Monday, October 30, 2017

November 22, 1969 Easton, Maryland John Doe

On November 22, 1969 a heist of the Holiday Inn in Easton, Maryland was planned. What the people doing the heist didn't know is that someone left a tip with the police that it was going to happen. Two police officers were waiting in the office of the hotel for the heist to start.  The unidentified man turned and pointed his gun towards police officer Myers. Myers shot the man causing his death. 

It was this man and four other people involved with the robbery. Joseph Queen age 24 of Philadelphia, Howard D. Queen age 32 of Philadelphia and Royal Oak, Charles H. Denshields age 24 of Easton; and Charles R. West age 23 of Washington D.C. 

A couple of newspapers claimed that he had been Identified as 24 year old  Donald Jones of Washington D.C. It is unknown to me if it was a false identification and or if the Newspapers got it wrong at the time or if he was not officially identified as Donald Jones. His NamUs does not mention this.

He was a 20 to 29 year African American male. He was around 5'7 and 155 lbs. Eye and hair color are not listed, but it could be possible his hair was black or dark brown. He was sporting a goatee and a thin mustache. He was circumcised and has a blood type B. He was wearing a pair red shorts, a undershirt, a pair green short pants, a pair blue checked pants, a blue sweater, a black vest, a pair brown ladies gloves, and brown shoes.

But he is listed on Namus with DNA available, but not submitted. He doesn't have Dentals and fingerprints available.


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