Sunday, June 24, 2018

Disappearance of Jahi Marques Turner

In 2002 2 year old Jahi Marques Turner was living with his stepfather, Tieray Jones, in military housing on Beech Street in San Diego, California. at the time his mother, Tameka Jones, had left and was placed on the U.S.S. Rushmore. A day before her departure she had brought Jahi from her mother's in Maryland where he was staying. His father also resided in Maryland, but was not part of Jahi's life.

On April 25, 2002 Tieray and Jahi went to Balboa Park on Beech Street. Tieray at one point left safe enough to leave Jahi near the sandbox to get a soda at the vending machine. When Tieray came back Jahi was gone. He stated a woman and two children were nearby, and had possibly witnessed what happened.

Tieray claimed to have searched the park for 15 to 20 minutes before calling the police and 2:30 pm.

The woman Tieray saw was later identified. She then gave the police undisclosed information about the case. It isn't known if she had witnessed anything or not at the park. Police later located people who were at the park that day and no one could confirm that Jahi was even there. His fingerprints weren't even found at the scene. And Tieray was seen walking alone at the complex around 12 pm even though he claimed that he was inside with Jahi at the time.

It was found that Tieray at the time he was claiming to have nap time, having lunch, and walking the inthe park with Jahi he was calling people asking for money. He had also tried to contact Tameka by phone an hour before Jahi was reported missing for an "emergency". For thirty minutes he was talking to an ex-girlfriend and six minutes later he was calling 911.

The last confirmed sighting of Jahi was on the 22 by a neighbor. Tameka had breifly talked to him on the night of the 23rd around 11 p.m. Though he only made a few noises and said "bye" to his mother. Tieray said that they were watching movies and that the previous night Jahi wet the bed and fell off the bed and hit his head on a dresser. He claimed it was a small bump and was "no big deal".

Jahi at two years old and age progressed to 15 years old

On the morning of the 24th Tieray was witnessed carrying one or more large trash bags to the dumpster in which he denied.

Tameka and Tieray were writing diarys of their daily lifes so that the other can read it. In Tieray's diary he made a note that on the 23rd that Jahi was acting weird. That Jahi wasn't walking or talking and stared at Tieray when asked to go get his cup. The injury on his head had gone down. Then for the next two days the diary entries never mentioned the injury again or Jahi's unusual behavior. Just about potty training, going to the park and bathing him.

One of Jahi's Onsies and blanket was found in apartment and had blood on them. A pair of Jahi's pj's were found in Tieray's trunk and also had blood them. It was also found that some of Tameka's and Jahi's clothes were mixed together and found in a dumpster. When asked about the clothes Tameka said there was no reason for her sons clothes to be in the car and there was no discussion with Tieray about throwing out clothes.

At one point Tameka and Tieray looked for help in a retired social worker for the search of Jahi. At the same time Jahi's father hired a private investigator who also found Tieray's story suspicious.

It is no secret Tieray is suspected in Jahi's disappearance. It's also been noted that he is suspected in the another murder from 2000, and he was arrested in 2005 for the assault and attempted murder (no one was harmed in incident) of another person.

2018 Tieray was taken to trial and claimed he would never hurt Jahi because he loved him. That he was only guilty of lying about the amount of time he left Jahi alone. There wasn't enough evidence and the judge dismissed the case. A Jury was unable to reach an acquittal and was dead locked 10 to 2 and a mistrial was declared.

It is believed that Jahi is not alive.

Jahi is a light skinned African American and was 2 years old at the time of his disappearance. he was 2'4" and 30 lbs. He has black hair and brown eyes. he was ambidextrous, has eczema and scar over his left knee. He was wearing a long sleeve navy blue shirt with Pooh and Tiger on it, blue nylon cargo shorts with orange draw string, and grey 8 1/2 or 9 Air Jordans.

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