Tuesday, November 30, 2021

November 30, 1921 Mobile County, Alabama Doe

  On November 30, 1921, a person died of paresis at the Mount Vernon Hospital in Mount Vernon, Alabama. They would be buried the next day at the Mt. Vernon Hospital Cemetary. 

Though the Unidentified Wiki lists the Doe as a John Doe their source states that the Gender was unknown. The person was black and around 38-years-old.


Unidentified Wiki

Find a Grave

Wanted: Jose Antonio Barroso

Jose Antonio Barroso is wanted for his alleged involvement in the sexual abuse of a young girl in Fort Smith, Arkansas. Allegedly the sexual abuse occurred from time from when the victim was 5 till she was 11 when it was reported. 

An Arrest warrant was issued by the District Court of Sebastian County, Arkansas on November 30, 2004. After this, he was charged with rape. He would then flee and would be charged federally with the unlawful flight to avoid prosecution by the United States District Court, Western District of Arkansas, and a federal arrest warrant was issued of Feb. 1, 2005. He is believed to be in the Guadalajara, Mexico, area.

Jose is currently (2021) 48-years-old and is a Hispanic male. He is 5'7" and 150 lbs. He has black hair and brown eyes. 


Monday, November 29, 2021

November 29, 1922 Brighton to Victoria, England Baby Doe

 On November 29, 1922, on the 10:00 a.m. train from Brighton to Victoria, in England, the body of a baby boy was found wrapped in satin and brown paper. The baby was a newborn and had likely been suffocated from direct pressure on its mouth. There was evidence of the baby being placed in an oven and baked, but it's unknown if this happened before or after death. The baby was placed there at Brighton or one of 14 stops between Brighton and Victoria. It was assumed that the mother was a young woman and who was a cook.


Unsolved Murders UK

Murder of Michael Morgan

 On November 29, 1981, 25-year-old Michael Morgan was seen talking to a man in the backyard of 3513 Stanley Ave in Fort Worth, Texas. About 10 minutes after the witness seen Michael they heard gunshots and found Michael dead in his front yard. Evidence showed that Michael was shot several times inside his home and walked outside and passed.

A news article mentions that Michael had told a neighbor that he had been attacked coming out of his home. That the person came at him with a knife and cut off the end of his finger. Michael was able to fend off his attacker with a rake in the yard that time. Michael was thinking of getting a gun for protection. This event happened about two weeks before his death. 


Fort Worth Texas

Fort Worth Star-Telegram

November 29, 1993 Breckenridge, Colorado Baby Doe


Around 11:40 a.m. on November 29, 1993, two men were alongside I-70 eastbound, 4 miles west of mile marker 200 in Breckenridge, Colorado. They stopped at the sight of a clear plastic bag and investigated it and found the body of an infant. She was brought to the hospital and pronounced deceased and it's believed that she was dead for 2 days. She did not have any obvious signs of truama.

She was a Hispanic or Native American Female infant. She was 2" and 8 lbs. She has black hair and brown eyes. She was dressed in a Christmas outfit.



Colorado Bureau of Investigation

Unidentified Wiki

Doe Network

Sunday, November 28, 2021

Lovers of Cluj-Napoca


In 2013 a pair of skeletons known as the Lovers of Cluj-Napoca was uncovered by archeologists in a cemetery of a former Dominican convent in Cluj-Napoca, Romania. The couple was buried facing each other and with their hands interlocked. It's believed that the two lived and died between 1450 to 1550 due to where they were located.

The couple was around 30-years-old. The male appears to have died from a fight or accident which left his sternum broken. This wound was possibly caused by a blow with a blunt instrument. It's also possible that he died from a broken hip instead. The cause of death for the female is unknown, but it could not have been suicide as she would not have been able to be buried in the consecrated ground if she had. 



The History Blog

The Huff Post April 22, 2013

Saturday, November 27, 2021

Murder of Francis James McDonough

 At 6:18 a.m. November 27, 1997 (Thanksgiving) the body of 20-year-old Francis McDonough was found by maintenance workers for the National Park Service. He was found in a desert area at the 3.3-mile marker, North Shore Rd., Lake Mead National Recreation Area in Las Vegas, Nevada. He was found naked and bound and had been shot to death. He was killed elsewhere and the scene was never discovered.

The car he borrowed from a friend was located in the area of Hollywood and Lake Mead Blvd which was several miles away from where he was found.


Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department

Friday, November 26, 2021

Disappearance of Stephanie Marie Pinero Morales

On November 26, 2008, 13-year-old Stephanie Morales was last seen in Ceiba, Puerto Rico. It's believed that she had left on her own and may be in the local area or in San Antonio, Texas. There is little information in this case. 

Stephanie is a Hispanic female and was 13-years-old at the time. She was 5'0" and 108 lbs at the time. She has brown hair and brown eyes. At the time her hair was dyed a dark red. Her upper teeth are slightly larger. She has a burn scar on her leg. At the time Stephanie could speak both English and Spanish.



Charley Project

Doe Network

Thursday, November 25, 2021

October 25, 1901 Kensington Gardens in London, England Baby Doe

 On October 25, 1901, the body of a baby was found in the Kensington Gardens in London, England. The infant had a hat pin inserted into their head which caused them to die due to an effusion of blood.


Unsolved Murders UK

Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Lost Media: Back to Life (1913)

Back to Life is a 20-minute silent film. It was released on November 24, 1913. The movie stared William Worthington as The Gambler, Pauline Bush as The Wife, J. Warren Kerrigan as Jim the Outlaw, Jessalyn Van Trump as The Girl, and Lon Chaney as The Rival. The film is now considered lost. 


A gambler brings his sick wife to the mountains after they learn she has tuberculosis and needed special care. The gambler soon becomes tired of having to care for his wife and becomes attached to a young girl at a local saloon. The wife would soon find out about the infidelity and would walk out to the woods to die.

In the woods, the wife would find an outlaw called Jim. He was weak from blood loss and she would nurse him back to health. Jim in turn for her help takes her to a cabin with an elderly couple in the hills. They would then nurse her back to health.

The wife still loved her husband and decided to return to gain his love back. When she returned home though she finds that he had been shot and killed by a rival in a saloon brawl. She would then go to Jim and the two would find happiness together. 



Lon Chaney

Silent Era

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Lost Media: The Yellow Pawn (1916)


The Yellow Pawn is a 1916 American drama silent film directed by George Melford. It was based on the short story A Close Call by Fredrick Arnold Kummer. The film was released by Paramount Pictures on November 23, 1916, and was 50 minutes long. This Film is now considered lost.


James Weldon, an artist, was painting in the countryside when he meets Kate Turner in a roadster. The two would fall in love, but Kate would marry a lawyer for his money. James would become a huge success in the art world even getting commissioned a thousand dollars for a portrait sitting. 

Kate would convince her husband to have James paint her. One night she would visit his studio, but unfortunately, a thieving relative of James's enters the home and is killed by Sen Yat, a servant. James would take the blame so Kate wouldn't.

Kate's husband would prosecute James for the murder, but Kate tells him that she was also there that night. This angers her husband and prepares to shoot him himself. When he tries to shoot James Sen Yat stabs him to death. The two lovers would be reunited 


Monday, November 22, 2021

Disappearance of Archie Joseph Laroque

On November 22, 1965, 18-year-old Archie Laroque went hunting with six other people near Laroque Lake, Saskatchewan, Canada about 25 miles east of Carrot River. The hunting party split up and Archie was last seen walking alone. A search for him was conducted, but he was never found.

Archie is a white male and was 18-years-old at the time. He's 168 cm (5'6") and 62kg (137 lbs). He has red hair and brown eyes. He has a freckled complexion and is blind in one eye.


Doe Network

Saskatchewan Association of Chief of Police 

November 22, 2006 Port Logan, Scotland Jane Doe


On November 22, 2006, the body of a woman was found on the beach at Port Logan, Scotland. She had been in the water for 6 months. 

She is a white female between 30 to 50-years-old. She was 152 cm-165 cm with a thin build. She was missing teeth (unspecified). She was wearing a size 10 black trousers brand is Bay Trading. Size 34C white bra brand Bhs, light-colored underwear, tan-colored tights. 


UK Missing Persons

Locate Missing People

The Doe Network

Sunday, November 21, 2021

Mummy 1770


There was an Egyptian Mummylabled Mummy 1770 that was in storage for a long time at the Manchester Museum before an autopsy was decided on it in 1975. The team wanted to do an autopsy that allowed visual and anatomical techniques to provide a baseline for advanced imaging and analytical methods in the future. Mummy 1770 was chosen for this because she was badly preserved and was unlikely to be displayed. An x-ray of the mummy showed that she had some unusual features which not only would help their research, but help them understand the mummy inside the sarcophagus.  

The girl inside was around 13 or 14-years-old and wise likely from a wealthy family . She has a male guinea worm in her abdomen. She had both her legs removes. One was removed above the knee the other under the knee. This treatment was unsuccessful as it seemed she died weeks after the amputation.

Her legs were replaced with wooden planks and her feet were sandals filled with reeds and mud, and had reed tips for toes. She had two gilded nipple amulets as well as a false phallus included in the wrapping.  Her fingertips and reed tips had gold coverings.



Manchester 1824


Saturday, November 20, 2021

(Partially) Lost Film: Anna Acsends


Anna Ascends is a 1922 American Romantic silent film directed by Victor Fleming, it's based on the 1920 play of the same name by Henry Chapman Ford. The film was released on November 19/20, 1922. Out of the hour and 2 minutes, only a 6-minute fragment remains of the film. 


Alice Brady as Anna Ayyob
Robert Ellis as Howard Fisk
David Powell as The Baron
Nita Naldi as Countess Rostoff
Charles K. Gerrard as Count Rostoff
Edouard Durand as Siad Coury
Florence Dixon as Bessie Fisk
Grace Griswold as Miss Fisk
Frederick Burton as Mr. Fisk
Benjamin De Casseres as City Editor
Betty Bronson as Bit Part

A Syrian American waitress, Anna Ayyob, works at Siad Coury's coffeehouse in a Syrian neighborhood of New York City. Anna would fall in love with the reporter, Howard Fisk, who is investigating a jewel smuggling ring. Anna discovers her coworker "The Baron" is involved with international thieves Count and Countess Rostoff. Anna phones Howard with the information, but she is attacked by Barron as a result. During the encounter, she accidentally kills the Baron and disappears.

Three years later Anna would anonymously write the popular novel "Anna Ascends" based on her life. She would then meet Howard again. To save Bessie Fisk, Howard's sister, from marrying Count Rostoff she exposes him as a jewel thief. In the process, she admits to the Baron's murder. This was when Howard told Anna she didn't kill the Baron and he was very much alive. Anna and Howard then get married.


Friday, November 19, 2021

November 19, 1949 New Lenox Township, Illinois John Doe

 On November 19, 1949, the body of a man was found in Pilcher Park in New Lenox Township, Illinois. It's likely he died from a self-inflicted gunshot.

John Doe is a white male and was pre-40-years-old. He was 5'6". His hair color is unknown as he was bald. He has a scar on the right side of his face from his lip to ear across the cheek. He was wearing a khaki aviator wool-lined jacket with a brown fur collar, grey fedora, light yellow shirt with pencil stripes, tweed trousers with a light brown and black check pattern, black leather belt, tan oxfords with cream-colored paint, Handkerchief with the letter R on it and eyeglasses.



Crime Watchers

Thursday, November 18, 2021

June 18, 1959 Detroit Michigan Jane Doe

  On June 18, 1959, the Shelton's were excavating their basement with a neighbor at their home on 1936 Halleck in Detroit, Michigan. They would find the skeleton of a woman about four inches below the surface. It was stated that she was there for years and according to a newspaper she had a hole on the top of her head and a shattered jaw. 

The house was bought by the Sheltons in 1943 and the house was built in 1922/1923. It's possible she died between that time. It was originally speculated that the woman may have been killed by John Kasap and John Kurzawa who killed several people in 1940. One of their victims was buried a block away in the basement of another home. I don't know if this is still speculated about the case, I couldn't find any recent detailed information on the case. 

Jane Doe was an African American woman. She was between 25 to 35-years-old. She was around 5'0".


Ironwood Daily Globe June 18, 1959

Detroit Free Press June 19, 1959

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

Murder of Richard Christenson


On November 17, 1977, 25-year-old Richard Christenson was found in a small copse of bush near 178 St. and 107 Ave in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. His body was later identified, and his cause of death is unstated.


Edmonton Police

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Unknown Artist: Isaac Master


The Isaac Master is an Italian Gothic painter who was active in the decoration of the Bascilla of San Francesco s'Assisi in Assisi towards the end of the 13th century (1291-1295). The Master's name derives from the fresco painting of the death of Isaac.

List of Known ArtworksBenedizione di Isacco a Giacobbe
Esaù respinto da Isacco
Giuseppe calato nel pozzo
Ritrovamento della coppa nel sacco di Beniamino
Uccisione di Abele
Volta dei Dottori della Chiesa


Monday, November 15, 2021

Lost Media: The Cat's Pajamas (1926)


Lobby Card for the film

The Cat's Pajamas (1926) is an American silent film directed by William A. Wellman and released on August 29, 1926. The movie starred Betty Bronson as Sally Winton and Ricardo Cortez as Don Cesare Gracco. Other stars of the film are Gordon Griffith as Jack, Theodore Roberts as Sally's father, and Arlette Marchal as Riza. The film has been lost to time. Only stills, posters, and newspaper advertisements survive.


Sally Winton works as a seamstress for a fashionable modiste. She supports her crippled father and adores her kitten, Tommy. She is loved by Jack, a taxi driver, but is in love with Don Cesare Graco, an operatic sensation.

Sally being a fan attends an opera performance, and brings Tommy with her. Tommy would escape from Sally and ends up backstage in the cloakroom. Don Cesare was talking to reporters back there and spotted the kitten. He then tells the reporters that he'd marry the first woman that the kitten leads him to. Which was a temperamental dancer, Riza.

The cat then becomes big news and was even given a diamond necklace for leading Don Cesare to Riza. Rixa though was jealous of Don Cesare's publicity and so she decides to postpone the wedding even refusing to try on her wedding dress.

Sally was then recruited as a model and Don Cesare ends up proposing to Sally. Sally would accept, but after the marriage, she wanted to teach him a lesson. She leaves him and a series of complications follow. It would end with the couple reconciled.


Lost Media Wiki

Silent Hollywood


Silent Era

A personal update

Photo by Aleksander Vlad

This year has been a really rough year for me. I know that no one really cares what I have to say on here about my personal life, but this year has been one of the shittiest years for me. I lost 4 family members this year in 4 different instances (naturally), and my Grandmother's cancer is back. Towards the end of last year to June of this year, I was constantly calling the cops at work on crazy customers (cops would only show up half the time). Let's say I did not feel safe in the least bit, especially since I had a frozen sandwich thrown at my face for kicking out someone who was banned, and my co-worker and a customer were threatened to be shot. I was done. So I had to quit when I saved up enough money in June and I was going to try to stay a bit longer, but I couldn't do it mentally especially since family members kept telling me to leave for safety reasons. Honestly, I don't expect people to, believe me, it's just unbelievably stupid and I can't even believe all this bs has happened myself. But I saved up enough money for my personal life till January.

Now the reason I've got this off my chest is I've to talk about what's going on with this blog and kinda with my other, To Slip One's Wind. I enjoy research and writing and I had an interest in true crime since I was a kid. That's basically why I started these two blogs. I try to do earlier cases compared to newer ones. To do this and have more information I would use my Newspapers.com account which allowed me to get articles from the time. Those typically revealed more information than the modern ones. I currently cannot afford to pay for 6 months.I don't have the money to do so and don't make money from doing these. I have written posts almost every day into Feb. before it expired. I will sometime in the future subscribe again, but that probably won't be until after Jan. 

I'm not worried about To Slip One's Wind because I have done enough posts to almost fill out an entire year. Most posts on both may be Unidentified and Missing Persons on both blogs as usually the information about those are simple and out there. I'm also going to try to post more Lost media, Anonymous Artists, and other mysteries that aren't necessarily crimes and don't require my Newspapers account. 

Sorry, I just wanted to make an excuse on why some of my posts don't have as many references anymore and seem the bare minimum. Not that they weren't that way before or even good, but I felt had to make this to explain.

Sunday, November 14, 2021

Yamaira "Mayra" Vivian Montes-Gonzalez

On November 14, 2000, 14-year-old Yamaira "Mayra" Montes-Gonzalez was last seen walking to her school bus stop in Yabucoa, Puerto Rico. There is little information in this case.

Yamaira is a Hispanic female and was 14-years-old at the time. She was 5'7" and 126 lbs at the time. She has brown hair and brown eyes. At the time her hair was dyed blonde. 


Charley Project

Doe Network


November 14, 1869 Door County, Wisconsin

On November 14, 1869, the body of a young man was found at the Southwest point of Washington Island, Wisconsin. He could not be identified and it was believed he was in the water for some time. It's possible that he was a sailor

John Doe's race is unstated, but he was a male around 17 to 18-years-old. He was around 5 ft and had black hair. 


Saturday, November 13, 2021

Murder of Carrie Bowels

 On November 13, 1996, 35-year-old Carrie Loraine Bowles was found dead in her home in the Old Mill Trace subdivision off of Keenes Mill Rd in Cottondale, Alabama. She had been shot to death. It's unknown if her killer knew her or not. 


Tuscaloosa County Sheriff

Find a Grave

Friday, November 12, 2021

November 12, 1965 Houston, Texas John Doe

 On November 12, 1965, the body of a man was found on the north side bank of Ship Channel in the Turning Basin shortly after the channel had been dredged. It's believed that the man had accidentally drowned in the channel three days prior.

John Doe was an African American male and was between 45 and 65-years-old. He was 5'6" and 136 lbs. He had short kinky black hair. He had cutaneous papilloma on the medial side of the left knee, 1cm in diameter, his teeth were in a poor condition and many of them were missing, he was uncircumcised and he had calcified aortic valvular disease

He was wearing tan pants, a sweatshirt, a faded coat, and one black sock.



Harris County Texas

Doe Network

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Murder of Daniel Argueta Cordova


On November 11, 2008, around 8:24 the body of 24-year-old Daniel Cordova was at the Lowe's Home Improvement at 2525 Crain Highway in Waldorf, Maryland. He was found lying in the parking area behind the store unclothed. It seems he had died from trauma to his upper body.

It's not stated if it was the same night, but it was found that he was last seen at a local liquor store. There's a picture of two unidentified males that were at the liquor store at the same time. They may have information about the murder.


Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Murder of Mary Jo Shelleby

On November 9, 1973, 19-year-old Mary Jo Shelleby left her parent's home around 8:30 p.m. in Sarasota, Florida. She told her parents she would be right back. The next morning at about 2:30 a.m. by a police officer who accidentally ran over her body on McIntosh Road just south of Clark Road. She was already dead when the police officer ran her over. She was partially nude and had been beaten to death. Investigation indicates that more than one person may have been involved in her death.

At the time Mary Jo was attending Manatee Junior College. She was a known hitchhike. 

The Bradenton Herald November 12, 1973
Tampa Bay Times November 13, 1973
Tampa Bay Times November 16, 1973
The Tampa Tribune November 22, 1973

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Murder of Catherine Didluke

On April 9, 1959, the daughter of 63-year-old Catherine Didluke went to her home in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Catherine did not answer the door and her daughter worried about her contacting the police. Inside Catherine's body was found. Her home had been robbed and she had been beaten to death with at least 2 hammer blows to the head.


Toronto Police Service

Edmonton Journal April 11, 1959

Toronto Sun April 5, 2021

Monday, November 8, 2021

Murder of Carolyn Wasilewski

 On November 8, 1954 at 6:15 p.m. 14-year-old Carolyn Wasilewski left her home in Baltimore, Maryland to go to her friend Peggy's home. The two planned to register for dance lessons at the nearby elementary school. She would never show up at Peggy's home, register for dance lessons, or return home.

At 7 a.m. on November 9, 1954 Carolyn's body was found in a rail yard under the Belvedere Avenue Bridge by an engineer on the Pennsy Express Train bound to Baltimore from Harrisburg Pennsylvania. She was not killed at the scene she was either tossed off of the bridge or dragged down to where she was found.

She was partially naked and had been beaten to death. She had fought back her attacker as she had broken one of her fingers. She was not sexually assaulted. Her skirt and shoes were missing . On her right thigh the name "Paul" was found written in lipstick. It was found that she had died at 11 p.m.

Not far from her family's home bloodstains and some of her stuff were found including her shoes. This was 8 miles from the tracks.

Carolyn was the oldest of seven children and was known to be a rebel. She joined a gang called the Drapes and known to commit petty crimes like auto theft and hosting hot rod races. She was often mistaken as someone in their late 20's to early 30's. She knew how to dress herself up to do look like she was.

Her case remains unsolved. 


1660, London, England Unknown Male Child

 In 1660 a child sewed up in cloth was found at the Parish of St. James Clerkenwell in London, England. He was laid near the New Churchyard and after the coroner viewed the child he was buried on November 8, 1660, in the New Churchyard. 


Find a Grave

Sunday, November 7, 2021

November 1639 Catcott, England A Poor Walking Woman

On November 8, 1639, a woman was buried at Saint Peter Churchyard in Catcott, England. From the Bishop's Transcripts, the woman was unknown and was buried as "A Poor Walking Woman." Her identity will remain unknown.


Saturday, November 6, 2021

Murder of Ronald S. Johnson

 On November 6, 1994, Ronald Johnson's body was found frozen in a water-filled ditch about five miles northwest of Dunseith, North Dakota.  He had been assaulted and placed in the ditch which resulted in him dying from hypothermia. 


North Dakota Attorney General

Friday, November 5, 2021

1959 Broward County, Florida Jaw Bone

Around 1959 a boy would find a jaw bone on the beach in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida (likely during winter as they stayed winter vacations here). The boy would then bring it home and showed a dentist that confirmed that it was a jaw bone. He would lose track of the jaw bone but would refind it as an adult. 

It could not be determined what race and or age the bone was.



Thursday, November 4, 2021

Bog Bodies: Weerding Men


In 1904 two bog bodies were found in Drenthe, Netherlands in the southern part of Bourtange Moor. The two were laid together in the bog initially making people think they were a couple and or related. This would lead to one of the bodies (the smaller one) being thought of being a woman. Leading for them to be called the Weerding Couple, or Mr. and Mrs. Veenstra. Later DNA tests showed that they were both males and were not Maternally related. 

The Weerding Men likely died between 160 BC and 220 AD. One of the men (the better preserved one) was found with a large wound in his chest with his intestines spilled out. It may have been ritualistic and may have been in an attempt to divine the future by reading entrails. It's unknown if this was the way he died or was killed. It's unknown how the other man died. 


Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Murder of Sarah Cox


In 1967 20-year-old Sarah Cox was a student of Clark University in Worcester, Massachusetts. She would be last seen getting on a bus at the university (unstated what day this was). On November 3, 1967 her body would be founder a pile of carboard in a wooded area. She had been strangled to death. 


The City of Worcester

The Miami Herald December 5, 1967

Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Murder of Ernesto Allen


At 9:24 p.m. on November 2, 2008, a man flagged down a police officer. He told him that a man had been shot near the intersection of Dowd and Elizabeth in Durham, North Carolina. The officer would rush to the scene and find 27-year-old Ernesto Allen lying on the curb in front of 418 Dowd St. He would later die in the hospital. 


City of Durham

Monday, November 1, 2021

November 1, 1958 Harris County, Texas John Doe

On November 1, 1958, a body was found in a wooded area one mile east of Green Bayou on Wallisville Rd, in Harris County, Texas. It's believed that he had been dead for around a year. 

John Doe is a black male between 30 to 50-years-old. He's around 5'5".  He had a wide gap between the medial teeth 1/8" in width. Many of his teeth were lost with the 8 remaining teeth in the upper jaw and 7 in the lower. One tooth in the upper jaw had a filling.

Murder of James Clark Nicoll

 In 1871 James and Amelia Nicoll would come over to America from Scotland. The couple had 7 children in total 2 of which were born in Iowa w...