Monday, November 29, 2021

Murder of Michael Morgan

 On November 29, 1981, 25-year-old Michael Morgan was seen talking to a man in the backyard of 3513 Stanley Ave in Fort Worth, Texas. About 10 minutes after the witness seen Michael they heard gunshots and found Michael dead in his front yard. Evidence showed that Michael was shot several times inside his home and walked outside and passed.

A news article mentions that Michael had told a neighbor that he had been attacked coming out of his home. That the person came at him with a knife and cut off the end of his finger. Michael was able to fend off his attacker with a rake in the yard that time. Michael was thinking of getting a gun for protection. This event happened about two weeks before his death. 


Fort Worth Texas

Fort Worth Star-Telegram

1 comment:

January 15, 1865 Nashville, Tennessee

 On January 15, 1865, in or around Nashville, Tennessee a man was killed by a shotgun blast that severed his arm. There is little informatio...