Saturday, November 25, 2023

November 25, 1984 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Jane Doe

Over the course of 3 months a family living near Wister's Woods in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania dog would bring home bones. The family did not realize that the bones were human until the dog brought home a child's skull On November 25, 1984. Police were notified and they tried to get the dog to bring them to where it got the bones, but were unsuccessful. Only the mandible and three other bones were recovered. The family did not keep previous bones brought by the dog as they did not know it was human. The dog played with the bones in the yard and either buried them or toted them away.

 Jane Doe was buried in an unmarked grave and in 2018 attempts to find the remains were unsuccessful.

Jane Doe was an African American girl between 4 to 6-years-old. She had short curly black hair that was braided. 


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