Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Lost Media: The Yellow Pawn (1916)


The Yellow Pawn is a 1916 American drama silent film directed by George Melford. It was based on the short story A Close Call by Fredrick Arnold Kummer. The film was released by Paramount Pictures on November 23, 1916, and was 50 minutes long. This Film is now considered lost.


James Weldon, an artist, was painting in the countryside when he meets Kate Turner in a roadster. The two would fall in love, but Kate would marry a lawyer for his money. James would become a huge success in the art world even getting commissioned a thousand dollars for a portrait sitting. 

Kate would convince her husband to have James paint her. One night she would visit his studio, but unfortunately, a thieving relative of James's enters the home and is killed by Sen Yat, a servant. James would take the blame so Kate wouldn't.

Kate's husband would prosecute James for the murder, but Kate tells him that she was also there that night. This angers her husband and prepares to shoot him himself. When he tries to shoot James Sen Yat stabs him to death. The two lovers would be reunited 


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