Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Disappearance of Rodney Wayne Longman

20-year-old Rodney Wayne Longman was described as a good kid who somewhat fell in with a bad crowd. He was a high school drop out and at the time seemed to not have any career aspirations. He worked for his grandfather. He did fall into a bad crowd and was involved with a bad drug deal in Nebraska.

This was one of the reasons he left his home in Lincoln, Nebraska to Miami Florida on March 14, 1985, in his 1984 yellow Ford Pinto. He might have been in the company of a man and a pregnant woman. He had mentioned to his friend, Lonnie Prawl, that he was going to Texas. He had sent his family some strange postcards after he left, but they seemed to have abruptly stopped soon after. His S.S. was used in Miami in 1992 it is unknown if it was Rodney using it.

Rodney was a white male and went by the name Rod. He was 5'11 and 150 lbs at the time of his disappearance. He has brown hair and either green or grey eyes. He has a scar on the side of his left collarbone. He wore contacts and or prescription glasses.

He has DNA available, but Fingerprints and Dentals are not.



  1. Rod did get involved with bad stuff. I told him he needed to be careful. He also told me that he was going to Texas. Until 2012, I thought he was in Texas until a friend said the FBI was questioning family and friends. I saw the road he was going down and I wish I could have put a halt to it but everyone's walk in life is their own and choice is a major part of that walk. I miss him very much. He had a kind heart just not great judgement but he was 20 years old. Florida was the wrong place to be in the 80s, for sure.

  2. My cousin found this blog on Reddit and told me about it. Rod is my brother. How do you know him? Any information you have would be helpful. We don't have a lot of info and have not been able to get far in finding him. It has been so long and our mom has past away never knowing what happened. I need to find out so we can finally have closure. Any help would be eternally appreciated.

    1. I dated Rod's next door neighbor when he was growing up in Lincoln. They were all friends. Rod was funny and sweet. Then he moved to Omaha and that's when it all went the wrong way. I don't have real information. I saw him in March of 1985. That's the last time I saw him. I would be happy to talk to you but honestly, I WISH I had information about him. I'm sorry to hear about your mom. I don't know if this will get to you. You can contact me at my email though I don't check it much. Please put his name in the email and I'll search it now and then. It breaks my heart that your mom passed never knowing what happened. I'm a mom and that would tear me up.


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