Friday, February 23, 2024

Murder of Deborah Bates and Her Unborn Baby

February 23, 1993, 23-year-old Deborah Bates was 6 months pregnant. She left the apartment she shared with her brother to make a trip to a nearby store in Lowell, Massachusetts. Alone she made her way up Liberty Street in the cold and this was the last time anyone saw her alive. She would be reported missing in the next few days by her mother

At the time Deborah was battling with drug addiction and trying to better her life. Her first child was being taken care of by her mother at the time. Because Deborah was a drug addict there was a lack of action in her case. Her family felt that no one was looking for her.

But on March 11, 2004, an off-duty state trooper found a tarp next to the Lowell Connector in Chelmsford. Inside the tarp were layers of bedding and beneath that were the skeletal remains of the woman and a fetus that was between 7 months and full term. It was unknown how they died. The bodies would be identified as Deborah and her unborn child.

It was discovered that Debrorah and her unborn child (named Angel by the family) were not originally there. The bodies had been moved from one location and dumped there shortly before they were found. 

Boston April 11, 2013
Boston 25 News May 12, 2017

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