Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Mathew Alan Wolf *Identified*

In Jan. of 2019 Covina John Doe has been Identified. He has been identified as Mathew Alan Wolf. 

On August 25, 1986, a young man was sitting under a call box on the Via Verde on-ramp in Covina, California. He then a short time later attempted to cross the I-10 freeway. During his attempt, he was hit by a vehicle, and this resulted in his death. The vehicle did flee the scene.

He was a Caucasian male between the ages of 11 to 20. He is believed to be in his teen though.  He had short blonde or strawberry blond hair and blue eyes. He was around 5'11 and 128 lbs. He was wearing white Jockey shorts, blue denim jeans, and high top tennis shoes. He had multiple dental restorations and fillings.


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