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Thursday, August 31, 2017
Disappearance of Christopher Bird
25 year-old Christopher Bird was a school teacher from Haverville, Massachusetts. Bird was last seen by his close friend at the D & Q Stables in Windham NH. His friend stated that Bird arrived at his residence to borrow a ladder on July 29, 1984 around 3:00 pm. Windham is about a 22 minute drive from Haverville. His vehicle, a tan 1974 Mercury Comet, was found Methuen Mall in Massachustes on August 3, 1984. Both back tires had been slashed.
According to a Tampa Bay Times him and his friend, Richard Brunt, went camping on July 26, 1984. It was the last time his wife saw him she called the police 4 days later on July 30th. She said that the two had only been friends for the last 7 months.Brunt was the last person to see him alive. Right now Brunt is a suspect in Christopher's disappearance.
Christopher Bird is a Caucasian male 25 years old. He was 6 foot and 180 lbs. He had brown hair and a beard. His eye color was blue.
Dentals and Fingerprints are unavailable, but DNA is available.
Wednesday, August 30, 2017
One-Eyed Jack Doe
There are many reasons on why someone murders. Sometimes it’s for money, out of passion, or jealousy. The reason that Jesse Burt Bishop murdered One-Eyed Jack was because he thought that he was being annoying.
This John Doe had acquired the nickname One-Eyed Jack due to him missing his left eye. He also wore an eyepatch, but there was a a large white marble with orange coloration found with him. It’s believed that was used as a fake eye. The murderer was not sure, but believed that the victim's name may had either been Jack or John.
One Eyed Jack was picked up by Boise Idaho by Bishop who was heading to Alaska. The hitchhiker told Bishop that he was heading to Pendleton, Oregon. Once Bishop mentioned that he was heading to Alaska Jack asked his he could go along and the two headed together there. While going through Canada the victim got on his nerves. Bishop killed his victim soon after coming into Alaska and left his body in the woods along the roadway.
Bishop stated the victim had an Oregon driver’s license. He was a white male was around 32 years old and approximately 6 ft and 165 lbs. The victim had long dark hair and wore a headband. He was missing his left eye and wore an eyepatch a large marble was found in his pants and it had an orange coloring to it. The victim is more than likely from the Northwest area of the U.S.
Bishop thought the victim had been hurt during a logging accident from a choker cable in Oregon. Bishop also stated that he thought the victim worked for a Lincoln car dealership washing cars in either Colorado or Utah. At one point the victim said that he had been married.
Bishop didn’t know if any of the information he had was accurate as he claimed that the victim lied to him quite a bit.
Anthropologist provided that the Bishop was accurate about describing the man. He was white male between 25 to 35 years-old with brown medium curly hair and was approximately 5'11.
It is possible that One-Eyed Jack did not settle in one place. With the information that Bishop gave with him being in Oregon, Idaho, possibly in Colorado and or Utah and then making a split second decision to go to Alaska with a complete stranger it could be possible that he did not settle in one place. He possibly lived a nomadic life. He was initially heading Oregon and if his license was from Oregon and he acquired his injury from Oregon then it’s possible that he might be originally from there or spent a significant amount of time there.
Jesse Burt Bishop died in the 2000’s before his victim had found his name.
Dental and Fingerprints are available.
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The 1973 Murder of Donna Lee Stearne and Wendy Ann Tedford
Donna Stearne and Wendy Tedford were two typical 17-year-olds. The two were typical girls of the '70s in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. On Thursday, April 26, 1973, the two girls never would imagine it was their last day.
According to Donna's father, Donna left home around 7 p.m. with her school books. She had planned on staying the night at Wendy's, but before the night was over they decided to go shopping. Shirley, Wendy's sister, last saw the girls around 7:30 when they left to go to the Yorkdale Shopping Center.
They rode the bus to the mall. The two spent around two hours at the shopping center before leaving. They were last seen at the "Sit n' Eat" around 10:45 ordering cokes. They did not stay long and no one had noticed when they had left. It was the last time anyone saw them alive.
It wasn't unheard of for the girls to party and stay out all night. It wasn't a common occurrence, but it did happen once in a while. This time the girls didn't.
Linda Harris, another sister of Wendy, began to worry when she didn't hear from her. She called Wendy's workplace, Towers, on Friday and learned that her little sister never made it to work. Linda called the police knowing that something was wrong.
The body of two murdered girls was found in a field 2 kilometers from the diner. 10th grader Tony Iscaro was on his way to school when he discovered the two lying side by side. He didn't take a good look because he was scared and he ran for help.
Both girls had been shot. Wendy was shot twice in the neck and was lying face down with her arms by her sides. Donna was shot in the back of the head and was found lying on her back. Both were fully clothed and had small amounts of cash in their purses. There were no signs of sexual assault and no signs of a robbery.
There was semen found at the scene though. They tested it against the girls on-again, off-again boyfriends and neither were a match.
Heather Korenblum who lived near where the girls were found said she heard 2 gunshots around midnight. Another neighbor Ann, Curley said she heard thuds in the distance "like something hitting the ground," around 11 pm.
Around a year later a .38-colt revolver was found by the road in Winsdor, Ontario. It was identified as the gun used to kill Wendy and Donna and was used in a break in in Winsdor. But no other crimes have been connected to the gun.
In this case the police has tried it's hardest to find who ended the lives of these young girls. There just hasn't been enough evidence and they've hit dead ends. Thy hope to solve this case someday.
Let's picture these two young women.
Donna was a senior who was hoping to get into college soon. She loved animals and wanted to become a veterinarian. He had a lot of things she loved. She loved to sing in her choir, she loved to paint . Before she died she was working on a picture of a bridge at dusk for her mother. She was looking forward to the summer, she had applied to be a camp councilor operated by People's Church. A church she had been baptized at and sang in the choir with.
Wendy was an employee at Tower's Department Store in the office. She dropped out of school in 1971 because of her father's death. She had recently moved in with her sister Shirley and Shirley's four year old son. Wendy was happiest when she was painting or when she putting together a model car. She had a boyfriend she was deeply in love with. She talked about how when she turned 18 they were going to get married. Her birthday was May 12. It was less than a month away.
Neither one of these girls would ever make it to summer let alone their 18th birthdays. Their murder is still unfortunately unsolved. There's hope that the person who committed this terrible crime on two girls is found and their murders are still unsolved.
Thomas Busby's Chair of Death
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Picture of Thomas Busby's chair thanks to unsolved mysteries. |
The favorite chair of Thomas Busby has a eerie and terrifying past. For over 300 years this chair has been sight for many, but misfortune for those who actually sit in it. It has even developed the name the chair of death. And it all started in 1702 with a man named Thomas Busby.
Thomas Busby was a man who would take any chance to drink. It was well known in the community about Busby's favorite pass time. This barfly was not a rare sight in his favorite pub. The only thing that would be rare was if he wasn't sitting in his favorite chair. Busby was not a man to be messed with as he was a thief with a bad temper. If someone said anything he didn't like a fight would ensue.
Busby's father-in-law was Daniel Awety a successful coin forger. The two were partners in petty crime. Daniel Awety decided after earning a lot of money through his "business" to splurge out and buy a farm near Kirby Wiske. He had renamed it Danotty Hall after himself of course.
One summer day in 1702 Awety and Busby had a meeting that ended in a heated argument. Busby went back and found his father-in-law sitting in his favorite seat. Busby demanded Awety to get out of his chair and a fight broke out.
In response Awety told Busby he was going to take his daughter back to Danotty Hall with him. Later that night Busby went to Danotty Hall and killed Awety with a hammer and placed him body in the woods.
Awety's remains were soon found and the authorities found Busby in his favorite chair. Busby went to trial and was found guilty his punishment was hanging and Busby was granted one last request. He was able to take one last drink in his chair.
"Death will come swiftly to whomsoever sits in my chair." Was Busby's last words before he hung. Surprisingly enough his words rung true.
A chimney sweep sat in Busby's chair and he was unfortunately fell off a roof and had died. This was the first time the chair had been used in decades and this unnamed chimney sweep was the first noted victim. He was not the only one. People were always dared to sit in the chair, but most refused. Some lost their lives doing so.
Some of the most noticeable was when in WWII the place became a hot spot for Members of the Air Force. Few were not afraid to sit in the chair and it was noticeable that those few did not make it home. In 1967 a couple of RAF sat in the chair and later that night hit a tree head on in their car and died. A lot of daredevils from all around wanted to see the chair. The landlord his it in the basement in hope no one would get hurt.
That didn't help because a roofer sat on the chair to rest and his death soon came after. A cleaning lady who stumbled over the chair had died and even more had died. In the 1970's the chair was donated to the Thrisk Museum where it now resides six feet off the ground so that no one will ever die from it again.
Tuesday, August 29, 2017
Disappearance of Mary C. Robinson
Mary C. Robinson was a lifelong resident of Rochester, New York. In October of 1971, she was married to Larry Robinson. After her sister, Frances moved into their home Larry left Mary for her in 1973. They all still lived in the same home and Mary and Larry was still legally married.
In 1974 Mary’s father passed away and left her with seven rental properties. This had allowed her to quit waitressing. She had collected rent and did maintenance on the houses. In 1976 Larry and Frances moved into a hotel near a massage parlor they were working at. Mary stayed at the apartment to close it up before moving in with Frances and Larry.
Mary had resorted back to waitressing. She later found out that Frances was working as a prostitute. Around the beginning of June Mary turned to prostitution. By June 9, 1976, she had been doing it for two weeks.
On June 9, 1976, Mary called Larry between 6 and 7 pm. All three of them met around 8:30 pm at a park near the two hotels Mary frequented. Mary was wearing her glasses, a black dress with red trim, a white vinyl purse, and open-toed white shoes or sandals. After they met Frances and Larry went to their hotel room.
Mary called them again at 1:30 am on June 10. It was a 5 to 10 minute conversation and it was the last time they had heard from her. By 3 am the couple did not hear from Mary and had gone to the hotel’s that Mary frequented to see if the had seen her, and had not. By 7:30 the two went to the apartment and found that Mary was not there.
Nothing seemed out of place in her apartment. If Mary left she would have taken her parent's wedding picture as it was special to her. She may not have come back to her apartment that night as the only things that were missing were what she was wearing and had with her. Her glasses, plaid wallet, white vinyl purse, black dress with red trim, and white open-toed shoes. When there was no sight of her by June 11 they reported her missing.
Leonard Lipsky was an accounting student at Monroe Community College. He was engaged and living with Ms. Hanrahan since April even though he still had his own apartment. On June 1, 1976, she went to Cape Cod till June 14, or 15. When she arrived home he was in her apartment.
He was upset and emotional and at times cried. He was soon moving to Arizona to work at his parent's motel. He had asked Ms. Hanrahan if she would come with him and she refused. The relationship wasn’t going well. She did help him pack up his apartment. In a cupboard, Ms. Harahan found a white Vinyl purse with glasses, socks, personal pictures, a plaid wallet, and the I.D. of Mary C. Robinson. Lipsky told her it was the former tenants and that she could have it. Ms. Hanrahan took the items but asked all her friends if they had known or seen the girl. Lipsky left a few days later.
In August of 1978, Lipsky was working in Provo, Utah. On October 16, 1978, Lipsky was arrested for aggravated assault at Brigham Young University. In January of 1979, Lipsky told a psychiatric social worker he had done a previous crime. On February 7, 1979, he met with his probation officer and a psychiatric social worker to admit what he had done to Mary Robinson.
He claimed that on June 14, 1976 he had hired Mary to sleep with him. When she tried to leave him it made him angry and he attacked her. He strangled Mary to death in fear of a family member of hers getting revenge. He claimed to have killed her in his apartment that he did not share with Ms. Hanrahan. He claimed to have placed Mary’s body in his trunk and drove three hours south and dumped her in a gully.
Ms. Harahan saw the article that the police put in the newspaper about Mary. She then turned over Mary’s stuff to the police. The items were identified by Larry Robinson to be his wife’s stuff. It had turned out that Lipsky talked about murdering Mary before. He had claimed that he couldn’t join the Mormon Church because he murdered someone. He told one coworker that he was afraid of retribution from her family and that he thought of backing out, but decided not to. The second coworker asked why they were talking about it and Lipsky said that no one could pin it on him because there was no body.
Lipsky was charged with murder, but his conviction was overturned. It was thought that there wasn't a direct proof of death and not enough proof of criminal acts. This may be due to Mary’s body not being found.
Mary was a white 23 year old female. She was 5'2 and 115 lbs. She had Red hair and brown eyes. On the night she disappeared she was wearing a black dress with red trim, white open toed shoes or sandals, glasses and a white vinyl purse. Her purse, shoes and glasses were found.
She has DNA available but no Dentals or Fingerprints. Her Dentals were destroyed once her Dentist died.
SOURCES: https://www.findthemissing.org/en/cases/26000/135http://www.charleyproject.org/cases/r/robinson_mary_c.htmlhttps://www.leagle.com/decision/198261757ny2d5601570.xmlhttps://www.newspapers.com/clip/9786634/mary_robinson_murder/
Ms. Harahan saw the article that the police put in the newspaper about Mary. She then turned over Mary’s stuff to the police. The items were identified by Larry Robinson to be his wife’s stuff. It had turned out that Lipsky talked about murdering Mary before. He had claimed that he couldn’t join the Mormon Church because he murdered someone. He told one coworker that he was afraid of retribution from her family and that he thought of backing out, but decided not to. The second coworker asked why they were talking about it and Lipsky said that no one could pin it on him because there was no body.
Lipsky was charged with murder, but his conviction was overturned. It was thought that there wasn't a direct proof of death and not enough proof of criminal acts. This may be due to Mary’s body not being found.
Mary was a white 23 year old female. She was 5'2 and 115 lbs. She had Red hair and brown eyes. On the night she disappeared she was wearing a black dress with red trim, white open toed shoes or sandals, glasses and a white vinyl purse. Her purse, shoes and glasses were found.
She has DNA available but no Dentals or Fingerprints. Her Dentals were destroyed once her Dentist died.
SOURCES: https://www.findthemissing.org/en/cases/26000/135http://www.charleyproject.org/cases/r/robinson_mary_c.htmlhttps://www.leagle.com/decision/198261757ny2d5601570.xmlhttps://www.newspapers.com/clip/9786634/mary_robinson_murder/
Scott Andreas Douglas
On July 1st 1950 Scott Andreas Douglas who went by Andy was born to Ellen and Donald Douglas. He has an older brother, Donald, a year older than him. After his parents were divorced and his Mother remarried William, Billy, Sims both him and his brother took the last name Sims. Their stepfather treated the boys like they were his own children. Their biological father was living in California with his second wife.
Andy was a well liked kid. He was a Tenderfoot the first rank in Scouting and new to Boy Scout Troop 22. Him and his family only lived in Wichita falls for a short time.On December 9th 1961 the 11 year old fifth grade-student of Jefferson Elementary went out to play. This would be the last time anyone saw him as he had disappeared.
On this morning Andy had been home with his brother Donald. Their mother who was a nurse at the time was working and their stepfather was in Louisiana for the National Guard. Between 12:00 to 12:30 their mother called the house to check up on the kids. She spoke to Donald on the phone and Andy had been home at the time.
Donald claimed that his little brother had left between 12:45 and 1:00 to go and play. The boy typically would had ridden his bike, but at the time it was broken so he went out on foot. When 2:30 came around Ellen had arrived home to find that only one of the boys were home. Initially She sent Donald out to go find his brother then later other family members went out and helped with the search.
By 8:00 Andy was still not found and they had phoned the police. Fort Sill, Civil Defense, Marine Reserves, members of the Sheriff’s Mounted Patrol and others worked with volunteers to comb the area, searching Andy’s usual hangouts and places it seemed a child might have gone to escape the cold.
One person reported seeing someone who matched Andy’s description at the Boy Scout Hut near Lake Wichita about 3:00 P.M., just a few hours after Andy left his house. The search of the Boy Scout Hut turned up nothing. There were no other reported sightings for the boy.
Lake Wichita was dragged several times and the search from land to air was unsuccessful. He just seemed to have disappeared. There was no evidence of what even happened to the boy. He just seemed to disappeared
Even with everyone preparing for Christmas the boy scouts of troop 22 were also preparing for a camping trip. The troops hoped that the missing boy would show up, but unfortunately he never did.
Andy was 11 years old he was 4’11’’ he weighed 90lbs. He had blonde hair and blue eyes. Was wearing his glasses, a black winter coat, a black turtleneck sweater, a black knitted cap, and blue jeans.
Andy was a well liked kid. He was a Tenderfoot the first rank in Scouting and new to Boy Scout Troop 22. Him and his family only lived in Wichita falls for a short time.On December 9th 1961 the 11 year old fifth grade-student of Jefferson Elementary went out to play. This would be the last time anyone saw him as he had disappeared.
On this morning Andy had been home with his brother Donald. Their mother who was a nurse at the time was working and their stepfather was in Louisiana for the National Guard. Between 12:00 to 12:30 their mother called the house to check up on the kids. She spoke to Donald on the phone and Andy had been home at the time.
Donald claimed that his little brother had left between 12:45 and 1:00 to go and play. The boy typically would had ridden his bike, but at the time it was broken so he went out on foot. When 2:30 came around Ellen had arrived home to find that only one of the boys were home. Initially She sent Donald out to go find his brother then later other family members went out and helped with the search.
By 8:00 Andy was still not found and they had phoned the police. Fort Sill, Civil Defense, Marine Reserves, members of the Sheriff’s Mounted Patrol and others worked with volunteers to comb the area, searching Andy’s usual hangouts and places it seemed a child might have gone to escape the cold.
One person reported seeing someone who matched Andy’s description at the Boy Scout Hut near Lake Wichita about 3:00 P.M., just a few hours after Andy left his house. The search of the Boy Scout Hut turned up nothing. There were no other reported sightings for the boy.
Lake Wichita was dragged several times and the search from land to air was unsuccessful. He just seemed to have disappeared. There was no evidence of what even happened to the boy. He just seemed to disappeared
Even with everyone preparing for Christmas the boy scouts of troop 22 were also preparing for a camping trip. The troops hoped that the missing boy would show up, but unfortunately he never did.
Andy was 11 years old he was 4’11’’ he weighed 90lbs. He had blonde hair and blue eyes. Was wearing his glasses, a black winter coat, a black turtleneck sweater, a black knitted cap, and blue jeans.
Monday, August 28, 2017
Disappearance of Darren Buffin
19-year-old Darren Buffin disappeared on March 14, 1991. He was getting over the flu and was depressed. He had a lot on his mind around this time. He had recently dropped out of The University of Wales in Swansea and he still wasn't sure what to do. He also had attended his great uncle's funeral two weeks before. He thought that he may get a job and continue to live in the room he rented. He left
He left his place with nothing, no extra clothes, no money, and no passport. He was never seen again.
Darren was a white male was 5'10 and had a slim build. He had wavey brown/auburn hair and green eyes. He sometimes wore glasses. He had no notable scars.
He left his place with nothing, no extra clothes, no money, and no passport. He was never seen again.
Darren was a white male was 5'10 and had a slim build. He had wavey brown/auburn hair and green eyes. He sometimes wore glasses. He had no notable scars.
Disappearance of Kyle Wade Clinkscales
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circa 1976 |
22-year-old Kyle Wade Clinkscales worked as a bartender two nights a week at the Moose Club in LaGrange Georgia. Kyle was a junior at Auburn University in Alabama. He was Majoring in Business at the time.
On January 27, 1976, at 11:00 p.m. he had left the Moose Club and was believed to be going 35 miles to Auburn University. He left in his vehicle a two-door, white 1974 Pinto Runabout with the GA license plate number CEF-717 and VIN number 4T11Y207954. This was the last time he and his vehicle had been seen. His parents a week later on Feb. 3 reported him missing.
It was unlike him to leave without telling anyone. He was fairly close with his parents and would either call and or left notes if he planned on leaving. His father initially thought he had left due to his grades and stress. Kyle had enrolled in Auburn University straight out of high school, but he could not keep good grades and then transferred to Lagrange University where he eventually dropped out. He renrolled at Auburn and changed his major from education to business. He planned it a little better, but his grades weren't as good as he wanted. His father just thought he had left with a new identity.
In 1987 a man in Troup County, Georgia found Kyle's Exxon credit card at the Flat Shoal Creek area. Police searched the area but did not find him.
In 2005 a man called his family and admitted that Kyle was dead. He told them when he was 7 in 1976 he witnessed the disposal of the body. He claimed that Kyle had concrete poured on him and he was stuffed in a barrel and dumped in a pond. A search of his body turned up nothing, but it could be the body was moved for they had found a 3-foot dip where his body might have been.
The tipster did lead them to the arrests of Jimmy Earl Jones and Jeanne Pawlk Johnson. Jones had been convicted of concealing a death, making false statements and hindering the apprehension of a criminal. Johnson was convicted of concealing a death, making false statements, and obstruction of justice. Neither was convicted of murder because it was believed to be done by a man named Ray Hyde.
Ray Hyde had died in 2001. His salvage yard was searched for Kyle's Pinto, but it was not found. They are unsure why Kyle was killed it could though be because he knew something of Hyde's criminal doings like car theft. On the find a grave website though it is concluded that Kyle might have double-crossed Hyde in a drug deal and this was why he died.
Kyle was a white 22-year-old male. He was 5'11 and 156 lbs. He had brown hair and hazel eyes and may have had a mustache. He has a previous fracture to his ring finger. He was wearing a denim or suede jacket, a multi-colored blue shirt with a tie, and denim jeans.
His father did write a book about his disappearance. You can find it here.
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Age Progressed to 56 |
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Age Progressed to 61 |
Sunday, August 27, 2017
Babies of Goodhue Couny, Minnesota
Three babies were found in Goodhue County Minnesota. Each one was a full term newborn baby. It all happened within 8 years. It is believed that they were all born alive, but it is unsure what the causes of death was for the babies. John and Jamie are maternally related and it isn't believed to have the same Dad. The third infant Abby is believed to not have the same mother.
On November 4, 1999 Jamie Doe was found 10 yards north of the Mississippi River near 800 Levee Drive in Red Wing MN. She still had her umbilical cord connected and was wrapped in a towel. She was slightly decomposed, but it isn't believed she was in the water long. They believe she died 1-2 weeks before. She is white female newborn who was 21 inches and weighed 6 lbs. Her feet were 8 cm long. She had brown straight hair and irises were dark. She has Dentals, and DNA available.
On December, 2003 John Doe was found on the edge of Lake Pepin in Old Frontenac MN. They beleive he had died 2 to 14 days. He was a white newborn baby 14 inches tall and 7 lbs. He had black curly hair and dark irises. He is related to Jamie Doe. He has Dentals and DNA available.
On March 26, 2007 Abby Doe was found at the Buffalo Slough of the Mississippi River Treasure Island Marina at Slip 36 and Dock C in Red Wing MN. She seems to be white, but possibly biracial with Native American. It is believed she was not part of the Prairie Island tribe. It was estimated she was in the water for a few weeks to possibly the fall or winter of 2006. She was 21 inches and 6 lbs. She had black hair that was 3cm and eye color could not be determined. Dentals and DNA are available.
May 28, 1998 Gadsden Alabama John Doe
On May 28, 1998 Fishermen found a partial skeleton of a young man in the Coosa River near the Dub Parker Boat Docks in Gadsden, Alabama. He had been murdered with multiple wounds. He had both entry and exiting bullet wounds, he had sharp force trauma to the base of the spine and right hip. There was also evidence that he had been burnt. It's believed he was there months to a year.
This John Doe was an African American male believed to be between 17 and 21. He was 5'6 to 5'9. There is no estimated weight, eye color, or hair. His mandible and some upper teeth could not be found. It did not seem he had any dental work. Four of his upper teeth were fractured which could had resulted from a traumatic injury or using his teeth as a tool like for example opening bottles with his teeth.
There are no DNA or Finger Prints available. Dentals are available.
Dancing Plague of 1518

A Copper engraving of Hendrik Hondius's based on a painting of Pieter Bruegels believed to be about the dancing plague. Image
No one really had a clue on what was happening. Physicians of the time claimed that the people were affected by hot blood and was recommended to dance the fever away. People started dying from exhaustion, heart attacks and strokes.
In response to people dying the physicians recommended more dancing.They erected a stage and brought in music hoping that this will help people dance away the hot blood faster. Their plan didn't work as it had brought in more people to dance. During the height of the dancing mania at least 15 people died per day. In September the dancing ended as it had started.
This event sounds like it's a legend, but it was a true event. There is no doubts that this Dancing Plague did happen as it was well documented in the town. It wasn't even the only one to have had happened in the 16th century either as events like it happened in Switzerland, Germany, and Holland. None of the others were as extreme as this one though.
There are many theory's on why this event happened. One of the bigger theory's is that it was all due to mass hysteria. A this time it was extremely stressful for the people of Strasbourg. there was a famine happening and many of the residents were suffering from malnutrition due t it.
Other theory's are that they could had ingested Ergot which is a fungus that grows on Rye and grasses like Wheat. When ingested it can cause poisoning and or death. Some of the side effects are hallucinations, spasms, and convulsions which would be a cause for the dancing.It is known as natures LSD. Another theory is that they were part of a religious cult causing them to dance.
Friday, August 25, 2017
Disappearance of Cayce Lynn McDaniel
On August 16, 1996 Cayce McDaniel helped out at her churches back to school bash. The church was at Double Springs Cumberland Presbyterian Church in Gibson County. Her and her friend, Amber Hanson, had stayed after to help clean up. Just before midnight they were done cleaning up. Amber described the night being fine and normal. She never would imagine that it would be the last time she'd talk to her best friend.
Cayce arrived at her home in Milian, Tennessee around 12:30 am and was dropped off by a chaperon who watched her till she got inside. Her mother later arrived between 1:30 am and 2:00 am. She noticed that Cayce's clothes from that night was on her bed. Her T.V. was also on and a bowl of cookies and a glass of milk was sitting on the floor. The back door was left open.
Her mother didn't think anything of it thinking she changed into her night clothes and left the house. There was no evidence of a struggle. Cayce's mother called Amber asking to talk to Cayce and found that her daughter wasn't seen after she was dropped off. Cayce's mother automatically called the police.
Cindy was a single mother ans Cayce's father wasnt in the picture. Some of the people who were close to Cayce questioned on why her mother Cindy didn't do anything until the next day.
In March of 1998 psychics and cadaver dogs prompted police to drain a pond on a West Tennessee farm. Nothing was found other than animal bones and clothing that didn't belong to her. There was two unconfirmed sightings of Cayce being with a man in his early 20's in town. No one knows if it was actually Cayce or another girl who resembled her.
Cayce was a new freshman and was a good student. People described her as well behaved and kind hearted. No one believed that she ran away and had been kidnapped. Unfortunately no one expects Cayce to be alive.
Cayce was 14 year old Caucasian female. She had brown hair and brown eyes. She was 5'4 and 120 lbs. She has a strawberry birth mark on the underside of the lower left arm. It is beleived that she may have been wearing a t-shirt and boxer shorts. It's unknowns if she was wearing socks or shoes. She had a friendship bracelet with half a heart on it.
As of July 24, 2018 a suspect has been named. Finis Ewin Hill also known as Pete hill has been named as a suspect of the case. Hill has had a history of aggravated rape and burglary.
Image of possible Suspect:
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Age Progressed to 23 |
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Age progressed to 33 |






Disappearance of Joseph Edwards
Joseph Edwards or also known as JoeEd and Joe worked at the Shamrock Motel in Vidalia, Louisiana as a porter and handyman. He was known as a snappy dresser and a ladies man. On July 12 1964 this was the last place he was seen. His two toned blue and beige 1858 Buick was found a few days later behind an old bowling alley on Farriday-Vidalia Highway.
What was found inside the car was brutal and pointed towards Edwards being in danger. There was blood stains in the inside of the vehicle. A neck tie in the shape of a noose was on the steering wheel. There was also a belt that wasn’t Edwards in the car.
Edwards mother claimed that the Klan had something to do with it. All evidence found seemed to point to the KKK. In the 1960’s the KKK was was responsible for violence against many African Americans this included murder. The Shamrock Hotel where Edwards worked was one of their hang outs. This could be the reason that Edwards got onto their radar. Edwards was also allegedly dating white women at the time.
Rumors flew around about Edwards fate, none of them leading to Edwards being alive. One rumor was that the Klan had shot Edwards, covered his body in concrete and then threw it in the Mississippi River. An informant told the FBI that Klansmen had skinned Edwards alive. None of these have been confirmed, but it can be believed that he was killed.
In 2002 the skull of an African American Male or Native American Male was found in Clayton Louisiana. It had a small hole in the forehead and was missing his jaw. Authorities believe that the skull might be Edwards, but it will take DNA to verify this.
Joseph Edwards was 25 at the time of his disappearance. There is no listed height or weight for him, but he might have burn scars on his body. The burn scars came from an accident had that left him with third degree burns and he was scaled as a child
Thursday, August 24, 2017
August 15, 2015 Tuscon Arizona John Doe
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Image pointing out area he was found. |
On August 15, 2015, A man was found dead on N Craycroft Rd in Tuscon, Arizona. It was estimated he had been there for days. He was a white male estimated to between 35 to 55. He was around 5'7 and there is no estimated weight listed. He had gray or partially greying hair. He was found in a white shirt and black shorts.
The John Doe seemed to have suffered some sort of injury on his right side. His right cheek was deformed from trauma. It seemed that he had surgery on it as he had facial scars from surgical wires. There were plates screws, and wires were found. Many of his teeth were missing and had teeth with cavities. His right clavicle or right collar bone was also misshaped. His right shoulder also had a healed fracture.
Fingerprints and Dentals have been submitted and available. DNA has not been submitted yet.
Wednesday, August 23, 2017
August 20, 2006 Mount Pleasant, South Carolina John Doe
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Lower half of mouth and chin is approximation by artist |
On August 20, 2006 a family from Mount Pleasant on a fishing trip. The Couple and their two young sons that were 10, and 11 were in their small boat. The husband spotted a black item he thought was an anchor around 2 p.m.. When they got to it they realized it was a skull the Father scooped further up on shore so the tide. The family lead the police to the spot under Wando Bridge in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina. The only thing that was found was cranium or the upper part of the skull. No Mandible was found.
The Cranium is believed to have belonged to an African American male between the ages of 14 and 19. No other information about height or weight hair color or eye color could be found. Teeth #1 and #14 were unerupted.
Initially it was thought that the skull belonged to a woman, but they were wrong. There was also no signs of obvious trauma. It is believed to have died between 2000 and 2006. The Jaw area or lower part of the reconstruction is only an approximation.
Available DNA and partial Dentals. No fingerprints available.
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Where Wando River Bridge is |
The Murder of Angie Housman *Update*
In June of 2019 61-year-old Earl Webster Cox was charged with the first-degree murder, kidnapping, and sodomy of Angie Housman. He was identified through DNA.
Angie Housman was a 9-year-old fourth grader who lived in St. Ann MO a suburb outside of St. Louis. On November 18th, 1993 around 4 pm Angie got off at her bus stop which was half a block or eight houses down from her house. Between the short distance of the bus stop and her house, someone abducted her. This was the last time that anyone saw her alive.Nine days later on November 27th, 1993 she was found by deer hunters taped to a tree in the August A. Busch Wildlife Area in St. Charles County.
Her kidnapper had tortured and raped the girl for a week. They had denied her food and water the whole time she was held captive. She was then taped to a tree and her eyes and mouth were taped. She then died from exposure.
Near the body laid out the stuff Angie disappeared with. In about 20 to 25 feet away from her body her bag and clothes were there. Her book bag still had all her books in it. Her coat was missing one white teddy bear button and it is possible that the killer took it as a souvenir.
Tragically her murder is still unsolved and there are very few leads. Several people have been suspected but were ruled out. The police do have a fingerprint from the tape and the crime scene had DNA.
One suspect is the man that Angie had called “Uncle” to her teacher before her death. She claimed that he was going to the country with a relative. The family of Angie claimed that none of them planned such a trip and did not know who she was talking about. It is believed that this man was possibly the one who kidnapped and murdered her.
A tree was planted at Angie's school. On the morning of November 16, 2018, a new tree a Weeping Cherry Tree in the place of the previous memorial tree. A re-dedication ceremony was done on November 17, 2018, and all the community was invited.
In June of 2019 61-year-old Earl Webster Cox was charged with the first-degree murder, kidnapping, and sodomy of Angie Housman. He was identified through DNA.
Angie Housman was a 9-year-old fourth grader who lived in St. Ann MO a suburb outside of St. Louis. On November 18th, 1993 around 4 pm Angie got off at her bus stop which was half a block or eight houses down from her house. Between the short distance of the bus stop and her house, someone abducted her. This was the last time that anyone saw her alive.Nine days later on November 27th, 1993 she was found by deer hunters taped to a tree in the August A. Busch Wildlife Area in St. Charles County.
Her kidnapper had tortured and raped the girl for a week. They had denied her food and water the whole time she was held captive. She was then taped to a tree and her eyes and mouth were taped. She then died from exposure.
Near the body laid out the stuff Angie disappeared with. In about 20 to 25 feet away from her body her bag and clothes were there. Her book bag still had all her books in it. Her coat was missing one white teddy bear button and it is possible that the killer took it as a souvenir.
Tragically her murder is still unsolved and there are very few leads. Several people have been suspected but were ruled out. The police do have a fingerprint from the tape and the crime scene had DNA.
One suspect is the man that Angie had called “Uncle” to her teacher before her death. She claimed that he was going to the country with a relative. The family of Angie claimed that none of them planned such a trip and did not know who she was talking about. It is believed that this man was possibly the one who kidnapped and murdered her.
A tree was planted at Angie's school. On the morning of November 16, 2018, a new tree a Weeping Cherry Tree in the place of the previous memorial tree. A re-dedication ceremony was done on November 17, 2018, and all the community was invited.
http://www.ksdk.com/news/local/5-on-your-side/leads-20-years-after-angie-housman-kidnapping-murder/308580294Monday, August 21, 2017
Was the 1875 Kits Swap Monster Bigfoot?
On Thursday, August 18, 1875, Asa Grundy thought it was going to be a normal day in Kits Swamp, North Carolina. His five-year-old daughter was playing with a neighbor child in a corn crib while he was stripping fodder in the field. Then he heard the children screaming, the dogs barking, and his wife's screaming. Asa stopped what he was doing and ran towards the edge of the cornfield where all the screaming was coming from.
In front of him stood a monster that was carrying the children with one in each paw. The monster was heading towards the woods. When Asa appeared it surprised the monster making him pause for a second.
The father did what he thought fit as with all his strength he swung towards the monster. With a solid hit on the forehead, the monster fell to the ground and dropped both children. Before Asa could capture the thing it suddenly got up and ran into the woods with no trace of it being found.
Asa said that the beast had the face of a wanderoo, the body of a baboon and the arms and legs of a human. He claims that for the last few weeks a strange being had been preying upon poultry, garden vegetables and green corn in an alarming amount.
The inhabitants of Kits Swamp was now on edge as they kept an eye on the beast who was possibly after their children. Two particular residents were keeping a real close eye for the monster. The story goes that Eli Sparrow and Frank Hanson kept their eyes out for it determined to get it when they spot it.
The monster was lurking on the outside of a small clearing owned by Maria Harkley. At this time Maria and her two young children were picking blackberries. The three men were sitting on a pine tree log watching as the Monster started approaching the young Maria's young boy who was 50 yards away from his mother.
When the intruder was spotted the three men hid behind the log and kept an eye on the monster. They wanted to see what it was up to. The boy was now within range for the men to shoot if the monster came towards him. The men did not automatically shoot as they wanted to see the monsters intention, because they wanted to get it alive. But it became apparent that the monster wanted to kidnap the boy.
When the monster came 10 feet of the boy and seemed to want to lunge at him they shot him towards his lower half. The monster fell, but the before the men could get to him it ran into the woods. It outran its hunters, but the blood trail helped them find it.
They pursued the monster for two hours before happening upon chaparral that was too thick to go through. They then saw an opening and Story volunteered to go through. It was small and dark for Story. He had eventually run into a plank that he had to remove and it let the light come in. This was when he made eye contact with the monster.
The others followed after him. The monster seemed to have felt scared and trapped. It tried to defend itself sprung at Story and during the struggle, his gun went off. Which caused the creature to lose its life.
The three men brought it to town and many people had awwed at the monster. The skin of the monster was sent to Baltimore to be stuffed and put into an exhibit. It is unknown if it was really stuffed.
I only happened upon these articles and could not find out more about it. The story had to of been somewhat big at the time as a newspaper from London had an article about it. It is not known how much truth there is to the story.
If this story has any truth of this. Then it would mean that Kits Swamp North Carolina had a Bigfoot-like creature terrorizing the town, and they had caught it.
Myrisha Faye and A.J. jr Cambell
Myrisha Faye Campbell circa 1958 and age progressed to 57
A.J. Campbell jr. circa 1958 and age progressed to 54
3 year old Myrisha Faye Campbell and her little brother 11 month old A.J Campbell jr were picked up by their father A.J. Campbell sr. on September 6, 1958 from their home in Golaid, Texas. Their father claimed that he just wanted to take them out for a ride during one of his scheduled court-ordered visitations. He took them at 9:00 a.m. and was supposed to return with them at 3 p.m., but the children never returned home
Jewel and A.J. sr. had been married for 8 years and throughout the marriage A.J. sr was abusive towards Jewel. So eventually had left A.J. sr. and had taken the children with her. She had supported them by taking a teaching job in Goliad, Texas.
William Randal jr. was the only other person to last see the children alive. William Randal and A.J. sr. picked up the children together in Randal’s 2- door pink and charcoal-gray 1955 Chevrolet Tudor. The had went through Cuero and Gonzales, Texas and picked up two large cans of lard. When they were 3 miles out of Goliad A.J. sr. said he needed to go see a friend and Randal had gotten out of vehicle leaving the children alone with A.J. sr.
30 to 40 minutes later A.J. sr. returned with none of the children in sight. He had claimed that he had gotten into a fight with his brother-in-law and had left the children with another relatives. Randal noticed that A.J. sr was acting nervous and agitated. A.J. sr. even asked if there was blood on him and warned Randal not to tell anyone about the fight. A.J sr. and Randal had drove to Austin Texas and separated promising to meet at a bus stop at midnight the next day to return the car. A.J. sr. never arrived causing Randal to ride the bus back home and reported his car stolen.
On September 7, A.J. sr. called a minister in Fort Worth, Texas. He had implied to the minister that he had killed the children by telling him that they were “at rest with the world” and that he was going to kill himself. Which he had followed through with when his body was found in Randal’s car on a road near Austin. It was ruled a suicide, because he shot himself in the head with a 16- gauge shotgun.
A suicide note was found addressed to Jewel. In the note he admitted he had buried both of the children. He also stated that he loved the children and that he still loved Jewel. He wished her happiness. His note did not indicate where he had buried the children or their whereabouts.
Jewel remarried afterwards and took the last name Robertson, and had two more children. Jewel passed away in 2013, but her two other children are still active looking for A.J. jr and Myrisha. They believe that there might be a chance that A.J. sr. had sold or gave the children away instead of killing them.
Myrisha was 3 years old white female with dark blonde hair and blue eyes. She was 2’6 and 28 pounds. Myrisha was last seen wearing a pink dress with puffed sleeves and a Peter Pan collar, pink socks, and white buckle shoes.
A.J. Jr. was 11 months old he is a white male with blonde hair and blue eyes. He was 2’2 and 25 lbs. He has a birthmark on his eyelid and a birthmark below his lower lip. His fingers were also clubbed at the ends. A.J was last seen wearing a light blue and white checkered shirt with a dark blue collar and a yellow diaper with a clear plastic liner over it.
Saturday, August 19, 2017
September 28, 2016 Mohave County, Arizona Jane Doe
She was an African American or biracial female estimated to be between 14 and 17 years old. She was around 5'5 to 5'7 and weighed around 105-130 lbs. She had black or dark brown thick kinky hair that is about 5 inches long. It is unknown what her eye color was. No noticeble scars, but did have ears pierced.
She did have dental work like Invisalign or similar to that. Invisalign is a teeth straightening process in which clear teeth aligners (look similar to teeth whitening trays) are customized for the mouth. They will begin to straighten the teeth. Then after two weeks of using you will get another which will continue straightening the teeth. Should be worn for 20-22 hours.
He toe nails were painted with pink nail polish. A long Hollister shirt nearby, but it is unknown if it relevant to the case. She was found nude with no other things with her.
It could be possible that the girl is from south Arizona or from Las Vegas Nevada since Highway 93 goes through both.
She has both DNA and Dentals on file, but finger prints are not.
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Friday, August 18, 2017
Murder of Amy Pagnac
This was the last time anyone saw Amy.
Midden searched around for his daughter. After not finding her he called his wife to find out if Amy was home. After he found out that she did not go home he called the police. Where they had told him to go home so that they could interview him.
Authorities initially believed that Amy had left on her own. Over the summer she had repeatedly runway, but would always soon return home. This possibility seems less likely. If she did runaway she only took the clothes on her back as she didn't have any extra with her or even her wallet.
Amy also more recently had a history of seizures and headaches. There was no known cause of headaches and seizures. It is also believed that while Midden was inside that Amy might have had a seizure and became disoriented and wandered off. Her parents don’t believe that it what happened according to her mother it would have been strange for her daughter to wander away even after a seizure.
The parents believe even if Amy had had a seizure she would have been found when her father searched the area. They also think that if she had wandered off that when driving around Midden would have found the girl.
In 1990 a private investigator told the parents that it was possible that Amy was put into the sex trafficking ring. By the time that the police stepped in the ring had already moved on. Leaving Amy’s parents dreading what their daughter was possibly going through.
In 2014 The home of Amy’s parents were told to leave their home for a week by the police. They knew that rumors around town had claimed that they did the landscaping around the time that Amy disappeared, but Amy’s mother Sue claimed that the landscaping happened in 1993 four years after Amy disappeared. This search doesn’t worry about her parents. Her mother says she knows that they are suspects, but is glad that the police are still searching for her daughter. She only hopes that this new attention would bring her daughter home.
Amy was five feet tall, she weighed 100 lbs. She is white with brown hair and blue eyes. She has scars on her left cheek, left eyelid, and on the left side of her nose. She also has a circular scar on her left knee. Her ears are pierced. On the day she disappeared she was wearing sweatpants and a light-colored sweatshirt and sneakers.
More photos of Amy:



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Age Progressed to 39 |
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