Friday, March 29, 2019

Disappearance of Mary Jane Vangilder

Mary Jane Vangilder was born and raised in West Virginia. She married her ex-husband at 17 in 1929. The couple would go on and have 5 children before their separation in 1943. She moved to Plymouth, Ohio the same year. She would then take a job as a forklift operator at the Wilkins Army Force Depot. She would get to work by riding with coworkers.

She did not move with her children. She maintained contact through the mail and would send them letters, clothes, and war bonds. In 1945 the 33-year-old wrote the children asking for the war bonds back. The children sent her the war bonds. A few weeks later she would mail them her last war bond. She stopped all contact with them after that.

It isn't known when she disappeared in 1945, but she had filed for divorce on Feb. 14, 1945, and she was missing by November of 1945 when the divorce was finalized. She had quit her job in March.

She's a White female and was 33/34 at the time of her disappearance. She was 5around 4'11" to 5'5" and 150 lbs. Caucasian female. She has brown hair and brown eyes. She was described as having freckles across her nose. She was struck on the shoulder by an airplane propeller and may have scars. She may have started using her maiden name Croft. 

Murder of Pete Lopez

On the morning of March 29, 1997, 50-year-old Pete Lopez left his home early to return to Alamogordo, New Mexico. He worked at the White Sands Missle Range. He lived in Alamogordo during the week and Socorro on the weekends.

Around 9 a.m. a couple was going to the St. Jude Shrine. They found his body slouched behind his car in the parking area for the St. Jude Shrine west of Socorro at the U.S. 60 Highway. He had suffered from multiple gunshot wounds.

New Mexico State Police 
Albuqurque Journal 1 (

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Disappearance of Mary Kay Radford

On March 28, 1974, 24-year-old Kay was dropped off at her apartment by her boyfriend she shared with in Augusta, Georgia. When her boyfriend came home she was gone. In October of 1973, Mary Kay Radford who went by her middle name Kay lost her husband in a car accident. She and him had a young daughter together.

Kay is a white female and 24 years old at the time. Her maiden name was Medlin and may have used last name, Tudor. She's 5'0" to 5'5" and around 105 lbs. She has strawberry blonde hair that was shoulder length. She was known to wear wigs. She has a scar on the back of her right arm and a scar on her right shoulder blade where moles had been removed. It's believed she was wearing white pants without pockets and a green body suit.

National Missing Person Directory 
Charley Project 

March 28, 1968 St. Charles City, Maryland John Doe

On March 28, 1968, skeletal remains of a man were found in a wooded area at 876 Copley Avenue, west of St. Charles City, Maryland. He possibly died up to 10 years before discovery. He was a white male between 40 and 60 years old. He was around 5'7" and weight couldn't be determined, but described as a medium to thin build. He had healed rib fractures. He had full upper dentures and partial bottoms. He was wearing a brown leather belt, used at 34-inch measurement. He had two keys on a chain and was wearing a ring with either the initial of B or R on it.


Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Murder of Cephus Scott Jr.

On Feb. 27, 1983, Cephus Scott Jr. and several other people were at an after-hours club at  1406 S. McBride St. in Syracuse, New York. Two men wearing ski masks and one had a handgun the other a shotgun kicked in the door to the club. They stole $320 and had shot Cephus in the chest. police weren't called for at least an hour due to the other's being intoxicated. When police arrived Cephus was alive and taken to the hospital. Unfortunately, he died at the hospital. 


Disappearance of Mary Cook Spencer

On March 14, 1981, 26-year-old Mary Cook Spencer left her home to go shopping, but she was never seen again. Her 1979 Mercedes was found in the Frying Pan Reastraunt porking lot in Lusby, Maryland. Her keys were in the ignition, but her doors were locked. She was last seen in Prince Fredric, Maryland though.

Mary is a white female and was 26 at the time she disappeared. She is 5'6" and 140 lbs. She has brown hair and brown eyes. She was described as having freckles, her ears pierced and she wears glasses. She was possibly wearing a plaid shirt, blue jeans, and a red jacket and Land Lubber shoes.
Doe Network

March 27, 1989 Winterhaven, California John Doe

On March 27, 1989, the body of a young man was found in the All American Canal in Winterhaven, California. It isn't stated how or when they believe he died. He was unrecognizable due to decomposition when he was found. He was a Hispanic and or White male. He was between the ages of 15 to 18 years old. He was 5'6" and 130lbs. He was wearing Orojay's brand red jockey underwear.


Disappearance of Damon Justin Bonds

On March 27, 2004, around 8 p.m. 31-year-old Damon Justin Bonds was last seen at his son's mother's home. His truck in the Delong Lake parking lot at the 6300 blocks of Jewel Lake Road in Anchorage, Alaska. Several days later his black and grey 1995 Ford F-250 XLT truck with an extended cab was found in the same parking lot. His cell phone was in the front seat and the doors were unlocked. His dog a Lab mix named Scully was in the bed of the truck under a canopy.

His friends and family claim he never would have left his infant son and dog behind. He graduated from California, his family is from Tex had lived in Anchorage for the last 5 years. His family lives in Texas. He was also close with his family and would call them regularly, but they hadn't heard from him since March of 2004. Airlines were checked and if he did fly out he did not under his own name. Foul play is suspected.

Damon is a white male and was 31 at the time of his disappearance. He was 5'5" and 140 lbs. He had brown hair and hazel eyes. He had previously fractured his right arm and his left ear is pierced. He wears glasses and the ones he had at the time were small gold/tan wireframes.

Charley Project
Missing Poster 

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Murder of Eugene Fred Woolf

Around 7:30 a.m. on March 26, 2005, the roommate of 87-year-old Eugene Fred Woolf on 6624 N. Maryland Ave. in Portland, Oregon called the police to report Eugene dead. They found him lying on couch dead from a gunshot wound. His glasses and newspaper sitting on his lap. His phone lines were disconnected and the sliding glass window was open.

 Police believe it's possible it was a drug deal gone bad.

The City of Portland 
Cold Case Unit Fox 12's Most Wanted 
Jack Balder 

Murder of Daniel Ruiz

Around 2:30 a.m. on March 6, 1987, the girlfriend of 37-year-old Daniel Ruiz found his body inside his apartment in the area of 3700 block of SE 32nd Ave. in Portland, Oregon. He was last seen at his apartment by friends late March 4th. It was found that Daniel had died from blunt force trauma. He was also a regular user of heroin.

Monday, March 25, 2019

Murder of Terrence Demildenhall and Fred Edgi

Photo of Fred Edgi

On September 2, 1986, the body of 22-year-old Terrence Demildenhall was found in his sleeping bag shot to death next to the sea wall in the Waterfront Park 100 yards north of the Morrison Bridge in Portland, Oregon. Terrance was a transient at the time and was last seen alive and sleeping in the same spot around 12:30 a.m.

5 months later on Feb. 27, 1987, 36-year-old Fred Edgi was found shot to death in his sleeping bag under the west side of the Burnside Bridge near Front Ave, now Naito Parkway, just before dawn. A handwritten note near the body was found and it was claiming responsibility. Fred Edgi was a transient originally from Canada and had recently come to Portland. He was a talented amateur artist.

Both murders are believed to have been done by the same person. Fred and Terrance were both transients found shot to death in their sleeping bags in the early hours less than a half a mile apart. They both were described as heavy drinkers. They were different races though. Terrance was white and Fred was Native American. 

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Murder of Norman Lee Mercier

On March 24, 1977 31-year-old Norman Lee Mercier was working at the Adult Book Store that was located on Barre-Montpelier Rd. in Berlin, Vermont. He had been working and around 4:45 p.m. a commotion was heard from a neighboring store in the Twin City Shopping Plaza.

Around 5:40 a friend who worked at another store in the Plaza stopped by the store and found Norman lying behind the front door. He was still alive and attempting to talk. He was brought to the hospital but unfortunately died around 10 p.m.

The store seemed to look like it was ransacked. There was a table overturned and things were strewn across the floor. Blood was found at both the rear and front of the store. No one in the claimed to have heard the gunshot. It is unsure if robbery was motive as only $16 of almost $1,000 was stolen. There was evidence that the suspect spent a lot of time in the store.

Vermont State Police
Burlington Free Press 1 (
Burlington Free Press 2 (

Saturday, March 23, 2019

March 23, 1987 Wallaceburg, Ontario, Canada John Doe

On March 23, 1987, a body was discovered in a marsh area near Mitchell's Bay at Lake St. Clair in Wallaceburg, Ontario, Canada. The man had suffered severe trauma on the left side of his skull. His cause of death was found to have been from drowning. He had died sometime after March of 1985. It isn't stated whether or not they think it's murder or an accident.

He was a black male between 17 and 24 years old. He was 5'0" to 5'7" and 160 to 185 lbs and was described as having a slight build. He was a smoker or coffee drinker. He may have suffered from lower back pain. He had good dental hygiene. 

He was wearing a shirt with a 43 cm collar, Frabrizio brand blue jeans, Winner brand blue/grey running shoes with velcro fasters size 8, and white sport socks with red and blue stripes at the top. The running shoes were determined to have been bought in a Canadian store. He had coins in his pocket that was distributed after March of 1985. 


Murders of Tommy Joe, Deborah, and Melissa Wideman

On March 22, 2002 around 3:25 a.m. a passing truck driver noticed a home on fire at 13875 Highway 1122 East Rebecca, Georgia. The volunteer fire department soon responded and the home could not be saved. It had sustained significant damage and the roof collapsed within minutes of their arrival.

When the fire was extinguished the badly burnt bodies of the Wideman family was found. 51-year-old Tommy Joe Wideman, 48-year-old Deborah Wideman, and their 20-year-old daughter Melissa Wideman who was 8 months pregnant at the time. They had been housesitting for Tommy Joe's mother at the time.

Autopsies revealed that they did not die from the fire, but from being shot prior to the fire. The fire is considered arson to possibly cover up the crime. The house did not seem to have been robbed and it isn't believed that robbery is the motive.

Georgia Bureau of Investigations
Tifton Gazette

Friday, March 22, 2019

Georgia Guide Stones

In June of 1979 a man going by R.C. Christian, which was not his real name, approached the Elberton Granite Finishing Company. The man seemed to have an endless amount of money and was there for an unknown group. The only thing known about them was from an inscription"Sponsors: A Small Group of Americans Who Seek The Age Of Reason”. They wanted a monument built in Elberton, Georgia.

By the terms of the legal contract, all plans and information were destroyed. The reason, the group and the man who constructed the monument that is known as the Georgia Guide Stones are unknown.

The monument was built in Elberton, Georgia on March 22, 1980. It seems to have advice for a post-apocalyptic world. It contains 10 guides, a clock, a calendar, and a clock. The messages are in eight different languages.

1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
2. Guide reproduction wisely - improving fitness and diversity.
3. Unite humanity with a living new language.
4. Rule passion - faith - tradition - and all things with tempered reason.
5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
8. Balance personal rights with social duties.
9. Prize truth - beauty - love - seeking harmony with the infinite.
10. Be not a cancer on the earth - Leave room for nature

It can serve as an astronomical calendar. Every day at noon the sun shines through a narrow hole that illuminates the day's date on the calendar. There are placks placed above time capsules, but the date and time it is to unburied are unwritten and unknown.

The philosophy of the monument may have been based on the book by Thomas Paine called the Age of Reason. It's a philosophy book based of Deism and questioning the legitimacy of Christianity and the Bible. This leads people to believe that the stone was erected for occult reasons. 

Murder of Paul Marois

save image

Around 9 p.m. March 22, 2005, a friend of Paul Marois found Paul dead in his Pine Ridge Drive and 13th Street home. There was no sign of forced entry into the home. An article in 2006 stated his cause of death was from being beaten with a blunt object, but the Sheriff's office is not releasing the cause of death.  It's stated he was fully clothed and sustained trauma. It's thought that he was killed by someone he knew.

Paul was well known. He was a painter and lived alone with his Siberian husky. He was known to often help people with household repairs and painting their homes. One neighbor stated that the months leading up to his death there were more cars parking outside his home.

Volusia Sheriff's Office
News-Journal Online 
Orlando Sentinel

Murder of Smita Amin Patel

On Friday, March 22, 1996, 35-year-old Smita Amin Patel was working in the Little Brown Jug she co-owned with her husband. Their Convenience/grocery store was located 20140 Highway 33 in Neptune City, New Jersey. At the time she was working alone.

Between 9:50 a.m. to 10 a.m. She was attacked in the store by somebody. She was stabbed several times and some cash was stolen. She was soon discovered by a customer. There have been no witnesses that came forward to the murder.

Her family did not learn of her murder until her husband and son came home from India a late Monday night. 

Asbury Park Press 1 (

Thursday, March 21, 2019

March 21, 1982 Boone County, Kentucky Jane Doe

On March 21, 1982, the body of a woman was found floating in the Ohio River in Boone County, Kentucky. She was estimated to have died around 6 weeks prior to discovery.

She was a white female between the ages of 25 and 50 years old. Her head hair was missing postmortem, but her hair may have been dark and possibly greying as pubic hair indicated. She possibly had brown eyes. She was described as having large breasts, she had 2 1/2" scar on left great toe, a linear scar on the top of the foot, crossing MTP, and stretch marks. Her ears are pierced.


Murder of Fritz Dieujuste

Picture of Fritz Dieujuste

Around midnight on March 21, 1991, shots rang out under the Ville-Marie Expressway in Montréal, Quebec. In a parking lot located under the Ville-Marie Expressway, 28-year-old Fritz Dieujuste was found lying on the ground. 

He had been shot in the head. When he was found he was unconscious. He was soon taken to the Montréal General Hospital. He, unfortunately, died later due to his wounds. 


Murder of Aaron Crews

 March 20, 2004, at Helen's Place at 535 NE Columbia Blvd. in Portland, Oregon 34-year-old Aaron Crews, and his girlfriend decided to go. Helen's Place is a club with a bar side and a dining side with a dance floor. They left the dining/dancing area to go to the bar. 

Around 2 a.m. Aaron and another man began a one-on-one fight. Several other men and women joined in on the fight. Eventually, Aaron was stabbed multiple times. When he realized he was stabbed he returned to where his girlfriend was sitting. 

Before he was able to get over there he was assaulted by another person. He was his and fell to the ground, someone else joins the man and began to stomp Aaron and hit him with chairs When bar security arrived the crowd dispersed. There were many witnesses. He was transported to the hospital and died several hours later. 


Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Murder of Robert Robison

On March 20, 1981, 20-year-old Robert Robinson was found in the hallway outside an apartment on 235 Baker Ave. in Syracuse New York. Someone had called the police anonymously and told them someone had been shot there.

They found the body of Rober Robison, he had been shot in the chest twice in the chest. Neighbors stated that they saw two men flee hours before.

Syracuse Police 
Syracuse Herald Journal 

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Murder of Lawrence Samuels

On March 6, 1993, officers responded to gunfire 186 Westford Ave. in Springfield Massachusetts. They found Lawarance Samuels on the landing between the first and second floor. He had gunshot wounds to the chest and later died from the injuries at the Baystate Medical Center. 

Hampden District Attorney 

Sunday, March 17, 2019

March 17, 1968 Baltimore, Maryland Jane Doe

On March 17, 1968, an elderly woman was found lying in a doorway after falling down the stairs at a multiple units rental residential 2025 Baltimore St. in Baltimore, Maryland. She had died within hours of discovery.

She was a white woman between 60 and 75 years old. She was 5'5" and 100 lbs. She was wearing a pink sweater, green blouse, a dark brown skirt, a brand Hutzlers 3/4 length coat and black suede shoes.


March 17, 1961 San Clemente, California Baby Doe

On March 17, 1961, the body of a baby was found at the Calafia entrance to the California State Park in San Clemente, California. He was located near culvert under railroad tracks and had been dead around 24 hours. He was a white male age 0 and was 1 ft and 2 lbs. It isn't stated how long they think he had been alive or the nature of his death.


Saturday, March 16, 2019

March 16, 2004 Dallas, Texas John Doe

On March 16, 2004, a man was struck by a Sedan 7100 block of John Carpenter Freeway in Dallas, Texas. He was a white male between 20 and 30 years old. He's 6'0" and  200 lbs. He had short straight blonde hair and light stubble. He had blue eyes. He had a tattoo in script letters spelling out JOSH. He was wearing camouflage pants.


June 16, 1974 North Palm Beach, Florida Jane Doe

On June 16, 1974, the skeletal remains of a teenage girl were found by the State Route 703 - Burnt Bridge wooded area in North Palm Beach, Florida. She was estimated to have died from 1973 to 1974. She was partially found with her torso and one or more limbs/hands missing. Her cause of death is unstated.

She was a white female it's listed her age was 14-15 years old. She Had strawberry blonde hair. She was wearing a black pullover shirt with grey long sleeves and grey waistband, Yellow panties size 5 and there was blue denim material found, and she was likely wearing denim jeans/shorts.


Friday, March 15, 2019

Murder of Douglas Mueller

On March 15, 1977 19-year-old Douglas Mueller was working at the Whiting Brothers station on 7630 E. McDowell in Scottsdale, Arizona. He never arrived home and was never seen alive again. 

A call came to Douglas's parents the next day. The caller told them to go to a Scottsdale phone booth and at the phone booth, Douglas's I.D. and a note that was possibly written by Douglas was found. The note asked them to drop off thousands of dollars at a drop off place if they wanted him alive. The money was dropped off but never picked up. 

His femur was located by Scottsdale resident out on a walk. It was found at 23993 N. 74th Pl in the area of Lost Portones and Thompson Peak Pkwy. It's believed that his remains were possibly dug up and left in the elements. It was initially thought the bones were left in the area and to the elements up to five years, instead of for 30. He was identified in July of 2011. 

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Murder of Debra Grabher

On Thursday, Jan. 16, 1992 15-year-old Debra "Debbie" Grabher left her home in Salt Lake City, Utah around 6:30 a.m to go to West High School where she attends. Her mother got worried when Debbie didn't arrive home that night. They had just moved to the area and Debbie hadn't made many friends yet.

Around 8 that night Debbie's mother called the police. She knew that Debbie wasn't the type to not call her to tell her where she was. She found out early the next morning that she never even arrived at school on Thursday.

The next day someone witnessed something strange. A white man who looked like he may have been a transient was pushing a grocery cart with a large number of blankets wrapped around something large. The witness thought it was suspicious and called the police.

By the time the police arrived at 743 W. South Temple the man was already gone. He had removed the blanket pile and placed in a pile of debris in an open field. The suspect left on foot. Inside police found Debbies body.

 Her cause of death is unreleased. It's believed she was found almost after she was murdered and had been held for 20 hours.

There was no evidence of a struggle or anything on the sidewalk where she would have walked to school. It's believed she was kidnapped and killed close to home as her body wasn't abandoned far from it.

Debbie at the time was living in a duplex with her mother and her partner. Debbie was described as a good girl and wasn't involved with trouble or drugs.

Two blankets that wrapped her one was pink and one was green. The pink one seemed to be a bedspread. The green one seemed to have not been used as a blanket and may be used as a rug. It had cigarette burns, grease, and was extremely dirty with the bottom cut off. 

The man was white and around 180 lbs. He had long hair and seemed to look transient. He was wearing a very long and very thick green army coat and a brand new pair of Outback Boots. He left a foot print at the scene. 

Debbie's life didn't involve trouble or drugs. There was a house behind her families though had questionable characters coming in and out. It had been raided due to illegal activity happening there. Incidents of drugs, assaults and other illegal activity happened at the home.


Tuesday, March 12, 2019

March 12, 1972 Minquadale, Delaware John Doe

On March 12, 1972, around 1:15 p.m. two boys discovered the skeletal remains of a man. They had spotted the skull in a tidal slit next to the Christiana River in Minquadale, Deleware. They called the police at a local 7-Eleven. All the remains were located in a 10 feet radius. Some of the skeletal remains were found between two pieces of plywood. He may have been dead from 1960 to 1972.

He was a male, his race is uncertain, between 35 and 45 years old. He was 5'7".

The Morning News

November 12, 1953 Des Moines, Iowa Baby Doe

On November 12, 1953 the body of an infant was found in the Des Moines River. His head was struck and then he was thrown in. His race could not be determined. His body was cremated at the time and there's a low possibility of identification.


Disappearance of Darren Bruce Hillis

On the morning of March 12, 1973, around 7 a.m. 14-year-old Darren Bruce Hillis was last seen walking to his bus stop on Beechwood Ave. in Norfolk, Virginia. He never arrived at Blair Junior High where he went to school. The school called his parents to alert them he never arrived.

Darren is a white male and was 14 at the time. He was around 6'4" and 150 lbs. He has brown hair and hazel eyes. He has a chicken pox scar between his eyes on the bridge of his nose. He was wearing a green Army jacket, red bell bottoms with white stripes down the side, a black and red striped shirt, boots and a belt.

Charley Project

Monday, March 11, 2019

Disappearance of Paula Agnes Lynch

In the late 70's Paula Agnes Lynch left ger home on Sandusky, Ohio to go see the world. Her mother last heard from her in 1978 and she told her she was in Marathon, Florida. In 1979 her brother got a letter from her. It's unknown where she had sent it from.

She's a white female and was 21 at the time she was last heard from. She's 5'8" and 120-135 lbs. She has blonde hair and hazel eyes. She has a birthmark near her right eye, a tattoo of something with wings on her chest, and a tattoo of the rolling stone tongue on her lower abdomen under her belt line, and may have a tattoo of a butterfly on her shoulder.
Charley Project

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Disappearance of Jean Marie Schoen

On July 21, 1974, 9-year-old Jean Marie Schoen left her grandmother's home on west 19th St. in Jacksonville, Florida to walk to Hanna's Food Store on 17th St. and Pearl St. 2 blocks away. Her grandmother sent her older brother out to look for her.  He did not find her. When he returned without her they searched for her.

They found out she did make it to the store and made a purchase and left. But after that, no one knew what had happened to her. It's believed that foul play is involved.

Jean Marie Shoen went by the nickname, Jeanie. She's a white female and was 9 at the time. She was 4'2" and 55 lbs. She has blonde hair and green eyes. She was missing a front tooth at the time. She was wearing a blue shirt with red trim, blue shorts, and blue shoes.

Charley Project 
The Tampa Tribune 

Murder of James Clark Nicoll

 In 1871 James and Amelia Nicoll would come over to America from Scotland. The couple had 7 children in total 2 of which were born in Iowa w...