot near Morocco and Heritage in San Antonio, Texas. She had been shot in the back and her car was found a short distance from her. Her keys and purse were still in the car. At the time Donna was working at a computer firm and living in an apartment.
In May of 1979 39-year-old Joseph Furando went on a business trip to New Hampshire from his home in Gilford, Connecticut. He was last seen in Newton, Massachusetts. On May 16th he had reservations at the Holiday Inn in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. On May 17th he would be found on Brewer Rd in Kensington, New Hampshire. He was found lying 20 feet from his vehicle. His death was caused by being shot in the head.
In 1967 21-year-old Boleslaw Nowak lived in the worker's hostel and his little brother lived at the Coal Miner's House nearby in Knorow, Poland. He worked in the coal mines of Slask, his most recent job was at a coal mine in Knorow Szczakow. He was also serving his military service.
On the night of May 16, 1967, Boleslaw came to see his younger brother. He had been beaten up and claimed that the ORMO forces. His brother advised him to see the head coal moner on the night shift and ask him for work in the baths.
After this, he was never seen again. He didn't show up to work, or the hotel, or have been employed in the territory of Slask.
Boleslaw is a white male and was 21-years-old at the time.He has dark hair.
Ktokolwiek Widział
On May 16 1975 at 12:05 a.m. police received a call of shots fired in the 200 block of 10th street in Virginia Beach, Virginia. At the scene, the victim was 20-year-old Joseph Kelly suffering from a gunshot wound. He would be transferred to Virginia Beach General Hospital where he would die.
There was a yellow 1972 or 1973 model Chevrolet with white walls was seen in the area. It's believed that two black males were occupying the vehicle. They may have information about this case. At the time Joseph was in the U.S. Navy stationed at Dam Neck Naval Base. A motive could not be found in this case.
On May 15, 1976, 65-year-old Joseph Davis and his wife Adel 70-years-old were home at the house on Cushman Place in Bay Park, San Diego, California. That night someone knocked on the door and Joseph answered on the other side was an unknown intruder with a gun.
The couple would be tied up and the intruder would ransack the house and fled with the couple's car. The couple would be left tied up and could not free themselves. Their housekeeper would find them on Wednesday. They would not have had water or food for days and as Joseph was diabetic it would lead to his death. Adel would survive.
The car would be abandoned at an apartment complex a few days later. The suspect was a white male between 25 and 35-years-old. He was around 6' and around 200lbs. He had dark hair, a heavy beard, and long scraggly hair.
Joseph was a self-employed swap meet buyer and seller. He typically carried large amounts of cash on himself and sometimes used a money belt. It's possible that the killer could have known or met Joseph at a swap meet.
On October 24, 1856, a man around 36-years-old named Antoine was admitted to Ward No 2. to Stockton State Hospital in Stockton, California. He would die 2 days later on the 26th from Epilepsy. There is little information in this case. He was described as being an "idiot" and was French. He was also a Charity Patient.
On 13 May 2006, a man was walking his dog near the northeastern coastal town of Seaham, England. The body was found on the seashore among the rocks. He had been dead for weeks.
The man was a man between 40 to 60-years-old. He was 173 to 183cm with a medium build. Isotope analysis was done in this case and it was found he had lived in Northern Europe. His feet were size 11, he suffered from heart disease, he had three fractured ribs (unknown if before or after death) and was missing several lower back teeth on both sides and it would have been noticeable when he talked.
John Doe was wearing dark grey socks with Oblong gripper type thread on the underside, (much like a slipper type with rubber on the bottom), 1x Camper brand brown ankle boots with leather uppers, and cream rubber sole.
National Crime AgencyIn May of 1912, the body of a woman was found in the Blackstone River in Providence County, Rhode Island. Her arms and legs were bound and her head was missing. There is little information on this case.
She was buried in Edgehill Cemetary. The Cemetary is now abandoned and there are no grave markers.
On 5 March 1777, the body of a woman was found near a resting area in the woods near Burgwald, Hessen, Germany after the snow had faded away. It was believed that she had died several months from the cold. She was wearing a brown camisole, a headband with a veil attached, and men's shoes. She had 4 dollars and a piece of bread, but there was nothing to identify her on her person.
She would be buried the next day in the churchyard in Oberrosphe,Marburg-Biedenkopf, Hessen, Germany.
On May 8, 2000, at 1 p.m. the body of 50-year-old Laymond Drummond was found in his truck in the parking lot of the nightclub Ma & Me in Greer, South Carolina. Someone had shot Laymond in the head in the vehicle. The shooting had to of happened between 9 a.m. and 1p.m. as he was seen by his family that morning.
Greenville News May 9, 2000
On May 8, 1996, 46-year-old Dr. Tsunao Saitoh and his 13-year-old daughter Loullie returned to their home in San Diego, California around 11 p.m. from the research lab a UCSD where Tsunao was a well-respected research neuroscientist. When their car pulled up to the front of their house unknown person or persons ambushed the two in the driveway. Tsunao was killed and slumped over in the car and Loullie had run a short distance away before being shot and killed. Neighbors heard the gunshots and passers-by found the bodies a short time after the shooting.
The gun used was a .380 caliber as casings for one was found in the driveway and the street where the shots were fired. A ballistics analysis found the weapon to be a Grendel P-12 .380 caliber semi-automatic pistol. It was a gun manufactured in limited quantities. The weapon was not found.
The motive for this killing is unknown.
On May 7, 2003, around 1:48 a.m. police responded to a call on 3400 block of North Marshall St. in Philidelphia, Pennsylvania. 18-year-old Anthony wood would be found lying on his stomach suffering from a stab wound to his chest. He would be taken to the hospital, but would, unfortunately, die later that morning. Anthony had been stabbed during a robbery and investigations indicated that two black males were seen leaving the scene in a black Cherokee Jeep.
Philadelphia Police Department
On May 6, 2016, the skeletal remains of a young man were found by a mushroom hunter in a wooded area near Cunningham Falls State Park in Thurmont, Maryland. He could have died up to 2 years before his body was found. His cause of death is unknown.
It's believed he was between 16 to 19-years-old and was either a black or Hispanic male or biracial. He's 5'3" to 5'9". There was a shirt found at the scene, but it's unknown if it is his. The shirt is a "George" brand and was a charcoal grey plaid men's shirt size small with 34/36 short sleeve.
On September 5, 1922, a man had robbed a post office in Kearney Missouri. He had been shot by the city marshall Frank Milbourn. his identity is unknown and he had broken into several buildings in town.
He was a white male and was around 20-years-old. His hat had an Iowa town mark and a picture of a woman and child photographed in Clinton, Illinois.
Missouri Digital Heritage: Missouri Death Certificates, 1910-1970In 1952 a body was found at Williams Creek, Texas. He was laid to rest with Christian ceremonies on April 10, 2007. John Doe was a young man. There is little information in this case.
On August 10, 2003, 36-year-old Russian immigrant Yakov German was last seen in Vancouver, Washington. At the time he was working construction. His body would be found on May 3, 2004, buried in the woods in Cowlitz County. The autopsy would find that he had been stabbed to death. It isn't stated whether they believe that he had been dead since August.
Around 6:50 a.m. on May 02, 1987, 30-year-old Brian MacAlister was shot in the front seat of his car which was parked at Billy's Lounge 48 Millbury St. in Worcester, Massachusetts. He had been shot in the head.
The Boston Globe May 3, 1987
On May 2, 1921, in St. Augustine, Florida a man was killed in an automobile accident and pronounced dead at 5 a.m. at the hospital. He was a white male around 38-years-old. There is little information in this case.
On May 1, 1921, a man was shot by an Ernest Reid(possibly Rild) in self-defense in Hastings, Florida. He was a black male around 35-years-old. There is little information in this case and is unstated why John Doe was shot in self-defense.
In 1871 James and Amelia Nicoll would come over to America from Scotland. The couple had 7 children in total 2 of which were born in Iowa w...