Monday, October 2, 2017

August 23, 1972 Chattanooga, Tennessee John Doe.

On August 23, 1972 the body of a man was found in a corn field near Fehn's Restaurant in Chattanooga, Tennesse. There is very little information in this case and it has a low possibility of being solved. He may have died sometime in that year as he was described as decomposed/ purification, but was unrecognizable. 

The body was believed to belong to a pre 40 year old adult. The race is unknown. He possibly had red and or brown hair, but it is not indicated if it was body hair or head hair. He was around 5'7 and 130 lbs. He was wearing Beige short sleeved shirt, brown checkered pants a black belt and worn out brown shoes. 

He does not have DNA, Dentals, or Fingerprints available


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