Sunday, April 5, 2020

April 21, 1877 Ellis, Missouri Jane Doe

On April 21, 1877, Mr. Fudge was looking after his stock that was near the railroad tracks in Ellis, Missouri. This was when he would come across the badly decomposed body of a woman. She had been covered with prairie grass that the killer had cut to conceal her body. He notified neighbors and they used pitchforks to retrieve to the body and bury her.

She would be dug back up by the corner and looked at. She had her left temple broken and she had been shot through her right eye and the bullet came out the back of her head. In the pocket of her dress was a map for the Missouri Pacific Railroad.

Before her body was found a woman's shawl, and a carpetbag with a pocket mirror, a broken ear-bob (earring) was found on the railroad tracks. It's possible these items belonged to the murdered woman.

Apparently, the area where she was killed was in view of 12 houses and could have happened during the night where the killer could sneak away unnoticed.

It is possible that the woman's name could have been Lulu King, but that couldn't be confirmed.

Unsolved Mysteries Wiki
Unidentified Wiki
The State Journal May 4, 1877

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