Monday, October 30, 2017

Murder of Jake Burrell

On Friday May 17, 1969 48 year old Jake H. Burrell was last seen alive leaving the old B&R Bar on North Lexington Ave. in Asheville, North Carolina. The next day two men stumbled upon his body around 8:15 p.m. partly in a door way in the alley behind 9 Walnut. He was beaten to death. He had a skull fracture near the left ear and his death was the result of internal bleeding due to an abdominal hemorrhaging.

He was described as being mostly naked. All his clothes had been torn from his body other than a part of his shirt and a sock. This was not due to sexual assault, but due to his body being dragged from Carolina Lane to 121 feet down the alley where he was found. His clothing was found in a 50 ft. radius.

More than likely Jake was killed during the act of a mugging. His wallet could not be found with his body. His car  was found locked and had not been moved. The mugger did not mess with his car. it was found in the bank parking lot where he typically parked it.


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