Thursday, May 27, 2021

Murder of Miles Vallint

On August 27, 1959, 11-year-old Miles Vallint was excited to pick out a bike for his birthday next month. At 1:30pm he left his home in South Norwood, south-east London, England to Croydon to look at bikes. His mother told him to be home by 4:30 pm. 

He would not return home again. Miles was very good at meeting curfew and when he didn't return home his mother worried for him. The next morning would come and she would go looking for her son. She frantically went to the bicycle shops asking if anyone saw him. Only one person told her that they saw him around 2:30 for leaflets.  

What she didn't know at the time was that Miles's body was found under a chestnut tree behind a 3ft fence on Tavistock Rd. The boy had been strangled to death. It was believed he died between 6 to 10 pm and was strangled to death with a rope. There was no evidence of a sexual assault.

A shopkeeper in Croydon may have been the last person to see him alive the day before. He came in around 4 pm to buy a plastic clothesline. In the doorway waiting for the boy to purchase his item was a man.

The man was described as the vagrant type. He was pale and gaunt with a fair complexion. He was between 35 to 40-years-old. He was drab-looking and was wearing a dirty fawn raincoat. 


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