Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Disappearance of Jonathan Stewart Campbell

18 year old Jonathan Stewart Campbell or Also Known as John was a student at Humboldt State University in Arcata, California. On February 16, 1985 John was last seen on campus. He may have frequented recreational areas and Camping areas. Police believe that his disappearance was suspicious and he may have been kidnapped.

John is a white male and was 18 at the time he disappeared. He has blonde or strawberry blonde hair and blue eyes. He was 5'11 to 6'0 and around 160 lbs. He has freckles and skin discoloration on his face.He has a patch of light colored skin on his neck near his left shoulder. He is also circumcised. He was also depressed at the time. He was last seen wearing a knee length green/ grey trench coat and had his wallet. 

He has Dental, Fingerprints, and DNA available.

Other images:
Age Progressed Image


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