Monday, June 11, 2018

Dissapearance of Charles Christopher Francis

A Photo of Charles and an age progressed one to 40 years old. 

On April 9, 1979 7 year old Charles Christopher Francis went with his father,Dennis, to work. At the time Charles's parents were fighting for custody over him. His mother had legal custody, but he mostly lived with his father. Three weeks before they traveled all the way from Colorado to California.

Dennis delivered water tanks to businesses and  people's homes. Dennis didn't want to get in trouble for bringing Charles along, so he dropped him off on the corner of Chesnut Ave. in Santa Ana, California. Charles was supposed to walk to the 300 block of south Lyon and wait to be picked up.

When his father arrived 10 minutes later Charles was nowhere to be seen. After a 30 minute search the police were called. It isn't suspected the family had anything to do with Charles disappearance and it's believed foul play is involved.

At the time of his disappearance Charles was 7 years old. He's a white male with brown hair and blue eyes. He was 45 lbs and 3 ft tall. He was noted to have a scar on his forehead. He was wearing a blue Levi army jacked with army patches on the pockets and arms.

It is suspected that Charles fell into the hands of convicted child killer James Crummel. Crummel had a history of molesting young boys going all the way back to the 60's. He is also suspected of the disappearance of 9 year old Jack Philips disappearance.

 In August of 1967 Crummel was Crummel kidnapped, molested and almost beat to death a 14 year old Wisconsin boy. Earlier that same year in February he had murdered an Arizona boy, he was convicted of it in 1983, but it was overturned in 1987.

In 1979 Crummel had taken 13 year old neighbor boy, James "Jamey" Trotter. Jamey was considered missing until 1990 when Crummel pretended to "discover" Jamey's skull. It wasn't identified as Jamey's till 1996. Crummel asked for a deal to not get a death row conviction if he would admit to Jack Philips murder. He was denied.In 2004 he was convicted and placed on death row for the murder. In June of 2012 Crummel took his own life leaving behind questions of where the bodies of Jack and possibly Charles were.


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