Wednesday, August 23, 2017

August 20, 2006 Mount Pleasant, South Carolina John Doe

Lower half of mouth and chin is approximation by artist
Lower half of mouth and chin is approximation by artist

On August 20, 2006 a family from Mount Pleasant on a fishing trip. The Couple and their two young sons that were 10, and 11 were in their small boat. The husband spotted a black item he thought was an anchor around 2 p.m.. When they got to it they realized it was a skull the Father scooped further up on shore so the tide. The family lead the police to the spot under Wando Bridge in Mount Pleasant, South Carolina. The only thing that was found was cranium or the upper part of the skull. No Mandible was found.

The Cranium is believed to have belonged to an African American male between the ages of 14 and 19. No other information about height or weight hair color or eye color could be found. Teeth #1 and #14 were unerupted.

Initially it was thought that the skull belonged to a woman, but they were wrong. There was also no signs of obvious trauma. It is believed to have died between 2000 and 2006. The Jaw area or lower part of the reconstruction is only an approximation.

Available DNA and partial Dentals. No fingerprints available.

More Images:

Where Wando River Bridge is 

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