Friday, September 3, 2021

Murder of Kathleen Keohane

 In June of 1976 17-year-old Kathleen Keohane moved to South Lake Tahoe, California from her home in Newbury Park. She had been staying there and living with friends and her fiance. She soon found work at a local motel. But before she moved into a house on Herbert Ave. She camped out in a tent near the Truckee River Bridge. 

On September 2, 1976, Kathleen had dinner with her fiance Mike Warren around 6:30 pm at Carrows Restaurant where Mike worked. She told him that she was going to walk to the "Y" to pass time and come back at 10 at the end of his shift so they could walk home together. She would not show up at the restaurant and tired of waiting Mike returned home. His worry grew as hours passed and she was nowhere in sight. He would call the police at midnight.

The next day a young boy playing near the bridge she used to camp at found Kathleen's body. She was faced down in shallow water and her hair was matted with blood from the wound on her head. She had been hit in the head several times with a heavy blunt instrument. There was evidence that Kathleen had tried to crawl up the bank, but fell unconscious and passed. It was unknown if she was forced to the area she was found or went there willingly.


South Lake Tahoe

Find a Grave

San Francisco Examiner Sep. 5, 1976

Los Angeles Times Sep. 6, 1976

Tahoe Daily Tribune December 19, 2001

Tahoe Daily Tribune Jan 20, 2012

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