Saturday, May 15, 2021

Murder of Joseph Davis

 On May 15, 1976, 65-year-old Joseph Davis and his wife Adel 70-years-old were home at the house on Cushman Place in Bay Park, San Diego, California. That night someone knocked on the door and Joseph answered on the other side was an unknown intruder with a gun. 

The couple would be tied up and the intruder would ransack the house and fled with the couple's car. The couple would be left tied up and could not free themselves. Their housekeeper would find them on Wednesday. They would not have had water or food for days and as Joseph was diabetic it would lead to his death. Adel would survive. 

The car would be abandoned at an apartment complex a few days later. The suspect was a white male between 25 and 35-years-old. He was around 6' and around 200lbs. He had dark hair, a heavy beard, and long scraggly hair. 

Joseph was a self-employed swap meet buyer and seller. He typically carried large amounts of cash on himself and sometimes used a money belt. It's possible that the killer could have known or met Joseph at a swap meet. 


City of San Diego

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