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Monday, October 31, 2022
Disappearance of Kerstin Schwinghammer
October 31, 2006 Clark County, Nevada John Doe
Paranormal Games: One Man Hide and Seek
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Photo by Annie Spratt |
- A stuffed doll with limbs
- Rice to stuff the doll full with (representing insides and to attract spirits)
- A needle with crimson thread (represents the blood vessel and seals the spirit)
- A sharp tool like for example a knife, glass shard, or scissors
- A cupful of salt
- Your own nail clippings
- A hiding place preferably a room purified with incense and ofuda with a T.V.
- Bathroom with bathtub
Before the game:
- Take all the stuffing from the doll and stuff it with rice.
- Clip your nails and put them inside the doll and sew the opening with the crimson thread.
- Tie the doll up with the remaining thread.
- Fill the bathtub with water.
- Place salt in your hiding place.
The Game:
- Give the doll a name, but not your own.
- At 3 a.m. say to the doll "(your name) is the first it. repeat it three times.
- Bring the doll to your bathroom and placed the doll in the bathtub.
- Turn off all the lights in the house, go to your hiding place and switch on the T.V.
- Count to ten and then return to the bathroom with your sharp tool.
- When you get there, say to the doll "I have found you (doll's name)" and stab the doll with the sharp tool.
- Tell the doll "You are next it, (doll's name)" as you put the doll back in its place.
- As soon as you put the doll down run to your hiding place and hide.
- Don't go out of the house until you have done the finishing ritual and be quiet while playing.
- Do not play the game for more than 2 hours.
- Pour half the cup of salt water into your mouth and do not drink. Keep it in your mouth and whatever you don't spit it out. Do not leave the hiding place without doing this as you might encounter the doll actively hunting you.
- Get out of your hiding place and start looking for the doll. The doll may not be where you left it.
- When the doll is found pour the rest of the salt water on it and spray the salt water in your mouth over it.
- Repeat "I win" three times.
Sunday, October 30, 2022
Murder of Wilma Cheek
Around 11:15 a.m. on October 30, 1995, 48-year-old Wilma Cheek's 1989 grey Pontiac Grand Prix was observed in the rear of Willow Grove Cemetery in Fountain City, Indiana. A short time later the caretaker took a closer look at the vehicle to see Wilma slumped over in the driver's seat. She had been shot to death within the hour of being discovered. She was last seen that morning at 7:30 a.m.
Monsters: La Cegua
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Photo by Anudariya Munkhbayar |
She will first appear to adulterers as a beautiful woman but then transform into a face of a rotting horse skull. In her womanly form, she has an oval face, large black eyes, long curly hair, red beautiful lips, a slender and tempting body, and a voice much like a siren. She is typically wearing full white or black, but there have been occasions where she wore a vapourous pink dress or a luxurious period dress. There are possibly more than one La Cegua and they may work together at times.
Travelers in Costa Rica are to be careful on their journeys. Especially on lonely roads at night. She typically appears in front of drunkards or womanizers. She will then ask the stranger if they could take her to her ride (in older tales it was a horse and more recently a modern vehicle). After she get's onto the man's horse or in his vehicle she rides with him for a while. She tempts him and tranformes into her monstrous version either killing or disabiling him and making him go mad.
She sometimes doesn't appear on the road and instead at dances and festivals in towns. She usually flirts wth every man who approaches her. The one who succeeds in having a hookup with her will accompany her to a clearing of the Guanacaste pampa under a leafy Guanacaste tree. They make love all night, but when he tries to kiss her that face appears.
There is another version in which it is a crying child instead. When the child is found on the side of the road the person will give them a ride. The child would then resort to turning into its horse face.
Saturday, October 29, 2022
Haunted: Jeruk Purut Cemetery
One ghost of the cemetery is that of a decapitated pastor who carries his head around. He is usually followed around by a large black dog. Supposedly he haunts the cemetery because he died there and believes he's buried there and is searching for his grave. It is said that he isn't buried there but at the Tanah Kusir Cemetery. The ghost story has been around for decades. Many searches at night for the pastor, but it seems he only shows up on Friday Nights and to people with an odd amount in their group.
Other ghosts in the cemetery include a child and a large hairy ghoul.
Murder of Leah Ulbrich
Prior to the 911 calls, a Hartford Police officer patrolled north on Wethersfield Ave. near Elliot St. in a marked cruiser. They spotted a small dark-colored car enter Wethersfield Ave from Elliot St. He spotted that it was dragging something and did not have its headlights on. The officer pursued the vehicle but did not catch up to it. He then followed a trail of liquid left on the pavement that lead to the area of Jordan Ln near Ridge Rd.
Friday, October 28, 2022
Ghosts: Blue Albino Woman of Rochester Cemetery
Thursday, October 27, 2022
October 28, 2007 Three Points, Arizona John Doe
Disappearance of Stephen "Steve" Mysick
He had been living with friends for the last 2.5 years before his disappearance after getting out of a mental hospital. He had very limited funds at the time. Foul play is not suspected in this case.
Stephen is a white male and was 61-years-old at the time. He's 5'6" (167 cm) and 137 lbs (62kg). He has white hair and a light complexion. There was visible decay on his teeth. He was wearing a green windbreaker, a plaid shirt that was buttoned at the neck, a brown overcoat, a brown fedora, and green pants.
Canada's Missing
The Doe Network
Haunted Objects: Pupa The Doll
Pupa and her owner's family would travel a lot throughout Europe and the U.S. At the end of WWII, her owner's grandmother would pass away and as a memento, they sewed a button from her grandmother's clothes onto Pupas. Pupa and her owner would eventually settle in the U.S. and her owner would start a family.
Her owner would often tell family members how special Pupa was and it wasn't until after death that they realized it was true. After her owner's death, she was still active. She is now kept in a glass case and isn't happy about it. When someone decided to clean the case they fogged up the window and saw the message Pupa Hate on the glass. Sometimes tapping can be heard on the glass and at times a strange faint laugh can be heard.
Wednesday, October 26, 2022
Wanted: John Doe 40
John Do is a white male between 30 to 40-years-old. He is heavy-set with dark hair. He is heard speaking English in the video.
Urban Legends: Black Eyed Children
The warning of Black-eyed Children began in the 1980s America. The children are between 6 to 16-years-old. They have pale skin ad completely black eyes. People who encounter the children would do so by them asking for a ride or knocking on the door of their home. At first the children seem normal, but in need of a ride, lost, or in need to go into the home. For the person they feel the interaction getting increasingly strange and notice their pitch black eyes and monotone voice. It's unknown what the children are, but that there's several possibilities such as vampires, aliens, children of demons, ect.
Tuesday, October 25, 2022
Cryptids: Trunko
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One of four known photographs of the Trunko carcass, taken by A. C. Jones |
Disappearance of Raymond G. Carey Jr.
Monday, October 24, 2022
Murder of Jerry "Troub" Riley
Sunday, October 23, 2022
GHOSTS: Stiffy Green
Murder of Tammy Lynn Thorpe
When he was arrested the police dented Tammy's car as they forced him against her gold 1986 Pontiac Grand An. Tammy was particular about her car and was concerned about the dent. She would call the sheriff's office to talk about it with the arresting officer.
Saturday, October 22, 2022
Murder of Joseph "Joe" Stevenson
Disappearance of Nikole Betterson
Nikole is a biracial white/black female and was 2-years-old at the time. She
Cryptid: Pesanta
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By Spring Fed Images |
In Catalan folklore in Spain there is an enormous heavy hairy black dog called the Pesanta (sometimes referred to as a cat). The dog is large with steel paws which it hits anyone with who gets in the way, but makes it impossible to grab anything. It's sometimes believed that the Pesanta may be a witch or an animal creature with an undefined form.
The Pesanta lives in abandoned churches and ruins. The Pesanta will then creep into homes entering through tight spaces like keyholes, under the door, and even filtering across the walls.The creatures goal is to sleep on the chests of people giving them troubles breathing and nightmares. Sometimes the person will have sleep paralysis, but most times they wake up and the Pesanta will disappear quickly.
Things people do to keep the Pesanta away is to spread some millet in the threshold of your bedroom, place a broom next to the bed or speak words that will force it to count all the stars in the sky.
Cryptid Wiki
Villians Wiki
Disappearance of Gerald William Carroll Sr.
On October 22, 2001, 44-year-old Gerald Carroll Sr. went to cash his check at the Penn Mart Shopping Center in New Castle, Delaware. He would then last be seen riding on his bicycle. His son stated that it could be possible that Gerald, who loved fishing, may have gone that day and possibly accidentally drowned. His green mountain bike was his sole means of transportation.
Gearld is a white male and was 44-years-old at the time. He's 5'8" and 145-165lbs. He has brown hair and blue eyes. He is missing his front teeth. He was wearing jeans at the time. His nicknmes are Fordy and Jarr
Friday, October 21, 2022
Superstitions: Black Cat
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Photo by Akin Cakiner |
Disappearance of Agnieszka Gromelska
Thursday, October 20, 2022
Ghosts: El Silbón
Effigy of El Silbón at a Venezualan theme park |
The legend of El Silbón started in the middle of the 19th century in Columbia and Venezuela. He is most known in the Los Llanos region. He was described as a lost soul cursed to wander. There are a couple of versions of the story but both state that he was the son of a farmer. He would then kill his father and soon after tortured and killed. He was cursed to carry the bag of bones of his father.
It's known when he's around as he whistles. The whistle notes are C,D,E,F,G,A,B in that order. It rises in tone to F and lowers to B. When you hear the whistles close do not worry, but when it's in a distance that is when you're in danger. It's said his whistle foretells your death. The only thing to save the soon-to-be victim is the bark of the dog, a chili, or a whip. He typically preys on womanizers and drunks.
One version of how he became a spirit was that he was a spoiled brat who demanded that his father hunts for a deer. It was his favorite typed of meat and when his father returned empty-handed he became furious. He would then kill his father cut out his heart and liver and have his mother unknowingly cook it for dinner.
His mother found that the meal was strange and tough. She begins to suspect that something was wrong. She would then find out that they were her husband's remains. His other would curse her son and his grandfather would order him to be tortured. In a long painful process first, his back was whipped, and salt was put into the wounds. After he was satisfied with the wounds two large monstrous dogs were on him biting his ankles. He would run into the woods and never be seen again. His grandfather would curse him to carry his father's bones.
In the other version, he was a married young man who worked on his father's farm in Venezuela. One day his father berated his wife and called her a whore. She would tell El Silbón what happened and this infuriated him. He would then confront his father and killed him. His fate is the same where he is tortured for a long time with whips and salt, eventually being chased into the forest by dogs.
Disappearance of Michelle Ann Baker
Michelle is a white female and was 25-years-old at the time. She may use the last names Saffold or Wright. She's 5'2" and 130 to 150 lbs. She has short straight brown hair and green eyes, She has multiple scars on her arms, she previously had broken fingers, is right-handed, suffers from Muscular Dystrophy, and has an overbite. Even though she is able to walk she is classified as disabled due to her muscular dystrophy. She is a smoker and her brand of choice was Camels. She is wearing a blue and white windbreaker, a Camel t-shirt, a white nylon vest, black jeans, white sneakers and a baseball cap.
Wednesday, October 19, 2022
Urban Legends: Licked Hand
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Photo by Shane |
The next morning when she wakes, she goes to the bathroom for a drink of water only to find her dead, mutilated dog hanging in the shower with his blood slowly dripping onto the tiles. On the shower wall, written in the dog's blood, are the words "HUMANS CAN LICK TOO."
October 19, 2018 Queens, New York John Doe
On October 19, 2018, the body of a man was found burned in an abandoned car in a ditch between the Van Wyck Expressway Ramp and Northern Blvd. in Queens, New York. He was slumped over in the passenger seat.
John Doe is an African American male between 50 to 90-years-old. He was 5'7" and 140 to 150 lbs. He has a white metal ring with white and blue rings.
New York Post October 19, 2018
Tuesday, October 18, 2022
Cryptid: Teakettler
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Photo by Regina Arts |
Murder of Twila Harris
Monday, October 17, 2022
Aliens: The Metal Man
October 17, 1581 London, England Unknown Poor Woman
On October 17, 1581, a poor woman was found dead in the streets of London, England. She had died from the plague and it was unknown who she was. She was buried in the Bedlam Burial Ground.
Sunday, October 16, 2022
Ghosts: Gelin
Murder of Kerrie Ann Brown
On the night of October 15, 1986, 15-year-old Kerrie Brown went to a house party in Thompson, Manitoba, Canada. She had gone with her close friend Nicole. At the party, Kerrie became upset after seeing an ex-boyfriend talking with another girl. The two girls would decide to leave together, but when they went outside Nicole realized she forgot her purse.
Nicole went back inside to get it leaving Kerrie outside on her own. Nicole would then get into an argument with her boyfriend just before she was to leave. When Nicole returned Kerrie was nowhere in sight. She assumed Kerrie may have left without her as she was taking too long and got a ride with someone. She saw single footsteps going down the driveway in the snow and car tracks where they left.
Nicole worried about Kerrie searched for her. The two were supposed to be staying the night at Nicole's house that night. She even returned to the party twice just in case, but no one would see Kerrie alive again.
Two days later on the outskirts of the city, Kerrie's body was found by horseback riders. She was laying on a jacket and her face was unrecognizable. She had been raped and her face bludgeoned with a nearby tree branch.
The truck of the person who killed her likely got stuck. A red and blue air mattress and a black rubber car mat were found at the scene. Used to help get them unstuck.
CBC October 16, 2018
Thompson Citizen June 14, 2021
Thompson Citizen October 16, 2021
Murder of Pamela Lynn Conyers
Pamela was found lying on her side. She was clothed but her pullover sweater was inside out and her underwear missing. She had been sexually assualted and strangled to death.
Anne Arundel County, Maryland
The Baltimore Sun October 21, 1970
Saturday, October 15, 2022
GHOSTS: La Vidua
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Photo by Benjamin Lehman |
La Vidua or The Widow or The Window in Black in Englis is a spirit that roams the lonely mines and path within Chile. In life, La Vidua went mad with grief and anger when her husband died and those feeling followed her in death. After death, she roams waiting for unsuspecting men.
She is not noticeable to travelers on the road at first. The closer they get the more details they get. Dressed in a black dress that covers her entirely, the person she picks cannot see her face till they are close to her. Once close enough it is revealed that La Viuda is a very beautiful woman. She will then demand sex from the man and if he refuses she will kill him and go on looking for the next one.
In the modern retelling of the story, she has been seen climbing onto cars of men who are alone and may have alcohol in their blood.
Murder of James Clark Nicoll
In 1871 James and Amelia Nicoll would come over to America from Scotland. The couple had 7 children in total 2 of which were born in Iowa w...
On May 12, 1915, a Rancher happened to take a walk off the road 2 miles outside of Colton, California. The rancher saw a man hanging from a ...
Around 7:40 am on May 5, 2017, on Putney Bridge in London England, a woman would be walking on the bridge. When suddenly a man who was joggi...