Monday, March 30, 2020

Murder of Herbert Blakey

Herbert Blakey

On March 29, 2002, Herbert Blakely had been seen coming and going from a 1102 E. Atlantic home in Springfield, Missouri. He had been doing it up to the early morning of March 30. It isn't disclosed what he was doing coming and going from the house.

On March 30 around 2 a.m. officers responded to the house regarding a life-threatening assault. Herbert had been stabbed and was laying on the front porch. Officers administered CPR until EMS transported him to the hospital where he was pronounced dead.

There were conflicting witness accounts of the stabbing. Police have said the people in or around the house are all suspects.


Springfield Missouri Police

Ozarks First

September 30, 1952, Gilpin County, Colorado Maria Doe

On September 30, 1952, charred remains were found by a man on a hunting trip. He found the body under a 7ft charred log in an unused gravel pit in a wooded area 100 yards from Highway 119 and 35 ft from Clear Creek in Gilpin County, Colorado.

It was found that the body belonged to a woman and that she had blunt force trauma her head. It's unknown if this was the cause of death or if she was still alive when set on fire. A 3 ft stick was found near her body and was possibly used to hit her. She'd been dead between 20 days to a month.

She's a white female between 17 and 30-years-old. She was around 5'7" and had brown/black hair. She would have had a notable overbite. A fragment of a turquoise sequinned blouse, metal rivets of blue jeans, and a sole of a shoe. She was wearing a whinstone necklace and earrings. A purse, small electric razor, and an empty lipstick container. A man's wedding ring with no setting was found near the scene.

This case is often known as Maria or Pyre Case.

Doe Network
Greeley Daily Tribune (October 1, 1952)

Sunday, March 29, 2020

Murder of Terri Kay Roark

Home photograph of Terri Kay RoarkState Police say this duffel bag found just north of Northway Exit 11 in Malta was linked to the body of a woman who was found dead on the Twin Bridges on March 29, 1988

On March 21, 1988, 31-year-old Terri Kay Roark was last seen leaving a mental health facility in Tulsa, Oklahoma. On March 29th her body was found on Interstate 87 on the Thaddeus Kosciusko Bridge also known as Twin Bridges in Clifton Park, New York. She had died from a skull fracture.

She was unidentified for several months before her fingerprints were matched. It's not stated how Terri ended up in New York from Oklahoma. A duffel bag found just north of Northway Exit 11 in Malta and it had been tossed from a vehicle. It was found to have belonged to Terri.

The Post-Star September 20, 1996
Times Union Jan. 17, 2017
Press and Sun-Bulletin Jan 19, 2017
Times Union September 10, 2019
CBS September 10, 2019

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Anonymous Artist: Amarilis (Poet)

Amarilis is a pseudonym for a poet from the late 16th century Peru. The poet (believed to have been a woman) wrote a single known poem an epĂ­stola to Belardo. They sent the poem to Spanish playwright Lope de Vega whom they supposedly admired. He would then publish the poem in La Filomena in 1621.

Not much is known about Amarilis but it is believed that they were a female.


Friday, March 27, 2020

Murder of Albert and Joan Musalo

On March 28, 2006, Joanne Kohls tried to call her parents at their home at a gated community in Montreux, Nevada just South of Reno. Albert and Joan Musalo typically kept in touch with their daughter daily, but in the last couple of days, she had not heard anything from them. The couple was in their 70's and their daughter feared that they may have had a power outage, so she called security at the gated community to go check on them. They knocked, but there were no answers.

Joanne not knowing what was going on decided to head over there herself with her husband. When she arrived she expected the power to either be out or both were sick. When they entered the home Joanne's heart dropped there was mud tracked in the house and she knew her mother to keep everything clean.

Joanne asked her husband to go to the master bedroom and check if they were there. Sadly the couple had been shot to death in their home. It was known that the couple was targeted, but for what reason is unknown. Whoever killed them cut the phone lines to the home before coming in and murdering them.

The muddied footprints were lead from and back to a walking trail just beyond their fence. There was male DNA found and ballistics on the bullets could make a match to a firearm.

The family is offering a $35,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the person(s) responsible.

Murder of Ernie Abbot

On 27 March 1984, at the Trades Hall in Wellington, New Zealand a suitcase was left unattended. When Ernie Abbott the Trade Hall's caretaker picked it up at 5:19 p.m. it exploded. The explosion instantly killed Ernie.

 It's believed that it contained three sticks of gelignite triggered by a mercury switch. It was also wrapped in papers from the June 18, 1977 edition of the Evening Post. It's possible that the bombing attack was anti-union. It also had a 60-minute stove timer inside, two bottles of accelerant with one being a popular teal brand soft drink bottle containing petrol and the other sealed with an Asti Riccadonna cork. The bomb was made professionally. 

The Federation of Labour stated that there was a Labour Party around the corner. The bomb was to coincide with the meeting. Newspapers did announce the meeting but did not announce it was to happen elsewhere. 

But in actuality, police don't know the motive for the bombing.

Police do have suspects, but everything is circumstantial. In a search of suspects home were safety fuses, detonators, a torch missing a battery, four teal soft drink bottles, and a copy of the same June 18, 1977 edition of the Evening Post without the relevant pages.  The suspect described himself as an explosion expert and had a violent past, a history of redundancies and was possibly anti-union. 

Images of Bomb/Reconstruction of Bomb

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Disappearance of Lee Andrew Davis

Sometime in December of 1984 16-year-old Lee Davis was seen by family in Tulsa Oklahoma. He was supposed to be en route to Oklahoma City but was never seen again. He was then reported missing in 1985. Lee is a biracial male being Native American and Caucasian. He's 5'4" to 5'7" and 130 lbs.  He has brown hair and green eyes. He has spiral fractures of his right distal tibia and fibula.


Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Murder of John and Michelle Klein

In March of 1981 28-year-old John Klein and his wife 25-year-old, Michelle went from California to Kaua'i, Hawaii for vacation. John was working as a California Attorney and Michelle was working as a publicist for Sunkist. The couple was supposed to leave on March 21st after a week of being there. They did not check out of their hotel, all of their stuff was still inside and their rental car wasn't returned.

A search began for the couple. Their car was found at the base of Kuilau Trail. On March 25 the couple's bodies were found by searchers with dogs. The couple had both been shot to death. He was found lying face up with his hiking boots, and short without a shirt and Michelle was found laying on top of him. There were several theories on the motive or who had killed the couple.

County of Kaua'i
Honolulu Star-Bulletin
Hawaii Tribune-Herald
The Honolulu Advertiser 

Disappearance of Jennifer Kay Wix and Adrianna Nikol Wix


On March 25, 2004, 21-year-old Jennifer and 2-year-old Adrianna Wix were seen together between 9 and 9:30 p.m. by Jennifer's live-in boyfriend. He claimed that the two left with an unknown individual, but that story changed later. He stated that after Jennifer and he had an argument and it led to him dropping her and Adrianna off at the Exxon gas station near Exit 112 off of Interstate 65 in Cross Plains, Tennessee. 

He then stated that he watched the two get into a white four-door early 90's model mid-size car at the gas station. He stated that the next day Jennifer came back driving the car without Adriann. Jennifer asked for her income tax return, but her boyfriend's parents were not home to give her her money. So she left and stated she would come back. The two were never seen again. Their stuff was still in the home including personal items, extra clothes, and money. 

It is out of character for Jennifer to be out of touch with family and so it's suspect foul play is involved. 


Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Unsolved Murder of Edward "Mitt" Croley

Black and White photo of Edward "Mitt" Croley

On March 24, 1991, 14-year-old Edward "Mitt" Croley was left his aunt's house to go to class at Maywood School- a BOCES special education center in Colonie. He was last seen at the intersection of Northern Boulevard and Livingston Ave in Albany, New York. At the time he was living on Orange Street but had spent the night before with aunts.

His skeletal remains were later discovered on Jan. 8, 1992 in a wooded area on private property east of Route 144 and about three miles south of Thruway Exit in Selkirk. His skull showed he suffered from blunt force trauma on the right side. It's likely he died from a fatal beating and may have been drug-related.

His friends admitted that he was selling some weed at the time. It's possible someone wanted to rob him for his drugs/money and it resulted in them killing him.

New York State Police
Times Union

Murder of Lisa Leckie

Derek Stacey had worked the night shift and just before 7 a.m. on March 24, 2009, went to his third-floor apartment on 390 Southdale Road East in London, Ontario, Canada. Inside was the body of his girlfriend 25-year-old Lisa Leckie and her 8-month-old son was found unharmed in his crib and her other son 8-year-old Sean was at his father's home.

Lisa had died from asphyxia either on the evening of March 23rd or sometime earlier that morning on the 24th. This was not a random act of violence as there was a note written on an impact-type typewriter with a ribbon was found in the home. The note indicated she was targeted by somebody. The typewriter would have also been something strange used because it wouldn't even have common a decade before the murder let alone when it was committed. The note had never been publically released.

London Police

Monday, March 23, 2020

Murder of Diane Helena Miller-Marshall

view case poster
31-year-old Diane Miller-Marshall was last seen sometime between September 6 to 8th of 1990. On September 27, 1990, her body was found in a wooded area in the 100 block of Sycamore St. in Charlotte, North Carolina. At the time she was working as a waitress at the K&W Cafeteria. It wasn't unusual for her to go days without being seen. She also went by the aliases Linda Ann Dubose or Diane Helena Davis


Saturday, March 21, 2020

March 21, 1973 Baltimore, Maryland John Doe

On March 21, 1973, the body of a man was found in a vacant row house in Baltimore, Maryland. He may have been homeless and had been dead for weeks. He was a black male between 40 and 80-years-old. He was 5'6" and 118 lbs He had black greying hair and was sporting a beard. He was wearing a grey sweatshirt, tan shirt, blue undershirt, boxer shorts, long grey overcoat, socks, and brown shoes. He was also uncircumcised. 


Murder of Karen Hales

On 21 November 1993 21-year-old Karen Hales was at her home on Lavenham Road, Ipswich, England. She shared the home with her 18-month-old daughter and partner Peter Ruffles. On this day there were at least 2 inches of snow on the ground, but it wasn't exceptionally cold. By 4 p.m. Karen was home alone with her daughter as Peter left to go to work at 3:50.

Around 4 p.m. Karen's parents came to Peter's work to talk about a problem with their car. While talking to Peter he'd mentioned that Karen was alone with their daughter and her parents decided they'd drop by.

Around 4:40 pm. Karen's parents stopped by the house and entered through the unlocked front door. Instead of their daughter welcoming them they were greeted with the smell of smoke. They went to the kitchen and found the cause. Someone had killed and set her body on fire. It had turned out Karen was stabbed to death. It was found that her purse was missing along with two Laser knives. 

Friday, March 20, 2020

Disappearance of Peter C. Ng

On March 20, 1981, 29-year-old Peter Ng was last seen in San Fransisco, California. There is little information in this case.

Peter is an Asian male and was 29-years-old at the time. He is 6'0" and 140 lbs. He has black hair and brown eyes.


Thursday, March 19, 2020

Murder of Mary Kay Johnson

On March 19, 1982, the body of Mary Jane Johnson's body was found of road 50 in Walnut Grove near Nesbitt's bridge. She had been beaten to death with an object. There is little information in this case.

Spartanburg Sheriff's

19 March 2003 Greater London, England Unknown Doe

On 19 March 2003, remains were found in Epping Forest in Greater London, England. It was believed that the remains have been there between 15 to 20 years. Gender is unknown, but likely female and they were between 40 and 99-years-old. They were between 147cm and 162 cm. They had false teeth and a gold wedding ring.

UK Missing Person Unit

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

1854, Whitevale, Ontario

In 1854 a young man stayed at the Whitevale Inn, in Whitevale, Ontario, Canada. He had died during his sleep and had no identifying papers on him. No one also came looking for the young man, and he was buried with a headstone saying "An Unknown Stranger 1854".

I couldn't find any other sources on An Unknown Stranger.

Find a Grave

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Murder of David Jon Malloy

David Jon MALLOY
On March 17, 1996, 44-year-old David Jon Mallory was working for Yellow Cabs in Vancouver, British Columbia. He was primarily working in the west end of Vancouver. At 9:39 North Vancouver Police received a call for a man lying in an alley in the 700 block of west 20th st.

This was when David was found and was suffering from multiple stab wounds. He was conscious and appeared to be in shock when Emergency vehicles arrived. Witnesses claimed to have seen a crash in alley just prior to calling in. They reported that a yellow cab drove away and didn't get a good look at the driver. It turned out to have been David's cab had been stolen, he'd been robbed and stabbed.

David was able to say that it was a black man in his late 20's who had stabbed and robbed him. He said he picked him up at Seymour and Robson St. Police told cab companies to look out for the cab as it was stolen and the man driving it was dangerous.

David had been stabbed 24 times in his back, neck, head, and left hand, and went to Lions Gate Hospital in critical condition.

The Yellow Cab Co. dispatched information about the stolen cab over their computer dispatch system. At 9:49 one of their cab drivers spotted the cab traveling eastbound in the 100 block of West Hastings St in downtown. He lost the cab though. He was able to get a description of the man as "a dark-skinned male with a goatee, wearing glasses and a white ball cap." a composite drawing was done.  Another cab driver found the abandoned cab at 10:03 at Dunlevy and Cordova St.

David, unfortunately, died two days later from his injuries.

Composite of Suspect

Royal Canadain Mounted Police

Monday, March 16, 2020

March 16, 1968 Bristol Island, British Columbia, Canada John Doe

On March 16, 1968, the body of a man was found in Fraser River near Bristol Island, British Columbia, Canada. The man had died between September of 1967 up to March of 1968. He was a caucasian man between 30 to 49-years-old. He's 173cm (5'8") and had a medium build. He had brown hair. He had 3 well-healed finger amputations on his left hand, a 3 cm scar on his chin, no teeth in the upper jaw and some teeth in the lower jaw.

Canada's Missing

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Unsolved Murder of Megan McDonald

On March 15, 2003, a local found 20-year-old Megan McDonald's body in a muddy field off Bowser Road in Wallkill, New York. She had been beaten to death. Her car was later found at the Kensington Manor apartments.

Murder of James Clark Nicoll

 In 1871 James and Amelia Nicoll would come over to America from Scotland. The couple had 7 children in total 2 of which were born in Iowa w...