Sunday, October 1, 2017

Disappearance of sisters Faloma and Maleina Luhk

Faloma Luhk
Maleina Luhk

Sisters Faloma and Maleina Luhk on May 25, 2011 were last seen waiting for the bus in their village of As Sao of Saipan on the Marina Islands around 6:10. They were sitting on a cement slab when waiting for the bus. Neither one of the girls made it onto the bus. The school marked the two as absent, but the family did not know until 3:30 after school was out that the two were missing. They reported the girls missing 2 hours later.

Neither one of their back packs or anything with them were found. One backpack was dark colored with the owners and phone number written on the straps and the other back pack was a Dora the Explorer back pack with owner and phone number written on the strap.

The girls were living with their grandparents since 2007. Their father was living on the Island of Pohnei in the Federated States of Micronesia. Their mother was living in Guam, but after their disappearance moved back to Saipan in order to help find them. Investigators ruled out family abduction in this case. Their was a family member, Alan Santos Aguon, related by marriage who is a suspect in this case. He was a former firefighter and was arrested in California for domestic abuse. But it is believed to be a kidnapping done by someone outside of their family.

Faloma Luhk is an Asian or Pacific Islander female who was 10 at the time of the abduction. She had brown hair and brown eyes. She was 5'1 and 90 lbs at the time of her abduction. She was last seen wearing a light green shirt with a butterfly design and blue jeans.

Maleina Luhk is an Asian or Pacific Islander female who was 9 at the time of the abduction. She had brown hair and brown eyes She has a brown birth mark on her cheek. She was 4 ft and 65 lbs at the time of her abduction. She was wearing a white blouse and blue jeans.

DNA, Fingerprints, and Dentals are currently unavailable. 

Other Images:


Age progression to 14 of Maleina
Age progression to 15 of Faloma


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